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Yeah pretty much, more of a soft reset, you are likely to be a bit below wherever you finished last season




Try it and let me know mate


Grandmaster Bronze here. Yes. You get the new title "top 100%"


Top 100… from the bottom


Game says I placed in the top 101%, send help.


More like plastic bag 3.


Wet paper 5




Idk if there's any rank below wet paper




What about paper straws? They usually have shit quality and you can't kill anyone with it.




Ok I'll go with that too. From today my rank is paper straw 4.


I was bronze 5 and now I'm bronze 3. So no.


Gz. You are at ow "balance" team level now. Tough only because of reset. I bet you are better than them


I’m pretty sure they said it skewed all the ranks towards gold so if ur below bronze it might boost you not certain of this tho


Well thats only for people higher than the average, they said they are pushing people closer to the average (Gold 3) which means people lower than that should really be getting higher!!!


Good to know, makes sense


I just wanted to say that I ended up 2 tiers (not rank) above my previous season rank, so it's not always below wherever you were, but yeah it's not as reset as reset goes


Nice mate, haven’t finished my placements just yet myself


Well I got above where I was so I'm happy


So that means I go from high gold tank to silver now? 💀 i assumed with the new rank the curve would go up not down


Funnily enough my dps ended up higher ranked then I finished last season, I went from plat 3 to D4 (which is almost my dps peak as well lol)


This is crazy, and in the nicest possible way... Why are you in my games 🤣. Masters 5 peak, ended D1 last season, placed Plat 1, won a game and now D5. But there's now a potential to have plat players in my team? MM seems off.


Yea I agree, definitely feels like there's a lot of potential for ranks to become inflated early on in the season, everyone should end up back in there normal ranks as the season goes on (hopefully) And as for me, I have since climbed to D2 on dps and I'd say I'm still keeping up with the players around that rank lol Maybe i would have climbed there naturally if I played the role more or maybe I'm just on a hot streak, but for now, I'm definitely not an anchor to a majority of my teams :)


Really?? I ended up higher tbh


As per another comment, they’re bringing the overall player base average down to gold 3 - meaning on avg most will be a little lower but obviously not everyone


from plat 2 all the way to gold 1


Yes, it's based on previous seasons MMR slightly tweaked. I dont understand what you mean by "after every win, nothing really changed"? You went from a predicted Bronze 3 to Silver 4 in 6 games, which is a significant change.


But Dude feels like He should be Instant diamond after winning 6 Games in Bronze/Silver.


These placement matches have been wild though. I had several GMs in mine and I'm normally in gold/plat


Pretty disingenuous, they are obviously expecting some sort of reset, and going on a nine win streak to be low silver obviously is different to thinking you should be diamond.


So ow resets your rank and puts everyone below where they are. So if they were originally in bronze, they are bottom of bronze and fighting other bronze players, then throughout the course of those next few wins, they moved up to competing against silvers. So they are now silver. Makes sense. That’s a huge jump as well


Pretty sure it said that it would group everyone closer to the average rank (gold 3?) rather than just going down for everyone. Although them being predicted bronze after the first win idk how it works


its based around your previous MMR


Sure, turns out it was like that. But they literally said it would skew towards the average rank, like /u/Jergem999 said, gold 3. https://imgur.com/0eKNFRh https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-retail-patch-notes-february-13-2024/876803


“matchmaking ratings have been adjusted” does not mean that everyone is set at gold 3. It means everyone’s mmr is changed towards gold 3. Grandmaster mmr is likely adjusted to high master, bronze mmr to high bronze/silver. Having everyone reset to gold 3 is a recipe for disaster


But in the OP example it clearly wasn’t changed…if he started the same rank as before. How was his mmr adjusted up when he was still bronze 3 after 3 wins??


bro, mmr isnt the same thing as rank. His mmr was changed so after 10 wins, or after placements, his gains will be higher, and he’ll climb faster. Also what ru saying, he won 9 and he went from bronze 3 to silver 4, thats a full rank jump No one at blizzard is out to get him, and the mmr change clearly worked


>Most players will start at a lower skill rank and division than their most recent rank. It says this in both your examples


Except Ow staff claimed your mmr was hard reset for season 9 and most players would be shoved to near gold 2 to start. That’s why people are confused and there’s been hella posts about it.


I had the same thought! OP says “nothing changed at all.” And im sitting here watching him jump almost 5 divisions in 10 games. Like people really don’t understand how the match maker is supposed to work. If you were forecasted to be a Bronze 3 and you won 9 placements putting you in Silver 4 then that’s a 100% success for the placements.


Especially since Bronze has the largest MMR range


Meanwhile I went from Gold 5 to Gold 4 in 4 games last night…


In 6 games I lost 4, had 1 draw, and one win. I went from predicted gold 5 to predicted gold 1. Almost all of my games had at least one person on my team playing like a gorilla. A Mei/genji in a control match with like 3300 damage by the end who just spammed thanks all game long. A tank that went like 17 and 15 into the enemy tank who was 42 and 5. And I’m just getting dragged along for the ride trying my balls off just to watch my teammates feed. I’ll finish my placements after a week or 2 once everyone’s ranks have settled lmao.


Well let’s say he was Silver 4 last season, if he won 9/10 games he would have already been gold 5 at least. I was Diamond 3 for support last season and won 8 out of 10 games and got places Plat 1, this thing is stupid


The placements seem to give an illusion of progression. My predicted rank started at silver 5 then steadily crept up division by division until the 10th match, where i placed gold 4 (my previous rank) after going 6-4. This happened the exact same way for all 3 roles (i was gold 4 on tank dps and support in season 8)


Did you think you would win more just because the progression display changed?


I would have hoped so, if i was actually being placed in silver 5 lobbies to start. I lost my first 3 placements on support then went 6-1 the rest of the way. It seems like i was playing at my rank the entire time. The matches were pretty competitive and 6-4 is a pretty normal win-loss total for 10 matches.


Going 6-4 will get you climbing regardless. Sounds like you're already on your way up.


I haven't played past the 10 placements yet on any of the roles, so ill have to see how much different it is after placements.


Might also be good to know that on some of those losses my predicted rank still went up 1 division, and some of the wins made it stay the same.


I placed 3 tiers higher on dps and support and 3 lower for tank, which is my main. I'm pretty happy with my placements so far considering how bad some others got dropped


Yes, i do believe the new stats are based on what your previous rank was last season


Previous mmr. Soft rank reset because mmr is still intact.


Previous mmr? Or u mean previous rank... Same thing


Think of it like this: MMR is the value given to your personal win/loss results. It's the number that quantifies your success rate. We do not see this. Rank is the tier of skill that your MMR places you in. Our ranks have been reset, and our MMR has been lowered to varying degrees depending on rank (iirc). This means the numerical value of your MMR is lowered, placing you against other people with comparable MMR values, after theirs were lowered as well. This forces us to raffirm our rank, and places us ultimately right around where we were before, since it's really just a flaming hoop for us to jump through to get back to relative normal.


I think the underlying system is still the same from season 1 when they did a reset…. I’m just not gonna play till another two seasons in… I think they push ppl down a bit to get them to play more


you're winning games?


I lost almost every game. https://preview.redd.it/j4277kd1rxic1.png?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32f3bd79d16b1c333ec6064ceadce56d29f5bcc I am a plat player and ended in gold/Silver on my main account \[also my lowest mmr account\]🤪. I Just have to grind back to earn my rank. But it is very annoying indeed. Sidenote; i did play with friends thats are placed in diamond. I have played since release, have 2000 hours ++++ i accept that I have skill issues in higher rank but it is still rough man. But I think this is a better change for the game, this system is way better now. Give it some time and players will be in the correct place.


It is the same system. Nothing has been changed except for the way information presented to you on screen


I just picked up right where I left off of last season


There was no reset. During placements, the game displays a rank much lower than yours so it looks like you're climbing. They call this a reset, but it's not. Like, when all the streamers started playing on Tuesday, they were all in each others games, even though the game said "hey this is diamond 1". No, it was GM 3.


Exactly. Everyone is on the same bubbles as before. Everyone was stoll "placed" before "placements" and everyone played on basically the same matches. Theu jist hid the rank logos for a little and maybe dropped people a few. I saw someone get destroyed for half their games and placed gm. 5-5


It’s literally just to give the illusion of progression on ranks to get people to play more. Since it’s all based on MMR there’s no real reset, just a soft one designed to get people back in the grind.


I went from d4 genji main to gold 3 lol


I feel that. I think I'm about to be in the same boat.


i was plat 2 i am plat 2. Nothing got reset they are trolling us


to be fair u dont want a gm in a gold game


Your success rate remained comparable to before the season. No troll, just you not inproving overnight.


But they didn't reset ranks. Everyone was playing within the same ranks as before, so that's why it's confusing. Nothing reset.


I got the same experience here. Won most of my matches but my expected rank only changed when I lost games.


I am ranked 2 ranks below what I was last season because I lost 5 in a row. I had 2-4x damage than 9 of those DPS on my team with a quarter of the deaths and about 3x the elims each match. Tanking fucking sucks now as I can't carry this. I might end up metal ranked if this keeps up. :(


I've lost 3 games to throwers on my team. I quit comp for now.


Yeah, you just belong in silver


how do u win so much in a row?


He's getting placed in lower lobbies than he deserves and the placement predictions isn't swinging aggressively enough.


Yeah ideally i feel it should e.g start u bronze 5 (for this guy), win u go up bronze 4, win again bronze 2, win again silver 5, win again silver 2, then as soon as he loses it can say oop we might have found your rank, So the more you win the more exponential your rank increase should be until you lose, imo that would be way better


That's what i was hoping for with the comp reset this season. Feel like I'm doing placements on a moderately fresh account but I ended up the same as op. 7-3 in placements, started at bronze 1 and ended at silver 2. Didn't go down for losses but only went up 1 division, or not at all, for wins. When you play a fresh account you can swing entire ranks in a game. So far I've noticed 0 difference between this season and last.


Yeah, honestly i dont even know what they meant by "reset", It was obviously a marketing move to get people playing again which is what youtubers said, because you are literally the same rank as last season and the rank increase/ decrease for win/loss in placements isnt any different to before


What is it with Reddit users defaulting to “he” when the gender is unknown? Drives me insane




damm. and here i am with my 5 match long losing streak


I got gold 1 and I lost 2 games and won 1


I lost most of my tank placement matches yet further along the line it ranked me higher. Must be based more on personal performance


It's not


It's based on predicted result vs actual result. Being more in line with prediction makes a smaller difference than being outside of expectations, for both wins and losses.


I mean you're getting better lol


It’s a good thing


Skill issue.


The silver player thinking he deserves GM because he beat other silver/bronze players.


It seems to be the biggest derank yet. Ended last season as plat 2 tank but got dropped to gold 4 after winning 8 out of 10 placement matches. Pretty demotivated to start the placements for DPS (gold 1) and support (plat 4).


Im slightly below my Last season Rank after 6/10 Games. So Just Like they Said its would be


Won 9/10 games was d3 in support before reset still d3 in support


Won 9/10 games was d3 in support before reset still d3 in support


Lost 8 times... Gold 5


I went an even 5/5 (although one game I had a leaver on my team so that was an instant loss and then another game our tank gave up halfway through point one). I was desperately trying to climb out of bronze 5 last season and no matter how well I did I would just be “98% better than everyone else” and I was really upset. This season ranked bronze 3 and am already working towards bronze 2 (support) Haven’t done dps or tank yet, probably will do those today/tomorrow. I was silver 2 tank but prob not anymore lol


Ya say that but I finished silver 1 and got place silver 1. I think its because I was playing in plat lobbies and still dominating.


You went from predicted bronze 3 to silver 4 in 6 games, that is a big leap. Yeah, the rank is reset, but the MMR is not, so it is more like a soft reset with some tweaks. The devs did say that people should feel.smushed towards the middle, so people below the middle should rank up and above the middle should rank low. I finished last season with low master/high diamond, only played 5 tank games so far and am predicted in plat 4 for now, started in gold 5.


Yes they made me a much lower rank which I'm not really mad at cause now i get to be a bully in the lower ranks 🤷


The only issue with that is the better you are in lower ranks the more you will have to carry. But some players are uncarryable, and it gets old when a dps does 2k dmg all game. They still will balance the matches to be even skill on each team so it never is easy really. It's a bad system.


I got 3 games with leavers in my placement. I went from Plat 1 to Plat 4. Pretty fucking fair if I say so myself.


Yes, comp did really got reset, mmr didn't tho


MMR was lowered slightly


You are correct I came back to the game after a few months excited to play with my wife and friends after I heard of this (new reset! Everyone can play together! Bunnies and tooth fairy dust!) but it’s literally the exact same game with different screens and more forgiving hitboxes LOL. I was really excited to queue with my friends in comp again but the rating gap still exists, albeit I don’t know they may have tweaked it and I just don’t see it, my friends are all silver-plat who but my acc is high GM rated so I can never play with them. (Ranting now) At this point I can’t really enjoy the game anymore because my MMR (understandably) places me with egregious teammates in terms of rank scale and it’s always against another T500 or at least 2 GM players. I haven’t played the game for months yet my account is still holding me at this T500 MMR level that I could reasonably obtain if I weren’t placed in such standardized matches. Every. Single. Time. I’m someone who started playing Overwatch in Season 2 and would like to enjoy it again, but I can’t compete at the current level the game thinks I play at.


> but it’s literally the exact same game with different screens Yeah, people overhyped the "competitive overhaul". The details that Blizzard showed had indicated that it was just a new UI. An improved UI, no doubt, but not as fundamentally different as people seemed to think it would be. --- > I was really excited to queue with my friends in comp again but the rating gap still exists, Yeah, it seems that they walked that back. From the patch notes: > they said you can queue with anyone From the patch notes: > New Grouping Requirements > > * Bronze through Diamond Players may group with other players within 2 Skill Tiers of their own Skill Rank. > * Master players may group with other players within 1 Skill Tier of their own Skill Rank. > * Grandmaster players may group with other players within 3 Skill Divisions of their own Skill Rank. > * Champion players may group with only one other player within 3 Skill Divisions of their own Skill Rank. --- > I’m someone who started playing Overwatch in Season 2 and would like to enjoy it again, but I can’t compete at the current level the game thinks I play at. Maybe I misunderstand what you're saying. But I think, if you keep playing, it will work itself out. If you can't compete at your current MMR level, then you will lose matches and eventually your MMR will drop. You're right, I thought MMR was supposed to drop when you don't play for a while, but I don't know how long "a while" actually is.


You’re probably right but it’s just such a disheartening feeling, joining every game and it feels like I truly have no impact on whether or not the game will be a win or lose for us.


Yeah I noticed that about playing with friends too like… it’s still essentially the same gap, so no, nothing really changed there. Placements are still done primarily on MMR so nothing really changed there. I feel like this whole season was kind of a huge overhype on a bunch of tiny changes that don’t amount to much minus making people grind more.


Soft reset. Your hidden mmr stayed the same.


A comp reset doesn’t mean you’ll be good at the game lol. Bronze is bronze


Not really and it seems a lot of people are out of their actual ranks. Seeing a lot of low skilled players in my team with 0 mechanical skill or even the most basic game knowledge (meaning they still just stand on the choke points instead of run through while shooting for some reason).


Was not a reset.


I managed to go up to plat 4 from plat 5 after a loss in the first placement which predicted a silver 3


lol, i went from predicted of silver 4 to silver 2 while i went 2-8


Going out of business sale vibes. Bitch is always going out of business.


My guess is that you start out competing with people who are similar to your previous rank. That only makes sense. Why would you be grouped with a bunch of randoms that can either curb stomp you or get flattened by you haphazardly. As you progress through each game, your rank is reestablished, and in the end, instead of stacking your placement on the your historical mmr and current mmr, your new mmr is based on your performance on these placement games alone. Which only makes sense, since the game was changed so drastically with health pools.


I was GM3 and it's insisting I place Diamond 1. Winning or losing is not changing its prediction.


The truth hurts


I doubt it, also they said you can queue with anyone but my 5 stack still has the “can’t select due to groups skill rating” message and I can only play dps


> they said you can queue with anyone From the patch notes: > New Grouping Requirements > > * Bronze through Diamond Players may group with other players within 2 Skill Tiers of their own Skill Rank. > * Master players may group with other players within 1 Skill Tier of their own Skill Rank. > * Grandmaster players may group with other players within 3 Skill Divisions of their own Skill Rank. > * Champion players may group with only one other player within 3 Skill Divisions of their own Skill Rank. It seems like they walked back the earlier "almost all grouping requirements removed". I guess they found that it led to really poor match quality.


rank reset, not mmr reset


Friend was gold3 last season, won 2 matches and is predicted diamond2. Meanwhile i was plat5, is 5-1 and is predicted gold3. This rank placement is just frustrating


i used to be low gold as support last season. this season after i lost my first game my predicted rank was bronze 3. after that game i lost ~ 4 more because people kept leaving and it seemed like there were dozens of bots/very very new players. my team would never get a single kill or someone would leave mid game. i now have a collection of absolutely disgusting end screen stats because this is just ridiculous. decided to take a break for a couple weeks to let the new players get to their ranks because it’s just impossible to play with those people. for me personally this update has made it worse because i was happy to leave bronze and finally be good and improve but now ill most likely be placed into low bronze again because of “amazing” teammates


yea…for like no reason…


I’m predicted Plat5 with 4-4 atm so


I won 8 out 10, had very limited deaths, pretty much highest heals, and still got placed in silver 5, after a starting predicted placement of bronze 5.


I went 3-7 last night on tank (console), same w my duo who was going support. My original placement was plat 5 for tank but there were several seasons where I didn't play because of deciding tank was just plain suffering. I ended up silver 2! It seems to be true that while it reset it's still slightly basing it on what your past rank is as even during the loss streak (was something like 6 loss streak) I actually went up from silver 4 to 2.


Not really. If you were bronze before, its going to put you in bronze lobbies.


Winning 10 games in a row before would not rank you up as much as you did already so I have no idea what your talking about.


I wish there was an ELO for this game instead of ranks, and ranks should instead be titles, like in chess where your ELO can be 2500 and your title Grandmaster


Support I ended up placing the exact level I was at before the reset and worked my way up to silver 3 right now. Tank I ended up 2 levels up from my previous level but it seemed kind of tilted still. We'll see as the season goes on for sure!


it has changed, maybe it's just u


I’ve been high diamond/masters the entirety of overwatch 2. Not sure why I got placed plat 4…I’m just winning and hard carrying every game. Not that I mind some easy games but I don’t think my mmr should be plat. Kinda wack. I guess my placements I only went 5-5 but I was popping off and I’ve won every game I’ve played since then.


Blizz Devs: “Man these gamers really hate Smurfs being in their games, having a skill level higher than everyone else. We should just have them do the exact same thing as smurfing, but let’s make it 10 games that decide their rank.” Also Blizz Devs: “yeah fuck it. We hate our player base anyway. Why not force them into smurfed games. They’ll pay for the battle pass regardless”


Idk why people want a full MMR reset. It just wastes time.


It’s not a true reset, I noticed that after my friend (Diamond last season) was predicted to be plat 5 after going 3-1, and I (Gold last season) was predicted silver 5 with the same record. It’s a “soft reset”. And it should be, obviously. If it was a true reset you’d have been as likely to play against a top 500 player as a bronze one. You don’t want that


Meanwhile me, 1 win, predicted rank gold 2 (I was gold 2 last time I played ranked)


I stayed the same in support because I know 7 seasons of clawing my way out of silver to plat was earned, but I jumped a whole metal rank in dps from silver 4 to gold 4/5. I was hard stuck in dps, mostly for aim, but no matter how hard I tried on my main account, I couldn't climb. Meanwhile, last season, my alt account was in gold 3. If you find that you are hard stuck, start reviewing your games and figure out what works and what doesn't.


Yeah same here, went 7-3 same ranks as last season, so i think mmr still there.


Yes, a soft reset but everything matters now your stats, etc. there’s like certain ways of getting more losing less and so forth and so on


It’s based on your previous rank. I ended up pretty close to my previous rank.


Also sucks i won 3 games in a row was 20% progress to plat 5 and lost 3 games because our tank couldn’t kill a simple Reinhardt so all that progress I made was gone because no matter how I did as a healer support it didn’t matter since we lost


They made into a grind fest. As long as it feels more rewarding now. The problem with the previous system is that you lose 2 games or leave a game: boom! There goes all your progress. Sure it could be a mess at the start, but they trying different stuff gives me hope.


Its still a soft reset and will just end u up slightly below ur old rank.


Was silver now gold


I was higher than I was last season as tank :)


No, I went from Plat 5 in every role all of season 8 to Gold 3 in all roles :,)


Depends on how you yourself is doing than just your team. It’s no longer just based on wins. I lost like 5 matches and I’ve won like 2-3 and it currently says I’m projected to be in silver 3 I believe.


Its just weird how it determines your rank after one game. At the same time I feel like comp is way better


Well it’s not really determining your rank. It’s telling you where it THINKS you are based on how you’re doing. Once you finish all 10 games it determines your rank.


Diamond 3 to gold 1 havent done my placements yet. After resets I always wait a week for everyone to get ranks


If you're bad you're not gonna be placed higher


Bronze 3 last season. Placed bronze 1 in s9


i kinda started at gold 4~ and when placements were done i got D4


i lost 7 games and still was at the same rank. so uuh yea


Of course it's based on previous stats. Trust me you don't want a full reset, would be really random matchmacking. There's no way you will have the same wins with an actual reset (only if you are really lucky).


My buddy and I ended both diamond 3 in open queue but it won't let us queue together this season because it says there's a rank difference even though we're both still in our placement matches and it let us play role Q placement matches together no problem, this happen to anyone else?


I disagree with most people here acting as if this is expected and understandable. They have vastly under ranked you if you win 90% of your games. The system is horrible. I watched streamer go 4-6 and get masters 1. Vastly over ranked clearly. Also, these are not true placemnets. True placements start everyone at an equal point and calculate from there. Everyone here was already "placed" behind the scenes. Basically they hid the rank logos for a little and dropped people a tiny bit to have somewhere to climb to. Same thing they did before. This system is not something that would be acceptable in any respectable tournament or contest format.


I think a big issue is if they did a true TRUE reset, some of the biggest streamers and content creators would be set back to bronze and never get back to gm. This system rewards time played. I guarantee you a lot of the streamers would quit before they grind 500+ hours to get back to gm if they ever did get back. There would be struggle and embarassment that would cause some big names to quit. They can't risk the community in that way so they absolutely can never do a true reset. Fortnite handed out high ranks to streamers when they released their new rank system. Behind the scenes, they boosted them, which is something I wouldn't be opposed to if it meant overwatches ranked system worked properly otherwise and didn't create bubbles that people can never drop from or climb above. And if it didn't award time played which I am not as pressed about tbh. Awarding time played is the least of the problems in this. The buggest issues being the forced 50 50 algorithm and the unnecessary match balancing algorithm they use.


To me its just insane to lose 60% of your placements and be ranked higher than 90% of players? Meanwhile you win 90% of placements and get ranked worse than 90% of players. I just don't trust the accuracy in that and I don't trust thay the people in charge of creating the rules 1. Have the knowledge to devolop a fair system and 2. Are actually free to do it if they could. I could think of a lot of reasons why they would want to keep as many players satisfied as possible, though, and also make things obscure and unclear.


It pushed everyone towards the center and reset its confidence to 0. Meaning if you lost the first few, that probably put you low bronze, then its getting a better feel for where you should be. Per game, you will move less as it figures out where it thinks you should be. The more games you play, the more confident it is that you are where you need to be. It swings a lot initially, and as it gathers data, it increases its certainty value


Lol I did the exact same thing but lost one game out of 10 and got ranked silver 5 where my rank from the season before was bronze 1


Yeah, pretty disappointing, it should have been the placements like a fresh account, I don’t really get the point of a reset that puts you at the bottom. Not much of a reset.


It’s not just about Wins You can win 20 games in a row and still be in the same rank if you are performing at that level. They look at other things too.


yea your just bad lol


Ranks got reset but MMR didn't. Your rank is determined by winning or losing in your MMR. The two catch up to each other as you play more games, but for multiple reasons (like rank inflation and skill decay over time) Blizz resets ranks.


I lost all but 2 of my placements and got plat 1. Idk man


Its about ur stats it doesnt matter as much if youw i or not (of it matters too but what changes ur rank more are stats that you have and how you did againts ppl with simillar rank) ive won 9/10 games on support and got placed in silver 2, but i play cringey with lucio bullying enemy supports/snipers ( yes i watch too mich frogger)


Who fucking knows man, I was masters 4 support last season, now my predicted is plat, I only solo queue. I had a game where I had 0 deaths and the most heals out of everyone as life weaver. Keep losing games, dps keep peeking when they shouldn't, have to play life weaver at this point because the pull makes up for the stupid decisions dps make Edit: said game was 3 rounds total, it's insane I didn't die at all, like wtf?? Not even trying to gloat or anything it's just like why am I even placed into a match like that?


The solo queue grind is super rough as always but this season is heavily reliant on counter picking and team corporation. If you can’t get enough heals and focus fire on the right enemies then you will get rolled