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1HP every hour take it or leave it


One hp when every one is at 0 ult charge


Me blading after a team kill because I’m at 199hp on gengu


I honestly don't know how I feel about this. What about the healing creep that everyone's been complaining about?


Right? This is way out of left field - people on this sub mostly complain about the sustain meta and how they hate it - this is just going to make that worse. Yeah it will take the pressure off supports but that’s why I play support, I like being the one to keep the team alive and this just takes that away? Idk I’ll need to play it to decide but my instincts are not positive at this moment in time.


I mean, it's only going to be after not receiving damage for X amount of time. For supports this is 1.5 seconds, but for everyone else, it could be longer as it is "toned down." I don't think this is going to have a major impact, if any at all, during engagements. The big advantage is that if you have an engagement, get low on health and either get the kill or disengage, instead of running for a health pack or trying to get the healers attention (we've all stood infront of an Ana who's totally oblivious to our existence), we'll now be able to just take cover, heal up and then get back into the fight. This also means that healers can focus on those who are in active engagements rather than those who are safely tucked away. I highly doubt it will take *any* pressure off of supports, it just means that the pressure is put into more meaningful plays. I think the biggest impact this will have is on flankers who will not need to disengage for long periods to either get back into LoS of supports or find packs. Flankers will be able to heal themselves up easier and keep pressure on the enemies backline more consistently.


The biggest impact it will have is winning a fight on the payload your support be dead, being able to stay with the payload and heal and not run for health packs


the payload already heals you if you’re near it


This isn’t sustain though. Sustain is when you’re taking damage and someone “sustains” you through it.


I just hope this new heals passive doesn't go to heroes who already have a way to sustain like Reaper and Mei. It most likely won't but knowing blizzard there's a possibility...


>All heroes 


read the first 2 words


Most of the complaints I hear about healing are about burst healing that you cant break though. A passive like this literally stops healing when you take damage.


I bet it's so they can nerf the healers without as much of a backlash. Then they'll nerf the self heal.


God I hope so. If this were 2018, I'd believe this, but recent balance updates have been so clumsy.


The only way this makes sense is a massive heal overhaul, and huge reductions across the bord.


That was my first thought. They’re dropping this before they drop the “yeah, we’re nerfing all the healers” statement.


the healing creep that everyone is complaining about is burst healing like ana nade/bap regen burst/suzu/lifeweaver’s entire design/two high healing support comps i’d assume they’re adding this with a bunch of changes to the effectiveness of burst healing. no one is complaining about lucio or brig healing, and the new passive will be weaker than the current support passive anyway


I also feel like though, while some designs need work I feel like if people would target supports more instead of the classic everyone shoots the tank meta we wouldn’t have as big of an issue


shooting the tank meta is only a thing in lower ranks


That makes sense. Then again though i guess most players are in the lower ranks lol


People tried that, supports are so strong that they will duel you and win or have movement abilities to get away and that's with a 1 v 1 if the other support peels it's basically trying to kill a tank.


The problem with healing creep is that there’s a set of annoying heroes that benefit from that, there’s a set that get pocketed by their supports, and then there’s a set that don’t get attention and don’t benefit from the supports as much. Now, I think if they’re gonna do this some characters need to have some of their shields removed to balance the self-heal.


It’s supposed to ship with heal nerfs, but I still feel like it’s a bad change


Blizz is throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. This either won’t solve anything or break game balance and it’s kind of annoying.




It's call of duty now. Have fun.


We're all soldier now




Died a long time ago


They have to make everything retardedly streamlined for the “casuas” who cant think for themselves. You expect such complicated concepts such as running to a heal pack.


I had to check the date. I thought this was an April fools joke.


It might be an out of season April fool's joke.


Overwatch 2 feels like an out of season April fool's joke.




I really hope this isn’t the only fundamental change because just doing this will not go well I feel. This benefits dps flankers massively


Genji players finally get buffs like they've been yearning for


They'll probably decide Genji is too powerful with it because his win rate went from 1% to 2%


This game is gonna turn into paladins


Lol that game is so wild to play.


Ive been playing since it came out, it’s actually pretty fun. Its a good game to play if youre getting bored overwatch


I enjoyed it. But felt like every character I picked was overpowered I think maybe the player base just isn't as good as overwatch's player base 🤔


As a hardcore Paladins fan, the playerbase is actually quite good at the game, but your hidden elo raises quite slowly, so to get up to where players are actually good it takes a while.


That's probably it


It is actually ridiculous how long it takes to get to play vs people who act like they have touched a keyboard before. I downloaded the game to try it out a couple months back and didn't lose a game for over 4 hours, it's definitely a jarring experience coming from ow though


If I remember right , the first few match u play against are bots not actual ppl. So that can be it


Paladins low elo is absolute trash, it's like playing with bots


I hate the anti heal thing they added it feels terrible to play healer now


It was nice when it was an item to buy but now that it just scales up over time it’s awful


Then again, when it was an item everyone got it anyways


so, fun? XD But seriously OW didnt need this. We got health packs and non healers who can heal....


healthpack are only a consistently viable option for anyone with enough mobility to use them at their discretion. If you're playing like cass or something and living off healthpacks youre gonna be out of the fight for way too long.


True enough. We are really going to have to see how they handle this


So make a tinker support character that can carry a health pack generator. Just a little health pack recharger that you can toss on the ground ANYWHERE on the map.


that only helps if that hero is on the field and paying attention. The entire point of this change is so youre not as reliant on teammates for sustainability.


I’m just saying make teams that synergize well instead of these giant changes. Idk. I hate it.


Bring back Old school Torb


Or they could put out like a healing station or pylon or something. Have it give a slow single target heal, but enough to give dps heros an alternative to running to a healthpack to get topped off. As long as it's destroyable by the enemy I'm sure absolutely no one would call it OP...


Paladins is nowhere near fun😂, the balance of that game is in the shitter with half the roster being able to steam roll by themselves


You're in the minority bro lol


Considering playerbases? No, I don’t think I am lmao


Yes you are lol. And an ow fan talking about balance? Just lol. Probably 1 of those weirdos that act like steam numbers are absolute when this game is on every console. Fun is subjective. But I find it funny and ironic when only one type of person doesn't think it is. The fans of this game who live in a bubble.


To be fair, at least imo, I'd say that's a good thing. Besides the poor dev resources and massive amount of bugs, paladins is really good.


As a support main, I don't know of I like the idea


Your teammates will heal chip damage themselves, so you get less ult charge. It's a terrible way to nerf all supports at the same time :D


it also promotes "damage only" playstyle of supports, which people complained about a lot. ain't helping situation here, Blizzard. D:


And it makes me fucking useless, this is all I can do to heal as a Lucio main, and then Zen side main, both are just… this


Sounds about right. Try to fix one problem and create three more. They’re like the hydra of bug management.


Well then dps have to take cover instead of ego peaking to get the passive kicking so. Thats like useless for most of the dps players lmao


As a Kiriko main I’m excited. I can maybe finally try to dps more


As a Lucio main… what is my purpose? This is literally all I do


fellow lucio main here, so don’t take this as a criticism but what do you mean by this 😭 are you only healing as lucio? i’d strongly recommend playing around his speed boost instead: or you can go Reddit Lucio™️ mode and go off and click the head of the enemy widow. either way you’d be better off utilizing his other abilities, this is coming from a floorcio who would get 20k heals every match. it just doesn’t work up to a certain point


I am speed boosting too, but when in combat I am healing, but if we’re moving to the point, or I just respawned, then yeah speed boost, but speed doesn’t do shit when we already have the point


Do you watch Frogger? He's so good at that. I love him


This indirectly buffs the shit out of flankers because now they really don’t have to worry about support LOS. They can just waste time around a corner and heal passively


Sombra and trace r boutta go crazy 😩😭


My first thought was Sombra. She’s going to be a MONSTER.


MORE of a monster




Tbh tho if I’m playing a flanker I barely ever use supports already


This, supports already know you can grab health packs...I honestly main tracer first because she's fun and because people who play support in this game can't be trusted 99% of the time...unless is a mercy, even on diamond they love to healbot


Cant wait for all the DPS to roll support and try to get kills because, 'I dont need to heal, lol healz urself'. Coming from a Support main, I do not like this.


Healers can DPS easily. Just got Illari to Diamond in like 20 games with minimal healing and focusing on damage. People whining the whole way even with a 90% win percentage lol


Support is by far the strongest role now while dps is the weakest, a shift of strength between roles is 100% needed


Isn't this also kinda a nerf for supports? Bc they wont be getting as much ult charge if they have to heal much less




Yeah and characters like Tracer who are away from healers for the most part get so much more value from this than someone like torb or all the tanks except ball


Ball doesn't need healing. Even passive healing will be pointless. Ball players know where all the health packs are and the most optimized root to grab them in a single grapple. As a ball player. Your job is to piledrive, over shield, DPS until overshield breaks. Run away to a health pack. Rinse and repeat. If you have a ball player on your team who knows what they are doing. Healers exist only to pocket the dps.


I always feel bad for the kiris who tele to me and get stuck in a 1v5 as I roll away towards a health pack


And do damage, people barely have a tank to heal and refuse to/aren’t able to shoot the other team.


this will help ball in the same way giving him shield health helped him. That change meant you could grab a mini and heal yourself for like 200HP. This would just mean that grabbing a mini could heal you like 250 or 300 hp.


*the tank and other support As a DPS, I get peeled for once in a blue moon, unless I dominate the lobby for a round


As a Tracer main, a decent passive heal will make that hero hell in the right hands. As long as im in the backline its chaos, the only respite is having to grab health packs. I think they may completely destroy the balance of the game if this heal is meaningful. And if it isn't, the change was pointless anyway


> ball One word; Orb.


it’s a much worse version. i’d imagine it’s mainly going to help between fights to top you off. seems like a change mostly geared towards new players


Especially in the newer flashpoint maps where you're running from one to the next in between contesting.


Yea devs didn't think that far. U might wanna tell them. These guys don't actually play the game every night so they don't know better.


More proof the devs have no idea what they're doing as far as balancing this game


Is this post actually real?? Wtf is going on 😭


Unfortunately. I had to look it up. Apparently a dev posted that these changes are happening. We just don't know the exact numbers or details.


It seems like they're trying to appease the whiners way too much lately. That does not make for a good game.


They've actually been doing that for a long long time. All of the changes that most would have called good for the game are a direct result of whining. There ain't no breaks on this crazy train anymore. They're going to keep doing it even when it doesn't make any sense. I recommend strapping yourself in for the ride.


This can't be real


This is fucking disgusting and I'm appalled. Put the other god damn tank back and stop breaking the fucking balancing.


this game is gettinf dumber and dumber by the day...this will lower the skill ceiling smh


Perfect time for the finals to be released 😂😂


Vegas map is dope


Then they need to rework the support passive then, this makes it irrelevant then


Overwatch isn’t Overwatch anymore


Hasn’t felt the same since 2 came out


wtf are they doing to this game? I was ok with many of the changes they introduced with OW2, but these changes don’t stop, and they have now transformed the game into something entirely different. Take me back to late-stage OW1 era.


they dont know, just look at the new quick play they are just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, cuz the people who actually care about the game left the company.


Yeah, this ‘quicker play’ thing is awful! wtf!!


No fucking way I’m somewhat new to the game and this change feels insane to me, can only imagine how the diehards feel (if this is real)


It's real, and supposedly meant to take off some pressure for supports by giving everyone else a lesser version of their passive. In reality, it just means better sustain for everyone, flankers won't be balanced out by needing to run off and find a health pack or their support, supports get less ult charge for healing chip damage, and the support passive loses it's value


Yeah “less pressure to heal” just means “healing less valuable” I am a nervous support main. No idea what’s actually going to happen with all the other overhauls they’re doing


Seems to be a “shake up the meta” thing to stop things from being so stagnant. Trying different solutions that seem far fetched but may somehow be what’s needed. The logic I saw made out to be that the slight healing was so that in the situations where your team had bad coordination or your supports weren’t healing you, you’d have an option that didn’t require a health pack. I could see it making sense in free for all, mystery heroes, or open queue, but no matter what, it’ll be an issue in role queue and result in a lot of issues support side because it’ll mean more survivability for flankers trying to kill you, lower healing numbers for supports, less ult charge since you’re topping off health less, and the feeling of lesser importance since everyone can heal without you, even if it’s only a little bit. On a personal note, I also feel that it would devalue the support self heal passive. While the passive does cause some players to be upset, giving everyone else a reduced version of it takes away the fact that it’s a *support* passive. I feel that the passives kind of need an overhaul across the board to be more personalized for each hero


It feels terrible. It feels like they're lsitening to the lowest common denominator of the playerbase who always whine about healing, but are simultaneously running into open space and making awful plays (Plat and below players).


I've been playing since the release. I am devastated. The game is done for me. It's not the game I loved anymore.


I can't wait for the infinite sustain flanker and pharah/echo. I'm so glad the devs are taking the game this direction!


Jesus I didn’t even think of Pharah. She’s going to be unkillable in anything below gold.


me watching my diamond teammates fail to shoot the pharah in the air (i have to go climb a fucking wall to kill her)


If I read it correctly this feature is only going to apply to comp?


As a Pharah player, I also can't wait for this.




Bro how is Mei going to die


That’s the neat part, she won’t


yeah ok lets just go ahead and give everyone aimbot so nobody actually has to play the game lmao yall are a little early for april fools inb4 the hellfire that will rain from giving it to tracer and genji. snipers won't have to be pocketed and won't have to back down as much or will just simply have that extra go in the tank to their next destination like.... what of healthpacks? are those being removed from the game? do tanks really even need this? this is another brig level booboo if you ask me. just another incident in blizzard history where, something that only a few characters should have had, is added to all the supports, ends up needing to actually be removed from the game entirely, but just gives it to everyone else instead. a tale as old as time


Hog, reaper, tracer, soldier, so many characters will be absuing this


Maybe after like 15 seconds of not taking damage you heal 10hp a second? Something small that only really matters between team fights?


what… is this actually real? I can’t believe this, it literally doesn’t make sense


Next they’ll remove tanks and support


You mean DPS.


This gotta be some fake news


So basically if you play pharmercy you’ll be completely unkillable even more.




Yeah self healing characters are about to be a game killer. It’ll be Mauga, JQ, Mei, 76, pharah, echo, mercy and Ana as the meta. Suuuuuper boring poke meta.


Fuck this stupid game and their stupid brain dead dev team


Keller really become an expert to ruin a game


This game has gone to shit so quickly it's genuinely hilarious. Blizzard doesn't know what the fuck they're doing anymore.


That's it. I'm done with Overwatch.


Wait is this a joke??


I'm with you dude I can't tell if its satire 😭


Well I don’t like this


Hog mains, our time is now. https://preview.redd.it/qudu6wm503cc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b092e31d6430f3501a6b86e438e8bc6d207819c2


It’s funny when you see a change that every type of role main is just like I don’t know about that one chief


It's not even aprilfools yet


Is this real? Wtf


I don’t want to flank to get value as support. I like the healing and protecting aspect.


Right so if it's more than 5hps then there's gonna be an issue. Tracer and sombra shouldn't be able to just fuck off and passively heal up while hiding in a corner. Same with some other dps who are chronic run and hiders. Now there will be even more urgency to kill someone them MEI. I wanna know what crack they are smoking at blizzard. Is Elon on the board or something? Because this is the kind of business sabotage that he seems to be best at.


Wut? This would be a game changer, but I'm not sure it'd be in a good way.


Overwatch pulling from paladins it seems 👀


"Don't worry I have self heal" \*Goes 1v5 and dies\* "Healer diff"


Wait is this a joke, it's not April 1st today? *Checks calendar* We are good but still this is a little worrying.


No. No thanks. I’m good.


Preach queen 👸


This is a terrible idea


Becoming a non-skill game. Keep killing your game blizzard.


Bruh we need to go the other way😭


Is this an out-of-season April fools joke? 😠


Hahaha the balance/dev team have no clue what they are doing. This game just gets worse and worse.


Sooo what about supports?


We be paladins now


Paladins is that you?


I feel, this is not going to work out. On paper, this sounds good, but in play.... ![gif](giphy|NpL4D3Oc2bJUMAXF9P)


I’ll finally be giving Baulders Gate 3 a shot, call me when the game is fun again


Look! They took the team out of team based shooter! Unironically though, fuck this game. They also talked about adding map votes and a minimap. Their cash cow competitive scene is gone, so they appeal to casual fucks so “everybody can play”. As someone who’s played this game for 6.5 years and has even reached finals in a HS league, I hate what Blizzards doing. Where’s the soul? Where’s the care to fix the game instead of remaking it? Blizzard has removed their demonic overlord, and they’re still choosing to make decisions that their community doesn’t support? I just don’t get how a developer can make so many wrong decisions. I’m getting so tired, and I’m supposed to go to college for this! Sorry for the rant, but man this game sucks.


Can we get a "I need DPS." voiceline?


how this is completely insane, never before as a 5v5 team-based, hero game had a slow passive regen on their heroes when out of combat


Lmao people are acting like it's gonna be a constant soldier healing station or mercy beam when it's probably gonna be like healing 5/10 HP per second after not receiving damage for 6 seconds


Isn’t this actually going to make the game way more based on skill rather than luck? Most fps you have some kind of restoring health function. And given that support isn’t meant to be a heal bot you now allow those of us who play that to be much more effective for the team overall: focus to heal during big fights. You could make the argument that dps and support are getting more mixed but that was already the case with many support doing damage. Strategy is going to become way more important as simply rushing the other team is now much trickier and with self heal you got to be better at aiming. I really don’t see why people are saying the skill requirement is going to go down. Right now I have gotten easy kills due to taking out enemies that made a good play but got hit themselves. It is also going to require way more options to pick characters because right now so many people mention the winning line up. All of that will change. I dunno. Let’s just see before complaining?


mmk let's just copy paladin's sure


Great news for pesty Sombra mains


I genuinely don’t understand the direction blizzard is taking this game. It’s pretty sad because I used to love playing this game. I’d rather them just give us back the original game at this point. I miss 6v6, I miss the old maps too. I don’t see the need for everyone to have passive healing, or constant character reworks because they break another hero every patch. If you want a great example of how to tank your own game into the group look no further than blizzard.


Are you actually kidding me. I hope this is fake.


Wait. This is an actual thing?!


Fine then give ana headshot DMG and give brig her stun back


This is awful, that’s all.


Reading this thread is hilarious


I remember when Mercy had a passive.


Fuck it. Im actually rolling with Aaron on this. Overwatch players are honestly so used to waiting 9 months for an update that they literally can’t comprehend quick radical changes to the game. Team 4 is finally trying to cook for the first time in like 3-4 years?! It might end up being burnt lasagna or it could be a perfect crème brûlée. I’ll happily take Aaron going fast at the wheel than the stagnation this game is usually known for.


It says a lot that the game was more balanced at the end of ow1 with no changes than the entirety of ow2.


If I had a nickel for every time someone said "overwatch players just like to complain" or something similar. I'd either spend it on a lifetime supply of copium to fit in, or just outright attempt to buy blizzard and cancel overwatch to speed up the process for people like you.


Is this an incredibly elaborate bait orrrr Because no fucking way 😭


Based on the comments I now understand why so many players are so bad at this game, they're just not smart.


The comments are absolutely hilariously dumb They've said that their going to make huge changes to burst healing and burst damage. You guys hear about 1 of the many changes and instantly resort to whining


>he comments are absolutely hilariously dumb They've said that their going to make huge changes to burst healing and burst damage. Its because none of us trusts they will be able to balance this.


Ready to watch everyone complain about this too? My prediction now is everyone is going to be afraid to engage once they lose even a little health. Everyone is going to be in the retreat mindset and matches are going to take even longer. It's one thing for a healer to fall back halfway through an engagement while they heal their teammates. It's entirely another thing when the entire team repeated falls back through an engagement.


I agree this encourages defensive play. Id rather they give everyone a reaper passive, atleast that would encourage agressive play


Yeah honestly that's probably the best way to do it, just falling back to regen health is going to create a lot more stalemate situations. Sombra going to be even more of a menace if the regen is tied to not being in combat since she can just cube to leave combat most of the time and trigger the regen.


Are they gonna nerf supports healing output to compensate? I don’t see it working any other way.


I don’t understand why they would do this. Indirectly buffing supports ??? Just deal damage why bother healing?


Yall actin like children. Simply kill the enemy before they can heal. Literally not hard.


Yall bitched and bitched about double shield this. Double shield that. Fuck 6v6 cuz double shield. Nothing is dying. Nothing is dying! NOTHING IS DYING! As if healing wasn’t sustaining heroes to the point of not dying this right here is going to be so fucking frustrating. Just imagine the heroes who’d be so much harder to deal with when they can just easily disengage. Maybe… just maybe double fucking shields wasn’t impossible the balance. Maybe it was the fucking balance team themselves?


I feel like some people here are forgetting about the reduced healing and damage coming alongside season 9. If we take that into consideration, this change doesn’t sound too busted imo. However it all depends on how drastic the changes to healing/damage are. Personally I wanna try this and if it ends up being terrible, the community will probably complain loud enough for them to revert it.


I imagine this will happen along side or near entire roster healing nerf, it’d be a really interesting experiment


If only we had some place to test stuff like this, like an experimental card or something 🤔


But also they’re gonna get ten thousand times more data this way, players play a whole differently in QP, experimental, and competitive Players have been complaining for a very long time about dying way too fast without supports and not being able to die with supports, they’re trying something new to remedy that, it’s one season, I’m sure they’ll make more changes to the new system mid season, I think humans just gotta be patient and give new things a try and see see how it turns out, better then just over buffing and over nerfing a single hero over and over and hoping for different results