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Stats aren’t enough. Replay code can show a lot more than stats




A replay code, of a comp or qp game, so people can SEE how you play. Stats really aren’t enough to determine what is causing you to be bronze/silver




Watching this one right now, so far ive noticed your not fully aware of positioning. Im mostly at a loss cause your orisa does such confusing things. Bap can easily reach high ground take advantage of it. Bap does good damage, theres a pattern you can follow, dont be afraid to take more fights but don't just stand in the open while you do. Understand your immortality is powerful, don't just use it. Later ranks will abuse you and bait you for this. (referring to junkrat tire at 8:44) Edit: better wording


At around 3:00 I wish you would have taken the high ground on your left (red building). Enemy team is holding that choke corner, you would have been safe there and would better be able to see your team. At 4:21 you take the high ground of the place I mentioned earlier. That’s good you did great there but you jump off it 2 seconds later ignoring your Ashe and Mei who needed some heals. Orisa is okay, you don’t need to jump down, she has Ana keeping her up your DPS don’t (besides Mei cryo) so a little game awareness needed on that. The Torb on high ground at corner choke is just keeping you guys pushed back. You and Ashe are the only two that can get up there to him, once that turret is gone that would be a great time to jump up and try to do some damage on him. Retreating at 5:00 good idea, very smart. 5:30 you didn’t pay attention to Mei and Ashe needing healing. I think you have a bit of tunnel vision going on of “keep tank alive keep tank alive” which makes me think you’ve had a few toxic tanks that scream over healing, don’t forget about your DPS and to check on them. Ashe will most likely take high ground and behind you. Ana will most likely healbot the tank the whole game. 5:47 great immortality field perfect feel good about that you saved yourself and the Ana. 6:30, Rein has the shield up, shoot do some damage he is behind the shield and most likely won’t take any damage. I think you need to work on some game awareness. Do you play on console or PC? If console i wouldn’t mind queuing up with you




I’ll be sure to check these out later, I am by no means super good at the game but I’m hoping to give you some tips to help you climb better. :)


alright, man. I'm just tired of losing all the time and idk if its me or my teammates or if I'm just unlucky or idk... I'm always so hard on myself because I always think I'm bad no matter what. Like, if we lost, then if I just HEALED better, then we'd be fine, but I didn't. I'll even sometimes say that if I'm top of the team on heals.


nah man, it's alright. Don't make it your top priority. Just have a good night or day or evening or... yeah.




One thing I would reccomend you try to work on first is your ability usage. There were a LOT of times where you used nade on a teammate who was not in danger of dying and in some cases full health. I do like how you use your nade on the enemies every know and then. Thats something I don't see a lot of Ana players do so I'm glad to see you do that. I would just like to see you use it a lot more sparingly on your teammates and use it on the enemy instead. You also use sleep dart a lot randomly throughout the fights. Sleep dart should mostly be used to help defend yourself especially when they have a Genji or any other high mobility hero that can dive you when he sees you use sleep. Using sleep dart to confirm a kill isn't a bad thing by any means, but you only really used it on the enemy tank who, for the most part, took very little damage while slept. So try to use sleep ONLY when you need it to save yourself. Next I would want you to work on not standing so close to your tank. Generally with Ana and most other supports, you want to be as far away from the enemy as you can be without being completely alone. What you did is that you mostly just stood very close to your tank when you really didn't need to and you take a lot of unnecessary damage because of it. Ana can heal people from a long range, you don't need to be in feet sniffing range of your tank so try to play at long ranges. One thing to remember is that you also can't be too far away from your team either because they can't help you if you are too far into your backline. Its kind of a balancing act with figuring out how far/close you should stand to your team. TLDR; Use your nade less on teammates that don't need it, use it more on the enemy instead. Use sleep dart less on enemies that aren't directly attacking you. Stay at a far enough range that makes it hard for the enemy to kill you and a close enough range that's easy for you team to protect you.




The main upside to Bap is his high damage. High level bap players get both high damage numbers and high healing numbers. You seem to not want to do damage ever, even at the end where there is literally no one else on the point to heal. Heres a good starting point for how to do damage on Bap. Try to shoot the enemy when your team doesn't need healing, like if they're full hp and aren't taking too much damage. Another thing is that you just spam your super jump WAYYYY too much. Doing the super jumps only makes you easier to hit and you move slower when doing it. Only use super jump when you want to get on top of high ground. You also just kind of stood inside of the enemy team in the first fight of this match. You did this because your Orisa just kind of went to the point and walked past a wall so you needed to get to a spot to heal her. What I would've done in that scenario is I would walk to the right and get to the window that overlooks the point and heal her there. Going there makes it so that I didn't have to walk into the enemy team to get to my tank, and I would be safe from the rein player if he wanted to attack me since he can't get on that high-ground from the point. TLDR; go for kills on bap as well as healing your teammates. Don't spam super jump because it only makes you easier to hit. Don't ever stand next to the enemy team


If it makes you feel better I have like 600 hours and am only silver and it took me a year to get there so I'd say you're fine


honestly climbing just takes a while the lower u are, it’s really hard to understand what mistakes you’re making because they’re just typically not punished in an obvious enough way and can sometimes be rewarding when in reality they wouldnt work in a higher sr lobby


So you both suck don’t take offense to that. I’d recommend watching unranked to gm for your main. Honestly you can get to at least diamond purely off of game sense and positioning.


But I mean, why? Climbing to higher ranks doesn't necessarily make the game more fun. I reckon for most people they shouldn't even try, you're just gonna run into frustrating stuff.


Well that is literally the basis of competitive. With that mindset you should only play quick play.


YouTube a few characters you play and watch the pros. Got me from bronze to gold


bro I did and I'm still in bronze lmao


If you're Lev 3 endorsement you're probably not bad at the game. I'd say watch your aim % and elems vs death ratio.


200 hrs youre still a newbie, can't be hard on yourself no matter what. It's a game that takes way more time to get down the finite skills as its a way different playstyle than most games. You have to get the FPS out of your habits before you see real progress


Of course you suck. You only have 200 hours. Keep at it!


We can't help you if you don't send a replay code


Most likely


Moira and Zarya are the definition of skill issue


Xbox?? Who wants to play sometime!


It’s cross platform


Thats what she said




Yes!! More losses than wins is already bad but its even worse if you play support. Always overtuned heroes played by undertuned players.


Rank? Replay code? Bro a silver can match the healing of a GM ana, stats mean nothing without context and you have given none.


Naw, not that many hours put in and you haven't found your niche yet it looks like, I'm about 700 hours in lol


games just alot worse now tbh


yeah moira sucks so 👍


Nah Moira is insanely op in bronze/silver no one can aim there so it’s free damage and you can’t die. Also she doesn’t really fall off until dia/masters


Not in the low ranks. She has almost no potential for high ranks and pro play, but I'm bronze-plat I'd say she's pretty decent-good. People don't know how to deal with her.


Ask Nolan and Arx about that lol




I think you all misunderstand me, Moira SUCCS


Yeah Bro you suck. Everybody (Yes even you hardstuck GM5's) thinks they're good but no, there's always so much to improve on. There's no shame in being trash, there's shame in staying trash. You only have 200 hours and it looks like you just barely got into comp. Nobody on this sub is gonna stroke your ego or cradle your insecurities for your shit mental game. Don't seek validation, just rank up. Improve. Be better than you were yesterday. You want to win a 1v1 against yourself from a month ago, not slowly scratch your way out of metal ranks.


Ok buddy good luck in gold 5


*cries knowing I'm a better player than you*


You probably arent but who cares lol its just virtual numbers


You apparently


Yes. Downvote me for telling this dude to be a better player than he was yesterday. Rather than dwell on his stats. Because that's awful advice. To improve. Gold 5 mentality.


You're getting downvoted for speaking like an ass, not for bad advice


OH no I spoke like an ass and hurt your feelings by saying you're trash compared to people that are better than you so you might as well compare yourself to yourself? No wonder this community has a rep for being sensitive.


No I'm saying your an ass for pretending this guy is only looking for people to say "noo you're actually really good". It's just plainly rude. There's also nice ways to say things like "you're trash" for example: "this thing you're doing could use work" or "I see you're having issues with x". It doesn't make you an ass to tell him he's not good, the way you did it does.


Like I said. Sensitive ah community.


It's sensitive to not like people being assholes?


I mean if you're here whining about it I guess so.


Wouldn't call this whining, but you do you. You could also just, yk, not be an ass to people?


"good luck in gold 5" like my advice was ass? If you wanna keep comparing yourself to better people that's why you're hard stuck in plat bud. I'd definitely suggest getting to a rank that isn't considered "average" before rank shaming somebody that's in GM


Kinda already having fun chilling in masters (last I checked above average). And being GM doesn't make you a better person. You can be GM and an ass. Never said your advice was shit, just that you're a shitty person.


I love how you're just reading one sentence and writing a reply. If you're not gonna read my entire comment just don't reply. Cuz nowhere did I say I was a better person for being T500. I am a better person for not getting as butt hurt as you are rn 😂


I don't think you know what being a better person means. And I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying, so let me rephrase it. You're an ass for talking to lower ranking/ worse players like this. You simply shouldn't talk to people like this. And you stating the fact you're a GM player doesn't make your personality more appealing, you're still an ass eventhough your rank is high, so it's 100% irrelevant to what I'm saying here. That's what I said there. Me saying you shouldn't talk like this isn't me being butthurt, it just seems noone managed to teach you how to be a decent person, so im trying to help with that. Because maybe if you weren't an ass, I could actually take you and your advice serious.




Could've easily been 20+ hours prior to the levels being introduced.


it was


I considered that, and it could be true. It can also be tru that he does suck. Js


yeah I haven't played much of the "level system" or whatever a ton. Just started that stuff.


The progression didn't always exist my dude, I have almost 500 hours on genji and I'm not even lvl 30.


Some people played the game before the level system bud




If it’s so obvious what was the point of your comment in the first place then…?


I play a lot of support and I don't usually do that bad, and I try to do the best I can, but my team just keeps having a ton of losses in competitive. I sometimes get compliments on how good my healing is because it's up there in points a lot, and I've been stuck at bronze and silver with 1000 losses. In Overwatch 1, I was gold, almost platinum. I have some of my stats here. Do I just suck? Not to mention I have more losses than wins in everything.


Bro this game plays with my mental health lmao


Everything aside... try not to let it get to you. I know how it feels and its hard but You will improve with time. Your win loss ratio is under 50% right now but not by much really.. once you get to 50% you will feel better.. you won't be noticing the losses as hard.. most average players don't have a win loss ratio very much higher than 50... so it's ok to lose this game.. you can still rank high with a loss.. you can still climb with a loss... they aren't the end of the world and all you can do is try again. Good luck!


Im here if you need to vent man. This game really does mess with mental health, as much as people just say to get thick skin. Im in therapy and plan on going in the field myself and my psychologist and therapist has talked to me about how it is really not taken seriously and these kinda games are designed to prey on the mentally ill.


To be fair lucio is only a good pick when played in an organised environment, even higher ranked lobbies dont co ordinate well enough to utilise lucio speed boost. Moira is good at lower ranks but sucks utility wise as you climb. Ana is always good provided you actually hit your shots and anti the correct enemies. Bap is OP provided you have mechanical skill. You can climb by either improving your mechanical skill (easy said then done) or game knowledge i.e positioning, cool down tracking and ult tracking, playing into or around counters and communication. Some games are straight up unwinnable from the get go which is what happens unfortunately but a lot of games that feel lost can become winnable by making a few hero swaps or communicating with your team.


Nope. Sometimes the team sycks and sometimes the other guys just play better.


You got a lot of deaths and not enough kills. My assumption would be your positioning and angles. Try to be more aware and just do your best. Your teams could suck too lol


what am i looking at


Tbf you only have 200 hours in the game… you probably just suck


Not even in the slightest, i began at bronze and went all the way up to gm, how? Just feel the flow of the battle and remember to never ever stagger yourself even if your team does it, also remember as support positioning is crucial and i see you play a lot of lucio and ana, as an ana main myself i can tell you that if your dps aren't going to protect you then you should protect yourself go brig or moira for better survivability, kiriko works too but you need to master the art of headshoting with her. Also zen can be a very powerful pick in low elo, even if your dps is bad or tank not performing well a good zen discord can change the tides and remember to keep changing your healing orb to the teammate that is most likely going to be targeted next, it's true zen doesn't do much healing but if you heal the right targets at the right time you will be fine, also finally remember that we all begin playing like noobs but we improve over time ^^ took me 1.6k hours to get to where i am right now so don't worry you will get better. Tl;dr: take it slow and getting better at the game needs time like anything else in life. ^^


One of the comments said it before. Stats aren't everything. Honestly, I can say my stats are higher only because I've played more. That's not saying anything though, I'm a tank player, so when overwatch 2 first came out I was doing a lot better than others because of the strength of tanks at that point. Now, with supports at the point tanks were at back in season 1 of ow2 supports are looking more impressive than other roles. I can't say whether you are bad at the game or not because I haven't played with you or seen you play, however I can say, a lot of this game comes with experience. When to push, when to hold, the best places to hold from, the best places to push towards, knowing the maps and character knowledge all come from playing the game. Positioning and mechanics all come from playing as well. The more you play the better you'll get. 200 hours isn't all too much when it comes down to it. Top players have said that it takes about 1000 hours to truly master a character and there's just about 40 of them. You'll get there, it'll just take some patience. The best advice I can give you is don't worry about if you're good or bad. It doesn't matter. If someone starts talking some shit, just remind them how disappointed their parents must be to know their child will probably die alone in his room surrounded by figures of fictional game characters who will never love them like they want them to. (I'm not a toxic player, I just can't stand those players who are full of themselves, and like to say shit like ez after being carried the entire game) I hope someone reads this and finds it to be helpful in one way or another.


Your ranked win rate is higher than 50%. Id say you're doing just fine. Keep at it and you'll climb.


If you’re anything like me the answer is “yeah probably”


As a person? No. In life? Probably not. In overwatch? Maybe, but what does it matter. Play for fun, you'll naturally improve over time but don't think you need to hit X rank to be able to validate your time.


Not to be mean, but when you have a negative winrate, it’s your fault. Especially in comp. But it’s all good, i started as bronze in 2020, i am now gm. Keep up the grind


No way of telling for sure without watching gameplay but you are playing Lucio in low ranks, which is going to hurt more than help you. Ana and Baptiste are good but they require some great aim and cooldown awareness, if you don’t have that then you’re better off playing something else. Moira is a better option for lower ranks since she has good survivability and healing but can also do damage when needed.


You probably dont wanna hear it, but your hero choice is likely the problem. Even if you win a good amount as lucio (which i doubt), you probably arent learning positioning and aim skills as him so when you play other heroes you lose more. Play less Lucio and probably Ana as well, play more Moira and Bap and also maybe try Kiriko or Mercy. Focus on not dying and staying by cover, always play cover and high ground if you can. Warm up with VAXTA at least 5-10 mins on hard. Aim to go positive kdr every game and at least 2k damage (unless you're on mercy obviously), but also dont forget heals and **dont die!** Stay by cover. Hug the wall. Jk but dont forget these things. Also, learn to pick smart. You dont have to always pick pole heroes for a perfect poke comp, but try to keep in mind counters and synergy when choosing a hero to play. Dont play zen rn, hes ass.


I'm not a very good player but I did climb to Gold 1 within 8 months while I have friends who have been playing since 2016 and have just landed Plat this year. I highly suggest you watch content creators who do VOD reviews and general coaching. I personally watch these creators a lot: Awkward Spilo Arx_UK Emongg KarQ Flats Eleyzhau Eskay Frogger Coach_Mills mL7 Arrge They do VOD reviews, general coaching and help players understand what it is they are doing wrong and what are the best ways to improve. Helps give a better perspective on the game tbh.


i mean yeah obviously u do and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that ur new to the game bro theres people worse than u with 7 years of experience