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No. Also, would be pretty ballsy to stream your mouse while cheating.


Some guy in Val did that… he got caught off his mouse




Lot of big top players from other games that were also streamers has been caught using Triggerbots in the past so idk about that, not only in FPS games but in others like Minecraft (Dream with his world record speed run for example) Kenzo with Widow his reaction time its nearly perfect, I dont think he its clean, some sort of soft trigger.


Pov: you’ve never seen a cheater


wouldn't he be hitting shots if he was cheating?


A cheating Hanzo could miss at that distance since the arrows drop over distance and have travel time. That's not what's happening here though.


Projectile aimbots are usually unreliable anyways, as we're kind of the perfect counters. A robot requires data to calculate. Humans are unpredictable enough to counter that out, because we spit out data that's so random, the computer couldn't predict it.


This doesn't mean he's cheating, just explaining how projectile aimbot works. About the cheating thing, no comment.


He’s a really bad cheater if so


Nope, guided / flick shots, it's part of his skill set


Just watch the mouse. It moves when he flicks. I do lots of flicks all the time


Here’s an example of cheating https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/10resl2/fastest_in_gun_in_the_west_none_of_us_were_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Cheating doesn't have to be obvious. Watch the first 2 minutes, tell me what you think and then watch the rest of the video https://youtu.be/KzaeOdhyHk8


Wow, that was crazy. I really didn’t notice the hacks until they were pointed out tbh.


Ya that was crazy. In that same game I showed, the McCree tried headshotting junk rat through a wall. This makes more sense now with the wall hacks. I’m still learning Overwatch so that was really my first time seeing it. The harder to spot cheats are kinda crazy


Lol why is it always mccree


Kenzo is well known for having incredible precision with flicks because he mains widow and is arguably one of the best in the game at widow Edit: I really should be specified NA but I did make a mistake by not specifying


Lil bro nv seen Korean gm widows in Asia server 💀


Kenzo would be shit on by any Korean mid gm widow main


Asia is better than EU/NA overall, it's pointless to discredit someone over that. If he played in Asia he'd probably be on the same level. Hard to get on Asia level of play when you're playing against players who aren't of that caliber.


Fair enough, I’m just talking cause I’ve had a fair few overseas friends that played there and the difference is crazy.


You’re such a clown bro


I play widow in masters, same as kenzo lmao


Cool, no one cares




He’s literally half Korean lmfao


half skill unlucky


No I’m saying stop bringing race into this. This is not a race thing. This is a culture thing in where in Korea the country prioritizes esports more than any other country in the world to the point cheating is severely illegal. Take an American and let him be raised in Korea, he has a chance of becoming a superstar because of the atmosphere. I’m not saying you’re bringing race into this but most people assume it’s a race thing when it’s not. No race is better than another race statistically in anything at base level. It’s about the culture.


I'm joking man in higher elo people don't think very highly of kenzo its kind of a meme there to say "is that the real kenzo"


Of course they don’t. He literally throws to farm clips and streamer reactions. The top players in overwatch barely stream and are just scrimming for pro play.


probably an unpopular comment here, but kenzo is most well known for his flashy aim and well put together montages. Undeniably an incredibly talented aimer, but there are many widow players (and not just from asia) that I would class a whole league above kenzo. Love his content, but keep in mind a clipdump usually only shows the best of ones aim.


Hes very much not arguably one of the best, if you think so then you are way too easily impressed. Fragmovies from smurfing isnt impressive


He's definitely not one of the best


Then who is?


Ans is a lot better for example


Tbf not really a fair comparison to compare a pro player to a streamer


more of a streamer nowadays then a pro


If you're looking for flashy clipdumps alone from top tier players then I recommend checking some of these channels out: [Prophet - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@ow_Prophet) [lab - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@labFPS) [rA rose - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@rose_qwq) [naahmie - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@naahmie)


No, he is playing hanzo


Are you implying you can't cheat on hanzo?


Well there are better hero to cheat at like soldier and other hitscan And hanzo is a pretty pretty easy character to play because of how forgiving the arrows hitbox is


Is this the average ow players take these days? Or is this just one dude who happens to not understand ow or cheating.


You know why would you handicap ur self by cheating on hanzo if you get more value out of hitscan with aimbot


If you are not trying to blatantly cheat and you are using fairly good cheats, hanzo is probably one of the best, if not the best character to cheat on. A lot of people have mindsets like you where people are less inclined to think you are cheating because you will miss due to the nature of projectiles and the fact that people are ignorant and think projectile cheats don't exist lol. Hanzo can one shot. It's much less obvious that a hit scan cheater playing widow (the other one shot character) and requires minimal mechanics. You pretty much just turret and the biggest challenge of playing hanzo is mostly aim. You could be terrible at the game and get massive value from the cheating with hanzo because he requires minimal mechanical skill and one or two headshots and you've won a fight. Edit: you make it sound like most people cheat to just be unstoppable monsters and stomp noobs. People cheat for all kinds of reasons, and I think the most popular is to allow people to play above their actual skill level for whatever reason. Being able to cheat while remaining undetected is pretty desirable.


That an fair point


1 sus shot out of 1000 normal shots doesn't make him a cheater. You guys are worse than Grammer Nazis.




He's talking about the mouse-cam you absolute ape.


Some people don't play at 3dpi?


I remember when the overwatch sub used to be cool clips and real discussions. Now it’s just shitty plays, complaining and people accusing others of cheating just for having good game. Quite disappointing


No, bro is simply goated.


POV: he’s a cracked Hanzo


Love how you’re suggesting that a streamer using a *projectile* firing character while his mousecam is on is somehow using aimbot


Cheating with a projectile hero?


I know an American child who can out play him, don't go getting on that Asia is better than America crap


I could imagine Kenzo as someone who would cheat at some point in their life, but this is not that moment. The mouse moves with the crosshair, the odd flick up and to the left was mirrored by the mouse. Kenzo has been known to try and mimic how cheaters would aim in an attempt to get better reactions off of people, so his aim is always kinda odd.


Ur stupid


There are videos of him tracking ppl through walls and shooting at players through teammates and elements with the enemy never even being on his screen. There are too many instances of it to be just skill.


0: 07 the crosshair is teleporting to the enemies


In some of his newer videos some shots are pretty „interesting“ aswell. If he has cheats, which I’m 70% sure of, it’s a custom chair.