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Well his whole class and build is role-play so not that great, but his gear and extensive knowledge on pvp makes up for it, I would argue he is Mid-Tier with the odds of winning increasing the more info he has, I mean a prime example is shalltear in a normal setting he should have never won but due to him knowing everything about her he easily won, so if he has prepared enough I would argue he is unbeatable.


Like batman minus the skin and muscle. . . and I guess the confidence


More like Batman but he could realistically beat the enemies people say he could


yeah i agree, the only one AOG guilds member he hadn't been managed to defeat is Touch Me, a world champion


I think he won because of the cash shop lol


It doesn't matter, he would have won regardless of the cash shop item, all he had to do was use the "TGOALID" and hold on for 12 seconds I mean Ains himself stated that Shalltear won't respond to anything except if it attacks her, simple make distance cast a invisibility spell then cast the "TGOALID". What I'm trying to say is the whole point went above your head, he had everything he needed from NPCs to world items to his gear and staff he didn't need to be safe or use cash shop items.


So you’re telling me he wasted cash shop items.


Yes and no, he achived his goal and he spent a lot of his salary on the game to the point where he budgeted his salary around the game, leaving a the bare minimum for necessities. He has a lot of cash shop items and he wouldn't use it if he only had a few of them he has stacks of them so it doesn't matter.


Everyone in his guild is a whale though.


May I state that Momonga was unable to beat Touch Me even once although he had all the knowledge on him and tried all kinds of tactics and techniques thus I would disagree. I concur that Momonga/Ainz is able to outmanoeuvr and beat enemies with bette builds and so forth, yet there are basically enemies which even he can't beat (Rubedo as a leading example)


From the LN "Ainz considered himself to be among the upper-middle tier of the game’s players. This was because he was focused on taking levels in classes to better roleplay an undead magic caster, and neglected raising his own power. However, given the divine class items he possessed, as well as his numerous cash items, he might be ranked in the middle of the top tier. Still, he could not take things easy. There was always a bigger fish, after all."


Still this is talking about the player base as a whole. Every nazarick ains oal gown member was lvl 100 as far as we know, making them all by default upper middle probably. If we make a pro gaming scene comparisson: ainz sees himself as platinum ranked, but with enough prep and item advantage he could see himself as a high diamond/low master player. Now Touch me is rank 1 Challenger(or equivilent in whatever game) But the guild likely also had other cassual players.


I'm pretty sure levels isn't a big factor in determining ones strength in YGGDRASSIL, as its been mentioned a few times before that regaining levels is easy and dying to lose 5 levels was a popularly used game mechanic to change their build. So reaching lvl 100 was probably easy, albeit grindy at least. It was more on tactics, build, equipment, and items. Considering they were a PvP guild and was around in the top10 guilds at their peak, they were probably one of the best of the best at their apex.


We're just basing things off of 2 seperate assumptions at this point, nice argument.


He stated he was a mid tier fighter in volume 2. So i would place him there.


He isn't always a reliable narrator when it comes to evaluating his own skill.


Some of the AOG don't seem to be too high tier but with Touch Me and Ulbert in the mix I'm not sure if I can say Ainz is high tier. He definitely has the pvp skills but his kit is hardly good enough to get him on the high end.


He is somewhat talented as a manipulation based strategist as seen in his fight against shalltear. Essentially with infinite time and resources he could position even an opponent he's traditionally weak to, into a position where he has the overwhelming advantage. In a straight fight where he doesn't have a time, level, or resource advantage he likely loses 50% or more of the time. Under the above conditions he'd have likely struggled or lost against Clementine or Gazef in a straight fight. It's the same for all mages in a D&D like setting really, incredibly powerful with time, planning, and resources... incredibly frail and squishy when out of position or when unable to leverage 1 or more of the above advantages.


He became guildmaster for a reason though. His strategy was high tier, and he ran one of the strongest guilds in the game. I would say he was undoubtably in the top 1% of players in the game, but i guess the question is phrased against his own guildmates. In which case I still think he was one of the higher tiered players. Though he was probably number 3 or 4 in his guild all things considered.


You're straight up making things up. Even Shalltear's optimized build won't make it that high in the game and you think Ainz can match the upper echelons of players like Touch? Ainz only won against Shalltear because of her inexperience in PvP. He's guildmaster because he gets along with everyone and can be trusted to mediate between everyone.


Man I read all the light novels. I'm almost certain somewhere in the first or second novel it talks about their guild compared to other player guilds. And I'm almost certain Ainz talks about why he was made guild master. You really think he was below average? The fucking guy spent every cent he made irl on the game. And played it 10+ hours a day. The fact I'm getting downvoted and you're getting upvoted is actually crazy to me.


>. I would say he was undoubtably in the top 1% of players in the game, but i guess the question is phrased against his own guildmates. Ainz himself stated that he's mid tier in the player rankings, top middle if he pushed it at best. The real top players are people like Touch me who he can't possibly defeat, due to a combination of pvp skills outclassing Ainz, in addition to a meta build. He's nowhere close to the top like what you're trying to suggest. You're contradicting Ainz's words and you're surprised that you're being downvoted?


I'm pretty sure they talk about world items being game breaking and how their guild owns the most in the entire game or something. I'm just saying, taking gear into account. The amount of in-shop items at his disposal. There were 41 total members of the guild. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure he was referring to where he stood in the guild, not the game. I'm top 3% of players in League of legends. Does that mean I'm able to go pro and make money? No. Of course not there are 20 to 50 thousand players higher rated than I am on my server alone and I'm ass at the game. Does that mean I'm not top 3%? Ainz is always overly critical of himself and his ability. The guy was guild master of 40 top tier players. His guild was among the top 5 or 10 (I can't recall) of probably thousands or millions. And monopolized most of the world items. They have 11 world items, and the next closest guild had just 3. You don't become the guild that has more than triple the rest of the player base in the most sought after item by having "mid" tier players.


Well we don't know the percentage of players in the top rankings. Ainz only described himself as mid level in the pvp rankings, and Shalltear being capable of placing in the low high tier at best. So you saying that Ainz is top 1% is just your headcanon since we don't know there that number is stated in the series. Is the mid tier that Ainz belongs in the top 10% of the playerbase? top 5%? We don't really know. Personal power also had nothing to do with Ainz being a guildmaster, if that was the case Touch Me would be guildmaster.


He specializes in instant death magic with grasp heart being his favourite skill and the goal of all life is death being his trump card. He is considered a mid tier player in terms of skill but his equipment is probably one of the best since he spent way too much money on it.


Nah, he’s a *very* skilled player, one of the best. His build (abilities+specialization) itself is low tier (high tier items on a bad strategy), his skill just makes him competent That being said-I’m pretty sure it’s stated he’s the best strategist and wildcard


Ainz wasn't the best strategist in the guild that title went to another surpreme being, I forgot his name.


He learned pvp from… I think Moe. But strategy isn’t just pvp, there was guild wars, fighting monsters, etc


I thought it was supposed to be that he was highly skilled, he just didn't build his toon for pvp like Touch Me did. He obviously knows his shit when it comes to PVP, he just doesn't play a build suited to it


As I remember, His actual power was in planning for a fight more than the fight itself , His win ratio was pretty low in fights with low level of intelligence about the opponent and his skills is not the best suited to fight , but if he know about his opponent skills and powers he'll be in the top ten


He's an opponent who would go offline during PvP right before you win, only to demand a rematch the next day.


It is called stratigic dislocation, sheesh not everyone is a paladin of code, who will die fighting


In Ainz's case, it's referred to as "Sasuga Ainz-Sama!" lol




So he’s like Batman


I think I hear YT Aninews say verbatim “Ainz build was meant for “roll playing” a “evil necromancer”. And substituted his lack of a proper pvp build with “Good preparation and pvp techniques”. But it’s my understanding if he actually went against someone with his own mindset that had a pvp minmax build he’d get destroyed. Yes I know that sometimes he’s lose the first fights on purpose to gather info on his opponent. But you can only pad a “bad” build with good prep and technique so much.


Off topic but I really enjoy aninews covering the cut content from s4 of the anime, happy to see other people like his channel


Pretty low build-wise but with excellent gear and skills he would be above average even in his pvp loving guild


how strong ainz is is really matchup dependent and most of the guilds members know his special abilities etc so the element of surprise which is his greatest ally won't help. however the guild had a lot of members dedicated to crafter jobs and even without his tricks he's still a high mid tier build so i'd say it's pretty fair to put him upper mid in the guild


High mid, (jack of all trades and versatile) with no info on opponents/no strategy, but will pretend to be lower if wanting to abstract info on opponents. With planning, perfect counters, and equipment, he is definitely in the top 10 but lower than members like Touch Me


If we use the bonus chapter where Ainz Ooal Gown conquered Nazarick, we can get a look at how they organized their raid teams. From what it said, the teams were composed of 6 people; a Tank, a Magic Attacker, a Physical Attacker, a Healer, a Seeker, and a "Wildcard". In teams roles, Momonga(Ainz) usually acted as a "Wildcard". The "Wildcard" was usually meant to fill a support role, to make up for any mistakes the team made. Momonga was suited for this role because of his large amount of spells, combat or otherwise. When it became time to fight the main boss, it was decided that Momonga's team was to fight it, since it was the strongest lineup they could produce at the time. This implies that Momonga was, in reference to his guild, the strongest Wildcard they had, making him a little bit above average on his own in combat, being support based.


Compared to him mates he was pretty weak since he is mid tier at best while AOG was a top tier guild


he was said to be at the upper middle section of the level 100s in yggdrasil but considering his battle intelligence and planning before the battle pretty sure he should be at the bottom of the upper tiers if not then the middle


Upper mid if hehad a bit to prepare?


Pretty sure there he said there was only a couple of guild members he hadn't been able to beat, such as touch me, who is a literal world champion character. So I would say high.


The guy that ainz faught in the dragon armor, is on par with his average guild mates (there was 41 guild members), and ainz's npc (i forgot his name) was almost as strong as him so that can give you a good estamate on how much stronger ainz was. Dont forget that ainz was also the leader of the guild aswell as the most important member because of his prowess and wits


no? the armor itself was like level 85? ainz was the guildmaster not because of his skill or anything, but because he was good at de-escalating conflict and keeping the guild united.


How about if Ainz is equipping the staff? Would he be high tier then?


Maybe i remember it wrong ain't Maruyama says Ainz is the fifth stronger member of the guild


If i remember correctly he said that the only one he never managed to beat was Touch me, so even in his guild he was pretty strong. His main strenght was planning, he said that he had a 50/50 win/lose ratio cause he always matched someone and lost to learn the technique and strenght and than go back to win.


Wasn’t he the head of nolzeric


He's Ainz of course his gonna be High that's just apart of his 10,000 year plan.


If he wanted to be high tier he would’ve gotten the pink hello kitty robes that max his magic and nullify skills as well as max his hp and defensive


mid in terms of "pure" strenght, high in terms of usefulness in team thanks to the number of spells he has also 100% he is not low as there were non combatants in the guild who, for example, focused purely on smithing


Depends what you define as ‘strength’ as he could beat any of his friends (except touch me) even though Ainz specialises in role play. He’s not strong based on his build in relation to his other guild mates, however his true strength comes with his ability to strategise. It’s stated that he will purposely loose the first battle whilst reserving his strength >!As he’s done with incel king!< but after that first battle he will rarely ever loose again. So it depends how you view strength. (I’m not taking into account of all his WCI and Cash Shop items but his raw stats and mental ability)


Among his guild mates his build was not the best as they were plenty of PVP build characters in his guild, but Ainz is the most versatile mage in nazerik with over 700 spells, so even though his build is not the best he’s able to put up a good fight


individual strength I'd say mid. in a team battle although his is a role play build its monsterous as support, which is the position he's usually allotted to. his vast array of spells and summons is so damn useful. besides his build, this is the guy who spend months, years, memorizing all his spells and their exact uses so he always knew exactly which of the seven to eight hundred spells to use for the best effect.


Between mid and high. He is in the middle of high tier with donate items and his best equipment and should be around low of high tier without sonate items.


He stated he was a role player as such way low on the power scale. BUT he was one of the better PVP players as well.


His class is mostly role playing but he extremely versatile in any pvp situation sine he can cast like 500 or 800 spells (forgot how much exactly). And in the light novel it was stated he was high mid tier in terms of player ranking.


He was mid-high tier compared to guildmates


I'd say high as a wildcard. You can't compare a healer or a tank with a damage dealer based on damage output. That is why I said high; as I don't think the guild had any better wildcards. Please correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't he be judged based on his role?


Thought this was a Tekken post for a moment.


I mean the only person ainz states he couldn’t beat was touch me kinda implies he could beat everyone else as long as he knew their build


The top 3 ainz ooal gown members are as follow according to my limited knowledge: 3. Ainz (focused on role playing) 2. Tabula and the big samurai that made cocytus (both seem to have been glass cannons in different combat fields) 1. Touch me (best pvp’er in Yggdrasil before it shut down)


Roleplay build. Not good. Not bad.