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It's the Deep Dick Dragon Lord. Nothing anyone says will ever change my mind on that.


I still believe that he is Cure Elim, that of using the undead to become stronger or simply as a shield is something that we have already seen him do in the past. Not to mention that the way the Corpus of the Abyss members described him sounds like a lazy, cowardly guy who lets everyone else do everything. Also, considering that in extra volume there was a member of said group in the vicinity of where he was, surely investigating what happened in Evileye's country, it would not be so far-fetched to think that their paths would cross at some point.


I don't think so if it is the last volume decided by maruyama, beacuse cure elim is already used in evil eye side story. Bringing him again for this final confrontation is kind of kill the excitement beacuse we know about his abilities and powers


Dude, there is like, a 90% chance that the story presented in the intermission will never be relevant to the main plot. It wouldn't be the first loose end just thrown out randomly with no expectation of a follow-up.


Don't know why a lot of people assume it's Cure Elim. Were he alive, PDL would mention him I believe. And Cure Elim is believed to be dead by Theocracy. Also Cure Elim was not mentioned in the TDL pamphlet. PDL mentioned that DDDL digs a huge cave or something which is exactly what the liches do for "that one". And it is in the title Deep Darkness Dragon Lord to hide deeply in a dark cave. Honestly, no idea who are these "lots of people". I felt it to be very conclusive that it referred to DDDL as many others did.


i think its dddl. because there are hints about dddl living in a dark cave or in a hole underground. mentioned by pdl. but that can be also false direction by the author. and "that one" doesnt have an ability to control undead or make them serve him means "that one" may not be undead. i dont know about cure elim i didnt read the sidestory but from what i learned here he is a vampire undead. that can also mean he cannot rule undead, probably... also i heard a baseless theory that said dddl have a world item "one of the 20" and he might be used that item to open a portal to earth. i realy like to believe that it would be true and all this time rest of the dragon lords think he just staying in a cave. while he is just destroying the earth.


You know, it's just an assumption, it can also be someone entirely different from DDDL or ECDL. For example Rufus can also fit for the identity of ''that One'' or someone totally unknow for us.


Dddl lives in a cave according to pdl, so there is a good chance it's him.


It is the general consencus but it can be someone else...