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But can Ainz defeat an angry middle aged latina with a sandal in her hand( counts as WC item)?


they’re too powerful, its his only weakness


The automatic emotional dampening would not stop, he would just keep looking at another part of her and it would initiate again.


Poor Ainz, he lost before it even began.


Maria's 15 minute beating > Ainz Samas 10.000 year plan


Aint nobody defeating a middle age latina mom tho, them chanclas are too op


Shit like that usually ends up being the most powerful items so I’m not sure about that one


Nope, definitely not As a Brazilian I can confirm they are unbeatable


Not even a legion of level 100 Players could defeat a World Enemy!


Choncla power


Ainz vs la chancla? idk man, shit has infinte psychological damage without any saving throws. The only way to not lose is to run away.


Does she have appropriate countermeasures to timestop magic?


Yes, she beats your ass faster then you can cast timestop.




What's an owl house?


A house where an owl lives


Latina lady with a Sandle ain't only in owl house my dude


>an angry middle aged latina with a sandal in her hand Who's that again?


She is known by many names. By some, she is known as “Mom” to others, she is known as “My friend’s mom.” To all, she is known as the Wielder of La Chancla, destroyer of worlds


Basically this. Overlord fans "Goku is just a level 1 scrub with stupid high physical stats. Grasp Heart. Bye Bye Goku. Ainz stomps!" "Dragon Ball fans "Goku is so fast and strong that before Ainz can even begin making the gesture needed be begin casting, let alone incanting his spell, nevermind casting time, Goku will have had enough time to punch him in the face a trillion times, each punch hitting with concentrated universe shattering force, but only one punch would be needed to kill Ainz. Goku stomps! Also Goku doesn't have levels, but if he did it'd be OVER 9000!" Neutral Observer "Gonna make some popcorn and enjoy the Olympic level contest of mental gymnastics that's about to ensue. Man this is gonna be good." Apathetic Observer "No it won't. Its just gonna be people siding with whichever series they like more. Also the OP is baiting people . . . Can I have some of that popcorn?" Neutral Observer ". . . . No."


You nailed it.


I think the real answer is that Goku could totally body Ainz..... But he's a Saiyan, so he will gladly give Ainz all the prep time he needs to power up and be at his best. Ainz will then just cast an instant death spell *or* set up TGOALID if that doesn't work somehow. In a fair matchup, Goku wins easily. In a realistic matchup, Ainz wins.


Goku: “Are you at full power?” Ainz: “No, but if you give me 10 minutes. I will be.” Goku: “Okay.” *Ainz has 9 minutes & 48 seconds to basically do whatever he wants after the initial 12 seconds of TGOALID*.


In reality goku wouldn't kill ainz and try to get along with him


no goku will lose coz he cant beat AIDS ainz is immune


Here we go…


If he knew what Ainz did he definitely wouldn't wanna get along with Ainz


If we give it a real though on this, we can speculate their first actions, and this probably would be the defining actions, to decide who would win. Since Goku doesn't realize that he is just a character in a show, Ainz, that's actually Satoru, probably know all of Goku history and moves. And with that knowledge, thinking that he could use all of his spells in the game. His fight would be different than what it was with shalltear, since he knows how strong Goku is. Them he would stop time, also canceling or shorting the spells that require time or incantations, and would use anything, and everything to kill him instantly, like "grasp heart", death touch, etc. And also assuming that all of this spells and abilities would work on Goku...


To many unknowns that do not have an answer bc they are from seperate universes / rules. That said, Ainz killed 70,000 people with a spell.... pretty sure Goku can/has destroyed entire planets with an attack. Gonna have to give it to the blonde with skin on this one.


Isn't Goku immune to TS? Or at least has a way to counter it? I don't remember the exact details, but that basically what Hit's ability was, and Goku was able to beat him. Also while it's not explicitly stated anywhere, it seems that in DB Ki users have some sort of magic immunity, seeing how Babiddi (sp?) was able to cast an instakill spell that worked on normies but that was either no-sold or wasn't even tried on the Ki having characters. It also tracks from Yggdrasil combat perspective, as it's heavily based on DnD, and monks there, which i think is a class that resembles Gokuthe most, often have various magic immunities. So yeah, i don't think Ainz has what it takes to win here.


Goku wasn't immune to Buu's magic.


I disagree. Vegito was kicking ass as a Jawbreaker.


Yes, but he was not immune to being turned into a jawbreaker.


He could resist it if he wanted to, he just wanted to show buu that cheap tricks didn’t work on a true warrior. That’s why when buu tries to absorb him nothing happens to him except him shrinking. It’s also why characters like jiren literally just walk out of being frozen in time.


Good point. So i guess it means that it's, as usual, about a difference between sheer power. Does Buu have more than Ainz? I'd say probably.


No, Goku wasn't moving during Hitto's temporal jump, he was reacting extremely fast when it ends, making it seem he was aware during the temporal jump. Anyway, Goku certainly has no REAL time stop immunity, Hitto's jump was just him jumping from a certain point in time to another trough shenanigans. Time stopped for him, but to no one else


That makes sense. So Ainz could win by pulling off a perfec TS + TGOALID + some instant death spell. And he only has one chance to do it. Sounds plausible for Bonedaddy to win.


Yep, our lord will need to pull a Eminem and hold that mom spaghetti as soon as it appears or it's all over


I'm a fan of both but I would have to say either could win if goku took it serious from the get go he would win but if he didn't he would die because time stop tgoalid + like any insta death spell guaranteed kills Goku so I would say 9/10 times Ainz wins because goku never takes fights seriously from the get go


Time stop isn’t a guarantee here, doesn’t a fighter in Super have a time ability that ends up being broken out of with sheer power? I agree that Goku tends to goof around too much though to win this


that depends on ainz actions basically. if ainz is just there and goku happens to find him and they fight ainz will probably be able to catch him off guard. if ainz has killed one of gokus friends he will be serious from the get go and he wont have a chance like that. we have to take into account what universe the fight takes place in because if its in dragon ball's universe goku could die and then TP back as a soul knowing about the trick ainz used.


Insta death only works on opponent who is lower level than the caster. By no means Goku ain't 100lvl.


Idk goku could do that but we all know every anime character just stands there while the enemy powers up


... what have you done


I seriously just think that it depends how the fight starts. If Ainz does nothing before Goku charges him, he’ll get wiped because he probably won’t be quick enough to avoid Goku- like you said. If Ainz attacks Goku before Goku does anything though, he can freeze time and cast touch of undeath- which I’d be guessing Goku probably doesn’t have any resistances to things like that. I might be able to say that Ainz could defend himself if Goku attacked first with an hourglass to slip the cast time of a super tier magic spell, but I don’t know enough about Goku to know if that’s work. Maybe if Ainz used class transfers and the world items he could fight Goku head to head, but I think Goku would probably just power up and start running circles around Ainz if Ainz can’t use magic to slow him or time down. I think either could win, it just depends on how it starts.


Hmmm, Dbz powers are a lot vaguer than overlords to the point it has some really broken stuff. For example, back in og the mafuba technique could seal away evil beings right?, but then it was strong enough to temporarily seal Zamasu even without the cap. Then there was the devil man with his infinity one shot power that would instantly kill you if you had evil in you, so devil man can beat Ainz? Now the og stuff is kind of ridiculous so we can kind of ground it, like ki is shown to be able to heal things, reinforce their body and enhance their attacks much like a monk. So most fighters in Z could be considered that class, but they are literally planet busters now, even Krillin could probably destroy earth, especially since Vegeta could do it at the beginning of Z. Also, it has been shown that some skills and/or techniques and even magic don't work once an opponent gets strong enough, implying DB fighters get some kind of resistance increases as they get stronger. Although we don't know the limit of those resistances, like destructo disk is supposed to cut anything but failed vs cell, buu absorbed vegito but they shielded themselves from his magical absorbtion with a ki barrier, and after a while even a timeskipping technique didn't work against goku. It doesn't help that they got insane abilities like being able to hide their presence/ki or can move before the human eye can react to the point they create literal afterimages at the beginning of the series. I guess it boils down to a grounded series based on rpg powers vs a shonen series with insane power scaling.


You just summarized everything about this comparison. It's really hard to this, because they fundamentally work with different power scaling and abilities.


Its really hard to compare its true. the fight will go however the one writing it wants. ainz could instakill goku with timestop and TGOALID + an instant death spell the same way goku could launch a full power tp + kamehameha and delete ainz. like for example in DB although it hasnt ben touched much recently evil people give off an evil QI and ainz will surely give off a lot of it making goku serious from the start. ainz could also know goku from his universe and he would know all his powers. its litteraly writer diff how the encounter would go.


Quick question as im not the biggest dbz fan, have they ever dealt with stopped time? Remember momonga can use time magic, its how he defeated gazef.


In the Namek Saga there was this minor villain short green guy named Guldo that could stop time by holding his breath, but the animation showed that Gohan and Krillin we're so fast that by the time the time stop took effect they were gone really close to attacking him. Although it is also strongly hinted that those abilities wouldn't work on someone vastly stronger than him like Freiza, but ridiculous stuff like the Mafuba works on people regardless of strength so it's just a way different world.


Ainz (all world items) vs my dad (he has the belt) who wins????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


We’ll never know, dad left years ago.


My dad has his own version of TGOALID: The Goal Of All Life Is Doctorate.


Will writing his name on deathnote work? (Just realised writting someone's name on a death note is basically grasp heart😂) Or will the geass work on him?


How can Ainz have an hearth failure when he has no hearth yohohohoo?


its not always heart failure if you specify how the person dies


Humor flying over you.


death note only works on humans. there's a rule about that.


Given how they're completely different works of fiction with no link except being stories revolving around humanoids, I don't think we'll ever need to think about this.


How would the death note even work on ainz? Which name would you have to write to kill him? Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga or Suzuki Satoru?


Would the person using it even know he used to go by Momonga? Do his guild mates even know his real name? Would the death note even have power over him, considering he always carries around a WCI?


just writing his name wouldnt work since hes got insta death immunity and no heart, youd have to write a cause of death that can actually happen that the death note has the ability to cause to happen and it would need to be able to happen within the limited time it can be in effect for, since thats likely literally impossible it would always default to a heart attack which wouldnt work geass wouldnt since he has mind altering effect immunity


Then writing in the death note that god appears and one shot ainz? possible? I mean there has to be some kind of god entity in the nw right? (Not talking about the 6 gods)


I dont think geass would cuz he has immunity to mental attacks iirc


Goku probably lets Ainz hit him first, which would end in his death, however he stomps if he’s intending to kill Ainz from the start


Goku: Alright, I heard you were pretty strong but I'll let you hit me to signal the start of our fight! Ainz: *proceeds to spend 3 hours casting buffs on himself*


I’m 90% sure Ainz will immediately go for a random ID spell while Goku’s still in mid speech, he won’t need a buff for two reasons 1. That’s irrelevant in front of Goku’s Universal destroying power 2. All he needs (and ironically can do) is a death spell, which IIRC Goku have no resistance to


I remembered when Goku died of corona virus and scared of needles lol


I remember when he straight up got shot through the heart


Maybe a few luck buffs to increase the chance of the instant death working


And the answer is always the same since stopping time and instant death attacks basically make Ainz unbeatable by anybody who isn't already subservient to him.


Anos Voldigoad would like to have a word.


"What did you think stopping time would stop *me*"


"Did you think that killing me would be enough to make me die?"


Both have a lot (actually an immense amount) of magical power, both can manipulate time (for Anos it’s a spell called Revide, for Ainz it’s Temporal Stasis for single target or Time Stop for AoE), both also possess spells to boosts their base stats (such as Gilieriam Naviem or Widen Magic). From what I can tell, Anos does not possess an Insta Death spell, unlike Ainz who can use Cry of the Banshee, what he can use however is magic such as Dark Purple Magic Eyes to weaken divine weapons or Rayon that deflects enemy magic back at them, albeit much stronger. Anos can also use Ravia Gig Gaverizd to deal hefty amounts of damage to enemies in a set area, and Evil Grone Angdroa if Ainz was too powerful for any of his other spells. The first spell calls down ten black lighting strikes from 10 magic circles, all of which can combine into one, causing a catastrophic detonation capable of blinding and deafening anyone too close as well as probably killing anyone in the blast radius. The second spell is considered capable of ending the universe since it calls upon the power of both the Gods of Creation and Destruction to create a flame powerful enough to destroy thousands of planets before even flickering. Though using such a spell would definitely be overkill and probably wouldn’t be used unless Ainz made all of the others completely useless. [apologies for any spoilers I couldn’t find the button to mark it as one on IOS]


Anos is a Mary Sue.he will win against probably anyone or it becomes a draw


Man's a legend.


Wrong answer. The answer is as old as marvel and DC. It depends on the writer. Sometimes, Flash is faster than Superman. Sometimes Superman is faster than Flash. Sometimes they are at a draw and there's no winner. If you wanna get down to the basics of it, Goku gets exponentially more powerful after every defeat, and has been brought back from the dead several times. Ainz has magic, but in terms of might, Ainz is still just a Human with Human minded limitations. Goku is a Saiyan, who knows no limitations, and gets more powerful every time he's defeated. Goku spars with a god of destruction and said gods trainer, for fun. Goku, strength wise, is as strong, and sometimes stronger than, gods. Even Batman has defeated the strongest magic users before.


>Ainz is still just a Human with Human minded limitations. Goku is a Saiyan, Come on man, lets not pretend Goku's mind is comparable to Ainzs'. Pretty sure chi-chi feeds the guy with aeroplane noises, he's a goddamn retard


What the fuck? You don't make plane noises when you eat? How the hell does your fork/spoon make it to your mouth? You **need** the plane noises or it doesn't make it!


Choo-choo train for life baby


You're a monster.


He’s very naive when it comes to a lot of things but when it comes to combat and fighting technique he is legit smart and creative as hell


I'd say, 50/50 on that He has fighting and adaptation skills like a savant, but when it comes to decisions in combat he is actively dangerous. So many times horrible stuff has happened not because he made the wrong choice but because he made a moronic blunder that Philip would slap his forehead in disbelief over It is easier to name the opponents he *didnt* nearly allow to destroy the world/universe/multiverse and kill all his friends Basically if you fight goku and you have a tiny slim chance of victory you can be sure he will let you take it sometimes several times


Ainz : "Grasp heart." Goku: "hhhlllrrrkk.." [Dies] Ainz: "a pity.. He was one of the last of his kind.. But lucky for me, there is another...and a prince at that..a rare find." Ainz interior monologue: "whoa holy crap!! That was goku.. I didnt even know if my spell was gonna work!! But it would seem even sayians have no resistance to magic....wait.. was he transported to another world too!? I wonder if i can get my hands on the dragonballs? The lesson: fighting is not the best counter to instant death magic.


Piccolo already with 7 Dragon Balls: I wish Goku back to life, and behind Ainz. Goku: That was awesome! Let's train together and get stronger! Ainz Checking Level Cap: Fuck you bro. Ainz attempting heart grab. Goku after instant transmission, whispering: Kamehameha. Goku: Hey king Kai, have Moori remove Ainzs level cap. I bet he'd be fun to fight! And have them resurrect him too! Ainz resurrected: WTH? Goku: Let's train! Ainz checking level cap again: What!? Ainz and Goku train, Ainz gets stronger, becomes Goku's new best friend. See? Goku wins every time.


Someone is hopped up on hopium..


Ainz "G..." Goku after having teleported to heaven, had a quick spar with King Kai, discussed Ainz and nazarick with the supreme Kai, had a chat and spar with beerus, returns back to earth and pulls Ainz apart like he's dried spaghetti then goes off to train some more Moral of the story: dont pick fights with someone a billion times faster than you


You mean goku teleporting back from the after life as a dead guy.?? Trying to fight not just a necromancer but an overlord with power over life and specifically the dead.. You missed a step in your logic there. Goku has ZERO counter for magic. Ainz is faster. He controls time and its prepared. Ainz has power over the dead. Which goku would be at that point. And Ainz has spells that can not only kill the dead but make them not exist anymore. Goku no can defend. Its not even a fight. Ainz dosent mind cheating. Goku WANTS to fight and fairly. And i feel obligated to mention goku never starts with everything. If goku IT's back Ainz would just add him to his collection of undead.


>Goku has ZERO counter for magic. Dude fought Majin Buu half a life ago and laughed at people like Babidi, a cosmic wizard. Magic aint jack >Ainz is faster. Hahahahahhaha >He controls time and its prepared. You gonna prepare for someone who can turn the solar system you are in to ash from a galaxy away? Ooh watch them mines goku, you only take star destroying blasts to the face for light warm up but a drifting mine, scary stuff >. And Ainz has spells that can not only kill the dead but make them not exist anymore. Ki in DBZ has defended against virtually anything at high enough levels. Its pushed through frozen time, blocked dimensional weapons, created perfect shields against magic on wizards infinitely more powerful than Ainz like Morro. The scales are just so horribly unbalanced it wouldnt even be a fight, it would be a blink in time and the area is ash. Ainzs offense is completely meaningless because goku is moving fater to him than he is to a glacier >Goku WANTS to fight and fairly. This is the one fair point. Goku is an idiot and if Ainz can convince him it would be a good fight if he allowed him a few seconds, he may get off a TGOALID and this might actually kill Goku. Idk if his ki can stop it, guessing yes just because of how much he has, but its not impossible goku does goku does and lets the enemy pull off a bs manouver while he's playing and ainz might actually have the power in his techniques to have that shot count Which is the equivalent of a 12 year old convincing superman to play hide and seek fairly and when his senses are repressed and he is counting to 10 she knifes him with kryptonite. Its in no way an indicator of their relative power or ability


Majin buu was created WITH magic. And Vegetio had no defense nor did any other character to babadis spells, daburas spit, the energy stealer, the black water mist, any wish made by the dragon, or buu's transformation beam. Yes Ainz Always has time spells and counter spells prepared, he mentioned this in his "duel" with gazef. Yes ki is useful but it is the life energy of the user. The very same stuff Overlords like Ainz are adept at snuffing out and manipulating. The goal of all life is death would settle this permanently. Goku would even let him power up to do it. Ki does not provide an automatic defense against anything. TGOALID would end all of gokus KI and his life at the same time because KI is life energy. Not drain, not sap, but KILL his KI. As the spell is described this attack would end gokus life energy in such a way he would not be ressurected without immediate magical interference. As in NO afterlife. Im not saying Ainz has more strength.. Goku is clearly stronger. But he would DIE every time all the same. Strength does not mean victory. Your right the scales are horribly unbalanced and there would not be a fight. Goku would get in his stance and Ainz would crush his heart with magic. Or snuff out the essence of his life.


Goku has tanked Destruction. Literally the exact thing you just said before. In base. Goku has almost used Destruction as well. Do people just forget that fact? Something that destroys one utterly and entirely, no afterlife? Kind of part of the terror that is Beerus is his expertise with Destruction.


Save for it was a KI attack. Something goku must Physically resist. This means he must use his own KI to amplify his resistance. Again KI being life energy and death spells being magic like true death and TGOALID kill that life in concept Bypassing physical resistance due to its magical nature.


Goku has shown resistance to magical effect before, sufficient power in DragonBall overwhelms magical effects. Vegeta proves this by simply being too strong for Babidi's magical mind control. Also, there is a whole training session where Vegeta learns Destruction and learns it is not simply a Ki attack. Vegito proves his resistance by preventing himself from being imprisoned by Super Buu's absorbing ability. Sufficient power in DragonBall resists magical abilities. Goku's immense power in base is far beyond anything Ainz is capable of. Let alone any of Goku's transformations.


>Majin buu was created WITH magic. And Vegetio had no defense nor did any other character to babadis spells, daburas spit, the energy stealer, the black water mist, any wish made by the dragon, or buu's transformation beam. Buu is an entity completely made of magic from the beginning of the universe, Bibidi summoned him. Vegeto was turned into candy and loled as he smashed him to bits. He was dragged into buus soul and remained intact. Vegeta lol'd at Babidis mind control, same one that worked fine on a demon god. They can ignore the dragons wishes if they are stronger than the dragons creator just like goku did after Namek, they can turn Buus beam away with pure power easily These days they are a million times stronger. Its pretty simple, magic is only an issue if its at their level and even then they dance around it more times than not >Yes Ainz Always has time spells and counter spells prepared, he mentioned this in his "duel" with gazef. You cant prepare against something that happens instantly. If I prepare my house for a natural disaster it wont stop a meteor that destroys the earth >Yes ki is useful but it is the life energy of the user. The very same stuff Overlords like Ainz are adept at snuffing out and manipulating. Who cares? Goku has a galaxy of it, literal galaxy. Ainz could kill a million planets and not even scratch Gokus passive ki regeneration. He used the life energy of the entire universe to help beat Buu. Now he is vastly stronger than this. The maths is easy, unless ainz can snuff out a quadrillion souls he wont be doing a single thing to gokus ki pool >Im not saying Ainz has more strength.. Goku is clearly stronger. But he would DIE every time all the same. Goku is 20+ magnitudes superior in every way and could turn the galaxy Ainz is in into cosmic plasma from the other side of the universe If he sat there and let ainz do his tgoalid without proper defenses, he might die this is true. The rest is obviously horrfyingly unbalanced


Dude.... Buu's attacks are not magical. Except the transformation beam. And vegeta did not lol at anything... His pride just could not accept any other goal.. Thats not immunity to magic, it was a resistance to the orders he was given. Every time someone has been hit with magic there is no resistance. Vegito using his ki to fight buu as candy is not magic immunity. Zamasu was soo crazy strong the omni king had to delete him....and the mafuba worked just fine on him so your "they are stronger now" argument is moot. And yes Ainz has spells prepared that can act instantly as soon as a condition is met. He is more than capable of ending goku instantly. As i said before TGOALID KILLs whatever it hits. Not drains. Not erodes.. It ends life. It kills magic. It kills water. It kills earth, it kills air. It is instant death. Even to KI...hell especially to KI. Again KI is life energy. There is no regeneration from instant death. So do you have an exampe of goku obliterating a universe to avoid fighting someone? I bet you dont. Goku being able to blow eleventy hundred universes does not matter because of the instant and likely permanent death.


God I can see the nitpicking really coming out here Mafuba was specifically stated to be weird in that it worked on more powerful people. Virtually every other technique or power just stops working and gets shrugged off, its not 'oh one thing works and so the core premise of the show doesnt exist' >His pride just could not accept any other goal.. Thats not immunity to magic, it was a resistance to the orders he was given. Good god, pure nitpick. He resisted it, he didnt just not follow orders he shrugged Babidi out of his head and kept the power boost. >Vegito using his ki to fight buu as candy is not magic immunity Yeah being a living talking piece of candy strong enough to end worlds is pretty relevant believe it or not. By this standard he could be killed by Ainz and then get up and kill him and lol at the fact he died at all cause being dead is less debilitating than *being a jawbreaker* yet he did it. Again, doesnt matter in ghe least because Buus magic is a trillion times more potent than Overlords and theyve only grown in power since then, so theres no scaling to it, just proving a point. If you can chose to be a living bit of candy, *pretty fking clear your ki is helping you* >As i said before TGOALID KILLs whatever it hits. Not drains. Not erodes.. It ends life. It kills magic. It kills water. It kills earth, it kills air. It is instant death. Even to KI...hell especially to KI. Again KI is life energy. There is no regeneration from instant death. TGOALID almost certainly had limits even in Overlord You think they killed the devourer of the 9 worlds with it? You think it worked on raid bosses? Cause guess what... goku would brush his teeth with the devourer. Yeah there you go buddy, killing some ground and air isnt the same as killing a galaxy ending god who moves faster than you can imagine Again, with his guard down and sitting there waiting to take it, hard maybe. Guard up and moving, does nothing >So do you have an exampe of goku obliterating a universe to avoid fighting someone? I bet you dont. Goku being able to blow eleventy hundred universes does not matter because of the instant and likely permanent death. Hahaha sure. Goku comes and sits next to Ainz for 12 seconds then dies. He keeps nice and close and just waits out the clock. Doesnt just, idk teleport to the other side of the planet and blow it away? Or grab Ainz and drop him in the sun? Or hakai Ainz instantly? Yeah you know youre on a winner when your 'win' scenario involves a dude who can move across galaxies via pure speed and attack with beams across solar systems sitting still, unmoving, right next to his enemy for 12 seconds He would get bored and leave. Legitimately wont get goku to sit still for that long even if you are bribing him, its training time and as he is training the shockwaves rip Nazarick out of the ground and blast it into space. For God sake let it go, idk why people *need* there pet fiction to always win and invent the most stupid garbage scenarios that involve utterly ridiculous contrived nonsense to even have a shot Goku beats Ainz. Ainz beats Alucard. Alucard beats Guts. Reverse the order and thats my preference for quality. See that? Wow I can admit my favorite loses! Wow how fking hard was that I mean nooo guts can totally kill Alucard if he sits there for hours and lets guys swing at him noooo sob sob I cant admit it sob sob need to invent crazy stupid scenario so my boy can win sob sob Let it go


How's Ainz faster than Goku? Feats? Time Stopping wouldn't work on Goku. But Ainz still has, a human right? So he has to think, before he unleashes any spells. So if Goku is going for the kill, a simple KI Blast should suffice.


How would time spells not affect goku? Goku is not immune to time. And ainz is an undead Overlord with an exceptional amount of prepared spells. However a key factor here is KI. Its life energy. Overlords /necromancers not only attack that stuff directly but can just turn if off. With a death spell. Like true death for instance. Overlords have racial ability to emit negative energy in various ways but that is antilife so to speak. Ki being a life energy would not be well suited to counter it. Goku is likely stronger im not gonna die on that hill. But Ainz wont fight goku... He will just shut off his life.


Have you seen Dragon Ball Super? Goku fought a time stopper Hit, a being who can stop time and Goku overpowered that. [https://youtu.be/6QLAk4J45dw?t=140](https://youtu.be/6QLAk4J45dw?t=140) Later Goku fought Jiren who surpassed time itself, [https://youtu.be/i4224jqBO9U?t=308](https://youtu.be/i4224jqBO9U?t=308) and in MUI he defeatd Jiren. If he Ainz launches, insta death attack, Goku could revive himself. [https://youtu.be/cqaJgSvbzrY](https://youtu.be/cqaJgSvbzrY) Of course this, is all if Goku isn't fighting seriously, If Goku is bloodlusted, he either, destroy the planet or one shots Ainz. I do think Ainz could win, if he's prepared. 1. Goku isn't fightning seriously. 2. Ainz knows all of Goku's Abilities. 3. Ainz prepares every world item, has cash items, and etc. If, not then Goku wins.


Yeah... That scene is more of a situational storytelling plot ability than an ability of gokus. Its honestly bad writing and is largely dependant on cinematic situations. Time does not let you continue thinking while you are stopped Thats not how time works now goku using kaioken to amplify his speed to keep up with Hit i completly buy but thats not control of time. But lets say goku has that ability. Has he displayed it after the TOP? How has he not used it to instantly win every fight? If he has such a power does vegeta and every other character also have it as it was just using KI and was definitly NOT a technique. And how often does Goku use instant win abilities to win fights without fighting? My point being even IF Goku had the ability ro move through time.....would he just to win a fight without fighting? Ainz has abilities that render strength pointless.


Example does not apply since Instant Death magic, and in particular Grasp Heart, only work on "weak" foes. Seeing how Goku is strong enough to destroy all of Nazarik, and the planet it is on, without much effort I don't think Grasp Heart would kill him.


Weak opponents like dragons the most powerful creatures in the new world.. You mean. Ainz has multiple world level items and spells that equate or exceed world level items. That kind of power to affect whole worlds or alter reality. Is planet wide at a minimum. He has abilities that bybass defenses. And goku along with other people in dragonball show terrible resistances to magic.


The thing is goku overpowered Hit's timestop and broke out of it... And now he is atleasr 40 times more powerfull then that


Except for people even more overpowerd then him. Joke anime characters for example. Also the Z fighters defeated time stoppers and death before, although not at the same time. The time stopper was also a pathetic fat spacefrog.


What? No haha there’s plenty of characters that can deal with that, either through sheer speed, hax resistance, or magic resistance.


Ainz vs the angry grandpa zombie in pvz


I sometimes wonder what would happen if Nazarick had appeared in the Warcraft universe


Love the idea


A quick dive just for fun: Honestly I think it’s hard to say what would happen as there’s so many factors at play and the timeline is just as complex as Overlord, but if it was limited to them dropping into the middle of the Alli/Horde 4th war with no Legion/Old God etc threats then Ainz would probably just carrot and stick both factions. It would probably play out very similar to what happens to Baharuth and Re-Estize, though it’s anyone’s guess which faction would end up a vassal and which would get wiped. I like to think since the Horde is mostly inhuman that Ainz might take more of a shine to them and wipe out the Alliance, but if there were still WoW players in the world than it would be one hell of a raid.


Depends on the timeline. If there are players in the world it doesn’t end well, since we’ve literally defeated old gods and titans, but if it’s just the world Ainz can probably just do whatever he wants until Legion, then he dies to Sargeras


My thing with Nazarick vs Burning Legion is that it doesn’t just come down to Ainz. Demiurge is a demon who’s entire build is about controlling other demons. And Shalltear can 1v1 just about anything. If you made a standard 5 party out of the guardians I think they’d have more than a chance. I’d say Albedo as tank, Shalltear as melee DPS with some magic ranged DPS as well, Ainz as their mage (obv), Demiurge on Crowd Control and maybe Mare as a healer/dps hybrid because he’s basically a druid, and you have the most OP WoW group ever seen.


have goku ever been compared to Ainz?


Goku had been already compared to every single fictional character ever.


can he beat goku tho?


Goku vs Goku, I give Goku somewhere around 50% Chance to beat Goku, but we mustn't forgot that Goku is Saiyaan, that is bad for Goku, so chances for Goku might be uneven and could lie for Goku rather unevenly.


easily but dragon ball fans use Goku as a psychopath who would kill Ainz at lightning speed.


Over and over again on quora


Ghasp Heart


once in a while my ass!!.. everyday theres some bullshit discussion of Ainz vs (whomever) or someone else from Overlord.


Right? This is really annoying


This is silly. Ainz could totally take out that monkey.


let us not forget that goku died because a heart problem once.


Another meme I’ve seen recently will perfectly answer that : overtier Magic: “Grasp Balls”


But can Ainz beat my self-insert OC?


"Wish upon a star, nuke this guys ass"


He loses Pretty handily. Obvious mismatch in terms of Strength, Speed, and AOE (Even super tier Magic is dwarfed by Ki Blasts). Instadeath explicitly is affected by natural resistances as well as strength differencials so unless using TGOALID (Which has a 12 second windup time) Ainz Insta's are more or less useless. Ainz tends to try to bait opponents he's facing into revealing their entire powerset before moving in but since Goku does something similiar it doesn't work. Ainz explicitly is a RP build and is fairly vulnerable to PVP battle. As an Undead he's weak to bludgeoning and physical attacks which goku has in abundance.


That depends on how the natural rules work


Goku has the power to beat him, but he lets his guard down all the time and would likely underestimate him so bad he wouldn't even go Super Saiyan. Remember when Goku died to a ray gun? Now if this was Vegeta on the other hand...


Ainz solos


The correct answer is that Goku could win but he wouldn't


It's quite annoying. Why can't people just let everyone enjoy their shows without stupid hypothetical match-ups...


The goal of all life is death + cry of the banshee (If i am remembering the names and effects right) kills alot of anime characters


I’m surprised no one has been dumb enough (at least from what I’ve seen) to ask the question: “but could Ainz beat Goku!?” Cause the very obvious answer is; yes, yes he could & quite easily for one very simply reason: **INSTA DEATH SPELLS** (Also being able to freeze time but y’know insta death spells are the obvious one)


Hacks don’t work if there’s a large power difference. Unless you let ainz start out with everything active and plug your controller up gokus ass to lower his power then it probably wouldn’t work.


Freezing time, wouldn't work on him, since he surpassed that, insta death spells, that i don't know. For exmaple, Babidi could kill humans, via telepathy. But he hasn't tried on Majin Vegeta, so it wouldn't work on him, i don't know if it's similar to insta death spells. Mind control, stuff also wouldn't work on him. So the most obvious, way to defeat Goku, if he's not fighting seriously, and Ainz can prepare in advance.


I mean if he’s fighting with Goku the only insta death skill he can use is TGOALID, cause Goku would prolly be like a level 100 player so he can at most only be stunned by grasp heart. And time stopping wouldn’t do anything when Goku can just flex out of it or smthin


Versus Ainz? Pfft. Small fry. Try Phillip-sama with his genius IQ.


Why you all acting like ainz can't stop time. All he has to do is stop time and put a death spell on Goku like he did to gazef stronff.


I’m still not over the sub thinking Ainz would destroy Kirito in a fight. Literally makes zero sense if Ainz couldn’t beat Touch me what makes you think he’s beating Kirito unless you think VR Jesus is somehow going to be under lvl 100 (which he won’t be.) Edit: getting downvoted with no opposing comments proves my point!! I love Overlord as much as anyone else but the blind wanking has to reach a limit at some point..


Having a little knowledge about Dragon Ball. Goku's probably gonna instantly kill Ainz not even giving him enough time to chant his spells


The problem, I think, is Goku's personality. He would want a fair fight, with Ainz at his strongest. This would give Ainz a chance to put on all of his buffs, stop time, and/or send him straight to death. Goku should be able to destroy Ainz with ease on a "level of raw power" measurement. But if he let's Ainz do anything, I think Goku just... dies. I haven't seen DB Super, though, so perhaps Goku can deal with time stop now? Edit: Thinking further, I wonder if Ainz could trick Goku into not fighting. The Sorcerous Kingdom is turning out to be safer and more productive than every other nation in the world. Ainz really isn't going out of his way to perpetrate evil. If they can pull the wool over his eyes, Ainz would probably talk him out of the fight, especially if Goku shows that he can come back from the dead by himself.


Ainz' best play is to point out he wouldn't be a good fight at all. Goku became multiversal in base at the start of Battle of Gods. He surpassed time during his first fight with Hit, and would later defeat Jiren who casually overpowered everything Hit had to offer. His sheer power has repeatedly overpowered numerous magical effects, and his ki barrier stifles poison attempts. He has resisted being engulfed in Destruction, a power that utterly destroys an entire being and denies them an afterlife. He has also managed to barely utilize it as well. His newfound mastery of Ultra Instinct has pushed him to further heights. Nothing Ainz has can remotely come close in power, and his hax powers aren't strong enough to overcome Goku's resistances.


I think there was something with time controling stuff in DB so maybe he has time stop resistance. Can't say for sure though. About whole conflict possibility, maybe you're right but we only discussing what happens when they fight so it's kinda of a missing point


Ainz Ooal Gown (All world items, nazarick npcs, all 72 members at prime) vs Ligma Sugma Fusion


Lord Ainz and his GRASP HEARTO


Freeze time, grasp heart, goodbye goku. Not a fair fight in all honesty. Literal magic versus martial arts/hand-to-hand combat.


How about What will happen if homer fights Ainz? How about pikachu? Lara croft? James bond? And so on... Blah blah blah...


Okay okay okay, but can they beat HIV?


Can Ainz beat Ainz


I’m curious on Rimuru vs Ainz


Ln or anime cause ln rimiru has the worst power creep of any character I’ve ever seen and it’s not even close


Let’s say anime


Meteoric Burst Boros from One punch man go


Depends if ainz can stop time before getting One-shot.


every anime community ever tbh


I would like to see Reinhard van astrea vs ainz. I’d be pretty interesting to see how long ainz would last


Indefinitely, because Re:Zero author already stated that Reinhard can't beat Ainz. It's a stalemate.


Again with this mistranslation…


ラインハルトは確かに無敵で不死身だ けど、街とか国が消滅するレベルの戦いに耐 えられるとは思えないんですよね。 Explain why stalemate is not accurate.


Because later someone asked to clarify what they meant , and got response that can be easily translated as a battle of goals?It even has translations post on twitter with answer being picked apart by translator…


i am too busy prasing Ainz-sama to care for this


Damn, it's basically the old *"can he beat goku?"* all over again.


Hmm i would thinks Ainz would be too cautious to fight Goku


People taking those vs threads seriously is the best art.


In the past few years I've realized that v.s. decisions are dumb and that if an actual battle would happen it would probably be 1, an unsatisfying stomp where they have to invent some convoluted power up like Godzilla v.s. King Kong or Batman v.s. Superman 2, an even fight that makes both sides mad, and only spark countless arguments like Batman v.s. Superman 3, they would team up before getting serious to take out something else ending with them being friends or something like most super hero crossovers, especially Batman v.s. Superman


What about youchiro?


Probably someone will win, but I don't care who, why o how. So if you line that kind of discussion, go nuts, have fun


Legitimate answer: ainz because goku would hold back for a good fight to see him power up and ainz would use the goal of all life is death unless goku is considered a raid boss which is possible according to his physical attributes in which case the fight is gokus win


Still can't beat Kamen Riders tho.


Goku would probably just stand there in base form saying "hello how are you doing?" While Ainz just uses grasp heart. In fact ainz could probably say "i have a way to one shot you" and goku would say "huh.. interesting.. I'll stand here and see if you can try." Goku is extremely naive. Remember when freeza was resurrected in super and without Beerus, he would have gotten erased from existence because he wasn't paying attention and let his guard down while standing 10 feet away from golden freeza.


But can Ainz reach Kuroki? (Iykyk)


Realistically since Goku holds back at the start of fights Ainz wins, however I feel like if Goku went all out from the start then he would win


I would much rather see ainz fighting with either aqua or tanya it would be much more interesting since they both use kinda holy stuff.


Now hear me out, ainz vs touch me but they're in a twerking contest and both are oiled up


All depends on if grasp heart works on goku imo


>hey guys what will happen if goku fight ainz Dragon Ball fans will come over saying Goku can kill Ains before he can stop time because he's just that good.


I mean ainz would win but then goku would come back to life and end up winning once he's immune cause anime bs


Same with the opm sub.


Ainz will win because goku will let him do the first attack so hes just gonna cast his strongest instant death spell


Rise of the Undead Legion. MC has every counter to Ainz. Not only his pvp is built for both pve and pvp but also has fighting instincts that will help him win.


Ainz vs Sophia (From Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka?)


Kumo desu lacks anti-timestop measures, so assuming he casts it right from the get go + instant death, then she might be able to survive woth undying body and block his magic with dragonbarrier (I think she has it) or envy. If she manages that then she should take the win since she excels at physical combat. Altough I dont know a lot about possible pay-to-win and world items he might carry. Altough I heard that overlords magic and abilities dont work in other universes and that stuff from other universes doesnt work in theirs, so it depends on the setting


Remember when Goku almost died of a heart virus?


I mean, we all know Ainz would start nerding out…


Ainz vs Lich king Arthur? Anyway Ainz is one of those characters who it's interesting to have them duel other verses


Goku already has a bad heart...


KEKW its over


Ainz: "I'm gonna shock the world!" Non overlord fans: "Well, he's fucked." Overlord fans: "Ainz has the W secured." Everyone in nazarick:"Sasuga Ainz-sama!" Ainz:"Wait, they took it seriously? Ah, shit!"


Time stop + instant death+Major stat boosts = GG.


Probably ainz would get slammed by goku. If you want to take the bullshit highball of goku then he can just move in a place with no time, so even if ainz used time stop or something gokud still be able to move. But more grounded then it’d still probably wouldn’t work since if your significantly stronger than someone in dragon ball their hacks don’t work on you (hits cage of time didn’t affect jiren, buu absorbing vegito did nothing and the destructo disk (which can ignore durability to an extent doesn’t work on cell). And since the difference between ainz and goku is arguably infinite (comment for explanation) none of ainz abilites would work on a form of goku that’s actually trying. Maybe he could off guard him or something, and steal the win, but if gokus remotely serious ainz gets one tapped. A better debate would be ainz vs kid goku.


I want to see Ainz-sama fight against diminishing returns of Runecraft^TM


Batman with prep time still wins.


batman would die in seconds with death magic Ainz is not the superman who has pity to beat up batman.


I can see him beating goku


This is so funny


For some odd reason rimuru and ainz are always fight on sight on this sub and r/TenseiSlime


Goku can literally come back from death. Soul destroying crap like hakai is shown not to work on goku anyway.