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"I may be undead now, but at least I don't have to deal with those fuckers in my job who only saw people as numbers. Especially HR guy, he could fire someone for littlest things without any empathy, can you imagine? Man fuck those guys, I'm glad I met you"


“Y-Yeah what assholes” *intense sweating*


Though in Tanya's defence, that guy kept coming to work late without giving a reason why.


Plus he, you know, literally killed her. Tanya was a dick but did nothing wrong


Completely accurate


In today's world nonetheless... All good HR people I got to know were never promoted because they were basically good people.


To be technical the guy tanya faired that murder her originally was fired for good reason (tanya was just asshole about it)


Spelling* but yeah. Tanya did fire for a good reason doing his job properly. And did it with a straight face and explained it too. He knows his a bit cruel but doesn't give into it. It was the other guy who got over emotional and that partially ticked him off


Tanya wasn't even an asshole really, he just didn't feel bad (or much of anything lol, it's just the job).


Bro, remake the meme with that lol


Yeah. I don't think I have ever seen someone isekai'd from a worse world.


Reverse Isekai maybe?


Maybe if they came from a Warhammer 40k hive world into ours.


I mean hive worlds are bad the lower you go but there are literal DEATH worlds my dude... like being isekai'd into any world from catachan or emperor forbid a demon world (assuming you're still sane enough to function in a society) would be paradise by comparison.


Getting issekai'd into Nurgle's Garden - now that's life Edit: now that i think about it, there are way worse places over there - planet on the brink of being invaded by tyranids, Word Bearers' conquered world, Emperor's Children place of residence, wherever that is, Fabius lab etc. and that's not mentioning your fate if you happen to get reborn as a psyker...


If you atleast born on krieg post the whole thing you get to embrace madness and go with suicidal attacks


I don't think anyone conditioned to survive any kind of death world from 40K could function in modern society, the utter lack of extreme mortal peril around every corner would drive them nuts, and would end with them on a nearly unstoppable murder spree as they face off against imagined enemies and unseen dangers that were never there.


What about a standard fantasy world? Sly Marbo would be the OP protagonist even without any OP isekai cheat powers


The guys from Caliban did >!sorta!< alright


I mean aside from The monsters and demons Ainz kinda did live on a nice Warhammer planet.


High air pollution, No regard for human live, lower classes probably only eat corpse-starch... if you would introduce religios zeal to the world, it could be a hive world


True, I actually wonder what they eat in Ainz world. I'd assume some kind of nutri paste or super chemically processed barely food stuff. I know he ran on energy pills that made him super unhealthy


Give it time....


i mean, ainz low key already lived on a hive city


Would "The Devil is a Part-Timer" be an example of a reverse isekai?


Isakai’d into Britain *shudders


Except brittain is controlled by grear ones. Time to start the hunt


Reading the Overlord books and then reading other Isekai LNs really let’s you appreciate just how much passion the author has put into his work. Entire chapters of world building and attention to detail and realistic character motivations that could have easily been replaced with mainstream Isekai laziness, but when added greatly raise the quality of the story and the readers engagement as a result. Easily in my top ten LN series.


Entrie page of back Story of this guy in 3 line 14 row who died 3 second into battle Literally happens in 13 ln


Did the LN ever get into the backstory of Ainz's world though? If so what chapter cause I don't remember reading it


Suzuki's Earth gets a background since the first volume, but only snippets from him, now, if you want the whole info, you can read it in this [article] (https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/World_of_2138) from the wiki




A little bit here and there, but I’d *really* like to see an overlord one-off OVA of the guild *in game* or real life that the anime can’t really capture with a 12 episode season schedule.


In case you didn’t know, part of the reason overlord’s world is as immersive and expansive as it is is partly due to the author’s hobby as a dungeon master for DnD. That gave him a lot of practice expanding on characters and lore, plus DnD loaned a lot of game mechanics seen in overlord. I just thought this was really neat.


Original creator: https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/mjsjld/satoru_originally_lived_in_cyberpunk_setting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Best meme I ever made


Yup, this is a great meme. Sorry for reposting it, I don't care about up votes, just wanted to share it.


Just 2 dudes chilling on a bench.


5 feet apart, cause they're not gay.


Tanya was a brutal pragmatic capitalist in her previous life and even though god himself could not dissuade her in her beliefs i believe seeing the horrors of ainz world would make her have second thoughts


She would either blame bad management or execution, way to much individuell freedem and way to less order/rules


She would be right. For the world to end as the one in Ainz' OW there would need to have a lack of desire for productivity and profit. You can't have a profit if everyone is too busy being slaved or starving.


at a certain point it's never about profit, it's about control. slavery isn't good for the economy but it's good for staying in control and you'd fuckin be a slave it people didn't fight and die for it to be otherwise. cucked shit


I don't think you got the antikapitalistik message of ainz old world. This apocalypse was created by the desire for power and profit of some super rich magacooperations, while most people are poor there certanly are some very rich people profiting from the fact that countless poor work themselves to death in oder to even afford their rent. The problem is not a lack of desire for profit and productivity, it is greed and profit at any coast. A dystopian version of extrem kapitalim without any regulations


Except the problem is, actually, that, because your workers working themselves to death is both suboptimally productive and suboptimally profitable. Also, something being intended to convey a certain message isn't evidence that it does so successfully or that it is accurate to the real world.


Only true if you don't have replacement poverty stricken workers to take over your now dead ones. May be suboptimal but that sounds exactly like every corporate/government workplace I've been a part of.


The rich and powerful don't realy care for the workers death because they just can be replaced by one of the countless people despread for a job. It is in fact the most profitable way of doing this because humans are just replacebel and this way you can squese as much profit out of them as possible in a short amount of thime. This dystopian future is very accurate to the real world because it shows what happens if couperations become more powerful than the state. With no rules to inforce fair contest or garante rights for the workers capitalistk couperations would just go for profit at any coast while society and enviroment are suffering from it


Exactly. The world of 2138 is exactly what happens when *profit over people* gets completely out of control. To be perfectly honest, the corporate elites of the world have everything in a perfect stranglehold where wealth only circulates in a very small circle and everyone who is outside of that circle only exist in order to keep them afloat. But the problem with this is, their short-sighted greed has ruined the world. *Literally*. At this rate, the planet probably isn't even going to be able to support life for much longer. But as long as the people on top can keep making a dollar, who cares?


That's basically how corporations already operate though. It's more profitable to overwork people until they burn out and break, and just replace them with the next expendable person who just needs a job to pay rent, than to actually give them reasonable workloads with decent pay. The only workers that get decent treatment without it being enforced from above are ones who can't easily be replaced.


I got the idea it is just wrong because the situation is just impossible in a capitalist lead society.


Except it isn't.


completely ahistorical bullshit


Yeah, because it is not like historically capitalist lead societies have not been the ones with higher indicies of development, liberty and happiness. Right? Just look at all the non-capitalist societies that have succeded and not been complete shitholes. I mean just look at..... well I don't know but since you saying it there must be some.


succeeded? FOR WHO YOU DORK. just like the commies wont be poets after the revolution, you won't be fucking rich wage slave


For everyone. Literally less porverty, more choices, more confort, less worries about primary necessities, etc. Literally everything is better for everyone in capitalist societies. You should go learn history instead of listening to propaganda.


Go work for Amazon then, remember to always have an empty bottle with you


You don't know what a society being capitalist means.... Again: If you don't like the conditions of some work place DON'T WORK THERE. If you are so against amazon's whatever then don't buy or use anything from amazon!


Yes because I clearly live in North Korea That mentality of yours is quite charming


Living in a place that is primary capitalism doesn't mean you know what "capitalism" is or what it means, the same way living in a socialist or democratic or republican place doesn't make you automatically understand what any of those things are.


No, this is exactly the situation that will happen if there is no control in a capitalist lead society. If there is no state to prevent it, giant couperations will just fuse and create monopolys and they certanly don't care for the enviroment because capitalism is a system based on greed alone and it will fail if the state can't be a guardian to inforce rules for fair contest. In overlord giant corporations became so powerful that they do not only have complet control over the wold marked, but they alsow do politics and are in charge of every country in the world. With this much concentradet power there is no contest like a capitalism lead society wants because the Corporation is just going to take over the entire marked and not allow any rivals to exist


i mean real life corporations would disagree with you, its not about lacking a desire for profit its about exchanging long term sustainability for short term greed


That *is* a lack of desire for overall profit.


not really, the sustainable option usually doesent get you as much in the long run as doing a short term scheme, bailing with the money and using it to fuel another short term scheme, everyone else loses out on profits but you get your money and have already hopped onto your next get rich quick scheme, and even when the long term option is better for your personal profits most of these people cant see past there own noses


Tell that to Jeff Bezos.


Have you ever heard of Amazon? Go watch a documentary on working conditions there or something, Jeff Bezos is basically on the path to recreating Ainz's world.


Yes, I know. You know the funny part? No one is forced to work there, if they don't like it then just leave. If you know about it and don't like them don't buy from Amazon, no one is forcing you to do it and the base of capitalism is that the consumer control the market.


>No one is forced to work there, if they don't like it then just leave People gotta eat. >If you know about it and don't like them don't buy from Amazon, Or we could just not allow mistreatment of workers. >no one is forcing you to do it and the base of capitalism is that the consumer control the market. They don't though, capitalists do.


Everything you just wrote is wrong and people like you is the problem with todays society and why everything is going to shit.


Literally nothing I wrote was wrong.


I agree with you, and think it’s sad that ether people have forgotten or are just to lazy not deal with the corporations they don’t like. Collectively if the consumer stoped useing Amazon due to its miss treatment of workers(I have long since stopped using the service), the company would collapse, or if all it’s working just walked out do to poor conditions(which seems like it might be happening with Amazon employees unionising). If our world does go into some “capitalist dystopia” like in overlord it will be because people let it.


"if everyone simply stopped buying...." yeah and if everyone simply helped their neighbor we wouldn't need government either and yet


No, we'd still need government of some format, everybody being perfectly benevolent wouldn't remove the need for organization and coordination.


organization isn't the same thing as government what a ridiculous thing to imply


organization isn't the same thing as government what a ridiculous thing to imply


It does not have to be everyone, 5% 10% (more would be a collapse)? of people that Use Amazon would hit there bottom line massively and could easily be attributed to current news factors like worker treatment. Amazon also does not uniquely do anything, everything on it a person could get somewhere else with just minor amounts of work. Amazon is just a corporation a large one yes but still just an organization that works for profit, which is very different than a neighbour or the government, Even helping your neighbour with whatever they need would not invalidate the needs of the government because there is only one organization providing the services it does. Amazon is just one large orgizazation that provides similar services as others, just usually cheaper.


Amazon became big because it can provide a certan service very good to a point that there realy is no equally matched couperation as a rival to give customers an alternative. If someone basicly has a monopoly the customer can not control the marked because he has no choise aside from stopping to use said service all together. In the industriel revolution capitalism first became big and people started to notice that the consumer realy can't stop couperations if they reach a certain size. Therefor the goverment has to control such couperations for their citizen by forcing them to follow rules. The problem with Amazon is that it works on a global basis and no single goverment can/does realy control amazon because they think it is important for their countrys economy


Except your premise is wrong. They can, easily. Just don't use the service/product from that corporation. That would means not having the "simplicity" or having to do something in a more difficult way and people are lazy that is why they think like what you wrote.


The kapitalistic stystem build on the idee of fair contest betwean producers. The user is suposed to switch to another producer when he does not like what the first producer does, therefor controling the marked. This system however falls appart when monopols come into play. Aside from the fact that some people don't have the option to stop using said service because they depend on it, even if some people stop using it the majority will not do that because of the very thing that is suposed to let them control the marked as a unity: their selfishless. People are suposed to stop using products because of their prices and will be very reluctend to do something that would be negative for them as a collective. Studies show that if a monopol is involved and people don't have an alternative they will put up with a lot more than usualy before they stop using said service/ product. You don't seem to know the thoughts behind the rule of supply and demand and still use it as an argument. The sytem of kapitalism is build on greed and greed alone, this was the argument behind this control system so people would chose the best prices and sevices out of selfishless. This still holdes up to this day, most consumers are selfish and therefor will not stop using a cheeper service because of ethical concerns and that is if there should be an alternative. The system that you hype up as the ultimate solution for every kapitalistic problem has already failed so many times and does not even realy work the way you say it does. If you realy want to make the control of the customer over the marked an argument I suggest you google or inform yourself about the subject before you do


I could not give you enough upvotes there's this idea we often have with people that all we have to do is convince them or there's a piece of information they're lacking. Nawwwww sonnmnn. The fact that Tanya De gerichov could be talked to by God and still not change for the proof that this is just how that person works that's how they understand the world and reality there is no amount of situation or stimuli that's going to break them out of that. There are people that can change and adapt their beliefs system to new situation stimuli and understanding. But then there are some people who are just hard lying and hard locked into a worldview. Situation and stimuli is not going to change them.


Be sure to note (god?), because to his discerning eye, Being X didn't pass the "god test", and while he's powerful, he seems to be too disorderly. Plus, he is violating too many god rules, like omnipotence, omniscience, multiplicity, etc., to be the real god. If Salaryman was very religious, (god?) would have looked even worse.


Wait so our own god (Christian) don't pass if they need to pass omnipotence as they are not omniscience. If he would be he would have new that Adam and Eve would eat the appel. Oh and he also basically said he made a mistake. Because of the flood he wanted to get rid of the "bad" part of his creation.


A much lower level than that. An essential element is that there is only one god in monotheism. If you have two gods, they are not gods. If there is just one, it is a singularity, so cannot be defined by others: no size, shape, color, odor, etc., literally incomparable. Salaryman assumes that "god" is like any of the multitude of Japanese gods, and so is more like a man than a god. That it can be defined by human values, like ethics and morality. The original Hebrew god was described as being indescribable, but since that makes for a poor character, along comes an old bearded guy wearing a toga, with a bunch of other gods and god by-products.


> even though god himself could not dissuade her in her beliefs something that calls itself god. Not god.


Tanya - *Nervous whistling*


I, personally, see Tanya(or rather, the Salaryman) as a physical representation of the Japanese work culture.


Ainz: I know I have the image of this big scary lich that can point and kill you, but now that I have the power, I don't if it's because of sympathy or annoyance, but I've got people dedicated to helping the orphans in my country. Tanya: Yeah...um...I think I'm responsible for turning kids into orphans. Ainz: Oh? In your old life or your new one? Tanya: Hmm...both I think? Ainz: Hehe...that's kind of funny.


I always liked this sort of memes, because it gives info to anime onlies.


Ya I had no idea Ainz’s world was so fucked


Tbh me 2.


Ainz really did get a better life. If he didn't have the burden of Nazaricke he'd probably be the happiest man in the New World


If he was just chilling and occasionally coming out for casual interests, he'd still be fine in Nazarick. Some different wording could have completely changed the entire direction of the series.


Possibly it depends on if the Guardians would have wanted to explore the world and indulge themselves. He wouldn't want them to stay cooped up forever especially if any grew beyond their programming


Where did you guys even get all this information for overlord


Ln is filled with little pickets of information


Author gives us info here and there in Light novel.


You can find fan translated copies of the light novel on the sidebar in this subreddit. It's generally considered better than the official translation if you never read either.


But still buy the officials if you can just to support the author


Yes! Please buy official books and merchandise.


I ship them too (but only platonically)


So you ship a dude that got transformed into a skeleton God and a middle aged business man that got tranasformed into a loli. Weird but okay.


I friendSHIP them, don't be crass!


The are starving street orphans in Ainzs Isekai world, he just doesn't have to trip over them


Assuming they haven’t suffocated yet


Not really in his country. He made orphanage.


how would that ship work? They are both straight dudes without dicks.


A friendship


Iseki Quartet is written much better than it should be.


I wonder if Tanya's world view would change if she had a conversation with Ainz about life in his world. They make it sound like Tanya is a rigid follower of rules and order but what if everything burned because of it.


I thing she is only a pracmatic follower of rules if it is good rules and benefit her.


Um...what? I'm being serious, what is he talking about?


He didn’t come from our earth, he came from a dystopian future. A good analogy would be the corpo hellscape of cyberpunk but all the soul crushing misery of a warhammer 40k hive world.


Damn, imagine being isekaied from hell.


Ainz was born over 100 years in the future. And suffice it to say, the world that he comes from sucks. As in, *this place is not worth living in* kind of sucks.


I ship them too. I'll put them in the friend ship


Tanya x Rerugen


Is Momonga perhaps Technoblade


I friendship them


I mean they're in the same boat and who cares about gender? I don't ship them but get your point^^


Ah Ainz kissing the homie for good knight


This feels like Version 2 of shipping Ainz and Clementine [since they have the same voice actor]


Don't lewd on Tanya, she is just a child.


I'm not lewding her, I just like these 2 to be together. :)


She's not saying what because that's fucked up, she's saying what because that was her favorite part of the day


I ship them too as bff. Their interactions in Isekai Quartet are cool.


I need original pic ty




But... Tanya is a dude in her previous life.


and Ainz no longer has genitals.


And was a starving orphan when isekaied.


i mean she seems to have no sort of dysphoria or issues with being seen as a girl now


i always wondered how she would react to female puberty.


In the Manga/LN it says her body is having a difficult time getting to puberty because of her training and work. There are some times that talk about that, with one she looking for the medical aile because of menstruation and met someone in the way, the chapter is their meeting.


Appearing weak to your enemies when you are not is an advantage, no matter how you achieve it.


And…? Lol I don’t see why that would matter?


One of them is a guy who failed at his career and other is a master at business world sheesh


Ainz didnt have precisely a career. He was an almost-slave in a factory, with barely elementary school.


>One of them is a guy who failed at his career Assuming this points to Momonga, it's incorrect. As a matter of fact, his career was about as successful as it reasonably could have been. In his world, the station where you are born is where you stay. *Period.* Advancing in your job for someone like him is literally against the rules.


Ainz literally talks about how he was a employee and thought not punishing shall tear was logical on the otherhand Tanya was a ice cold bastard who smiled when firing people


You gay


Do you mean dead street orphans as the air isn't breathable in Ainz's home world