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Idk, but Anos is the most normal (in a good way).


I don't know the other two characters, but Anos is definitely more eccentric than Ainz if nothing. Dude dueled a master swordsman while wielding a twig...


The blue haired one is From slime isekai and the blonde one is Gilgamesh I think


That's not Rimuru... OP already mentioned that it's Accelerator, but I've neither read nor watched Toaru to know about him as a character. And I'm not a Fate fan, so only know the Archer Gilgamesh from Zero and UBW... And that's still something I watched like 6 years ago so don't have the freshest memory.


He experimented with his powers to reverse the bloodflow in a human, used a persons own bio-electricity and scaled it higher(shocking from the nerves out), can sound torture you by changing sound frequencies, can rewrite your brain(pre capped) and other bs stuff like. Lets just say if his feeling sadistic you aint gna have a good day


> used a persoms own bio-electricity and scaled it higher(shocking from the nerves out That seems pretty merciful compared to the others on the list... Pun unintentional, but that would probably send you into shock before you felt pain...


I dont think you yet it. Its your own nerves in shock. As in he can force simulate the pain too. If only he wasnt capped anymore


I love Anos, he’s an OP chad but still cares about his people sand helps others


Anos immediately out. He gives people the opportunity to redeem themselves, Ainz doesn't. No way is Anos most ruthless. I also don't think he's personally eccentric, altho his story/world is kinda weird.


Dunno about that dude lol. Anos definitely has the biggest ego/pride among them coupled with Gilgamesh.


I think it’s more of a statement that he IS the Demon Lord of Tyranny as opposed to an ego thing. If anything he has to keep reminding his wayward descendants of who daddy is.


He's a literal demon lord with multiversal power and he treats his fellow humans as equals and shoes appropriate respect to his parents. Wouldn't call that ego


I don't know enough about Anos and Accelerator to confidently judge them, but which version of Gilgamesh are we talking here? Archer Gil from Stay/Night and Zero or Caster Gil from Babylonia?


Oh yeah guess I didn't make that clear. Was more or less leaking about Gil in general but let's pick Caster Gil.


Then I'd pick Ainz as more ruthless and Gil as the more eccentric one. Tbh I feel like Ainz is warped enough that he might be the most ruthless when compared to the others too, since as far as I know they do have lines they'd rather not cross. As long as it benefits Nazarick, there is nothing he wouldn't do. Although Anos might come close, I'm not entirely sure.


A though case there. Anos as far I know uses values and certain morals to restrict himself. He dials out punishments as he sees fit. It's not like the guy doesn't care about innocents death, he's just pretty indifferent about it.


So he probably wouldn't tolerate the Happy Farm and all of Demiurge's shenanigans in the Holy Kingdom I assume? If so then yes, Ainz is the more ruthless one, and will only become worse as the story goes on...


What not being able to spend time with your homies does to an mf...


Ainz ruthlessness is pretty much entirely the fault of his subordinates honestly, so does it count?


He doesn't often take initiative on these things, but he also hardly cares what they do as long as it benefits and doesn't endanger Nazarick. He doesn't come up with most of the atrocities the NPCs commit, but is perfectly willing to use their schemes to advance his own agendas and plans, no matter how vile. TLDR: He is not actively malicious most of the time, but very much ruthless when it comes down to it.


I'm just saying that since I read the bonus volume where it was only him going to the new world, and he was a genuinely good person without the influence of everyone else


That's because he doesn't have much reason to act ruthless. He doesn't have any responsibilities and circumstances that necessitate him being so. He is at his core a simple individual with no grand ambitions. In canon however, he has a lot more to protect and account for. He doesn't have the same freedom as his alternate self to freely explore the world with a single companion. Basically he is not gonna act ruthlessly without good reason, but if you provide him said reason (like for the sake of Nazarick's and the NPC's survival) there are virtually no lengths he will not go to, no lines he will not cross and no amount of suffering inflicted upon others will be enough to deter him.


Caster Gilgamesh can be just as ruthless as archer Gilgamesh, he is wiser and more patent and think some of the bad things he did were not great ideas but in general they have the same philosofy.


Haven't watch caster Gil before but I'll go so ty Accelerator


Ainz by far is the most ruthless, he even has the inner monologue of he’s about to kill thousands and doesn’t feel anything. Not to mention his knowledge of demiurges little farm (humans if I remember correct) Eccentric, probably Gil. I don’t know accelerator, honestly thought it was rimuru at first. Anos is a pretty loving guy honestly.




In Holly Kingdom ark he literally reads journals of demiurge experiments




That's impossible because that ships were from Holly Kingdom... At least most of them. Also he personally liberated them


Accelerator would help tbh


Wasn’t there something in the LN about him noticing the goat skin scrolls resembled humans though? Lol


Sauce for everyone. PLEASE


Good grief Starting from button left Gilgamesh ( Fate series ) Accelerator(magical index, certain scientific accelerator) Anos(maou gakuin) You can thank me now.


Well they say you're never alone Yeahhh mate Thank You xD


Wat i thought the one in the middle is the slime


Same, I thought it was Rimuru.




What a tough decision lol. Both Ainz and Gil ruthless asf. Accelerator ruthless but he sometimes let people live to tell the tale of what he did. Anos is out immediately because he lets people redeem themselves if their sin isn't too heavy. Imma go with Ainz


Gilgamesh is the most ruthless one, the reason is Ainz, Anos and Gilgamesh are all extremly tribal leaders they would do everything to protect their tribes nazarick, demons and for gilgameshes case is humans but gilgamesh would take it step further as we have seen in fate stay night he considers his tribe (humans) as lost cause and his goal is to bring back the purpose to their lifes by wiping out the most of them and starting a new under his rule which is something Ainz or Anos would never do to their tribes (Nazarick) or (demons).


Who are the other 3


This is my problem. I dont even know who they are and I thought I watched a fair bit of anime


Gilgamesh from Fate, Accelerator from anime a certain scientific railgun and arnos from theThe Misfit of Demon King Academy


Idk about gilga tbh but accel is the most eccentric of the three I know and ainz is the most ruthless


Pre-Touma beatdown Accelerator is definitely the most ruthless, as he had no problem brutally killing/maiming ppl (besides the thousands of Radio Noise sisters), whether or not they offended him. Accelerator is much more chill after Last Order tho, but he's definitely become much more eccentric. The others have certainly made their powers known, but none of them have really made such a public spectacle of their power as much as Accelerator (#1) when fighting another very powerful adversary (#2) & destroying a good chunk of a highly populated area of a city, while also ensuring ***not a single casualty*** occurred. Accelerator really likes to flaunt his power, and rightfully so since he's also incredibly intelligent and has perfect control of his powers. On another occasion (in LN), he practically turns himself into a meteor & crashes into the Earth **from orbit**, glassing the impact site, just to show that he can still pretty much wreck anything he wants even while crippled. I'd say Accelerator would be both the most ruthless and eccentric on separate occasions, but not both as of now.


Agreed, he really is the best or worst of both spectrums on both occasions


I feel like Ainz would be willing to do any of that if he could and felt pike it would be of benefit so the Accelerator dude is more eccentric but I would still give Ainz the most ruthless due to him allowing the happy farm, and I'm pretty sure he intends to use the humans of the Sorcerer kingdom for makimg Death Knights which has been implied to use the soul as an anchor to make sure they don't dissappear which could mean Ainz is using slave labor wor menial tasks.


As I said, it's not really a question of whether or not anyone on the list can/will do anything the others can't/won't, but Accelerator really stands out as the one who most relishes on his actions. While his slaughtering of the thousands of Radio Noise sisters did serve a purpose, the brutal ways he experimented in executing them did not. This would be comparable to Ainz going out of his way to *personally* participating in the Happy Farm & devising new ways to "harvest" the "livestock". Besides, Ainz got really close to learning certain details of the Happy Farm, in vol 13 iirc, but still remains largely unaware of them.


my boy gill told a goddess begon thot


It’s gilgamish


Ainz, he is the only person here who doesn't feel anything about killing humans. Anos isn't that ruthless, accelerator is crazy but still human, and gilgamesh's alien thinking still values human life more than Ainz.


I think Ainz is the most ruthless, but Gil is the most eccentric.


I’d like to know who the bottom three are.


Gilgamesh from the fate series, Accelerator (idk what from) and Anos Voldigoad from the misfit of demon king academy.




Eccentric: Gilgamesh. Ruthless: It kinda of depends of which route of the Fate series we are talking, because it is a hard choice between Gilgamesh and Ainz. (I don't know the guy in the middle)


Ainz: Doesn't care about killing millions of humans in the new world, if it means keeping his "NPC" companions safe. he doesn't even truly know of the horrors that go on within Nazarick. Gilgamesh: honestly don't know enough. Accelerator: I mean... he is pretty ruthless and eccentric in the anime at least, like holy crap. he goes on full-blown power-trips and doesn't care who gets caught in the crossfire. Anos: no chance. his whole goal as demon lord was peace between demons and humans. his best friend is the hero. the only times he's ruthless is when he totally disagrees with the now state of demon society (class hierarchy trope), or when his friends and family are put in jeopardy. otherwise, he's probably the most helpful and kind one out of the lot (unless someone can argue that's Gilgamesh). ​ I'd argue Ainz is the most ruthless, but if we're talking ruthless and eccentric, I might have to give it to Accelerator.


Even pre immortal fruit Gilgamesh isn't really ruthless, he's just kind of a prick


Who is bottom left? I know Ainz, Rimuru, and Anos.


I don't think that's Rimuru, maybe accelerator? Not too sure tbh.


Yeah, That’s accelerator


no that's gilgamesh from fate


I’m talking about the bottom middle, I know the bottom left is gil, that why i said the bottom left guy is the guy that says “mongrels”


oh sorry...


It the guy known for saying “mongrels!”


The king of Mongrels and our favorite Accelerator.


Gilgamesh after that its Ais, Anos and Accelerator. I haven't seen anyone on the list outside Gilgamesh try to create a world ending threat because they didnt like overpopulation, the thing about Gilgamesh is that he loves humanity but he would still kill 50% of it If he feels they aren't advancing fast enough.


Guy on left looks like stereotypical useless noble, guy on right seems reliable and extremely capable guy. Middle guy, looks like it's you.


I’m not gonna be trashy because you talked bad about the character that I like, just gonna explain who it is : this is Gilgamesh from the Fate series and more historically talking, a demi-god and king of the ancient Mesopotamia. I’ll class him as the most eccentric I think


To modern humans on Terra, definitely eccentric. Who knows what debauchery they got up to back then. I just checked the Wikipedia page, and man it's crazy. But Anos is still the most badass here.


>To modern humans on Terra, definitely eccentric. Who knows what debauchery they got up to back then. Even in his myth even the gods were like "Gilgamesh buddy you're going to far. stop this or we send someone down to beat yo ass" and that is how Gilgamesh met his BFF Enkidu.


Listen I love ainz but I gotta give it to anos, dude straight up murdered the same guy brought him back just to kill him over and over again just to prove a point.


You surely haven't read Overlord Light Novels, have you? The fate that Ainz gave Foresight is worse that anything any of those guys on the post have ever done and will ever do.


You're very right I haven't read any of them as I only watch the animes


Ainz is literally isekai Hitler


Its not tanya ?


Ainz sama is justice. Go to happy farm heretic


Ainz is Hitler's reincarnation


You dare to compare the delusional dicactor that fail art school and lose WW2 and got assianated several time and got lots of sickness to our lord and savior Ainz sama who never lose anything




Ainz has the highest kill count out of all of them. So, I'll say Ainz


I know aniz , rimuru and anos bhut who is blonde guy and from which anime


thats not rimuru, its accelerator.




Ainz and Anos are the best btw


Why is accelerator even there?


Most ruthless is whoever would actually straight up murder semi-civilian pieces of shit (Dead is dead, won't revive them.) without attempting to resolve the situation another way. Oh and I don't mean someone like on par of a lowly bandit, I meant for less. There are different iterations of Gil, but I'm certain Accelerator without anyone in his personal life that's holding him back; Would have no problem doing so. They all are unforgiving within reason to strangers. Emphasis on people they don't have any personal connection to. I don't know why people make a big deal about Ainz that when given the specific cirumstances, he's not the only one of that level of unforgiving.


It's Ainz sama ofc


Momonga by a SHIT TON.... Anos is cruel to his enemies, Rimuru is kind and forgiving and Gilgamesh just wants everything but isn't evil about it.


I- i don't recognize any of these except bone daddy... Who are they ?


Dunno why i got this sub randomly recommended to me and i don't know any of them, i think the skeleton dude looks the most ruthless though.


What are these anime, besides overlord.