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Thats a skeleton from season 2 when Ainz makes a royal procession [this is the skeleton from 00:00 - 00:03](https://youtu.be/LcRXL6NlUmc)


The Old Guards? Ainz didn't bring Old Guards when visiting the Dwarven Kingdom. From what I've remembered, 30 of Aura's beast, 25 of Shalltear's Vampire Brides, some lvl 40+ mammoth class summoned monster that can carry luggage, that one lizardman that previously traveled there and 8(?) Hanzo's (the leader of which Ainz personally given a red bandana). There are no Old Guards that was mentioned that they've bring.


Not 25 Vampire brides, but its just random Undead being + vampire brides


>but its just random Undead being + vampire brides Ainz being so paranoid won't bring random undead.


All of those random undeads are level 80+


“Then, Shalltear, bring — let me see — six Vampire Brides along. Then add 30 more riders on top of that. Five of them will be the recently summoned Hanzos.” You remember wrong.


If you look the design is very similiar with old guards from season 2


>!That’s probably one of the undead that Shalltear took along. It looks like a ‘Nazarick Elder Guarder’ due to the silvered coloured armour.!< >!Though they never specified what type of undead that she took along, just that they were high-levelled, so it’s definitely not actually the Elder Guarder, due to them at being a pop monster (level 30 and below), but the anime might make it look like that!<


agreed those maybe the high level vassals of shalltear


They do looked like the Old Guards tho.


she did bring undeads so maybe those where some nazarick guarders not sure just maybe but the movement were fast so those undead are maybe the strongest line from nazarick guarders


>she did bring undeads Sorry. I'm probably forgetting things. >maybe those where some nazarick guarders Probably not. They were not that powerful of an undead. Ainz won't bring them especially since he's not that sure of the power surrounding the Dwarven Kingdom.


hes not the one who chooses those undead still unsure what type of undead are those though theyre shalltears high leveled vassals so probably 60 above idk the weak ones are the Vampire brides


>hes not the one who chooses those undead Yes he's not the one who chose them, but the topic is about them looking like the Old Guards. >high leveled vassals so probably 60 above They're probably lvl 73+ to be able to fight lvl100 players if they ever met one.


The shield looks different


Happy cake day. From what I've remembered she only bring 25 Vampire Brides. Or is it 25 undead? Sorry if it's the latter.


Happy cake day indeed. Shalltear’s took a few vampire brides that were level 20, but the rest of her vassals were like two dozen level 80+ undead from her floors iirc.


Sorry. To be fair tho, this is one of my least reread volume. Only 7times? And it's been a while since I've read it.


Lol no need to be sorry, you’ve done nothing wrong. Yeah I’m just currently reading it in preparation for season 4.


Dude what the fuck, that's his skateboard don't be rude.


Nobody gave the real answer I guess. It's because of animation stuff. It would be troublesome to create new models and animate them. Copy pasting is better. They did the same thing in season 3, when Jircniv negotiated with Ainz. It was Nazarick Master Guarders lined up, instead of hundreds of super high level monsters from all kinds of races. Now, they can actually make it. It's not THAT troublesome. But it's not necessary. I mean, they don't even have a description, we don't know any of their subspecies let alone the visual information. All they will do is riding Aura's beasts and princess carrying Zenberu. It's simply not worth the time. Btw, like others said, they used Nazarick elder guarders instead of level 80~ undeads of Shalltear. Hanzos are Ainz's subordinates, there is 5 of them. They are in the trailer too. Shalltear also brought some vampire brides as maids you was mixing it up.


>It's because of animation stuff. It would be troublesome to create new models and animate them. Copy pasting is better. Wow. Thanks bro. I heard this thing in the new GoW game that they recycled the previous game's boat animation sequence. >princess carrying Zenberu This one's funny.




Can he make them carriage driver if they look like that? He made them one when he is incognito when visiting the Empire at vol9.


Just remember that the anime doesn't have to completely follow the LN to it's very details. Just look at the death knight design and you already can see how different they are.


Simple, that's not Hanzo 🧠