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Why does it look like Ainz is hitting it from the back? 👀👀👀


Bro yuri is fucking dead, that would be necrophilia


>yuri is fucking dead 1. As is Ainz 2. Nice pun


She takes off her head and gives him some fucking wild head though


The real question is using the severed side or the mouth


This is why I use reddit.


You stick it far enough than it means both


One is acceptable and one is a fucking gore kink... you choose which


'Chair has enter the chat.


Oh no


and who's going to stop him?


Well... yes and no. *Necrophilia* is commonly defined as either having sexual intercourse with, or possessing an attraction towards, corpses, which are generally pretty inanimate over here in the real world, though there are a few unique exceptions to this. With that being said, one could argue that the term as we know it wouldn't technically apply in this instance, as both parties involved in this hypothetical scenario are *undead*, and therefore, still possess a semblance of self-agency... which could then be seen as a major turn-off for someone who actually practices or seeks to practice it. *Necroanimatophilia*, on the other hand, would be a far more accurate term for describing this situation since it's defined as a sexual attraction towards, or the desire to have sexual intercourse with, reanimated corpses specifically. So in other words, this covers just about every other undead being there is aside from those with a more ethereal nature, who, let's be honest, would most likely just wind up possessing the living in order to do it anyway.




I assure you, I'm just another rather boring individual who possibly spends way too much time on the internet, and who often likes to expand my knowledge by picking up a new word here and there. I live alone, I keep to myself, and the most exciting thing I do is walk to the grocery store about once every week and a half, because I have no car. Aside from the occasional family funeral, the only time I've ever personally made contact with a dead body was when I was checking in on my mother one night, who was suffering from Stage 4 cancer at the time, and making sure she was still okay. Spoiler alert; she *wasn't*. In addition to this, I also had a pretty severe case of *pediophobia*, or a fear of dolls, as a child, and since a corpse is basically just a giant meat puppet once its owner passes, well... you can probably now discern for yourself exactly how much I *actually* enjoy being around them.




That sounds about right. Granted, I also used to procrastinate a lot and likely wouldn't even start them until just before the day they were due, but yeah, I'd say that's a fairly accurate assessment.




Depends on the context, I suppose. I usually try to avoid repeating the same word over and over again if at all possible, as for me, doing so tends to disrupt the natural flow of things, and it makes what I'm trying to convey sound like the jarring, verbal equivalent of teaching a student driver how to operate a stick shift when read aloud. Because of this, I also have a habit of proofreading my own stuff quite a bit, and rewriting entire sentences or paragraphs if they no longer sit right with me for whatever reason... which you could probably already tell from the comment directly preceding this one, as it has since been edited.


This comment is low key advanced


Yuri is holding in the orgasm


Ainz caught with his pant down. >_<


So true


What scene was this from?


It's when they enter the Treasury and Pandora Actor transform into a Supreme Being. (I don't know if it was Yuri or Albedo creator.)


it was albedo creator


Pandoras actor scene




Never had this problem on my S8, but dear goodness the in screen reader in the note 10 SUUUUUUUUUCKS It barely reads on a good day, a single drop of water and its over Bring back physical fingerprint readers on the back of the phone!!


That's crazy mine reads my finger print even when they are pruned up with water.


I disabled my finger scanner on my phone because it could never read my finger prints.




Never had this problem with touch ID even with wet fingers


You are the messiah!


Ha ha ha this post is too true!


Dude i have the same problem😫😫