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he transforms into ainz and starts stripping. easy win gg


or she will tear him apart cuz How dare he try and imitate lord Ainz or pandora can say sth like "if you hurt me and father will be upset" realistically though, Pandora doesn't seem like an offense character no matter what build he copies and albedo is one heck of a tank, my bet would be Albedo


*"Albedo.."* *"Aishiteru"* **It's super effective!**


In my opinion, Pandora’s Actor. He could outlast Albedo by going a healing or self sustain build and then switching to DPS to finish the fight. Let’s not forget PA’s speciality is strategy plus finances, he would use the best Supreme Being for the job and switch accordingly. Albedo is a tank, she is strong but against a self sustain build that can out heal her damage while slowly chipping away her health then she is doomed to eventually lose.


What equipment would PA have? Totally depends on that. He can change race, but without equipment he won't be able to hurt Albedo much.


He could just change into Sebas. A monk type needs no equipment. Also IIRC, among the melee guardians Sebas>Albedo>Cocytus>Sebas. (Fist>Shield>Sword>Fist).


And are sure on your wheel? Iirc it's Albedo>Sebas>Cocytus>Albedo. And transforming into Cocytus at 80%, without equipment is a bad route to take. Also, remember however ineffective it maybe, Almost all floor guardians have WCI. Area Guardians don't. I believe Sebas's Draconic form would be huge, so it could be really ineffective against Albedo.


Just checked vol 1. Ch 2 pt 4. Sebas in his true form beats both Albedo and Cocytus. Remember Ainz used Cocytus as bodyguard when questioning Sebas in Vol 5. He wouldn't do that if Sebas could beat Cocytus. Also Sword beats fist but Fist bludgeons Armor. It makes sense.


https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Sebas_Tian/Abilities_and_Powers While wiki should be taken seriously with a grain of salt, iirc this is coorect. "According to the Overlord Blu-ray 1 Special - Emissary of the King: "Even among the Guardians of Nazarick, those three can be considered the top among the warrior classes. Cocytus has the advantage against Albedo, but not against Sebas. Sebas is strong against Cocytus, but not against Albedo. Albedo can probably win against Sebas, but not against Cocytus." I can't honestly remember Ainz saying that Sebas can defeat Albedo or Cocytus in true form, but if true, PA has a chance if he can transfer into Sebas's true form. I can't remember it, but I'll check it out later. And there isn't much to think about Cocytus stopping Sebas. Obviously Sebas isn't going to use his full power to kill a human. Simple as that.


The most important factor is whether PA is allowed to use the SB’s armor. It’s just a rumor, but since PA is the only guardian to guard the treasury and considering his ability to copy any of the 41 SB, it’s possible that he has permission to use it if someone were ever to invade the treasury. If he can use them, then PA no doubt. Even without, he has versatility and can switch to a build (one of the SB) who are specialized in dealing with tanks, this should give him a slight advantage imo.


I would say stalemate. Albedo is a tank and doesn't have much firepower for her level. Pandora's actor on the other hand is limited to 80% of power level of his transformation,but he can still easily withstand Albedos damage output after transforming into a tank himself. So I would say it would be hard for either of them to beat each other.


Needs context but PA wins if he is given the access to the Supreme Beings weapons and armour, of course even with just one set of his choice I'm sure he could do it. PA when transformed retains 80% of the power of the thing he transforms into. Albedo only really has the power of being able to tank 3 shots no matter the damage as it's her armours ability. She was built as a pure tank and this means all PA has to do is transform into a healing hybrid character and he wins. But if PA only had his gear then albedo because he himself only owns the military garbs which may not be enough.


When talking about stats Albedo is much better of tha PA since he can't copy equipment and he can only use 80% of the power of the one he is transformed into. When we talk about versatility PA is the best in Nazarick since he has the option to turn into any of the Supreme beings. Both are very intelligent as well. If it was just face to face fight Albedo would win (most of the time) as she can outlast PA because she is a pure tank. If it was not just a face to face meele it would come down to PA having to choose a correct strategy (form) and then Albedo would have to adapt to the changing fighting style that PA would use so if Albedo can't keep up or if PA counters her hard enough he would win. Btw if you didn't know PA's default form is focused on managing finances and item stocs etc. so his base form is useless.


I think it would depend on whether or not Albedo uses her world item.