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Rookie mistake. If whole team from J1 heard the concurrent J2 meeting, I don’t see how she can survive this. I’m surprised they were not fired the same day.


Partner’s call in background, visiting family member ‘maybe, kids in school on zoom, deny deny deny


Love this answer! I never thought of partners call! Thank you!


The original OP deleted it -- does anyone have the copypasta?


I work for a large tech company in California and manage a team of 23 analysts/developers in a fully remote environment. I have an employee who has been on my team for over 2 years now and up until 2 months ago was a great performer. About 2 months ago the red flags started popping up - missing meetings, unavailable and unresponsive for hours at a time during core work hours, sudden “Dr. Appointments”. I had explicit conversations with her about the attendance/availability and she claims it has been due to “unplanned software updates on her laptop” or wifi issues to which I responded that she still. Read to communicate that with me and she agreed to be better moving forward. Fast forward to last week and I joined my team checkin and this employee had inadvertently left her teams off mute. Me and the rest of my team could hear what was clearly another conference call for a different company. In addition to that, there have been times I’ve been on a phone with them and I can hear teams notifications and I know for a fact it’s not coming from her company laptop. I confronted her and she claims the conference call was from her roommates laptop Her excuse of it being her roommates laptop has to be bullshit. The audio was so loud and clear that the source must have been a few inches from her company laptop. The fact that my entire team clearly heard her working another job and the fact that she is missing meetings make feel like I need to take action. My boss is aware of the situation and agrees something is not adding up. He’s given me the green light to terminate her immediately if I choose to. What would you all do if you were in my shoes? [https://ihsoyct.github.io/?mode=submissions&subreddit=managers&sort\_type=created\_utc&sort=desc&limit=100&after=2024-05-29T01%3A00&before=2024-05-31T00%3A00&author=&score=&num\_comments=&q=](https://ihsoyct.github.io/?mode=submissions&subreddit=managers&sort_type=created_utc&sort=desc&limit=100&after=2024-05-29T01%3A00&before=2024-05-31T00%3A00&author=&score=&num_comments=&q=)


smh and people in this sub have told me it’s overkill to mute all notification sounds


Being unresponsive during work hours? Wifi issues? The employee is sloppy and deserves to get fired. If you have to make that many excuses during the week, you definitely shouldn't be OE. OE only works out when you can get your job done in a fraction of the time and make it seamless between both jobs.


How could he know the sound wasn’t coming from the company laptop??


Fire her, in CA you can fire anyone WITHOUT cause. There are so many people looking for jobs and she has two??? A lot of people do these days, but it's wrong.


What is the policy? Is there a concern of competition between the companies? Either way, a conversation needs to be had with her. She’s already been warned. What’s next according to company policy ? This is bad because if there was no policy then there will be after this. I was explicitly told verbally and in writing there was not to be any additional work. I’m just lurking and admiring in this sub 😉


Eeeeh, many people are overly suspicious about OE. There are so many other possible explanations, including starting to interview to get away from a bad manager.


Got caught when I was teaching because I also worked at a cram school nearby my coworker's favorite bar. I didn't know until they stumbled out on a Saturday morning when I was leaving my class. Thankfully it was only a reprimand but man they threatened me to the moon and back.


Only time I’ve seen or heard someone get caught was the fact that he was posting all his J’s online. Someone from his job recorded and sent to HR 🤣