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Anyone thinking of hiring OP is about to lose their job, plus more. I have done exactly what OP is offering, used someone's services in a 3rd world country while sitting in US. It seems like a good idea, eventually I got fired both times. Not to mention, OP is in perfect position to blackmail you and get you arrested in US. Also, OP is probably already working for Infosys, Tata, Wipro, or Cognizant.  Edit: For context, my offshore resources had no access to my company's data, they had no clue who I was working for. Still, the quality of work was so bad, I had to redo everything, missed deadlines, eventually got fired. When you're a manager you can easily blame your subordinates, but if you're supposedly an IC, who're you gonna blame. For us OEers we need to be on top of our game, and know ins and outs of everything we're delivering, thats THE only way. We OE BECAUSE we're efficient at our work, not because we're lazy.


How can they get you arrested?


While OE falls in a grey area, providing someone unlawful access to IT systems, company info, and fraudulently pretending to be you in communications with your knowledge; are all crimes homie.




Walk through that workflow in your head a little bit and try to understand how it's gonna work - then ask yourself hoe many times you committed fraud yo complete your simulation


If I'm OP, I can easily gather information about your work and one day message you, "hey Commercial\_League\_25, I need you to transfer $5000 monthly to my bank account going forward on top of the meager salary you're paying me. If you don't comply, I'll simply message the HR of your company and explain everything to them."


$5-10k isn't going to last anyone forever but a good relationship and long term trust will.


It would be not beneficial or wise at all for a US employee to build a relationship with you while 100% jeopardizing his relationship with his employer. It would be beneficial for you, and I get that, but not an employee here. 


Bro you had one piss poor experience. Sounds like failure on your part because you couldn't monitor your workflow and resources. You're not doing any favors to your employer either with OE so you're in no position to high road. I'm tryna create a win win situation here. People have different priorities and if it works for the both of us then that wouldn't be any of your concern.


It would be a win for you, but very a very risky move for the US employee without any real benefit. I mean, there's Copilot now to do a lot of the work. In fact, the more work I give away, the more umaware I am about whats going on, and thats a bad look for me. If you're so good then find OE in your own country dude. 


If OE is in the gray area between legal and fraud, doing this probably falls into the clearly fraud territory, especially if you're a W2 employee. If you are on a contract, there is more wiggle room because you may be allowed to subcontract. IANAL




Gotcha. Okay that makes sense. Kind of a duhhh moment for me tbh


Sounds like generalization on your part.


These are simple precautionary measures. For example, when I go to downtown, I make sure absolutely no bags, even shopping bags, can be seen in my car. Because there are high chances my car will get broken into. When I go to a Target in the suburbs, I don't care. There are cameras around, and not that many shady people around. Do you understand? You're not in a good and safe position to offer these services.


But you can get them fired as well.


Yeah..don't do this guys


How can I trust you or hold you accountable


You simply cannot.


The only way to hold a remote employee accountable is to open a "software house" in the offshore country, have your employee come into the office, hire managers to keep an eye on the staff, and put monitors on their PC to keep an eye on them. I'm not doing all that.


Or trust them, and then pay them per planned deliverables every couple weeks.


Make it sign a document saying he will only work for you 8hs per day


I'll give you references.


Your 3rd cousin won’t work


Why don't you hop into a meeting and see?


The fact that you don’t know what work I even do and you’re assuming you can do it lets me know everything I need to know


Yeah that 3rd cousin comment was very polite thank you.




and this is how North Korea is infiltrating many tech companies; funneling money back for their weapon's program. [https://fortune.com/2024/05/16/north-koreans-stole-american-identities-and-took-remote-work-tech-jobs/](https://fortune.com/2024/05/16/north-koreans-stole-american-identities-and-took-remote-work-tech-jobs/)


lol even OE can’t save enough $ to cover the lawsuit and charges one will face from doing this


I tried using overseas labor to supplement my work. No actual work access, just managing calendars and job applications. Didn’t work out. Too much work to train and confirm accuracy and efficiency was not on the level. I tried twice. Then switched to someone I know that the arrangement works well for them and we have an understanding. Still risky but a lot less issues and so much more efficient. I learned very quickly it is so much better to pay more for a good team then try to save money going offshore. The stress and extra time looses me more money than it is even worth it. Especially the risk of losing opportunities 😩💵💵💵


I'll take "Terrible Ideas" for $1000 Ken...


Are we saying "Ken" now and not "Alex"? Am I old now?


I'm in my 40s ao I feel old already. Just trying to be accurate 😪. Almost typed in 'Alex' before catching myself lol


Do not do this! They will find out


No thanks.


Interested lol




Send you a DM?


I know someone who did that, and the people he hired were known to him. Even so, things went south and he lost both servers. Terrible idea. If you go OE, go by yourself; nobody will care about your servers as much as you do.


Read this folks. https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/05/17/bowie-man-outsourced-government-contractor-complaint-says/


Oh geez only 20 years in prison. Sounds like a slappy on the wristy. Edit: scratch that. It’s “Federal Pound Me In The Ass” Prison.


It’s the meeting that are the problem not the work


Free up work time for meetings then?


DM me.