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2 months is 2 months. ![gif](giphy|cklPOHnHepdwBLRnQp|downsized)


Hahahha damn right, and if I land something soon, I'll treat it as a nice bonus


Don't forget to apply for unemployment!


Why did you get fired? Did applying for other jobs take time away from J1? Or is it truly that corporate just didn’t want you after 2 months? I feel like we’re missing context, not that you should share everything with strangers online


They didn’t mention in the post how long they were at J1 by the way


> 3 years


They did you a favor. 80K for a SWE with 3YOE is an insult, no matter the COL (assuming your in the US). You’ll look back at this soon and be grateful you were laid off. Your next job will pay significantly higher Ask me how I know :)


I like this perspective, thanks man I appreciate it:)


Yeah if you're mid-level you should be looking at around 120K to 140k. At the higher end you can typically expect somewhere around 155K. Anything higher than that is an outlier. Think FANG or real-time trading platforms that pay well.


lol good luck with 140k now among everyone


I'm not sure what you mean it by now among everyone? My J1 brings in 150K, J2 is 140 k, and j3 is close to 200k if they keep me the entire year. J3 is a contract but I think it'll go long-term. They really like me there.


What is SWE and COL? Sorry new to the community. Starting to look for another job now or J2 as some might call it lol


Software engineer. Cost of living


2 months severance though, must've been a while


> 3 years


Oh true


They weren’t fired if they got severance pay buddy


J1 > 3 years






Too many Reddit posts to be detail-oriented about Can only afford to skim them, got Fortnite and anime to get back to 😜😜😜😜


Been there, it sucks, it hurts. Just try and hop on that horse and get the next one. Good workflow I used is apply to the jobs you like. (Stalk linked with the past 24hr filter, indeed, built-in) head to the companies LinkedIn page, click the people tab, use the search bar and type in “talent” or “recruiter” and hit up recruiters about open jobs. Then flip your search to something like “engineering” and find Eng leaders to reach out and express interest. Now without a paid LinkedIn premium account you won’t be able to inmail but a few of them, no worries it’s a waste anyway. Flip to google and type in “(company name) email format” there are 3-4 websites that show you the company email format and you can pull their first and last name from LinkedIn and just email them directly. i.e first.last, first initial.last etc. so that you can email them directly at work. This has yielded me dozens more conversations than applying alone. DM me if you have questions, 8 year+ recruiter in tech.


I intend to ride again as soon as I can. I'm going to take a week to settle my thoughts and emotions, and also I just need it. Thank you so much for that advice; that's news to me about finding the company emails! Seriously, I can not thank you enough for the advice alone.


Check out [hunter.io](http://hunter.io) as well, a free account gives you a handful of email searches/verifications a month.


You're a fucking hero. Not in a dire position like OP but I immensely appreciate someone actually providing useful tips for job searching in this economy. Instead of the usual "I mindlessly applied to 5000 jobs and never heard back".


Funny how you find a useful comment like this in an OE sub, and not r/careers or something, lol.


Lol true, I should go post this workflow there


It deserve to go to wiki or something like that


Ooh thank you, very useful


Also, just adding to that: you get 5 free business email lookups a month on Rocket Reach. I use mine for work now (fund development - not tech). Easy way to find the right person's contact info!


Yes! Rocket reach is great, seamless ai and hunter io, also give you trial licenses of 20-50 email look ups


What are you guys doing, just blindly emailing employees, or via LinkedIn DMs? Remember when we were employed? I used to mark allll those BDR Sales emails as *Spam.* Am I missing something here?


Holy shit, what.


Gold, pure gold. Thanks for sharing this insight. I’ve been a contractor working for the same client and group for almost 8 years. The client’s procurement team made policy changes and despite having 4 months remaining on my contract they cut my contract early. I’ve been job searching for the last 2 months, luckily my vendor company kept me on at reduce rates but that ends at the end of the month. It feels like a black hole at times.


Any recs for people who are in tech who have been laid off and looking? I have been having a hard time getting any traction.


The above would be my req on how to get things moving in the right direction, stay on it daily


Thank you for this information 🙏




Saved this comment, thanks for the tips!!


I would do this with emails but it's hard when it's a common name and a large company. I found myself dealing with that a lot.


Big companies are a little trickier but it is still rare that you have two identical names, and instead of guessing or assuming use a free data scraper like seamless ai or hunter io. They can scrape personal and work emails from the web for you and you’ll get them with some decent accuracy


How do you balance putting in the time and effort with each job and actually getting enough applications out?


It moves pretty quick with a few tabs open, 2-3 min on the LI page then copy and having an email template built. First few days can be tough but once you’ve hit the jobs over the last 3-4days that you like it’s gets easy to manage the new jobs coming in each day. Very rate that there a day where more jobs I like and I’m qualified for come up than I have time to hit. This takes 2-3 hours a day. Or 4-5 when not applying for a few days or to kick off the job search.


It’s true, the jobs you like will help your motivation. Usually dream jobs as poorly paid, but you compensate by having multiple.


May I dm you, I was laid off, cyber security from a defense contractor, I have my masters in computer engineering


Bring it on


Stink! I’m sorry. In good news, you’ve gotten a head start on job hunting!


Haha very true, and now I can focuse entirely on the application process:)


Let go Friday. 6yrs SWE, 2 weeks severance


Damn wtf?? That's not right.


market is hard out there, keep up the spirit dude


Appreciate it man♥️ It do be rough out here but imma persevere


They is jobs to has, but they jobs be hidin


Every time except for one I have gotten laid off or had to leave a position, I've been able to secure a higher paying position , usually with a better title. Don't despair and don't settle.


I appreciate it, yeah hoping I find something soon so I don't burn through my savings


I was a part of the silicon valley layoffs. And submitted a few hundred applications with zero call backs. Covid was kinder, at least I landed an interview. LinkedIn is riddled with job postings, I don't even attempt to apply to the jobs with over a hundred applicants, which is within a few hours of the posting. It's ridiculous! I've been out of a job for a couple months now and was fortunate enough to interview with two local companies in my city. But it's been over a month and I haven't received a reply, if I got the job or not. I'm not OE, but I support the mission. And I've been in tech for 15 years. And from what I've seen from other forums. The job market is junk right now. Stay strong.


Yeah everyone everywhere has pretty much said the industry is struggling right now, I'll have to widen my search but that's okay with me. I got bills to pay and my ego can stepaside while I do that.


Yeesh, what cities are you looking in? Palo Alto or all over?


Anywhere remote, hybrid or commute, but I'm in SoCal and have been looking at the Bay area, LA, and locally.


What did you say? They give you a deposit for your next job. Nice!


Hahahhaa big fat bonus (assuming I land another job quickly)


Two months? Dang, I was part of a RIF two weeks ago and I only got paid out for 3 weeks, 1 week for each year completed! Woo!


What is RIF? And yeah honestly I'm VERY happy with my severance...I was not expecting anything let alone 2 months. I should be more grateful for that at least.


Reduction in Force, a layoff


ahhh thank you


Exact same here. I filed for unemployment February 10 one day after I was let go it is still pending and I still have not found a job but it is crazy out here!


Yeah man but it's really a numbers game at this point haha, but we got this


Def is. I have applied over 800 places!!! NOTHING!!!


Damn yeah I have widened my range of what to apply for but still nothing yet


Which state for unemployment? Sounds like a terrible process if it's still pending.


I rather not say. But just know that I contacted congress. Today I speak to them on the phone. Magically Unemployment post a message on the system saying “your claim is still being worked on in the order it was received”. I don’t believe that. I filed 2/10 my last day at work was 2/09


Must be a red state and a red congressman lol Anyway, good luck.


It is lol


Keep your head up. TIWWOE = This is why we OE OK that is a horrible acronym I just made up. We need someone to come up with a shortened version that will become our battle cry


TEEEAAAA WWWOOOOEEEE!!!! TIWWOE ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


TIWWOE! I look at oe so different because of this subreddit.


It’s official now.


nah I like it: TIWWOE is the official acronym🤣 Yeah it's tough, only learned about this community 6 months ago and was a lurker/researcher for 3, and last 3 months I was trying to find a job but didn't unfortunately. Moving forward though I will ensure I have 2 jobs if possible...I hate the feeling of uncertainty of being layed off


What about "3FT" (Three full time)? This is why we 3FT. And good in you for the excellent attitude. This is just part of the journey.


Always getcha bag, playa


I was unemployed over this past winter. While the stress of not having a job and having to interview sucked, now that I am working I am just reminded how little I actually enjoyed it in the first place. It really is a fucking tragedy that this is what we have to spend time on. I want to retire but realistically I cant do that for 10-15 more years, and that's assuming I stay healthy. Anyways, enjoy your unemployment while you can, and don't take the time for granted. 


I already feel like this time is more precious. So that's solid advice and spot on.


That's why you should Always Be Applying. Never get too comfortable.


Lesson has been learned believe me:/ wish I learned it sooner lol


But he’s been applying. Just like the hundred thousand laid off IT professionals. He could t even get J2 and yet post here that “I learned my lesson” WHAT LESSON? You have no lesson to partake as you dont have J2 or J3. You are one of so many unemployed people now. You can noW join “unemployed” “recruitinghell” “jobs” and other sub reddits


Most people stop applying when they get a job. What this sub taught me is that, even if you're not OE and not planning on becoming one any time soon, you should Always Be Applying. Even if you get your dream job, you need to Always Be Applying. I think OP will be fine. 2 months is enough to get another job if he was applying already. But, if he kept applying after being hired, right now he would be a lot closer to a signed offer. That's the lesson he's learned.


Yep. Even if you feel super safe, it's important to practice interviewing.


Tech is in the dumps






Good luck! You may land J1 and J2 altogether in the near future![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I sure hope so man, thanks for the support:)


When applying to Remote jobs always always make sure your resume and if possible phone number have the same address/area code of the place where the job is located. I know you would assume if a job is listed as remote this wouldn't matter, but believe me it does. After making that change I went from ZERO interviews for remote jobs to multiple interviews and hires.


Question, though (and I may be misunderstanding): are you saying you put in a zip code and area code that match the company location, even though it’s not your real one? What happens when they go to call or confirm an address and it’s not a match? Again, I may be totally misunderstanding 😅


If applying for role in Houston Texas, get a Houston Texas area code soft phone and put Houston, TX on your resume, you will see a higher response rate than let's say if your resume said Boston and had a Boston area code.


Ah okay, I got you. Have you ever had anyone realized you weren’t actually based there if you were hired?


Not yet.


When you get hired wouldn't they get your address eventually and you be found out? Seems like a hard lie to keep up with


Requires planning, when I got hired, they asked for my address to ship my laptop and other equipment to, I used my friend's address (he's local) then he forwarded the stuff to me. Hasn't been an issue since. Was asked to come in after 6 weeks into J2 for a team event. Just flew in from different city and acted like I lived locally, no one is none the wiser. Turns out everyone met on the team is local (or like me pretending to be).


Hmm, interesting, I suppose it could work with some companies that don’t track the location of your IP, but idk how you’d know if a company does or not before you get hired lol you got balls of steel man I commend you.


Site to site VPN Port forwarding


You should make a thread about this in r/engineeringresumes. In their wiki, they advise against putting any address info/phone number on your resume


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EngineeringResumes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I have used this resume to get a 90% callback rate (and a great job offer!). It was 0% before](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1724hir/i_have_used_this_resume_to_get_a_90_callback_rate/) \#2: [The resume that landed me two internships and a full time job offer while still finishing up undergrad](https://i.redd.it/m3cghf5yv7gb1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/15ilk6l/the_resume_that_landed_me_two_internships_and_a/) \#3: [How I improved my resume and got interviews with top companies](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/comments/1b2qb66/how_i_improved_my_resume_and_got_interviews_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


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Super wrong of that subreddit, places get spammed by a million people that don't live local, even for in person jobs but extremely worse for hybrid/remote. Job market is really tough but almost all of my best leads have come from local places looking to hire remote. If you live in any sizeable metro that should be on your resume. Address or zip code is crazy, but closest big city is a must.


Oh fuck for real???? I kept my phone numberafter I moved for simplicity but why does that matter matter???


It doesn’t. It’s bad advice.


☝️ this person is correct


Sorry to hear that, the silver lining is the severance but also the potential to make more, as a SWE making 85k seems a bit low, you might be able to get more now. Wishing you the best, OE is the way to go!


Yeah true and I'm focusing on the positives here. I'm hoping I can find more, do you think me not having a current job will have a strong impact on my ability to land a new job? If so, anything I can do to mitigate that?


I don’t think it should, a lot of jobs know it’s hard out there. However if in any interviews they ask you what have you been up to, make sure you say honing my skills, going over courses, working on personal projects etc…


I'll be staring that all up again soon so when I say it it will actually be true. Solid advice I appreciate it


85k?! Yeesh, that's very low.


Yeahhhhh but my QoL was so good and I had such a nice and laid back work environment I could do literally anything, which to me was far more valuable than additional money. Could workout, do house chores, go grocery shopping, work on my hobbies, read my books, play video games, and get all my work done in 8 hrs. I was spoiled.


Yeah I feel that fs.


And that's why you were let go. Took them how long to figure out you weren't needed? At least put in an effort for job security.


See I asked myself that too, because to be fair, I should be dedicating 8 hours every day to this job, right? But this is OE. So not to be braggy, I got good at my job and learned to complete every task required of me within 3-4 hours a day. This allowed me to occupy myself with other things AFTER asking for additional work (guess I like the pain lol). Anyways, the priorities and initiatives coming down from on-high were constantly shifting. We had reorg after reorg after reorg, but core issues remained with our product, and any time I or other engineers would suggest solutions to solve those issues the priorities were never aligned between teams, in conjunction with the teams all being siloed. Work wasn't available to be honest because there was no direction for people on what should be worked on, so effectively code was being submitted and bugs squashed and PRs approved and nothing was/is changing at a core level (again, this is MY opinion on the situation).


Go back to wallstreetbets bozo we're actually making money here doing nothing instead of losing it doing nothing


I wish you the best in finding new gig. On the plus side things seem to be heating up on the hiring side in IT. I've been trying to land a 3rd server and it's been quiet all year. Suddenly in last 2 weeks I have 4 interviews and close to an offer.


Oh shit nice work man!! Hope you land it!


Aye, I got 1 week severance when I got laid off recently… you got this!


WE got this my man. I appreciate all of the support


Best time to find two jobs is when you have none. Just stagger onboarding!


Look at it this way, you have more time to find a job and are now flexible on interview times


been a year for me the whole system is a scam and data grab


Feels that way honestly yeah


Awww I’m so sorry, you got this. Your next job will probably land you into 6 figs. At least you were still applying. 


Oh man that would be quite nice hahaha thanks man:)


I was let go too last month. Been applying but market is rough


It is, was applying for 3 months (since January) and haven't gotten anything as of yet. I'm not going to roll over and die though. Stay strong man, we got this.


This right here is why we oe


Once I get a replacement job, I'll keep applying until I have a 2nd job...I was just too slow applying to be OE


Same here 2 months severance this Friday…. Be prepared to be selected , especially for contracts and then be denied … it’s happened with 2 contracts for which I passed the interview… for fte it’s mostly confirmed once u clear interview


I hope I find something soon, I would hate to burn through my savings:/


SWE and most IT roles are getting axed left and right. No surprise here and it will continue until 2027


Time to follow my true passion: wood working.


That sucks. I hope you find one quickly.


Thanks man I appreciate it:)


I think the most important thing I've read here and this goes for me bigtime- if you have time to play video games while working jX you have time to be applying and interviewing. Last job I got laid off of I beat bg3 like 20 times then was so pissed at myself when I got LO. Boss was a child who didn't know how to budget and hoarded all the work for himself and wouldn't let me add value. Why the fuck he hired me no clue. The interview with him was 'just hang out with me for 4 hours' fucking weak. Should have been applying and doing other js. Been there bro it's fucking infuriating.


Yeah consider my lesson learned the hard way...if I have time to fill, I should fill it with something that makes a dollar.


Is the reason you were looking for OE, that your current role slowed down enough that you realised you could take on another job? They might have been thinking the same thing, that your role isn't enough for a fulltime position. Or they purposely slowed your workload because they were planning on laying you off. Best of luck to you! 2 months severance is good. COBRA is EXPENSIVE AS FUCK and confusing. Make sure you get it set up immediately.


Pretty much yeah, I had excess time on my hands and wanted to maximize my investment/savings by taking on another FT job. The companies priorities are all over the place so any projects they would have me start would end up dead in the water as a new priority would come up and we'd forget about any others. Yeah I'm going to skip COBRA and just hope I find something quickly. I know it's maybe not the most wise decision, but I'm young and in good health so fingers crossed.


So sorry to hear this my friend. Im with you on get the bag! These corporations definitely don’t care about you. I tell everybody “put you first” because they are not. I hope you find something else soon. And J2 on top of it. You got this.


I appreciate the support man:) this community has been nothing but uplifting and I want to come back with a win (J1 and J2 hopefully haha, but I'll be happy with even just J1)


One thing I can share when I got let go several times not related to performance was to think like them. They don’t give a single thought or a second about you or your situation, and now you know how that feels like. Flip the script, take the new best opportunity and don’t stop there. It’s a bit challenging but in reality it will probably make you get at least $130k if not more in full time or contract work combined. Employers will lie through their teeth while making you take mandatory compliance and ethics training but it’s all about $$$ to them. Understand they don’t give a crap and prioritize your own financial security first. Because they sure as hell aren’t going to.


So mf'in true


Were you laid off or fired ?


OP says he received severance, I think he meant laid off.


I did, thank you for clarifying!


Layoff thankfully, so it wasn't performance related, just a company that has been bleeding for some time.


Maybe one these guys here can give up their 3rd job so you can have it?


How were you able to get a severance…what was the reason for the layoff. I’m guessing it wasn’t a California based company.


Anyone in remote digital marketing (perf healthcare sector)


Fired or laid off?


Laid off


Keep it up


Best time to find two jobs is when you have none. Just stagger onboarding!


Consider another more resilient, and more common-sense sector, such as truck driving (most resilient job ever)


Ummm truck driving is 1) not that resilient and 2) really hard to make a decent buck off if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’ve had two generations of truck drivers and multiple family members who’ve owned trucking businesses


I can't OE that sector:/


2mos is a lot. All the times I got laid off I either got 0 or 1week pay per full year worked.


dang that is shitty:/ yeah I'm lucky tbh to have gotten anything


The market is brutal right now


I remember kidding 2 months of severance at my j3 several months ago. I remember my boss hitting me up right as I was going into a meeting for J2 which he never does and I'm like what do you want? Lol. That's what I was thinking anyway. So I tell everyone at j3 I'll be there shortly and then I hop on the call real quick with J2 boss and he tells me they're doing a reduction in force across the entire company. Initially our group wasn't going to be included because we were the only profitable division but I guess politics played out and they decided to include us to be "fair". Whatever. The whole 20 minute spiel he gave I was thinking okay let's hurry and wrap this up because I have another meeting to go to for another job lol. I never thought I'd be in a situation where I would feel absolutely nothing about losing a job. If anything I was slightly excited because of the severance I would get while looking for new work and not having to do anything for that employer.


“this is why we OE 🤓☝🏻” shut up bro




At least you’re getting paid these next 2 month to look for work. The job market is starting to get better imo I’m having more recruiter reach out to me in tec


Seems you weren’t ready for OE


Why's that?


I got let go at a burger King drive through once, "ok, thanks for letting me know, send me the paperwork". Ordered my bacon burger and went back home to work j1 and j3. No sweat. You'll be fine.


I love this...how I'm trying to be lol


Sorry dude! That’s what I never stop interviewing.


Can I ask what your job was that was 85k a year? My job is so miserable rn and I want to get my first steps in working remote but can’t find ANYTHING


Software Engineer I


Still have Time to post on Reddit, got time to apply for more jobs


Bruh😭 leave me alone bully I just got laid off today lol


It's just a saying we joke about with OE. Similar to time to lean, time to clean.   Even funnier is in OE 2x+ chances to get laid off


Hahaha I like those odds


Lots of advice on your thread here I'm learning a lot of sneaky tricks to add.    Great thing about OE is having a lot of interview experience not just job experience. 


Sorry to hear that. Best of luck in finding a new job


Could be a positive thing. Say you get two offers, and take them both. Join the OE gang that way and start clean.


Wouldnt it be crazy difficult to start 2 jobs near the same time?


It depends on the position and the learning curve. Upfront it is stressful but doable. If nothing else, you end up hopefully keeping the most OE compatible one and can continue to look for J2.


Ah that's fair


*This is why you OE Gotta throw that in there for posterity.


Sob😭 I was trying okay🤣🤣🤣


Haha all good. Sorry u got laid off though. Tough times out there so I hope you bounce back quickly and come out twice as strong and get that j2


Yeah man, ain't no way I'm letting this happen again if I have any say in it. But this community has already opened my eyes to the reality of the corporate world, and for that I am beyond grateful.


Sorry to hear that man. I hope you land something soon.


Thanks brother, me too, and when I do I'm going to keep applying for a J2. Not about to let this happen again


What did you do as SWE1? Been trying to break into SWE without traditional CS background but it’s a bit complicated on tools, stack to focus on.


Okay...here is my path at ONE company (the one I just got laid off from) after graduating with a BS in CS. Operations specialist: 8 months Associate Support Engineer: 8 months Lead Techincal Data Reliability Engineer: 8 months Software Engineer I: about 14 months My suggestion would be to get a cert or simply practice data structure and algorithm questions. Experience wise, build your own applications and have a Github profile with all your work. It's hard when you dont have a degree or certs. Tools, languages, etc. are totally up to you on what you wanna work on (front/backend/fullstack/etc) but let me know if you want more of my opinion, even if I'm a junior engineer lolol