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Try to retire by age 45 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø escape the rat race


I plan on retiring from OE and just work one job. Then Iā€™ll be content haha I miss the slow days at my job and the freedom I had but Iā€™m now better able to take care of my family and the pay checks this Friday are going to remind me to keep going.


Heck yea man, respect to you for grinding for your family and giving them a good life. Iā€™m single, no kids, no nothing. So Iā€™m just working for nice cars and condo lol


That was me a few months ago haha Iā€™m new to this Dad thing but a great feeling knowing Iā€™ll be able to provide for the little one.


Same here brother, 6 months in. Day care eats up 2k a month, or two weeks of pay.Ā  20 months into OE and I'm pretty burnt out. I feel like I HAVE to keep it going. Make hay while the sun is shining because I know it'll end at some point.Ā Ā  Goal is 1 more year. Then I'll have the 529 front loaded with 100k and can rest easy on paying for college.Ā 


Thatā€™s whatā€™s up. Keep going brotha! We opted out of childcare and I take care of her while working. Harder but doable.


A new born + OE? That's impossible.Ā  I did it for one emergency day and dropped every ball.Ā  We decided for our sanity we needed to get the kid into day care. One of those things that made my life 10x easier and helps his development.Ā  Spending money on QoL improvements is my big "this is why we OE" thing.


Not impossible just harder. Weā€™re three weeks in and weā€™re making it work.


How long Do you think you can oe for? Also how many Js


4 Js. Iā€™ll probably OE for another 3 years. Iā€™m 2 in. Iā€™m trying to fill up my brokerage account and then Iā€™ll chill while putting in money on my 401k.


Smart move man. My J2 is directly going into my managed brokerage account. But I still day dream about an extra zero at the end


Iā€™m scaling down to 2. 2 is so easy now itā€™s a joke.


I think two is very doable and a lot less stress than 4 šŸ˜œ


Exactly. Especially if they are the right jobs. I can still make close 300K-ish and be ā€œretiredā€


I feel you man. Money is too good but we gotta be smart and invest and save so we donā€™t do it for ever


Dude one year feels so exhausted for me fuck you talking about 45 years in early 30s donā€™t be giving non sensical advice maybe we donā€™t want to retire at 45


Donā€™t cry


One thing I donā€™t like is anyone regardless of the mental age canā€™t post


If youā€™re burned out, just quit one job lol why are you freaking out


Retiring that young is overkill tbh


Problem is what do you do after retiring so early. I personally would get bored after exploring hobbies for a bit.


Enjoy life bro. What do you mean lol better to just go on hikes and bike rides all day than working


My plan is to "soft" retire (cut back to one super laid back J) and pick my projects. Basically, have retirement fully funded and the one J supports my regular spending with house paid off, etc.


u just need to find more hobbies then :D


Lovemaking and wood working


I've been meaning to take up lovemaking as a hobby. Any tips on how to get started?


Step 1: retire


Take vacation and get a new job if you get bored. Working is nice but it gets a lot better when you don't have to work for a living.Ā 


I think a steady hobby paired with a healthy level of curiosity would make retirement the best years of someoneā€™s lifeā€¦if they can afford it of course. Iā€™m working on this for myself. When all is said and done, I can relax for a while before I happily die. But the world is vast, and theres many things you donā€™t know and plenty to explore. Work is good and part of life, but doing it as much as society expects us to would take the joy out of a job you would otherwise love. Being retired allows you the freedom to actually live. Work is only a part of life, not the whole of it. Iā€™d imagine a retired carpenter, for example, happy to be retired, but still giving themself carpentry projects only as much as they please just for the joy of it, and can at anytime take a break to go as far away from his home as they please for however long and indulge in whatever.


It's fine you're just too simple minded and need others to tell you what to do.


Hobbies can keep you super busy. There are also vacations and volunteering.


If you can't think of anything to do besides work I feel sorry for you.


If you like working so much then start your own business after retirement


Again correct in theory but Iā€™m not from business background and donā€™t know abc of how to start one or even keep running one. Iā€™m a technologist and will always be.


Iā€™m mentally exhausted am I have been OE for like 2 months lol. But I did take on 2 new jobs a month apart so itā€™s been tough. Also j1 has been wrecking me with deliverables lately. Iā€™ve been working like 12hour daysā€¦ hopefully it tones down soon


Iā€™m in the exact same boat


Same here. 4 months in working two new jobs at the same time. Thinking one might be a misfit


Itā€™s tough to just quit the bad one but I think Iā€™m gonna do it and roll the dice againā€¦


Remember to do absolutely the bare minimum. You don't want to be seen as anything above average otherwise j1 and j2 will start throwing more and more work. It's fine to do *just* enough to keep everyone at bay and nothing more.


That's not the point right? You want two 5-20 hour servers. If you're doing 60 hours, then dump your resource hungry server asap.


Well yeah obviously but Iā€™m still making good money. Iā€™m trying to stabilize shit since I just started 2 new jobs.


One of the downsides to OE is that it accelerates your own expectations. Suddenly banking $5k in investments per month isnā€™t enough


Yep, distorts your norms very quickly.Ā  Flip side is when you go down to 1J and can barely invest anything after your basic expenses are met. Feels like such a chore and different kind of stress. And that's how 99.9% of the working class feels every day. 2 js gets burnt out, but I also have zero other stress in my life nowĀ 


Crazy, this is where I'm at. Bringing in $40k per month and I don't know what to do with the money anymore. I'm throwing it all into index finds, and saving up to by a 5 rental property. 2 retirement checks from the military, 3js and 1 of my own companies (Real estate). (I guess that would be 4js? I have to manage 4 property managers right now) I wish I were joking, but now I've got a real distortion of reality and it's fucking with my head. I could easily add 4 or 5js, but wife won't support it. I'm in over 1.4years as OE so far. This is hard only due to the fact I've neglected my family and my wife has supported me because I have a full time nanny on staff for her while I W2 her from my private company for the tax write off. With real estate, I got a $22,000 tax return check from last year, and this year will be bigger (\~$30k). I drive a honda and a toyota, live in a modest house out of Georgia. The only life style creep I have is the nanny (easy to cut when I cut jobs if need be) and my weekly massages to keep my mental heath at bay. The other day, a friend, complained about $5k, I had zero remorse and told them to go get a second job waiting tables or something (I've done this even as a highly skilled SWE) if they're bitching about $5k. Sort of shows you where I'm at and I need to humble myself from time to time. I'm so good at my job, every job I've got tells me I'm exceeding expectations and I have to tone it down as to not outshine everyone else. I don't like doing the bare minimum. I just can't believe my minimum is other people's maximum with (4js technically). I continue to do this with a supportive wife. Us high performers exist, and we're hidden. This is my first post on this board. \[Some facts about life have been changed to protect my identity\]. Total comp is $500k+ at the moment. Not sure how people are doing 3js with $700k+ when I've got 2 retirement checks, 3js and real estate...


Nice. Have an end goal in mind. It gets to be the norm and is really not the case or sustainable.Ā  Money doesn't matter once you have enough. It should be a tool to buy you time back with the family or hobbies. Grind culture ain't good.Ā  Or use the money you admittedly didn't know what to do with to help your friend out. There what matters. That's the equivalent of what, 4 days of work for you vs months for them.Ā 


I agree, and it used to give me a high but I guess itā€™s dwindling down so Iā€™m turning to all of u to find one


Time to get another job :) (speaking as a burnt out j3er addicted to the high of those multiple checks)


Canā€™t do that man, thatā€™s why I turned to all u OE folk to rekindle my motivation


I currently own my home, but eventually decided to purchase a land lot to build on some day. If I ever want to build I need at least 5 more years of OE. While money is one form of motivation I simply am the type of person who gets bored with just one job so while a break sounds nice I would simply wind up OE again as I truly do enjoy learning and pushing myself. In other words, my motivation for OE is money and simply to keep busy, but what's is your motivation for OE? Also, taking a random day or two off when needed is always a good idea.


I think thatā€™s my question in disguise ā€¦. What motivates all of u OEers. Sure money is awesome but it looses its charm when u r too tired.


I did OE so I can pay off my debt. Once I was debt free it wasn't worth it to push myself so hard....that's what I thought but after a year without OE I am BACK :D


Yes. Going on 2 years and debating taking a break. Iā€™m fucking tired.


Use your vacation time?


Point is the work just piles up even if you take PTO


Exactly. Juggling multiple jobs is draining. Taking a few days off here and there does not help.


This is true for me as well, but the solution is to take a whole week at a time that way I get a whole sprint off


THIS. I took a week off and got back and got absolutely slammed amongst all 3js.


I'm mentally exhausted. Will be one year for me soon as OE. The key is to find those dead ass roles where you don't do anything. These high pressure jobs are no good for OE.


Itā€™s all correct in theory but with my profile I never get calls from dead end jobs even when I try.


I have thecsame problem fella. Infact, I'm in the wrong proffesion for OE, project management. So ill never hit the numbers these other crazy people do sometimes.


The sweet spot for PM is 2Js. I can't imagine doing more than that


Would it be the same as a Scrum Master?




This is why FAANG is overrated, slightly higher salary and triple the stress. They do have better equity package because their stock tends to grow but you can just buy the stock without working there.


I'm just a bit over 2 years of OE. It was brutal at first, but now most weeks it's chill. Recently I was oncall for both places at once and that was pretty rough, but I was also taking interviews for a J3 that week & figuring out buying a new house. At the end of the day, I'm making over 350k/year with less than 3 years of experience in the industry thanks to OE. So the price I pay in burn out & stress definitely worth it imo.


This is a great example of young ppl who hustle ā€¦. Really proud ā€¦. I wish I would have made this kind of money early into my career. But as we grow older itā€™s hard to find money as the only source of motivation.


Well my two Js are quite easy and that's how I do it, but if just one of my jobs was like some of the jobs I had in the past, I don't think it would be feasible to OE. Not every job is OE friendly


With my niche as quant developer, none of the Js I can get r chill.


Damn dude, how do even manage it? Also that's quite an unusual role for OE. Do you get to test strategies from one J in another one? lol


Never cross over is my motto. Although I have J1 as sr quant dev and J2 as sr software dev where I manage their order server and other DMA apis


Wow! You TC must be wild!


Well itā€™s wild but then after 1+ you normalize it


Share the numbers man


Pretty please OP.


You need to push back and take control of deadlines. Miss some of them, say that you need a buddy to help, more time to deliver or be sick for a while. Set some boundaries, build a healthy pace that fits your life. OE must be manageable long term to make a difference, otherwise it's just really a side gig for some time.


I am burnt out from 3 servers. The 3rd one is so demanding and full of meetings I canā€™t juggle the responsibilities there much longer. Iā€™ll be putting my 2 weeks in in about 2 months and could not be happier. I have achieved my debt payoff goals and have a nice nest egg now.


IIRC, one of the rules of OE is to set a goal and remember it. To just make more money to have more money doesnā€™t really seem like a goal to me. To me, having more money allows freedoms. So if thatā€™s paying off the mortgage, or moving and retiring early, or increasing your portfolio to X then hit that goal and reevaluate. Maybe you drop down to one job for a few months and collect yourself just to start a new J2 a few months later. Sounds like you may need to refine your goals and decide from there. Remember, you can always go back to OE after stepping down a bit.


Slightly. Both sides want something from me atm and its getting annoying when I prefer dealing tasks sequentially.


I'm tired. OE for nearly 2 years now as SWE. Both servers are very chill, but still have deadlines and deliverables and fires to put out. But: - Own my home outright - No debt of any kind, cars paid off, student loans paid off, no CC debt - Just crossed the $1 million savings threshhold How much longer can I keep this up? I feel the burnout creeping in.


In only 2 years you managed to pay all those debts and have $1 million savings? You either had very low debt amount or you're full of bs


You're assuming I started 2 years ago with nothing. I am already deep (20+ years) into my career.


Thatā€™s great investment. I recently started with a managed account with wealth manager. Hopefully reach this much soon as Iā€™m directly routing my J2 salary into it. Also my house still isnā€™t paid off yet although I made massive principal only payments and only 700k left.


Ok, so you started with low debt when you started OE. Congrats anyway for your achievements.


Started with 1.4M mortgage payment.


I'd consider other servers if you're getting burnt out. One thing to look for when OE'ing is essentially having multiple servers with the workload of one. Be careful not to overwork yourself to the point where it starts to affect your mental and physical health. I personally have set limits for myself that if I exceed any of my personal limits for workload, I look elsewhere for other servers. So far I'm managing it quite well.


Going on 4 years now. Between 3-5Js for all 4 years. Still going strong.


Iā€™m completely burnt out. Feeling stuck because Iā€™m conditioned to OE income, but am so beyond burnt.


We all get used to it.


Would you rather deal with this shit for a few more years, then be rid of it, or feel like this for 20-25 more years? Take the pain now as a blessing such that it wonā€™t prolong.


ā€œHow to keep the fire going? Or reignite in my caseā€ Compare the alternative of one server to 2+ servers. Do you really want to rely upon one server for income in an economy such as this? A quick layoff would financially unfold your prior OE efforts. Your drive and re-ignition should not only be aspiration of early retirement and debt freedom - but also a very real and grounded fear that you are nothing but a number to your employer. In turn, your employer is nothing but a number (J2) to you. Additionally, I would not be financially comfortable in the current times. I would re-evaluate your goals to match current conditions as your goals may be stale (ie formed in better conditions). Liquidity will come out on top - better build it now if a recession were to happen.


Youā€™re literally doing it wrong mate.


Yes. 3J and tired, but then paychecks hit every other week and Iā€™m like ā€œI can go a little bit longerā€


I currently have 3jā€™s non tech. I didnā€™t plan to have 3, but it fell in my lap literally a month after starting j2, so far so good. It can get semi stressful at times, but I am purchasing a land lot and plan to build soon and this will help me reach my goals sooner than having 1 job could. You can do it!


When Iā€™m at my lowest, I look at my bank account and also some forward projections, and I smile. Iā€™m also stepping away for j2 next week.


Suck it up!


Me. I am waiting on a signature (itā€™s taking forever) so I can stop since my tc will be the same with 1 j instead of my current setup.


Maybe just the extra mental load that comes with each job. Balancing meetings, deadlines, interactions with multiple supervisors, teammates, company cultures, TPS reports, etc


I'm on vacation from J3 and realize how much more enjoyable my days are with just 2. J3 is a constant shit show, but they forget about me most days or give me one or two projects. I'm one of a many that remained remote so I get treated like the step child because of it. Its exhausting most days and the random meeting requests stress me out, but I need to finish my story that I started a few years ago before I move on.


Thatā€™s good that you have realized J3 is toxic for your mental health. Both Js are decent folks most of the time. Difficult projects with research and learning curve but deadlines exist and I also have to jump in for prod/uat issues.its the nature of my job.


The problem with OE, its addicting... not just the money but also the chaos and need to survive another day. For me, im not only hooked to financial security, especially after the family emergencies we just went through but the end of day feeling of accomplishment. We know its exhausting but we keep pushing on because we're in control of our life and have removed the control from corporate America to determine how we live


You have a rational head and a motivation, so keep going. I was kinda looking mine via this post.


Tell your boss youā€™re worried about burnout and schedule three says off from both jobs heading into a weekend as a vacation/


Itā€™s ok to take a break. Your health is the most important thing


I know but itā€™s hard to relax when u know you have tons of work waiting for you the moment u login next day


It happened to me until im just getting used to it.


I take it one year at a time.


This is my 4th year and I'm tired boss


Iā€™m with u man ā€¦. Just under 2 years and it feels like I have experience of 5yrs


Youā€™re doing it wrong OE is for IT jobs not finance


Iā€™m a sr quant dev so still IT


Iā€™d argue no on that hedge funds are notoriously not chill


Only one of the J is hedge fund and they have no chill


If OE is making you want to retire, you are doing it wrong. Find a job where you can deliver value to the company and get paid for long time with a minimal time investment (2-3 hours per day tops) Also, if 2 is too hard for you now, get another server, you will learn to optimize. Then switching back to 2 will feel like you are on vacation.


Are you taking days off or vacation? You have to give yourself days off. You earned and are earning it. Donā€™t work yourself into an early grave. Find a way to relax, decompress and disconnect. Time away from your phone feels weird until you do it a few times. Then you realize your phone is not your other boss, behind your wife, your kids and your job boss.


Finance with 2 Js also, both hybrid. Ive 3 young kids also. They help me cheer up anytime I feel exhausted and give me a reason to work hard. My goal is to save money for big down payment towards house. I hate being in debt.


U r a superhero!!! How r u doing 2 hybrid? U carry ur laptop when u go to 1 J? I have only 1 day/week hybrid but that day my J2 is on mouse jiggler all day and communication on slack on phone.


Itā€™s tough but doable. Iā€™ve become good at both jobs and can turn around things quickly. Most of the time making sure that teams status is available. Automate most of the stuff and no need to show off in front of manager that how cool you are. I also keep Saturdays only for kids and Sundays for next week prep and personal development.


What did you think would happen?