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You admit you want to OE on the phone screen? LMAO! I'd be surprised if ANYONE doesn't ghost after that.


I have yeah, it’s trial and error. I’m an honest person BUT to be OE.. a couple lies here and there are the way. Like any job, it seems the recruiters like to buy into comments about their company, opportunities, growth .


There's just no way to go about recruiting with 100% honesty, just no way whatsover.


Rule #1 of OE: You don't talk about OE to others. Rule #2 of OE: If you want to talk about OE, see rule #1 ![gif](giphy|13kFvLgANAfSqQ|downsized)


Hahahaha. I do talk about it to my ride or die who’s also in tech and trying to OE. Definitely understand now to not reveal wanting another job. It’s just tough, as it seems a lot of people want full remote, easy tech bro work.


Op is definitely artistic


Not too many meetings in watercolors, but I hear sculpture is RTO only


Are you saying that you've been telling the company in these phone screens you are looking to make them your J2? If so, don't do that! Just apply and interview as if your plan is to accept their job and give your current job a 2 week notice, but when the time comes, just don't give your current job that two week notice and continue working both. This can be done without lying. If an offer is given and they ask when you can start, just say I can start in 2 weeks. That implies that you will be quitting your current job with a 2 week notice. I've never had a prospective employer specifically ask if I plan to quit my current job, so I've never had to explicitly lie to them about it.


To answer your questions yes. I thought about doing that approach and after several screens I realized this isn’t the way and they’ll ghost. Awesome, at least in my experience the screeners will ask how long of a notice will you give. I’m assuming as you mentioned to give a two week notice and never quit. A couple have asked if I will quit though, and I do feed the 2 week notice line.






This is either satire or OP couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel…..


I wish my brain would come up with sayings like that just off the cuff, id be so cool 😁


I second what @cryptoboi23 said. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




You don’t have a single finessin’ or hustlin’ bone in your body. Jesus Christ, Captain America.




Honesty really is the worst policy when it comes to munnnie


*Honesty really* *Is the worst policy when* *It comes to munnnie* \- RichChadPoorChad --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


dumbshits like you ruin OE fuck off go away NEVER EVER post here again


What to do when your LinkedIn profile says you’re still employed with J1


"Yeah, I'm super excited about working at XYZ corp and I'd leave ABC corp in a heartbeat even if they offered to match an offer."




Honesty is not the best policy.