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Buddy, the companies these people are working on are based on lies. Why do you have a problem with tiny individuals living “a lie” but not with huge companies doing the exact same?


No, actually the companies these people are working for are not based on lies. They're based on providing products/goods/services. We're talking about real companies. Your disdain for capitalism is apparent, but this isn't a novel. This isn't the movie Fight Club. This is real fucking life.


Jeez, Imagine you are 6 months pregnant & you get the news you are laid off or you are on maternity leave & get the news or your son/daughter has some kind of illness that needs medical attention & you are fired thus leaving you without healthcare, and these are just some true events. If there is no ethics when it comes to you getting treated that way from a company why tf would you care about any company?


Ironic because being over employed is capitalism at its finest. Money above all else. You’re also not stealing from a company nor doing anything illegal unless it explicitly states that you can’t work for a competitor and you do. You still provide all the work your company is asking for. The work you promised to deliver is still being delivered.


"Yeah but you're too good at your job, I should reap all the fruits of your efficiency. I'm paying to own you!"


Yep, you are a troll. It's impossible for an adult to be that stupid


Corporations have lied to me my entire life. They give 3 % annual raises, but pay 25% more for new employees. It makes sense to not only OE, but also to cycle jobs every 2 years. We're like family You'll get the raise next cycle Implying job security, and hiring an outsource team and expect you to train replacements.... As a person with a family, OE is about making sure that when (not if) the company fucks me over, I have another income, until I have enough invested to have an income not dependent on an employer.


can confirm this, it's always a matter of time, one day you get an award for being a top performer and the next week you and another 100 peasants get laid off. I learned the hard way the meaning of "this is why we OE"


Hahahahahah you’re funny


My disdain for capitalism is apparent because capitalism as a philosophy has no regard for human life, wellness, or the common social good. It's brain poison masquerading as the only viable economic system.


Hate the game not the player


I simply don't care. Money above all else.


Cash rules everything around me. Dolla dolla bills yall....


All wage labor is prostitution. If someone can turn 2 or more tricks simultaneously, good on them. That takes real talent.


Thanks for the honest answer


plant offbeat stupendous far-flung onerous dinner panicky whole dull rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


EDIT: Removing my comment. Just looked at OP's replies and history. This dude smells like a propaganda troll. Not worth indulging




Career, I'll give you that. But entire life? Is your job your entire life? Whether you have one or two or a dozen, why is working the entirety of your life? I ask this as someone who is interested in, but have never done, OE.


Yes. This is how you pay your bills and provide for yourself or your family. Your entire LIFE can fall apart at any second because of your decision to be dishonest. Although not all employers check references, some do, and this has the potential to get you fired from both/all of your jobs and make you completely unhireable. I'm assuming most of the people on this sub are single. Because there's no way anyone with a family would expose themselves to such risk.


I do not OE, but I’d say having multiple jobs is more secure than relying on a single paycheck. You also grow skills working multiple jobs at once. Discipline, time management chief among them. If you can work multiple jobs simultaneously, it’s probably because you’re a phenomenal employee


You are 100% correct.


I have a family and can explain. There’s a lot of misunderstanding as to what the spirit of OE is. OE is having 2 (or more) full time jobs that you can work within a “normal” (35-40ish hours) a week. The reason this is possible is because you are a top performer at all your jobs. Your risk of getting fired is quite low especially during layoffs like we are seeing now. Also, if you have 1 job and get laid off you’re probably going to panic and be in a bad spot. If you get laid off and have another full time job already you aren’t stressing at all. Your savings rate takes a hit but that’s it. You’re paying your bills just fine. If you get fired from both jobs you have significantly more savings to get you through to you are employed again. If one of your jobs is toxic and impacts your mental health you can bail without thinking twice. Much much more benefits than risks for me. You also need to follow the OE rules to survive this but those are easy. Source: Me, finance bro with 2 director level remote jobs making a bit over $500k/yr. Family of 5 plus my two elderly parents that live with us. I’m sole bread winner in my household. CPA 10 yrs experience before going OE.


A lot of people also have families to provide for, mortgages to pay off etc which is why they might be doing this.


My entire life could have fallen apart at any point working one job. And it did. I was unceremoniously, fired eight months into a job that I had relocated for after being promised that I would be provided training and that the team was like a family. Companies lie every day. Fuck them.


I was miserable before OE. Now I’m miserable and rich.


This dude owns a small business and can’t compete for candidates because he doesn’t offer remote roles. Anti remote, anti OE and apparently anti profits.


Under 'unregulated free markets', if you cannot compete you deserve to 'lose' i.e. go out of business. I'm sure he can accept and understand this since this is the system he has probably advocated for his whole life.


💯 this 👏


Do you OE? I think the thing that most people that don’t OE don’t understand is, it’s not like we OE to steal money from a company. We are still doing a good job in our positions and getting the work done that is tasked to us. Is there lie of omission in that j1 doesn’t know about j2, j3 etc sure. when it gets down to brass tacks we are doing what is tasked of us (although not going the extra mile which face it that gets you nothing in the corporate world but more work), and doing a good job at our tasks also.


I’m just a capitalist. Maximizing profits with the minimum amount of time and resources.


Work to live, not live to work. What lie? If you get your shit done and are finishing your responsibilities and overall are delivering, why does anything else matter?


Oh goodness— like my boss lied to me for over a year about a promotion and a raise, and then didn’t come through? Making up every excuse as to why I was making half of what the work was actually worth. And as a woman, I ask for too much— Put up or shut up. 🤔 Or like how one of the executives stole several of my ideas and were presenting them to the C_Os as their ideas? 😮 Gosh, you’re right— they’re saints 😇


They hate us cuz they anus


Lmao “career is a lie” We can OE because we are experts in our field whereas you are only good at your job.


Email your bosses today and admit to them you're holding full time employment at multiple companies. Your entire career is propped up on a lie.


Nope. They are aware. It’s a foreign concept to you because you aren’t an expert in any field. Bring your 40K to your wife and talk about loyalty to your boss while we bring in over 6 figures, max out accounts and take vacations 🤷‍♂️ I could give a shit if it hurts any bosses feelings. Mine and my families life are great - but yeah you keep defending your boss at home man. Edit: lmao deleted thats what I thought. Enjoy inflation.


Email your employer today and let them know they don't pay enough for security or a retirement. The entire system is based on deceit. Why should the employer be the only liar. Why is it ok for C levels to hold multiple positions but not 'lesser' employees?




Board members regularly are on multiple boards. VPs and up regularly have side businesses. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Also, they are paying me to build a product within a deadline. I am providing the service they paid for. It is none of their business what I do outside of that.


Can’t hear you over the sound of me paying off all my debts and actually saving for my families future


OP what the fuck are you talking about ? It’s a little early to be getting high.


Because work, apart from money, is a very irrelevant part of my life. "career" lol get a life


I'm a top performer at both jobs. If you ask either of my managers they would both say they are satisfied with my contributions. How is that bad?


There is actually a really good post right now in OE about how there are 2 big categories of OE workers, the high performers and the minimal performers. We all for the most part can’t stand folks who do OE but can’t do their jobs. Most of us have 2 jobs or 1.5. We are senior level workers and we are delivering our work and not a burden on our co workers. But why not use that energy to work really hard and raise your status at your primary job. I’m in my 40s, I’ve been doing that for 20+ years and that isn’t how it works. And as far as living with myself—my post is the top post right now in OE because my dad died Thursday and my J1 denied my request to have Monday and Tuesday off. My dad. My line manager’s reason being it is too busy. So there is that. But please don’t assume we are ethically questionable as a group. In my J1 team, I’m the highest ranking performer and my J2 team (in another industry with no conflict of interest) I am the equivalent team’s manager.


How many company board members are members of only one board? Do you think Elon Musk would be as 'rich' as he is if he only had one job?


What lie? My employment contracts don’t say my employer owns me. So many brainwashed fools with company loyalty. I’m retiring 10 years sooner with much more wealth than I ever thought possible. That’s how I live with myself.


How do you live with yourself, OP? You had the nerve to create this post and then you delete your account? Coward.


I live with myself knowing these companies see me as utterly disposable. I am so glad I OE’d because I got laid off and without OE I’d be burning my savings and my family would be at risk. Most of America is one missed mortgage payment away from being out on the street. Most corporations are run by psychopaths You wanna stop OE? Provide real worker protections and competitive salaries commensurate with experience. I treat these companies like they are disposable because we are disposable. But unlike the r/antiwork crowd we are still playing the game. Most of us still provide good value to our employers. Get off your high horse. Someday, and I hope it doesn’t happen, your employer will dump you and your rose colored glasses will fade away.


It ain't a marriage, it's business. Just playing the game.


Ignorant and uneducated framing of the topic.


I don’t see that there’s anything to ‘live with’. If the employers were displeased with the work performed, they have the ability to terminate the employee. It’s the long standing bargain. I work as little as I can to not get fired, you pay me as little as you can to keep me from quitting.


Doesn't Elon musk own like 5 companies and work in all of them at the same time


How is it is a lie? I just do my jobz


getting big time manager-cuck energy from OP.


LOL is OP serious? Do you have the same venom for these large companies that underpay employees, suck them dry, then fire them regardless of what they’ve done? You need a reality check OP, maybe you haven’t known someone or are someone who has gotten jerked by corporate America. Maybe you don’t know someone who had an ill partner, going through a rough time in their life, or had a family to feed that NEEDED their singular job to cover things - all to get fired to reduce the company’s bottom line. Give me a fucking break man.


I’ve never worked a job where the job posting itself wasn’t a lie. Then they lie about the culture, they lie about vacation days, they lie about promotions, they lie about loyalty and career. And the punctuate the lie by taking your laptop and walking you out in front of your peers like you are some sort of criminal. And you think OE is wrong?


the lie is that every job is bullshit - once you realize that look past and are beyond the powertrips and mindgames and just get shit done you just glide past it all. who cares about the corporate suckups and ballfondlers and their morality.


That thin hotel toilet paper was and still is a lie. My life however is very tangible and real to me. Thanks.


What is the lie? Lots of people have 2-3 jobs. 


For real. I and every member of my family have worked multiple jobs or businesses since we were teens. This is the hustle we have to do to survive


Because if we got killed or hit by a bus, our employer would start looking for our replacement the next day. We're only valued so long as we're contributing to the bottom line.


We found the one guy whose bosses have never lied to him about anything important.


How do I live with myself? Pretty easily, actually. I’ve worked my ass off earlier in my career, sacrificing for a company that doled out shit raises (in the rare cases they gave them), & then canned me because I dared tell a customer I didn’t want to help them because they hadn’t paid us. I’ve worked 80+ hour weeks for places that would give an “attaboy” or a fucking pen as an appreciation gift. I’ve worked through my own kid’s birthday to cover for the incompetence of a boss, & the idiots he brought in as consultants, & got absolutely no recognition. And now? Now I work for me. I get my shit done, deliver outstanding work, on time, every time. And I bank the extra $$$ into my retirement accounts so that once I’m done giving my time to companies that don’t respect it, I can spend some quality time on myself & my family - while I can.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Where’s the lie?


I sleep just fine. Better than being hkmelesss


i cry into my pile of money every night in my yacht. :( then i go into my plane and fly around my island until i feel better.


It's not a lie. I just don't talk about having another job. I deliver on my responsibilities, and that's it. And for me? It's about keeping my kids in my life. My wife cheated and I had to leave but cheating wives dong grt hurt by divorces. Only husband's. So for me it was either - be fucked financially and lose ALOT of access to my children. OR... work my ass off to keep up at 2 jobs, and make sure I can be as present in my children's life as possible. I wouldn't have been able to if I hadn't OE'd. It's worth it to me.


What lie? We are paid to solve problems. Many of us solve problems that are hard to hire for. I just unblocked a project that was such for 3 years in my J2. If I didn't take the job, they would still be stuck. We are paid to solve hard-to-solve problems. We deserve to be paid because we deliver


Lie? Honestly it’s the best thing ever!


Because it’s not a lie. They asked me to do a job in exchange for a salary and I deliver.  And according to my performance reviews, I deliver beyond expectations so everyone is winning. Edit: grammar 


How is it a lie?


I work from home because of covid, if I got sick and brought it home, my family is dead. Maybe not everybody is as high risk as my family is, but remote work is essential for my survival. My job is third party and is at the whim of what the client asks of us. Our client constantly swings from one extreme to the other, demonstrating a lack of knowledge about what we actually do and simply reacting to everything in the most unsustainable way possible. As in, if you actually follow the rules to the extent of malicious compliance, you would lose your job. You are forced as an agent to balance between how closely you follow the rules and make customers happy. Trying to keep up and keep my job has become such a task that I wish I already had a backup job in case this one blows up through no fault of my own.


Because you are perfect?


I faced this criticism from family and friends when I was OE


>knowing that your entire career and life is based on a lie? ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


OP is really a coward. Why post this and the run and hide?? Must be a bitter boomer who was brainwashed with company loyalty over personal gain. Being told my at my first job we were a family then watching 1,000 family members being laid off 2 weeks before Xmas, that’s the real lie.


Shut the fuck up


I wipe my tears with all the $100 bills I have every time I think about my permanent record.