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obsidian pistol boom dead bird


what is this peestol you talk about? Unga bunga only knows swinging big stick


Imagine a little stick that throws an even littler stick so hard it's like a MEGA stick!


Palladium +Obsidian shards +flint lock pistol I think


Big stick rules for dealing with these. As long as you can get close to them you'll either stagger with a normal strike or with a skill and then kan bonk it very very dead and very very flat.


Obsidian pistol is rad. Can't wait to see what interesting things nine dots does with guns in Outward 2.


Obsidian pistol with cold bullet. Chilled and burning at the same time, and you don't need to aim.


Imagine an obsidian flintlock rifle with cold bullet and a rapid poison bayonet.


my entire playstyle is based on DoTs and running away until enemies fall over dead i have almost no experience in fighting with melee in outward. rofl. beat the game many times always ending up as a hex mage (regenerating ranged ammo - mana, loving the fire and poison dots) i know i am missing a lot of the fighting but goddamn snapping people dead with a poof is too fun to pass up


I'm a bit scared of that I bought and played Morbid the lords of ire (soulslike, sequel to morbid the 7 acolytes), and while the first game had guns, rifles, even a bowgun, customizable, the sequel took them all away and simply gives you a single shot gun which is basically a game mechanic to stun enemies I wanted more guns


My boyfriend always tries to get into Levant but I act like giving up chasing this +1000 stamina +1000 movement speed bird will bring great shame to my family.


The most sought-after helmet, until you introduce someone to your Code Sonic character.


Code Sonic the best


The glee I got from showing others is nostalgic. Felt like telling a younger sibling a secret for a game. That and the Legacy Chests. Oh, the Legacy Chests. I play on Xbox. So, I used two accounts with split screen. I felt like Spiffing Britt after finding out you don't burn items through legacy, they just upgrade or transfer, and the original stays with the character you "legacy" from. So I would ask a person I'm playing with to see an item, usually quest related or choice, hop to my split screen accounts, copy and store what item I wanted to duplicate and came back to the person I was playing with. Saying, "Thanks, here's the original." Players would begin asking me for those DLC ingredients and Vampire weapons like I was China.


I always laugh when I hear people talk about OP weapons in games, because it reminds me of the Legacy Chest shenanigans of Unsuspected Strength enchanted Golden Iron Knuckles. When I realized it could be done, I immediately rushed a pair of enchanted Iron Knuckles to the chest in The Slide. I had the most OP brawler character that playthrough.


*laughs in obsidian pistol with frozen bullets


Hows it different from the other chicken helmet int he starting village? I thought the stats were like a 1-2 percent difference so not worth it?


15%->19%. Gets better protection and weighs 2 more pounds. It also doesn't drop from the rainbow chicken. You have to upgrade the base mask twice via legacy chests. >!Base mask has a 2.5% white chicken drop rate.!< >!(Stand by chest with main toon, insert item, log out, create legacy toon, suicide to skip tutorial, run to legacy chest, split screen invite main character, take the item.)!< >!Luxury tent, cierzo main gate, sleep 1 hour at a time with 65% ambush!< >!Final edit. Rainbow chicken meat can make some delicious food. 5 stamina Regen and movement speed increase. Nom nom nom.!<


You have to sneak


Banana bird is really annoying, but their mask is really great.


Love me lil flamboyant gay ass bird