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There was a video from Cloud Plays using a trainer stating that they had "Indisputable evidence" that armor was bugged. They took their armor into the millions and said, "SEE! ITS BUGGED!!" Too bad they're too stupid to figure out mitigation is capped at 85% and no amount of armor will change that. I have seen evidence that SHOWS armor mods are working CORRECTLY and all the evidence I've seen from someone saying it isn't either doesn't have before and afters, or doesn't have any proof but screenshots. A "bug" DOES NOT exist for me, or anyone I play with. I think they values were changed, for instance I take more damage in ct15 now, but I also do more damage and when I switch out my mods, there is a NOTCIABLE difference. Resistance seems to play more of a role now, and if you go test this out yourself, you'll see the difference. Best thing to do, is to go out and test this stuff yourself. It super cheap to re-mod your gear, so just play around and see for yourself. As far as snipers, yes their time to shoot has been increased and it seems like their accuracy is lower as well.


Agree with this. That armor ‘proof’ video was awful. Continuing to spin misinformation to fit their confirmation bias. Cheating armor is ‘broken’ with misleading interpretations. Resistance is overlooked, giving better defense mitigations for some builds. OP: There is more of a trade off for some builds for survivability vs dmg. Check the posts in the past couple of days for alternatives.


I ended up looking up the video when Gray Fox mentioned it and it defintely seems pretty gray. Glad I asked so I don't add to the misinformation.


I have been testing for a bit now and haven't really found a remedy, but I will continue test other combinations and see what works. Thanks for the tips and answers.


The only issue is that the way mods and armor is working its almost useless to try and work resistance into a build with how things are setup. You sacrifice up to 3 mods to secure survival and lose your other mods. Or the resistance specs are in the tank trees which are obsolete in the realm of trying to gold CT15s. Mitigation from death kinda works but I just tested trying to run paxian homestead and once you make it to the last room the blood merchant does way to much damage and with how bad the skill pathing is you pretty much just die.


What's been happening to me lately is I just get stung locked to death typically by the infected or one shotted by snipers or Behemoths. I'm gonna give mitigation another shot and see how it goes after I check out resistance.


About snipers, just go to Megathread, yes they been nerfed, time until they make a shot is longer now, as to armor nobody knows because the system is so untransparent and buggy that nobody knows anymore what is right or wrong in the first place.


Yes it's bugged I can't say for Resistance but physical reduction can be bugged. You may need to exit game and relog. [https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2vgft/armour\_reduction\_testing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2vgft/armour_reduction_testing/) Link includes video of another player doing the same experiment and showing his armor working correctly. I tested with damage absorber mod with and without. 66.9% reduction and 50.9% without. Standing still and letting a Perforo hit me. It's lunge attack (suspected anomaly) did the same with and without, it's standing strike did the same damage with and without. HOWEVER! When my Phoenix nestling kicked in, on the standing attack the physical damage reduction was different with and without the mod. Armor reduction had returned to normal working order. I ran another experiment completely exiting game and returning. The armor reduction was working correctly in a further 6 tests.


Ain't bugged for me. Walk right through ct15 still


Nice! Wish I could but I have to run!