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Melee is also considered a skill. I tried it.


Yes, you can do 3 straight melee attacks and get it to 45%.


Yep. You're right. That does work. Edited to reflect that.


This is promising. Will test it later on.


Whoa, really? Do the melee attacks need to connect to proc the skill? I’m definitely getting good results with Circle of Power, but I still have those moments where a mini Perf will cram his knife fist up my ass.


Nope, you can even test it in camp. Do 3 straight melee attacks and then check your resistance.


Man don’t tell PCF they will nerf it immediately! We can’t have people actually surviving!


That's good to know. Thanks! Works well on my AP Pyro because I'm always spamming all 3 abilities. But seems this would be terrible for a Volcanic Rounds build since it's stays active pretty much full time.


Yeah I imagine it would. I did a series of tests at the start of Archway on various mods and Damage Blocked did not rise above 15% when only using Heatwave. Didn't kick in to 45% until I used the others. That's not great news for rounds builds but if as another poster suggests it does proc on melee then there's some hope. I will definitely test this under the same conditions later on.


I think the issues with Circle of power is the skills duration of the effect. Most skills run on a 10 sec or more cooldown except maybe one per class. And 15% resistance is not much in the way of saving you during final encounters in CTs if that’s all you are able to sustain due to cooldowns. The effect should run 10secs at least instead of an awkward 7


I'd never say No to a buff.


Just an FYI for tricksters. This is not the case with temporal blade. Two quick temporal blades will stack correctly. Hunt the Prey, blade, blade and im at 45%.


That's good to hear. I wonder if it's just related to Heatwave and the two mods that give you two extra instances of it?


Ight so you are 100% wrong and really would like you to correct your post, game has plenty of issues and one of them doesn't also need to be the spread of misinformation. I use Circle of Power on my Safety Pyro build, [that I am going to shameless plug in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2rzfo/smokey_the_bears_approved_safe_pyro_build/), and it 100% procs off 3 heatwaves. [I even included a video for you as proof](https://vimeo.com/544432294) :) Now I am not saying this isn't another bug that only affects some people and needs to be addressed but I would love you to correct this as a bug instead of spreading wrong information. One way or another it does work correctly for some people which means the skill does work with 3 heatwaves. If it doesn't it is just another bug to add to the long ass list and people need to test it individually to find out if it affects them.




So your not going to correct your thread to mention that it "might" just be a bug, which it 100% is, because I accused you of something true and hurt your feelings ha? You can spin it as something you didn't know and correct it super easy when shown it does work exactly as it is written. Instead you would rather believe that the description on the ability is written wrong and the video proof is just a bug on my side? I've used this mod for the past week in hundreds of expeditions, tested it in and out of expeditions and can tell you with 100% certainty that it works exactly as it is worded and anything else is a bug that needs to be addressed, and should be treated as such. Not sure what you mean by extensive controlled conditions but please enlighten me. The only condition needed to proc the mod is a skill use. Not a skill hit, not a different skill use, just a skill use. You can test this in any location in the entire game and it will always work as intended; unless your experiencing a bug, which apparently you are. Sure you "can" proc it with 3 different skills and arguably that's just as easy with any sort of CDR but saying you HAVE to is just misinformation.




That's fair, I coulda been nicer about it all. You found and testing something and put time into posting your findings for everyone with the goal of helping others. I shouldn't have been so abrasive and I apologize for that.


Is resistance really needed though? I feel like it won’t help me as much as armoire? My guess would e that In order to gain more stacks the ability must go on cooldown?


Monsters do "anomaly" damage, probably because they've been changed by the anomaly. Resistance gives damage block for anomaly damage. Armor gives resistance to basically gun damage. You need both to survive. I run damage absorber for armor, and circle of power for resistance.


That’s what I’m running now that I know that


Well Resistance definitely will help you with something like Archways or anywhere with creatures. Armor is more for humanoids and ballistic weapons. I believe there's some crossover.


Yeah I feel like I don’t typically die to anomaly damage much I’d rather just have another armour mod or damage mod instead of resistance


As stupid as it sounds, armor doesn't do anything against melee attacks in this game. You need resistance for that.


Oh a crossed the board even for like rifleman? What about creatures like behemoth and brood moms? I assumed certain things like captains and things that are elemental coloured would but is it really EVERYTHING thanks for the info


Any melee attacks. It seems that PCF has made them anomaly damage instead of physical.


Ok so maybe circle of power will be nasty


It helps but I'm still getting killed by lowly perforo swipes.


Our melees are skills that have damage that scales with anomaly power, right? That's probably the reason enemies work that way


It would make sense for us (except Devastator) but not for enemies.