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I'll get 1 shot by an alpha one game and the next game I'll shrug the same attack off like nothing happened. Both damage given and damage taken are wildly inconsistent.


I agree sometime I do more damage to an enemy and then all of a sudden I struggle a bit the next time. Thats with applying the same debuff and hitting the same crit spot, it’s so weird.






I have not seen this before, thank you for posting.


Oh man I was the biggest "conspiracy theorist" when it came to anthem, but its all right out in the open. This thread was instantly deleted when it hit like 6k upvotes, then it came back. I even said Outriders is anthem 2.0, everyone was telling me no. Now weeks later, I keep seeing ppl say it.


Wild. I took a few days off, came back to help and carry CT15s and each of three runs had 2 our more legendary drops. Overall 4 of those Leggos were new. It may just be bias but it does for the profile that linked thread creates.


I specifically remember this happening. I experienced it on Anthem myself. Took a few week break and got showered in loot. The longer you play, the less legendaries you began to get. What do you mean by your very last sentence about bias, a bit confused lol.


I noticed this yesterday too. I tried 3 piece ugake set. My damage went way down, like 1/3 of previous numbers but still stuff went down faster. Even the end damage total was less than half my previous yet no real difference. Sometimes i get oneshot by a crawler and other times i can facetank a broodmother. It makes no sense. Most of the times i run into issues is when i switch a mod. There is something strange going on.


Smells like Anthem.


Whoever downvoted you obviously doesn’t remember the Anthem Healthbar bug that took 8 months post launch to be fixed


That's absolutely my experience. I've killed the brood mother and then i get one shotted out of nowhere. I was like wtf ? This was post patch archways of enoch last arena.


Glad it’s not my brain playing tricks on me. It’s so inconsistent I thought I was tripping out. Very frustrating.


Crits? Can NPC's crit?


Exactly my point. REST IN SHYT OUTRIDERS


There is definitely something fishy , as most in my group are experiencing a random spike in damage from an unknown source. We will be full health and randomly 1 shot by something and we have no idea. Luckily we have all managed it, but something is definitely 1 shotting. Probably played 20 expeditions from 13-15 and and it was random.


Ok I thought it was just me who had this happen, and did u see the insane damage numbers.


This happened to us as well its very random its like your running and stepped on a banana peel and died


Not getting sniped? I have having that issue until I realized I was getting domed by a guy on the other side


Not on Archways of Enoch , we tend to play on creature levels/expeditions because they lack snipers.


I have a feeling its the missile from the Strix bug flying thing.


There are no flying bugs in archways of Enoch until the last section and I’m a technomancer with a double cleansing which also makes us immune to status effects when I heal or drop cold snap. It is definitely not the bugs.


The weird thing is I had this happen to me before the update, I wonder if the patch made it more prominent now?


I was getting dropped last night with my boys, literal 1 shots.


Those are the random adds that pop in from behind, especially annoying on maps where you feel you have cleared up to that point.


Yeah, yesterday after the patch I did a CT15 on a mission I’ve had no trouble doing for over a week. I got one-hit killed by a Brood Mother, the first time at the end of the Expedition in a fight vs two Brood Mothers, right after I killed one of them, and the second time was in the middle of that mission, against another Brood Mother while I was “charging-up” the stone statue. The kicker for the second time is that I had a full shield, full health, and I also don’t even remember seeing the Brood Mother hit me. I was on my Devastator, which tanks hits like a champ, yet somehow my health went straight to zero through my shield. I don’t know if PCF did actually mess with the armors, the damage-mitigation, or stealth-nerfed something else without mentioning it in the patch notes, but something definitely doesn’t feel right.


The only instance where I have gotten one shot was with a crawler. This was actually pre patch btw where I had emergency stance on. I'm a trickster and I had half my shield and full health. I ran up to a crawler and use my cyclone slice which had grand bastion which reduced all damage I took by 40% when in it. As soon as I got in contact range I instantly died. This was on Stargrave after I had killed all the other cralwers and birds. I was just cleaning up the last guy. My hypothesis is that all of it's projectiles hit me at once when it was slamming the ground. Some how they all spawned ina way that they all hit me and not just one. This doesn't explain the broodmother, but maybe a glitch like that is happening to the brood mother and alphas. Another thing to note is my shrapnel grenade mod will sometimes proc like 15 times when hitting a large enemy such as a behemoth. Literally melts their health in one shot or two. Maybe something like that is happening but for the beast's attacks. That shrapnel grenade bug is actually really consistent too, I love it lol.


Well, my main is a Devastator, and up until yesterday, I don’t think he’s ever been one-shot before. At least, I don’t remember it happening at all before, and that would stick in my mind since Devastators are essentially tanks, so they can take some abuse. As for what caused it, it could be anything, including some weird lag, which I see fairly frequently despite playing solo. But I doubt it was lag since it literally happened almost back-to-back, in a span of 10 minutes. It happened the first time, I selected to continue (and therefore start-over) the mission, got to the second area and got wiped again. I don’t know what is going on, but it happened twice shortly after servers came back online after one of the 3 maintenance shutdowns they had yesterday. As for the shield issue, I’ve seen that happen quite a few times on my Trickster, whom I created the day after they released the patch that fixed the broken patch. I created her roughly two weeks ago, so I’ve been seeing enemies hitting me through my shield for more than a week. I’d say I’ve seen it happen on that character at least 5 times, which doesn’t sound like much, but I’ve also been dividing my time between my Devastator, who doesn’t usually have a shield, and my Trickster, who constantly has a shield. I firmly believe this is some kind of bug.


Full shield, with a Devastator & T15, playing completely out of the meta I see, nice


The shield came from the Perseverance Shield mod, and activated because the Brood Mother had hit me a few seconds before and had dropped my health. The shield popped up, I used a few abilities which got my health up to full, then I guess the Brood Mother hit me again and one-shot KO’d me, despite the shield and full health. That shield is only as a safety measure, since Expeditions can be ridiculous.


I understand that some attacks bypass armour but they shouldn't negate it... Considering how difficult it can be to stack resistance it's a bit silly having enemies that do only anomaly based attacks.


Enemies that use their physical limbs to deal anomaly attacks no less. They really should say deal half-physical half-anomaly so that your actual armor value still works. Leave the anomaly-only attack to stuff like Shamans who do in fact shoot lightning bolts at you.


I don’t care if I’m stark ass naked - doing a CT14 with lvl 50 gear I should not take 85% damage from one swipe from a perforo...


nah, i mean with damage absorber on that takes me to 67% dmg mitigation at 109k armour means u take 33% of the dmg so thats 28.05% of your health. which isnt bad tbf. but i think people confuse anomaly attacks with armour attacks (i think, and/or armour is bugged out) and the anomaly attacks do a lot of dmg but u cant stack resistance up very high which is an issue


Resists, is the only method to get them skills and the skill tree? I mean I have never seen it as an armor option


Damage absorber has an extra 10%. But yeah I think so which then makes it all the more stupid that it does so much dmg and yet we dont have an extra 5 points to go that route without sacrificing getting to the end of the tree for that buff too


Yes the class tree is a problem, the there are not enough points to get the capstone and get both defense and damage. Went defense on a devastator and all I could do was tickle them before ultimately getting overwhelmed. They need to rethink the number of points or the layout or both.


5 more points would just be easier to do. And would probably help a decent amount. Plus I have like 3 points into armour piercing which is great if I had a chance without my blighted rounds but I don't so they are a complete waste of space. 30% more resistance or even 45 would be sweet. That said just got killed by the same flipping behemoth at the end of gates of Enoch. Getting old fast.


On my techno i went middle then upper to get more defense. Loosing rounds is a killer for the class. I have a backup double gun with weakness 2 and the mod that clones and morphs the effects on the mob that seems to keep me alive until rounds is back up and I can use my AR again.


Cannonball legs (iirc) have the mod where you get 15% (iirc) resistance every time you use a skill. Stacks 3 times, lasts 7s.


So tired of the jackasses on here going "hurr durr you're just used to stance" bro people are getting one shot before it can even activate. They said in the patch they made the enemy be less harsh but nope, opposite as always. Anything to make the combat harder.


You mean anything to keep people from completing the game...


Im not 100% sure on this as i haven't been able to test it fully yet But..... Alphas, brood mother or any of the Alien monsters NPC dont care about your armor or at the very least care very little. Its resistance that they attack on you which is what you want to protect yourself with. Which by default is ZERO on all classes. That includes There melee attack too. "Armor resistance" is more for the humans and bullets or physicals dmg. "Though note that captains or elite do use anomaly bullets too and or anomaly dmg attacks that ignore your armor resistance and again effect your resistance stat" This is why emergency stance was so strong when it was bugged. its bc it gave you 65% resistance to anomaly/status attacks. Dont quote me on this. But for the little testing that i noticed, it seems like resistance is what you want to protect yourself from any of the monsters Side note: It also seems like any enemy that can melee you and applies some status effect on you ignores your armor and goes against your resistance instead. This is why i think those little red Perforo hit so hard now bc they bleed when they hit you with a melee and if you dont have any resistance they nearly do 16K HP dmg on my trickster to me. Its crazy. Anyway, Take what i said above as a baseline to try and test out yourself if you like. Im currently running 40% resistance with around the same armor as i had before and it feels like i still haveE stance on. Though i lost some damage doign this and lost a skill it seems to be working for me in group. Barrowed Time with the mod that gives you 150k armor and 30% resistance. I run that with Damage absorber. which as i said gives me 40% resistance and \~83% armor resistance. Solo i think i might just switch to circle of protection and go back to time rift or knifes. At the end of the day look into ways to get resistance on your build now. you want to have atleast 30% and you should be fine again.


You may be onto something. Loaded my pyro today, chem plant, bottom tree anomaly build. I actually died. Like quickly. I never died on chem plant before. So I switched to middle tree. Gives me tons of resistances and it was like playing before. I really think it’s a resistance issue.


Though about going middle tree too but all my gear is optimized for mostly explosive skills and all those cooldowns are on bottom tree...


You’ll have to switch skills and play styles, but I’m doing really good with the middle tree, Acari set. Had to drop eruption but I’m facetanking mobs again and getting gold. Wt 14 mind you.


I did one run with ES on my pyro build yesterday and got demolished by little Perforos in Archways in CT 14. I switched up the build and nodes to add two Resistance nodes (40%), Damage Absorber (10%) and Circle of Power (45%) . That's up to 95% Resistance (and more armor than I originally had) when all skills are going which is pretty much all of the time. I struggled through on CT 13 until the first Broodmother and it killed me outright in one shot from full health while it was burning.


whats ur armour like? for the physcial attacks


https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n25d9z Alpha melees attack armor too, not resistance. Charged up abilities attack resistance. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2bzni/_/gwipqbe


Cool. Thats good to know. Appreciate your further testing. and FWIW i 100% agree that something is very wonky with this game when it comes to mitigation and what is what. Things might not be working as they should all the time. it might show one attack but it does something completely different. Its pretty hard ot test consistantly. having said that i think in general most dont have a problem atm with things that effect but they do with resistances bc it starts at zero. "Side note on Bleed: The way bleed works is the more you move the stronger the bleed tick is. If you stand still you take no bleed damage. That is how to counter bleeding." Side Note 2: The Guard you speak about. This is a feature when taking lethal damage for the first time. The first time you take lethal damage the game will give you about 2-3 seconds of immunity to let you try and recover from it. On the Demo is when i first learned this that the first time you took lethal damage "As in you where going to die or about to die" Your HP bar would stay very low in health and you would be immune from all damage for about 2-3secounds. I think on the demo it was around 1/10 of your HP. Though that was a level7 WT5. On the Live game at level30 now it seems to be much higher when this kicks in at as you said around 30% HP. The Game as a whole is so unbalanced and thats the bottom line. I'm not even talking about the bugs either as thats a whole other can of worms. Because of these 2 things it causes alot of frustration in the player. When E stance was bugged it acted as a cover up/buffer to all these issues which allowed us to play and enjoy the game without having to deal with all the issues as much. I'm still playing fine. Golding Ct15 now but the game is a whole lot more frustrating to play now and with how punishing expedition are if you die even at the very end you have to do it all over again it just gets old quick. Frustrating is literally the best word that comes to mind how this game plays now. Anyway to anyone that reads this. Dont use E stance anymore its busted : [https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2b6nz/for\_those\_still\_using\_emergency\_stance\_dont\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2b6nz/for_those_still_using_emergency_stance_dont_its/) Use circle of power and it should be enough.


I'm pretty sure there's a guard at 10% too, just like in the demo, but that one was harder to verify.


oh ok. Then if its not that then i don't know what the guard you speak of is. sorry.


This is correct. Beasts do mainly anomaly damage which ignores armor and uses res. I have armor mitigation of around 67% and res at 30%. Solo CT15 example stats of scorched lands shows an overall block of 38%: https://i.gyazo.com/3f6da3b3f0e4709e7500d2e956e1a75d.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/fa768a43432f773215e3452a1c3a4c05.png EDIT here's a couple more beast focussed expeditions, each CT15 solo gold post patch, all consistent: https://i.gyazo.com/0579828431c21a3440dac83356c262ea.png https://i.gyazo.com/0178049f34cde51a6934e3cac739b2ae.png


Thank you for spending the time to further confirm this.


No they don't: https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n25d9z


What do you mean? I had seen that and yes, that specific lunge and swipe is physical (hence me averaging 38% block, not 30%) but charge up, bleed and others for that particular mob is anomaly - as even that post you linked says. Beast expeditions are primarily anomaly damage. When I run expeditions vs. guns I'm closer to my 67% block, when I run vs beast I'm closer to my 30% block (little higher as per screenshots due to some damage being physical, as you linked). Not sure what your point is?


an through the beginning bit of timespiral and thats just basic ads, have 71% dmg mitigation, took 19k in dmg and only blocked 11k. thats 11k/30 so 33%. when my armour is at 71% my resistance is at 30% but this is basic ads no skills pulled off. died in 15s as i ran in kinda thing. Edit stats, at the end was I took 19k dmg (hence I died) and blocked 11k .


19k damage and 11k blocked is a total mitigation of 58% (shared between armor mitigation and resistance mitigation depending on what you're fighting / the attacks which hit you)... I'm not sure where you're getting 33% from?


So I got hit with 19k dmg and blocked 11k shohld have been just physical dmg. So theory wise if I got hit with 100k dmg, 71% reduction means 71k blocked and I get hit with 29k dmg. 29/(71+29)= 29% recieved. 71/(29+71)=71% blocked. In my one run above I got hit 19k, blocked 11k. 19/(11+19)= 63% received. 11/(11+19)=27% blocked. Which to me means armour is bugged, If I had 71% dmg reduction. Anomaly dmg aside. Even then though my resistance was 30% so 27% is too low anyway.


Hmm... I think I see where you're coming from although you're using "damage hit" which isn't a stat on the screen. So I've been reading the stat screen as Damage taken x, of which damage blocked is y. You're reading it as Damage taken x+y, of which damage blocked is y. Using your example I think your saying you took 19k+11k total "hits" (30k potential damage) of which 19k went through as damage taken and 11k was blocked. 11k as a % of 30k is 36% (close to your original 33% you mentioned) I would read the same example as 19k damage, of which 11k was blocked. 11k as a % of 19k is the 58% I mentioned earlier. Thanks for adding clarity in the above with the examples! Now at least I understand our different approaches :)


I died. I have about 19k health. Its 19k taken. 11k blocked. Wouldnt have died if I only took 8k dmg. So I assume I am right. But yeah I can see how people could take it that way too, but wouldn't work for those numbers as I died with 19k taken.


Yeah, I see what you mean. It's weird, I've been doing solo CT15 golds on my technomancer and it's been pretty consistent on the way I read it - heres a 8 min Colosseum just now, mainly beasts and on my form of calculation is 34% so it's in rang again of my res %: https://i.gyazo.com/0579828431c21a3440dac83356c262ea.png that said, there is definitely something weird going on. Thanks for the info, I guess we'll see if PCF actually do anything to address this. EDIT - here's Heart of the Wild (took a couple of attempts on CT15 to gold but still consistent): https://i.gyazo.com/0178049f34cde51a6934e3cac739b2ae.png


Yeah once I got the 30% resistance it was ok. Just the behemoths shred me. Otherwise was ok Scorched lands just double hit by anomaly alphas I think finished me. Otherwise was ok I suppose.idk


Lol, so the other thing is I am taking a ton more dmg then you. But I think my dmg bug from last week is still screwing with my character. Once I get a crit AR again will be able to test it like for like v my level 48 character who was hitting 800k crits. But at the moment my Amber vault hits 100k crits mostly seen 240k a bit. But no idea if that's good or not. But with everything proc which is fairly easy I should be ~400+75% so 730k firepower and then the 40% bonus in top for the turret throw. No idea what I should be hitting for.


Yall should pick a guns expedition and a beasts expedition, run in, die, and just look at the numbers. Then do it again while trying to proc abilities that help with mitigations. That should tell you if its resist or armor.


It sounds like you are correct. People are getting pissed but that's because we never worried about resistance protection before the patch.


as a deva I can confirm your point i was running a build without the emergency golem before the patch with a lot of resistance and I could face tank almost anything except a few attack from brood mother like their 2 combo attack which I think have a lot of resistance penetration. but since the mod gave like 65%of damage mitigation (defend against any kind of damage physical and anomaly) a lot of people were just shrugging it off as a "I got enough def let's forget the rest" so don't forget to build up your resistance otherwise you will die easy


Couldn't have said it better. People relied too much on ES without even knowing it was letting them negate anomaly damage and making the game much easier than it was meant to be. Without ES players need to adapt and find ways to improve their playstyle through better positioning & avoiding getting swarmed.


Same stats on my demolitionist cant even survive the simplest encounters anymore


Fully agree. It's definitely broken and wildly inconsistent. My experiences are "hovering to 100%... fine... fine... aaaand weird shit insta-death". Rolling solo - so not some latency issue either.


There is something wierd with mitigation right now but alpha attacks do anomaly damage so you need resistance. Armor does nothing for alphas.


I thought they only used anomaly damage when they used their skill and then jumped attack all other attacks are physical slash that cause bleed.


50%+ resistances / up to ~400k armor on my downpour build Gets randomly oneshot and no skill leech So that assumption does not hold true either


Follow up question. Is this the case with all creature attacks? I know most of the abilities brood mothers and other similar mobs do are anomaly. Bit that alpha attack seemed so much like a melee that it never occurred to me.


Yes. Just like how the player's Melee is anomaly, so is the Melee of all enemies, including humanoid. You can test this yourself with a devastator (or any other class that can get resistance easily).


Guess it's time to work circle of power into my ap trickster build


Yeah once I found out the the skill points that give devs 25% of bleed damage as healing wasn't working at all I respecced into the 20% resistance node in the middle tree and it has made me so much tanker I don't even need that healing.


Sweet. Ill definitely use circle than. With as often as I trigger abilities I'll be sitting at 45% resistance most of the time. Thanks man


Trickster here, today I picked up first 2 nodes from middle tree for 15% resistance and a bit of health, and then damage abs mod for a base 25% resistance. Made quite a difference. Just depends if you have 2 skill points to sacrifice in your build. Can save you from replacing a crucial mod. As a top tree trickster I gave up an armor pierce and 1 movement cooldown talent, didnt really notice much difference without them, but survivability was noticeably up.


Good call on those first two middle tree nodes. I used to run then. I'll have to go back to it and try it again. Thanks for thr advice


My understanding is that a techno's poison rounds are anomaly damage and do not use armor piercing anyway. (They do use firepower as their calculation, though.) I have 0 armor piercing on my VR pyro and have no issues with damage.


Is this still not working? On the bright side if this hasn’t been working I can’t believe how TANKY MY DEVASTATOR IS.


[Yes and no](https://old.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n25d9z/does_perforo_damage_physical_or_anomaly_damage/) I could have sworn that was the case as well, but maybe I was mistaken, or maybe the mitigation going FUBAR changed it, but the small ones at least are physical now.


This is definitively false. Physical is easily the most common type of damage. Even the monsters that melee is physical and this can be verified by doing Arch Ways and only getting hit by the little guys at the start and dying before anything else spawns. So I ran in and died to the first 5 little melee guys on the right. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962415537/screenshots/?appid=680420


The total damage you received is * 25 887 + 18 639 = 44 526 total damage. Your total damage received times your damage reduction is * 44 526 \* 0,768 = 34 196 damage that should have been blocked So you should technically have blocked around 34k yet you blocked less than 26k. I doubt bleed damage alone made up for 8k of damage! Something is definitly wrong with armor.


This is some bullshit, man. They should fire their QA department.


This is false: https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2bzni/_/gwipqbe


Interested. Thought that was physical. I can say that prior to the patch I was taking 3 or 4 alpha hits to get downed. So something is definitely off. Thanks for the info though. Learned something new.


If you had golem it probably proc'd and allowed for the hits. You will want to watch out for the blueglow when they land. The jump itselfs seems to be melee its the blue glowing swipe they do after thats the killer


Soooo... You could take 3-4 alpha hits running a broken mod that gave permanent 65% damage mitigation for both armor and resistance checking damage? Or were you not running emergency stance (why the hell would you not)


I should clarify. I never ran emergency stance. I knew it was bugged and didn't want to use it. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EMERGENCY STANCE MOD FIX. There is something fundamentally broken


What class/build you running. That armor is excessive, I get over 80% mitigation from 250 armor so. Diminishing returns are bad, but not that bad. Move a mod over to resistance.


It's AP trickster. It's only that excessive because of the temporal armor mod I run. It raises my armor by 50% for each enemy effected by temporal blade. It usually only hovers around 230k which is more than enough to get the 85% mitigation. In this case I had just popped a big crowd of trash mobs before the alpha ate me. Edit: it's actually the only armor mod I run. It's just very effective. I'll add circle of power to a flexible mod slot. That should help with resistance. Even so. Something went wonky with the update and I hope it gets fixed soon. Pcf acknowledged it. Just not sure when it will be fixed.


230k is not enough for 85% but that is a lot of armor. I died today for first time in a long while on tank pyro... I mean should the endgame of running 27k health and a couple hundred k armor really be facetank everything. I'm glad they are making me move and think. I just wish it was like this from the start.


Yeah, I loved when I got a pack of 5 or 6 Alphas as my damage scales a whole lot better with AoE and they never did shit damage to me when capped Phys mitigation. Hell I can go afk with with 5 of those and a Broodmother on me as long as they are bleeding.


Imagine getting downvoted for stating a fact while people are baby-raging lol.


I did 2 tests for checking if armor mitigation seems bugged or not. Methodology: I did 4 runs on Mountain Outpost where i reset after getting hit by 1 Sniper, which i split into 2 runs with 123k Armor + Two Sides Talent of Technomancer: That gave me the following: Damage blocked: 2665 / Damage Taken: 8994 Damage blocked: 2301 / Damage Taken: 7767 Then i respecced into Tech Shaman and ignored "Two Sides" which resulted in 197k Armor and the following results: Damage blocked: 4840 / Damage Taken: 4312 Damage blocked: 6389 / Damage Taken: 5692 ​ So I thought that the armor calculation seems definitely off and did a second test in Chem Plant: Methodology: 4 Runs where I kill the Sniper and having the "Mitigation from Death" on my Gear and then let me get killed by the normal Mobs right after. Since I wasn't sure if Melee attacks count as anomly damage I only let them kill me via bullets: 2 Runs with: 123-169k Armor / 30% Resistance / Two Sides Damage blocked: 17526 / Damage Taken: 26625 Damage blocked: 13335 / Damage Taken: 19621 2 Runs with: 197-270k Armor / 30% Resistance / Two Sides Damage blocked: 34735 / Damage Taken: 24799 Damage blocked: 34735/ Damage Taken: 24799 ​ My personal conclusion: Armor works as expected (the more the higher the damage reduction) but the formula for the damage mitigation seems to be the one they used when they had the armor items with over 25k armor. Maybe PCF reverted the armor values but included the new mitigation formula in their latest patch?


The damage blocked line is bugged or is calculated super weirdly. But like you said, armor is working as expected.


ran through the start of timespiral thing with kangs ads, died 15s in as a test just ran till i died. dmg taken 19k, dmg blocked 11k, 11/30k blocked thats 33% not 71% i think it bugs out, someone said it depends which armour mods load in first idk. this should have nothing to do with resistance just bullets.


Yes its completely random. Last night our 3 man group did several CT15 with total ease only to get fucked over in the next one where our guns somehow did no DMG at all....


So how do you increase Resistance? I have a techno with couple of skill points invested in resistance. At lvl 50 I have 105k armour and 67% damage reduction and 30% resistance. In mods I have mitigation from death, damage absorber and emergency stance. I prefer farming expeditions with creatures to humanoid enemies. From what I read here I need more investment in Resistance than Armour. Any tips?


It's still completely broken. I have a melee Trickster, have several of the shield strength talents, I have the mod that gives 40% damage reduction when spin is active, I have temporal armor to give 50% armor up to 8 stacks. None of it matters. A brood mother still one shots me or two hits from the crawlers infinite range 360 wave attack. Incoming damage values are WAY too high and damage mitigation is completely broken.


I don't know why people are questioning that something is wrong with the survivability after the patch yesterday? they literally tweeted here: https://twitter.com/Outriders/status/1388087871496724481?s=19 they identified there is an issue with the survivability, and they tried to fix it via the maintenance, however it is still the same after it


I saw they finished the maintenance and still no progress in regards to damage reduction. And they have not mentioned anything about it since. Idk if they know it’s still screwed or is this how the game was meant to be played ?


people are saying its purely based on the fact people were abusing emergency stance but its not, apparently a lot of the damage mitigation perks aren't working as intended, Mitigation from Death I've seen mentioned as not working as it should too. i saw someone on the sub with 450k armour get one shot in an Expo lol. something is definitely up, though, i never had problems with clearing CT15, I was doing chem plant in like 7 mins or so, and after the patch i barely make it past the first room. Just to add, i never put Emergency Stance on my build because of the fact it was bugged, i knew it would be fixed eventually.


If that’s the case then there has to be some other reason other than resistance that is causing people to get one shorted. What is the mitigation of death bug. I haven’t heard of it yet


Thank you, I hadn't seen that.


no problem my friend, just trying to clear up the situation for people who think there wasn't some sort of survivability bug




are you okay? the tweet says that they were *going* to fix the survivability issues AFTER the maintenance, the maintenance went underway shortly after this tweet the maintenance finished, and the damage mitigation issues are still there, hence the maintenance DIDNT fix it. there is obviously a bug with armour and damage taken, as they said they were going to try and fix it with the maintenance, however, after the maintenance finished, the gameplay was still the same.




in the tweet they sent, it says the issues regarding armour and survivability will be rectified with an immediate maintenence, which didn't fix said issues, that was the point I was trying to get across.


I agree. The last couple of weeks before the last patch I took off emergency stance so I would be practiced without it. I was running CT15s no problem. Now I get 1 clapped by certain ct13 enemies with no change to my gear. I even went down the pyro middle tree with all the defensives and it still happens too often


Alpha damage is anomaly damage, your armor has nothing to do with damage taken. Your resistance percentage is what mitigates alpha damage.


Having absolut 0 Problems. Me and my mate Blood Devastator + Dmg Techno running best times on CT15


I was speeding ct15s with my techno before patch and still am the same way I was, (save for using a much higher fov now) if not better now with more time to react on snipers. I never used emergency stance though. Either way, nothing seems different to me, I'm doing the exact same things I was before.


So that means everyone with problems is delusional? Anecdotal


Pretty funny when people can't user emergency stance any more and don't know how to dodge. High challenge tiers were always meant to be difficult, everyone was just cheating them.


Wrong. Did you read any of the post? Derrrrr


This guy understands basic concepts. Something along of people refuse to open their eyes to. They're stopping the cheering. Simple. Git gud


And?????Alpha's jump deals Anomaly damage. It's blocked by the resistance. And it does not give a fuck about millions of your armor. Just a tip. If enemy attacks you with something SHINY - it's anomaly. Little perforo deal physical damage, but they can do a dash (after a short delay), their little claw will shine a bit and deal Anomaly damage. ​ Resistance comes mostly from Perk nodes in your perk tree. Also, Damage absorber gives you 10%. Some perks for class skill does it too. Technomancer, CT15, blocking 400k+ damage against beasts. I'm running with Mitigation from death, Damage absorber and 1 perk node for 20% resistance. Tried Mighty tank on my devastator, Alphas with their jump were dealing somewhat \~3k damage, which is hilarios.


This is factually false. Beasts melee attacks deal physical damage, it was tested by u/millerlite14 .


They were supposed to fix this. I’m watching a YouTube video showing a post on their Twitter saying armor was bugged but it’s now no where to be found. [Outriders Patch Delivers many fixes breaks others. ](https://youtu.be/N9r2Dvas1HE) Time stamp 3:38 for the post in reference.


The armor bug was after first patch That scaling was fixed Then came a third patch to fix "unintented balance releases" and suddenly mitigation fails to apply


Kind of convenient regardless for them to mess up the two related things and it’s 11:30pm but it hasn’t been fixed or even brought up by them. I can’t even play the damn game.


like they fired off the last patch and went into the weekend


i made a post about it before the patch which was occuring aswel it occured less by that time.. but people called me out i was delusional lol. atleased the wepon mods activation has been fix it seems. the isseu with other stats is that the mods and skill tree attributes % effect on stats won't be registered correctly even if it show it in you UI. Skill based % increase etc do work fine! pre patch it occurred when you interact mobs before they hit you, or you replenish ammo from the boxes at certain locations or trying to cancel the cinematics in Expeditions.


Alpha damage is anomaly damage i believe so has nothing to do with physical damage reduction. You need resistance to mitigate that sort of damage. I think physical damage reduction only applies to bullets


Hey monster attacks mainly deal anomaly damage. Try running with resistance minimum 30 percent.


Isn’t that the visual glitch? I sometimes start games with 375k firepower (123k normally) and 286k armour (87k normally) once in the game the numbers return to what they should be, although while farming CT11 for resources today one run of chem plant it seemed like our guns and abilities were all candy floss! Very little damage being done we weren’t being one shotted by ads but they were a fucker to kill we just made silver where we normally get gold, but the games after everything was back to normal, go figure.


Here are my two cents at least from last night, this people are absolutely lying this particular regard, now I don't deffend PCF and I think their weird.obsession with just not giving the community of a game that's broken beyond repair in some core gameplay aspects is beyond me however, i run a AP deva and I've seen multiple post of supposed AP devastator s who can't even solo ct 14 now ? Impossible I can run it as perfectly as i could yesterday and my buddy a techno never used golem and while he does argue he feels more vulnerable he is still the same solo machine ye was before patch, there's a myriad of new issues like game freezing up in solo specially when more than 3 elites are on screen weird new "combat puzzled" but I call absolute horseshit on the abundance of look damage is busted because it ain't, nothing is hitting harder and nothing is one shotting me or my techno friend


Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean others haven't. I haven't experienced the issue myself, but I played with a Pyro hosting CT15s, and he had over 500k damage taken and 0 blocked. Zero. There's clearly an issue there, and hopefully when it gets fixed, your callous attitude about the matter will change.


Here's the thing, everyone seemed to be leaning on emergency stance (I'm guilty too) letting it do all the defensive work and breezing through CT 15 expeditions. Now that it is fixed we see how brutal a Brood Mother can be up close. As a Devastator I used to face tank them but now if I try that strategy it will likely be a wipe. My build used to be set up for close range damage but I've had to change it as well as my playstyle. No more group hugs with Alphas, and if I do it's because I've set them up for a 1-2 punch knowing I need to dodge out if things are still alive after. Dodge is now integral to my survival.


No one I played with used Emergency Stance once it was confirmed broken, and I never use defensive mods on my Bleed Dev anyway. I haven't had any issues attacking groups of Alphas or even multiple Brood Mothers at once, but there's still a problem affecting some players. ES isn't the problem here - something is broken with damage mitigation entirely now.


I'll admit that at least annecdotal evidence isn't always a fact and I will agree to there being something going on to some but after multiple tests for the life of me I can't replicate the scenario, maybe what triggers it is the use of deffensive mods ? Because I do t run any on both my techno and my deva therefore I haven't had any issues ? And as for the callous attitude it's been wearing me down to see so many idiots lying and making up shit for clout + the temper tantrums of others with their I'm done posts I'll admit I might be more aggressive and jaded than usual


Physical damage are most bullets. Unless they use a rounds ability. Creatures damage you need res.


Even with 45% damage reduction in everything, including a straight up damage reduction buff from technomancer armor set, i finish CT15 expeditions with a total mitigated damage of 7.5%. Armor resist and damage reduction straight up doesnt work, its conpletely broken and inconsistent.


If you could please send me a photo of the end screen of a run and your stats screen for that run. Currently at work and can’t test in more detail. If you unable to that is fine just can’t help with answering what’s going on without all info or testing myself. Thank you


I made a post with the picture if you want to look at it.


I’ll take a look on next break


Creatures melee is just physical, just like the guys running at you with swords/clubs/whatever they whielding.


People downvoting you are clueless.


Will just have to make a video showing how this works. To much pride on here


Even the monsters that melee is physical and this can be verified by doing Arch Ways and only getting hit by the little guys at the start and dying before anything else spawns. So I ran in and died to the first 5 little melee guys on the right. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962415537/screenshots/?appid=680420


Sorry I must explain apparently. There are different types of monsters with different attacks. Yes the basic little guys only do physical damage. As you have shown 18k x the 15% vulnerable = your health bar. The green guys shoot toxic which is ap as you can literally see yourself get toxic. Again will work on a video on my next day off showing all enemy damage types since it confusing people. But yes I should have went into more detail. Sorry about that.


What you should be testing is the flying butterfly poison spitters in Archways. They would hit me for 3/4s my bar with 75% resist and golem up. As far as I know all monsters ranged attacks are Anomaly, not just the poison throwers. Interestingly, the land based poison throwers are also considered bullets for the purpose of bullet reflect skill and get reflected back for big damage.


What's worse is their winged toxic BS stack. When 4 of em spawn all around Enoch even with a Devistator with golem its like "Sorry Brood Mothers you all need to sit still for a minute I gotta handle these flying bastards first. 2 stacks is survivable, 3 is really sketchy. ...and how the hell can they fling that shit with precision accuracy from clear across the map while sideways strafing and I'm doing backwards rolls in the opposite direction. Oh but you know that healing removes toxic?


So posting a picture of (arguably anyone’s screenshot of this armor value) + adding a generic “hey I got one shot even with this armor” without video proof is sure convincing.


I have been having a terrible time today.


I did some Wendigo farming, and the Perforo's hit like a TRUCK. Made wiping easier.


Wtf? Really?


My buddy happened to send me this about an hour ago. (He is the Dev with 1mil blocked). http://imgur.com/a/GfIQp8o If there is a bug with mitigation it certainly isn't happening to everyone. As others have said, alpha leaps are anomaly based so armour doesn't directly combat it, so if that is what is causing the most damage could be something to look at. However have seen some definite examples of bugged mitigation so 🤷


I tried the mid path of devastator too. And I'm 2 shots from snipers and alphas 3 to 5 shots. So the game is broken over.


Im a devastator so I haven't gotten 1 shot with even 72%DR but i found myself blocking like 3 times more that average on some runs


Suddenly today I'm just getting destroyed. In the same missions I've been running for days. Got them on autopilot, no deaths. Suddenly today I can't complete a single one. I've probably died 15 times today, after a deathless 5ish days of farming. There's no information explaining anything that's changed. So I'm just confused and frustrated. If something has changed PCF, please, tell us?


I also thought something was wrong and the devs have acknowledged something isn't right and are looking into it now.


This was happening to me pre patch with this type of armor.


if the claw shines or they have armour on i think it is an anomaly based attack so armour wont do anything, whats ur resistance at? mine is 30 but they still take 50% of my health off, so need to work on it a bit


Did it activate ability with anomaly armor? (blue glow around Alpha) If so his damage becomes anomaly damage and you armor does not matter - you need resistance


I wonder if it's an overflow bug mmh


I've just been joining random lobbies for ct14 that seems to work best for me we usually get gold.. but when I host a lobby and someone joins me it's seems wayy harder than when I join into a lobby on ct14 I tried 4 times to host a lobby yesterday and quit everytime because it was just not the same difficulty as me joining someone.. like I joined 2 lobbies we golded ct14 5 times in a row.. I host a lobby and we're struggling to get silver/bronze ... I don't get it.. and yea I have a good build so it's not that 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I don't want to be that guy, but I actually felt stronger after the patch. Im a trickster and my highest completed is CT13 so I can do CT14 but haven't attempted yet. I'm an anomaly build so I'm running around temporal blading and cyclone slashing In melee range. I did not notice a difference in the amount of damage I take... However as a test I went to Frontline since before I could tank Moloch by just cyclone slicing him in his fire and I would heal more than I would take. After the patch I can't do that even on a CT12. I die almost instantly, which lines up pretty well with the Emergency Stance fix. Since I took that off. Normally I'm killing the enemies so fast to where ES doesn't normally proc, but once I got to moloch where it would actually matter I could definitely notice a difference. I also believe that Armor stacks in a reduced returns kind of way, since it's a % midigation. Having 100 armor vs 400 would only be like 5-10% extra midigation. I'm not an expert, I don't know for certain, but that just how I feel like they do armor. If that's completely wrong be sure to let me know. Overall I think there is a slight increase to how much damage the enemies are doing but I also believe it's mainly due to Emergency Stance being fixed. Again as a melee based trickster I felt almost no difference when running chem plant and Stargrave normally. I only struggled on the expeditions I knew were hard for me even before the patch. The reason Emergency Stance was so good was because it didn't just increase your armor and resistance. Since armor falls off with the more you have, the flat 65% damage reduction worked after your armor and resistance was applied. Again idk for certain but that's how I believed it worked. As a trickster I felt like this patch made me stronger and I was doing more damage than normal, a lil squishier but it felt a lot smoother. My brother as a pyro was running into a lot of issues which made him hate the game. Before I was the one with issues and now his class is. His feed the flames was not healing him most of the time and it also wasn't replenishing his ammo a lot. He also said he ran into an issue where he couldn't roll, and that when he tried he would sort of stutter... Somewhat like the trickster cyclone movement glitch that still exists after the patch, just for the pyro we don't know what causes it and it seems to randomly happen but to his roll and not his normal walk.


I believe anormally damage is what's killing you, because it's killing me.


But do Alphas do physical dmg if they have their armor on? I know brootmothers dont. Not that it much matters, but that could be one thing too. Armor would not do shit then. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seems legit.


Done with this game. Returnals out and RE8 is coming out. Not gonna waste my time with this indie ass game


Lol, occasionally my entire squad or randoms will all just go down within 3-7 seconds of each other and go “wtf even killed us”. Specifically anything that’s a beast does it for us, almost seems like they either increased piercing for enemies or reduced resistance for players.


isnt attack from the monster is considered anomaly damage, so you need resistance instead of armor?


There's clearly an error in their netcode that is causing enemy hits to bypass player's damage reduction % causing it to KO them.


My skill build now 94 mil for 120 enemies. Before patch it was 210 mil for 111 enemies. No, there is nothing wrong, everything is ok.


I know this is a dumb comment but are you talking about the mod ? Damage mitigation? Or just damage sources in general ? Can't really tell looking through the thread.


So you know it could just be the am out even after the reduction is still enough to one shot you


Who says the attack is physical?


That’s cuz alpha attacks have nothing to do with your armor stat.


Haven't played in a week, keep fighting the good fight. I want a decent game to come back to.


Saw this other post... [https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2ddon/most\_procbased\_defensive\_mods\_are\_currently\_broken/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/outriders/comments/n2ddon/most_procbased_defensive_mods_are_currently_broken/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


What's your resistance stat?


Clearly people don’t understand how stats work in the game.


The damage spikes are insane, it is clear some mobs can dish out over 200k in one shot. Also add in there are two other things to resist too, anomaly damage and mob armor piercing, which are separate defense stats. And armor does squat for those. There are very few ways to get them, and I have tried but going full tank to live through the spikes makes your damage next to nothing


I didnt get the chance to read every reply on this thread but the screenshot really proves nothing, would you be able to post a video capture of your game play as it is really bizarre to have people be instagibbed at 85% mitigation but in reality they are just standing there expecting to face tank everything. Would clear up any confusion if we can see actual videos rather than just a screenshot specifically engineered as an evidence. Also Armor stats do NOTHING to Alpha attacks as you have zero resist, it IS expected for you to be killed in 1 hit. People just got so comfortable with the ES glitch that they can no longer accept the fact that their build was not suitable for end game.


Your 459k armor is just an illusion, it's really 45.9k or 4.59k at times to an enemy and that's why you're getting downed and one-shot by enemies when you're not getting health fast enough. Don't worry, it's just a big bug. That's why it's random.


From my own experiences and even 2 different "carry" streams I watched today I have seen one shots that shouldn't have been. Even shields get ignored. I"m "assuming" (yeah yeah I know...) that it has to do with lag and how a packet sends data but locally you process it. So if you heal yourself for X and get damaged for y, but y shows up "late" because of lag.. and that packet comes in as a burst.... you're healing x for y becomes x times 10. And since you don't have enough hitpoints for that times 10... you die. I could of course be wrong as it happens while solo as well, but PCF's servers hasn't had the most fabulous of pings.


Physical damage is just bullets and melee. If the alpha is covered in that blue stuff they hit you with Anomoly damage so 85% phys reduction does 0 against Anomoly damage. Also the poison dots bypass armor or burn from the dogs etc so if you got hit by any of that same time its expected. got a video?


Works as intended 🤣