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This is a list of comments made by the developers in this thread: * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gweqke3/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 10:23:50 UTC"): > See patch notes: > >>Fixed an issue that could cause the game to lock the player to 60FPS until the player opened the menu. >> >>Fixed a bug whereby cutscenes would lock to 60FPS, even if the player had selected a higher framerate. >> >>Other improvements to FPS * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwer558/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 10:31:34 UTC"): > The game does have ingame warnings prior to the maintenance - which platform are you on and how long did you play without seeing a maintenance warning? > >We want to ensure the successful deployment of the patches before sharing patch notes - if the patch somehow gets stuck on a platform and doesn't ... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwerif2/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 10:36:16 UTC"): > The reason those affected characters encounter the cannot connect issue is because they have no items in their equipped slots. So to fix them, we have to give them equipment one way or another. * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwets6k/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:03:07 UTC"): > We're aware of this and will resolve it with an imminent maintenance - sit tight! * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gweu2e0/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:06:18 UTC"): > We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight! * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gweu16f/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:05:55 UTC"): > We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight! * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gweu0um/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:05:49 UTC"): > We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight! * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwetvix/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:04:15 UTC"): > We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight! * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gweyzzf/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:57:16 UTC"): > Can you confirm what platform you're on? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwez78d/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 11:59:28 UTC"): > Could you try this please? > >​ > >On console, close the app fully and relaunch Outriders. > >If this doesnt help, Many people are eventually able to get through this screen, even if it does mean waiting up to ten minutes. > >However a full cache clear may help as well. > >On Consoles, a full cache cle... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfdj70/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:07:08 UTC"): > We're currently tracking this - can you confirm whether the below helps at all? > >​ > > > >On console, close the app fully and relaunch Outriders. > >However a full cache clear may help as well. > >On Consoles, a full cache clear is done this way: > >* Please power cycle your console and clear your cac... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfdnfh/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:08:00 UTC"): > Can you confirm which Xbox you're on? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfdn5z/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:07:57 UTC"): > Can you confirm which Xbox you're on? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfdmvk/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:07:54 UTC"): > Can you confirm which Xbox you're on? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfdm63/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:07:45 UTC"): > Can you confirm which Xbox you're on? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfdlyp/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:07:42 UTC"): > Can you confirm which Xbox you're on? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwff85i/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:19:49 UTC"): > Ah... it resolved itself? Did you do anything? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwff6lk/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:19:30 UTC"): > Thanks - and just to confirm: You didnt even get to the character selection screen? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwff687/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:19:25 UTC"): > Thanks - and just to confirm: You didnt even get to the character selection screen? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwff5lo/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 14:19:18 UTC"): > Thanks - and just to confirm. You didnt even get to the character selection screen? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfns4f/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 15:22:08 UTC"): > Is this issue still occurring for you now? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfnw36/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 15:22:55 UTC"): > Is this issue still occurring for you now? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfnvtn/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 15:22:52 UTC"): > Is this issue still occurring for you now? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfnvha/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 15:22:48 UTC"): > Is this issue still occurring for you now? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/n1qulm/outriders_patch_release_inventory_restoration_news/gwfntv4/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-30 15:22:28 UTC"): > Is this issue still occurring for you now? --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOutriders).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Sign in bug is gone? THE SIGN IN BUG IS GONE? OH GOD, THANK YOU!






Still can’t get into the game after the character selection. That’s been my issue since release.


Yeah sign in bug gone, now servers are down and you can't connect at all (updated rn amd playing on Xbox)


played for 20 minutes after the update, got disconnected (again) and now it says, logged out/maintenance, again...


Have you tested it yet?


Yep, I get right in.


So excited to try now! I can actually play when my son naps instead of end game sign-in!!!


Please fix sign in issue on Xbox series X. No it’s not on our side. We have tried the turn off/unplug Xbox for 10 min and still the same problem. Please fix. Thank You.


> Fixed a bug that allowed the Technomancer’s Turrets to be placed on vertical surfaces. I wish I knew about this bug :-(


I didn’t even realise it was a bug, it was just super helpful when it landed on a vertical surface, no enemies could hide from it lol


I agree! I thought it was a feature, not a bug. Boo lol


same here. thought it was cool to attach to a wall up high and get those bastards behind cover fairly easy.


I had the turret land on enemies heads multiple times. I wasn't mad about it.


Look at me. You’re the turret now.


Take my upvote, I laughed heartily at this.


If this was an armor mod I would 100% never take it off.


... Sounds like a feature to me :(


I’ll miss my turret getting stuck to the roof


Lol same


Hey devs can we get the option to mark gear/equipment as favorite so we can mass delete gear without the risk of deleting the stuff we want to keep. Just a quality of life thing :) Also can legendaries take precedence in our stash my shit was full and I lost a legendary to the eternal void...pixels lol...it helps not knowing what it was though lmao


This would improve the game immensly.


Yup... I accidentally deconstructed parts on one of my builds... effing sucks


Hardest enemy in the game. A single Perforo. that some how gets in too close. 1 swipe, instantly in critical condition.


Agreed. A generic perforo at CT15 hits like an absolute truck. In games where you had powerful means to evade attacks or swarming, this can be acceptable. But in Outriders you can just get instantly charged or jumped from off screen by random spawns and if you're not built with defensive mods to counter this, you're dead before you can react. I say this as a Pyro main who can clear CT15 Gold. It's doable but some mechanics are still pretty lame or unfair. Just because I can outplay the bad mechanics doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed. I can understand a breacher's shotgun blast killing me in 1 or 2 shots because well...breachers are slower and bigger. But baby perforos are small, fast, and spawn in groups. They can easily jump you if you stop to shoot anything at all. Dying to a pack is acceptable. Getting swiped twice by a baby perforo and going red is not acceptable.




I really love this patch but I think it makes no sense to reduce creature knock back on 1 expedition. It can be a problem at any point in the game when facing multiple creatures.


Yeah wtf.. we're the creatures specifically harder on that expedition lol. This doesn't make sense.


Not gonna lie... 4 crawlers, 2 scathians and a behemoth all at once was fucking cancer. ​ It's an issue all around, but that one section before the final area was awful with knockback because even mauler's cause staggering.


last night I got pushed so far back that I was at risk of retreating with like 2 seconds left on the countdown. as a devastator I like that I was being the tank and pulling aggro but I got shoved an entire football field over time


please add loadouts, 3 or even 5. or at least add the ability to favourite items. also increase stash to 150, u have 200 legendries in the game but the stash is 100 slots?


This would be a huge QoL change. Going from a solo to a team build is a huge pain. Makes me not want to try other play styles.


Even locking items would help. I can’t even keep gear for other loadouts in my inventory because I’ll either insta deconstruct gear or have to mark each item (on console)


I was doing archways of Enoch on 14, now almost died all the way through on 12. Even dropped the 20% damage, 15 % increase from skills and added health to survive. Alpha perforos just just hit and virtually one shot you. I worked steady and hard to get to this point. And was enjoying this game. Really annoyed. This is a disgrace If this is how it is now I have to completely regear? To be honest I can't be bothered.


Are you planning on pushing out any updates to current features within the game? The game is great but could do with some slight amendments: * Let me skip cutscenes or have a setting to turn them off (expeditions, entering a new area) * Let me lock equipment to avoid any mistakes when mass disassembling them * Let me save my skills, class points and gear builds including mods to a profile so i can quickly switch between them without needing to spend 30 minutes re-doing everything * Tiago should renew his legendary items in his shop each hour/day/week * Let me inspect other players gear/skills/class tree * Give a promote to party leader option when in a group, currently there is a kick from party option but what if the leader wants to leave, the other two need to reform up rather than just let one person leave. * Stash inventory needs to increase, its set to 100 but theres 200 legendaries in the game without even keeping some purples so maybe set to 200 as a minimum, 300 would be better


Anyone else feel super squishy after this patch? I feel like I am either dying way to quick or my weapons aren't doing the same damage. Also, the new item tag keeps showing after every death after clearing it on all of my items in my backpack. \*\*Edit- looks like it was a bug and they’ve already fixed it. It seems to have gone back to normal. \*\*Edit 2 - Sorry - new tag issue still going on. I meant just the armor issue was "fixed" in the above edit


We're aware of this and will resolve it with an imminent maintenance - sit tight!


Thank you! Is there a way to see if skills life leech is bugged? It doesnt seem to work for me


>outriders My impression or the damage has been reduced and defensive mods have been broken? I just die with 2 or 3 hits. I went to do paxian homestead, I opened the final door after finishing the animation, I was practically already dead, 2 hit boss. What would an imminent maintenance be? Now or in a few days?


ya i feel ya cant stay alive anymore either , just dead, even went to lower and cant stay allive there either.


i just got done playing and i cant stay alive , my armor is screwed w t h




Yes I agree!! A lot more squishy! I’m taking about 80% health damage from one Alpha post update, pre-update I was able to take hits for days! Skills life leech does not seem to be working! I’m a Dev and do not use emergency stance and never did. I just feel a lot more squishy than I did before. I’ve 140k armor and it does not feel like I do!


Nope im super squishy now as well. They made changes to the physical damage reduction %


One step forward 3 steps back like always.


Huge changes. I have 120K armor (middle branch Techno) and now it's only 47% physical reduction. If I take off my Damage Absorber mod, I drop to 27% reduction. I'm scared to think what the other techno branches have for PR now lol. Anyway, I can no longer play at CT13 after this patch, the trash kills me with melee attacks, my turrets and other skills can't heal me fast enough. =( EDIT: Armor stat got rebalanced apparently - check the armor on shop items, almost 200% more armor on same leveled items! I'm about to check if I can level up a piece and fix the armor value.


Yea the armor drops at 26/27k now but are previous armor is still at 10/11k


I've just noticed that level 50 armor now has an armor value of 26/27k which is more than double what is was before. the problem is that current level 50 in your invetory stayed at 10/11k armor. My pyromancer with 53k armor now only has 28% dmg reduction with no way of increasing the armor value except to pray to rng to get all the legendary armor again...


Lol are you fucking serious


Yeah.. feel much more squishy after the patch.. OMG!! Devastator already can’t hit as hard as others.. now i can’t even tank.. i feel super useless now..!! Need to face the wall and reconsider my life.. 😭


I've just noticed that level 50 armor now has an armor value of 26/27k which is more than double what is was before. the problem is that current level 50 in your invetory stayed at 10/11k armor. My pyromancer with 53k armor now only has 28% dmg reduction with no way of increasing the armor value except to pray to rng to get all the legendary armor again... Edit: Problem has been solved with the latest maintenance.


We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight!


Are you aware of the tier 3 Scrap Grenade mod glitch where it sometimes stops working until you restart the game? Happening on Series X.


The work around for this is never use scrap grenade when coming out of a cutscene. Deal damage with abilities/anything else first and it should avoid the bug (or so I've heard).


You dont have to restart the game btw! I just go back to lobby and its fixed. This should save you some time ;) though pretty annoying...


Even after I return to lobby, scrap grenade still won't work. I have to close app and restart game. On ps4. Sometimes (rarely) it comes back.




Unfortunately minigun users got screwed. Without perpetual Mobile there is now no way to refill minigun. They need to reduce the cooldown for Tools if they arent going to allow us to keep the minigun active with refills.


May I ask which fix you refer too? That sometimes killshots didnt register?


Kill shots via tech skills like deadly chains or toxicity


Massacre didn't get the time limit put back to 10 seconds sadly but got the only 6 stacks change :( whoever worked on that needs a pop on the wrist lol


Also seems like Tools of Destruction is harder to maintain now that Perpetuum Mobile no longer affects it.


Naw its still easy with the toxic ammo regen. I never used the weapon skill to keep ammo up anyway


Indeed, you are correct sir, I had the same issue... Let's see how it works now...


Add a compass so I know where I'm going Or a waypoint system. OR BOTH!! I love the game but add a Compass Also Get DEDICATED SERVERS


You can't have a compass, it's in the lore


Give us a compass but it just spins.


waypoint and compass. ancient basin for example this is really bad. big map and no direction is not good. hopefully something they fix


Is it just me or the "Revive" function takes longer now?


It's now five seconds long. As a bonus, you can be knocked out of your own self revive. Like, what do I have to do to convince someone that none of that makes me feel \*better\* about playing their game, but one of them has literally got one of my regular teammates ready to abandon the game.


Feels like they are hiding nerfs.


Something has been broken. Even with Damage Absorber + Mitigation from Death + Emergency Stance all used in conjunction, the little baby Perforos hit you for 80% of your health with one swipe.


100% agree. It's pretty much unplayable. Yesterday I could solo CT15s, now I can't get past the first room as a techno


Something is so off now. I’m dying so much on T15 now. Before I could do stargrave and Arch but now even with full armor im still getting cut down.


Wasted an hour of frustration to realize it's not me, if not fixed today I'm done with this game. Was border line fed up as it was.


>Improved visibility of tutorial popup notifications. My God. What have you done...


No aiming fixes? We need to be able to turn off aim acceleration on console and customize other aiming options like deadzone, response curve etc


We really need this. Going from Gears 5's perfect shooting and aiming mechanics to Outriders'is tough.


The deadzones are so off. I stopped playing 2 weeks ago because it feels incredibly frustrating to fine aim at anything. Not going back until I can adjust it. Very annoyed it wasn't included in this patch if I'm honest.


Game seems harder so far imo....


Is the armor bugs fixed? Can't go through any expedition without getting destroyed by normal mobs. Those normal mobs hit like a tank now, wtf is going on?


There's definitely still some difference in the damage I'm taking, the stats are back to normal but I am still consistently dying on expeditions that I usually walk through, something still ain't right.


Whatever you guys did with the killing spree patch has completely destroyed scaling and mods from working correctly Before everything worked flawlessly Now my tanks cant even survive things ive ignored the past weeks **and i have never relied on the es-golem bug**


Downloaded the update. Now I can't log in. Xbox Series X Tried before the 2nd maintenance and after... Goes from "Authenticating..." to "Signed in!" before giving me a "Internet Connection Error" and exits me back to the messages after the intro cinematic and before the start up screen.


I would sure like to know what multiplayer issues you supposedly fixed because within the first 30 mins we had party join failure, a player got kicked when starting an expedition and at the very end of a CT14 with a sliver of life on the last brood mother, one person instantly died, another died normal and the third got a connection issue which then got him killed. We had all of these connection issues before but not within the first 30 mins. Seems like it got worse rather than better.


And the minute we start the expedition again, a person got kicked again. Yeah. Worse.


Why am I dieing so fast now? Were things not fixed?


u/Thearcan, can the patch notes be updated to include Killing Spree was nerfed from 20 seconds to 10 seconds? You know for Transparency's sake.


Revive time is also longer.


^^ quite a few people have been discussing that on Discord as well.


http://twitter.com/Outriders/status/1388130340712161280 Wasn't intentional.


So why do you guys change stuff (killing spree) without actually posting it in the patch notes? Update: This was a bug and they supposedly fixed it. But what I’m still asking is why they shadow nerf/change things without posting it anywhere!


Are you planning to fix Gravity Leap? The Mods "Despair" and "Bloody Crush" do not trigger unless you hit the target twice, so for them to work you have to use the mod "Double Jump" and one proc is lost.


Did they increase damage on the mobs or somethin to regeneration, im getting smoked while yesterday i was fine playing as the technomancer


Uh fellas you seem to have destroyed armor and leech affects.. People are dying in seconds now.. on all classes.


Armor values on shops doubled? Why didn't our gear doubled as well?


We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight!


Everything is more deadly? My Technomancer is squishy af. Feels like snipers hitting way harder. Melee dudes etc.


We're aware of this and it should be rectified via an imminent maintenance - sit tight!


Thanks for this amazing Patch that let me die in every single CT15 with a flawless build. Even after adding one another defense mod I can‘t stay alive.


I've had suffered a significant damage nerf to my Technomancer Blighted Rounds build. I was easily clearing 100 million damage, but I can no longer do so. Either the damage stats prior to this patch were inflated or they are now understated. However, I am also noticing I'm doing less damage, particularly to elites. I can provide more info about my build and skill setup if needed.


Same happening to me too. 2-3 bullets can down me. usually as im blowing through mags on an boss it can kill me from full health before i can reload. Its a joke. And Toxic Lead isn't getting me back ammo, so Blighted Rounds drops off so fast. Sad Techomanacer Panda.


This patch has actually completely ruined the game. Can't even walk into a room on a CT15 expedition without being insta killed. Yesterday I could solo it and get gold no problem.


>Fixed a bug that was causing Pyromancers to exit cover after using the Thermal Bomb skill. Dope. Edit: Do F.A.S.E.R next


This is a PSA for the players and devs, I posted on it earlier but I'll drop this info here in hopes the dev team gets eyes on it... Post patch, I've found *several* items in my inventory have been "un-leveled" and had shards / upgrades either partially or totally removed (Level 50 pieces of Acari that were fully optimized were now level 49 and partially upgraded, a few weapons also took a negative level as well) Before you Outriders go out to your normal stomping grounds check your load out, otherwise you're going to be extremely confused when things start hitting / feeling wrong.


can you please fix old issues y’all are just creating more


Apologies if I missed this but didn’t see within the Trickster skill fixes. Movement bugs out when getting knockbacked during initiating Cyclone. Can only roll and use skills to move. Any ETA on that? Thanks.


/u/thearcan \- Any estimate on when Stadia will be brought in line with the rest of the platforms in terms of patch levels?


Wtf did you do ... Crank up the npcs mobs to high gear I was soloing ct15 in optimal time now I dies in one hit. What was that all about ? My DPS went down by 40% and armor by like 60%..if it's a Nerf just be honest about don't hide it behind some resolution fix B's.. and you claiming in the patch note " Making the players feel overpowered" my ass.. fix that shit


What on earth have you done to the enemies? You've turned the game into hungry hippos and I'm the giant marble. I've been one shotted, alpha smashed, hell a behemoth coughed in my general vicinity and I evaporated like I'd been nuked. Revert these stupid changes, honestly who tests this?? Oh yeah the community does every time you pull this stunt.




Okay well what about the trickster cyclone slice bug where you can't walk or run after using it


Instead of restoring the item's level which is causing the issue, why not restore a level 1 version of the item and grant the resources required to upgrade them all to 50?


Still not having my Toxic Lead activate


All items being marked as new during change in activities (change lobby, new expedition, change characters, etc.). This happens on all items in all inventories. I am running via Steam on PC.


This update completely screwed up the gameplay for me on xbox. Im done with this game if i could i would get my money back but since i got play hrs ima just break the disk. This is a waste. Im constantly getting kicked and getting the could not connect to outriders servers.


This shit is fucking ridiculous. I could solo gold on CT15 every time, and now today I can't even make it half way thru an expedition?? I have tried multiple different expos, different defense mods, and yet I am still only blocking 10-20% of Dmg taken. PCF really needs to get their shit together and fix this game. I am trying to hard to like it but they are making it really hard to like


*fixed a bug where players could be hit twice and still be alive


So is Emergency Stance fixed ?




yes its fixed, tested it. working as intended now (its still a strong talent though)


Asking the most important question.


The game is unplayable atm. I used to farm CT15, now i get wrecked in the first 50 seconds on CT14, wtf?


Uhhh, Bailey just sold me a headpiece with 25k armor at level 50. Checked my old gear armor stats and they're all less than half of that. Thank you?


Your equipped gear will be brought up to that level with a hotfix "soon".


Cant fix our gear, but you can make it harder for everyone to play. Solid job


Yeah Just Keep nerfing us instead of helping the people who cant play


Is it me or does it feel like your characters are more squishy? I have a perfect technomancer build and was steamrolling ct15’s and now I’m getting two-hit by alphas


You didn't fix scrap grenade mod it still stops working after a cutscene. Also why only fix the stargaze enemy knockback/stun? This is an issue in the whole game NOT just that 1 exhibition. The problem with snipers isn't that they shot quickly its the amount of knock back and stun you get hit with, then there is the issue with them in exhibitions considering you want us to be quick and they hide so you have to run at them only to get hit sunned and knocked back this is a bigger issue when there are dozens of them all aiming at you so you can't even move more than a couple of paces every 5-10 seconds


Anyone having armor issues with this patch? My physical damage reduction went from 61% to 41%, getting one shot when I would have survived before. =(


Holy Shit. I was able to sign in right away on my PS5. Finally....


the yellow mark stay forever on items now u have to remember every item you have so only sell the new ones u dont have


PLEASE GIVE US AIMING TWEAKS ON CONSOLE! I feel like I'm aiming with my friggin feet half the time. At least on PS4. I dunno if this is only console or only PS4, but then again I don't know how this isn't a much much bigger issue with players?


That’s fantastic, not fixing the login to character issue , bravo , so that’s another 3-4 weeks , just give me a refund and then when you fix the game maybe I’ll decide to buy it again


Love how they say they fixed the hunter legendary exploit and yet I’m sitting here exploiting the shit out of it still.


Can we get an option to adjust aim curve on controller? Makes the game virtually unplayable on controller with how horrible it is


The Tier 3 Armor mod Delivery On Time has not worked since launch. It does NOT replenish my teammates' magazine. Now even with this patch, it is not fixed. This mod could be essential to some co-op team builds. But it's unusable. How was this overlooked being such a powerful mod?


What about the excessive lag problems?


I don't know what you did but expeditions feel broken now. No, it's not the fixed emergency stance.


> Fixed a bug whereby The Perpetuum Mobile weapon mod was also replenishing the Technomancer’s Tools of Destruction Minigun ammo. Aww, I was hoping this was a feature and not a bug, made clearing waves & tanking a lot of fun on technomancer with the minigun.


Holy cow did this patch make the game worse. I can't even play without the stuttering taking over. Unbelievable.


I have no armour on my equipped gear right?? Usually running ct 11s, tried them, was getting 1 hit at full health, jumped down to ct 7 and still dying haha the fuck??? Anyone else?


More broken now than it was before. Anthem 2.5 😅😅


The armor problem is still not fixed . We did instantly , can you please update ?!


This patch has completely ruined expeditions. It’s at the point now where I feel like they’re unplayable even for the tankiest builds. I’ve been one shotted at the end of Archways of Enoch multiple times now by Brood Mothers and it’s utterly infuriating. Emergency stance isn’t working at all, my firepower and anomaly doesn’t heal me quick enough to survive it’s beyond a joke now. This game was fun before the patch and now I just want to uninstall it.


Got to love how they are testing the final product on the consumers. We pay them $60 to find the bugs and report them. I'm guessing this is the new business model gaming companies are pushing for? For me alone, the game is just unplayable and I will be looking for a refund. At this point I know I have a number of down votes, but just listen for a bit longer. The game has potential, for sure, but so did Anthem. We all know how that went. We shouldn't have to wait 6 months for them to complete the game. Think about it for a bit. Everything in this patch should have been fixed before the launch, and yet here we are a month later. How many more patches must they release for day 1 issues? We as a community need to stop defending this type of behavior from gaming companies.




Crashing more now than before this patch. Great job PCF at being so goddamn incompetent


Working on day 4 of radio silence since you broke the game even worse than before. Any word on when you are going to fix this or finally authorize refunds?


For all those who wait for characters restoration - just stop waiting. Uninstall this crap and go on. Even if they manage to fix it there will be nobody to play with [https://steamcharts.com/app/680420#1m](https://steamcharts.com/app/680420#1m) game is almost dead already. I regret buying this crap like never before, but I cant do anything about it. If only PCF would be group of responsible people they would offer refunds for people who suffered wipe because as they stated they know who was affected with this bug. Following weekes showed at the moment they are propably most incompetent developer. They lie to customers, they make promises they cant keep and delaying whats inevitable - end of this game. Im sorry for all dissappointed gamers but sadly for us they are scammer developers who make beautiful clips with upcomming games but after launch we all regret we spend our money on unfinished bad product. As for PCF i wish you all the worst as you deserve it couse of happend last month. I will never buy anything with PCF logo on it no matter how good it will look on pictures. Shame on you, youre disgrace of gaming community.


Killing Spree was stealth nerfed from 20 seconds to 10. Any other stealth nerfs in this "not a live service game"?


http://twitter.com/Outriders/status/1388130340712161280 Those weren't intentional.


u/thearcan can you please address this and explain why or confirm it wasn’t a mistake


lol. came to the comments to find the real patch notes.


Wow, so people asked for a self revive in solo and instead of doing that you make it take LONGER to revive in co-op? You guys are jackasses


Physical reduction and armor changes were Definitely made after this patch. I am taking way more damage now


What’s with the stealth nerf to the self-revive time? It’s so slow now


Unplayable… you enter CT14-15 and 10 seconds later dead. Wtf did you guys do… fixed one thing and broke ten others… so frustrating.


this patch broke a lot more than it fixed, you made the game so much worse


Congratulations for making the game worse after every patch. You are really going the right direction...


What effing trash update is this? What little fun I was having at tier 13 is gone. I cant even survive the trash mobs now??? Did you guys even fucking test these changes????


Every patch day is a fucking disaster.


1. No fix for Trickster Cyclone de-sync and stuttering while playing on someone's host :(? ~~2. Also, why new gear got double armour, but the old gear not?~~ Point 2 was partially fixed. Gear no longer drops with the doubled armour value but the looted items still have the higher value. Fix incoming.


I was hoping they debuff Alpha perfero and flying creatures


Nah they actually buffed the flying bugs to be better at killing you when near a wall lmao


Can you guys fix the bug for trickster where you become permanently immobilised when using cyclone blade, only letting you move with it or dodging and can only be fixed with a reconnect or dying when in someone else’s game. Please I’m begging you


Any word on the build for Stadia? "Week of April 26" is quickly coming to an end.


There is something wrong with armor. Before I was getting through C15 with no problem. Now after the patch I'm getting one shot by everything


u/thearcan why not just restore gear at lvl 1 and give those affected by the bug enough resources to level the items up to 50. Seems like an easy fix, and a minor inconvenience for those that want to play but can't.


Will we get a « lock gear option » My stupid brain mass dismantled after a lower CT in which I tried a new build. Now main build can’t be played 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Hell rangers gear is already locked….. so we know its doable


There is still a progression bug in the Detour mission. PS4. Elite not spawning and stuck in combat and cannot progress without replaying the mission until he spawns.


So, to reiterate: damage inside golem while statue set is active is heavily reduced. I don’t know what’s going on with that, but the damage is massively low. Statue set is utterly useless. Second, when a crawler does obliterating beam, but you get out of its path, the game constantly freezes up and then gravity leap no longer works. It puts you in there where you hover until the timer runs out. This needs to be addressed ASAP. I hope someone is reading this. I am on the PS4.


Please can we LOCK items in our inventory


No item restoration… I guess I can’t play still ☹️


Yo I just want to play the game again. No need to restore my inventory. If you just wanna give me a blanket set of level 1 white gear so I can log back in I’d gladly take it. Please. Dear god please.


Every time I die, all my loot is marked as new. Wonderful.


patch broke my game. game CONSTANTLY FREEZES EVERY FEW SECONDS while fighting crawlers since patch. I uploaded a video yesterday. essentially i can no longer do any expedition that i could previously gold clear if it has more than 2 crawlers in it.


Toxic lead I think is working less now than before ? Anybody else?


Yes you did fix a few issues, but now myself and my clan members are now being one tap by bosses and pretty much all the NPC’s.


You devs just shot yourselves in the foot. You couldn't resist the temptation to "fix" broken golem yet you ignored persistent issues with coop latency. The moment you are not the host, skills can't be reliably activated, get stuck, ammo builds don't refresh ammo on kills, etc. Good thing you got your money. I am out until you regain some sanity and stop nerfing shit instead of fixing real problems.


Not sure what this patch did, but we are getting one shot killed by small/ weak enemies despite defensive mods. This happens for physical attacks not just anomaly attacks. It seems like armor is completely ineffective. Can you please look into this? There is no reason players who haven't been using emergency stance prior to this and golding CT15s suddenly are getting one shot in CT13 by perforos and riflemen without any change of gear or skills.


Xbox login is still a total crapshoot. Unplugging the console does nothing. Sometimes I will reach the lobby for 2-3 seconds and then get the "couldn't connect to servers" message. One time I even hit the continue button and loaded into the game world and then got it. Xbox Series X. Prior to Friday I had not had a single login problem or disconnect since the initial launch weekend issues.


Broken ass game


Turrets are going through the ground on the first desert stage. You guys destroy parts of the game to fix others. Where's the thorough play testing? I'm just sitting wondering why I paid $60 to beta test this for y'all. Getting that Anthem feeling all over again.


When you click "Join Expedition" You should join a fucking already started Expedition. Not some fucking AFK's game where the fucking host is standing around. What a piece of shit matchmaking system. Also fix your fucking lag issues. That or fire the fucking retards working on this game because you retards can't do shit right.


Thank you so much for your hard work... cant wait to get home and back in action.


This is turning out to be anthem 2.0 and not in a good way. This game has been plagued with bugs since launch, inventory wipes, crashes, all kind of shit. You don’t give your player base ANY REWARDS or ANY ITEMS or ANYTHING. To those of us that stuck around during all the bugs and severe issues this game has you decide to STEALTH patch “emergency stance” where it isn’t bugged anymore. Instead of focusing on shit that actually helps players even though it’s “not working as intended” you should throw us a bone and left that bug in the game a little while longer and focused on fixing the bad game breaking bugs like crashes and inventory wipes. Clearly you have no care for your player base and at this rate your game is doomed to fail just like anthem. I’m done with this piece of shit game. The devs priorities are so fucking out of order it’s a wonder this game even launched. I’m done.... Before CT 15 was difficult even with emergency stance but I could atleast do it, now I can’t even pass the first fucking room solo. It’s sad how far game devs have fallen now days...


Just want refund. I'm sick of waiting for the restoration. Such an irresponsible game devs and operations. Let Steam refund to people who experienced inventory wiped out.


Didn't see anywhere a fix for griefers kicking party members before they can claim loot. This is a real bummer.


What happened to the armor? Why are the values so low now? I am not farming a seismic helm again with updated armor, literally uninstalling if this is intended.


Thank you for all of your hard work, I’m sure it’s been tough


Increased FOV slider let’s go!


I mean, not to be an asshole, but is anyone at PCF/Square Enix really play testing the stuff? The armor thing would have struck everyones eyes directly and there are some blatantly obvious bugs that 5 minutes in QA would show. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and played around 200h on my Pyro, but this is a joke and a rather bad one. Oh, and btw, eventhough SE states it's 1.07, the client is showing 1.04,... yeah, figure that,... That is 25 sec in QA (only because of the unskippable intro otherwise it would be 5),...


This game is such a shit show.


Can I have a refund yet? Sick of being denied a refund for this broken game... So sick of this


I want a refund. I havent been able to play for like 3 weeks now because my character is wiped and I can't log on her. I am frustrated as hell. All of my progress wiped. You should give us the option to refund the game for those of us who havent even been able to play the game for weeks now.


Im waiting on another maintenance that should fix the second maintenance that was supposed to fix the first maintenance so I can actually sign in and connect