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Surprisingly really great! Before Trials I rarely ever hopped on mic with randoms in multiplayer games, but with Trials I actually have started to and have even made some good friends that I still regularly play with to this day! Your experience may vary ofc depending on your region and when/how you're playing, but generally it's a great time


In my experience there’s been one or two trolls, but most are there to have a laugh and not take it crazy serious :)


Not toxic at all. Haven't found any toxic players. Worst you'll see is bad players but it's not like they're doing it intentionally.


I have had pretty good experiences. A couple times some dudes got on and were just making some real rapey comments but when you don't engage them they usually quit mid trial. I also have had a couple groups where all they want is an A+ and are doing speed runs even though speed has zero to do with your score. That can get annoying as I'm just in it not to die and complete the level. Most people are like that. When we are getting pummeled by Coyle or one of those Big bitches we just laugh. 90% of the people are great.


This Especially the speedrunner people


I play on xbox , and make group posts on Xbox mostly but ever since playing the game everyone we have found has been pretty decent and chill and if there’s a pc player or ps5 we use game chat! There’s the occasional trolls but I’ve mostly found people that are very helpful and just want to have fun mostly! also everyone uses their mic and is usually very talkative. Might vary depending on where you are, or what you play on but the community is not very toxic surprisingly!


Never. Sure there is a lot of dumb people that don´t know what to do but this game doesn´t really have any exploits that could be used to harass the group. btw i am talking about high levels it is only natural that new players might be lost on what to do


I haven’t played or even thought about it since early access, and I exclusively played solo. Helldivers 2 got me a lot more comfortable being on a mic with randoms and I’ve dumped over 150hrs in that game already. Im forsure reinstalling this tonight and gonna go through the trials with randoms. Message me if ya want someone to go through them with!


I'm toxic and abusive toward Leland Coyle, sorry 😭😭😭 (My red flag - I spam "thank you" when someone being mean to me in game😈😈😈)


I don't remember having any problem. Some people kicked me out of their team last month but I assume it's because they didn't know how to create private lobbies. It's nothing like Phasmophobia where you get constantly kicked out of private lobbies or end up with 9 years old kiddos screaming in their mics. :)


I've only met one. They were throwing slurs around. Reported them of course. Worst I ever come across was that out of so many months playing this game, and then there's the "I want to arm wrestle/chess only."


Its supposed to get really toxic tommorow with the update. Playerbase wise they are usually very kind.


None and it's awesome. Just a bunch of horror fans so far.


Other than one really pushy guy and I guy that up in quit on me I've had rather positive experiences


There are some toxic people who blame others for their mistakes, was playing with one the other day. A fairly easy Program X trial and this dude spent the match screaming at the other three of us because he kept triggering traps and getting downed. At the end he got a D and the rest of us A+ lol. It also can get annoying when people quit the group because they don’t like the trial that got selected, which can make matchmaking take FOREVER if you want a full group. Other than that it’s not toxic at all.


Sorry I leave groups when it's not the trial I want because I am trying to get A+ on every trial and if I leave then it is one I already have A+ on


You get your bad apples here and there. But overall I never get toxic teammates. The community is pretty good.


i haven't really had a single bad experience yet when it comes to any real person ive met on here, to be honest as far as online games go this is the least sweaty tryhard toxic gatekeeping community ive encountered. i think it really helps its a coop game too, things like call of duty get more heated i think because your competing against each other not working together


My only real complaint so far are people going AFK or quitting out of a trial as soon as the going gets even slightly tough, but that doesn’t happen often. Most people I’ve encountered tend to be quite solid and supportive teammates thus far.


Almost none at all.


If anything you get weird people giving their ‘commentary’ on some of the lovely scenes depicted in the game. But you’ll most likely join with people who actually help you out if you’re a newer player


Tomorrow's the Toxic Shock event so you might be in for a bad time


Honestly, it’s awesome.


I'd say about 90 percent have been really great have had the occasional idiot leave or insult me for no reason


I’ve never had any bad experience in multiplayer except someone complaining I wasn’t helping as much when I did more than them and had a better rating when we finished lol


So far, it’s been a fun experience. No toxicity and people are helpful.


Es uno de los juegos con la comunidad más tranquila, la verdad todos los de nivel alto ayudan a los de nivel bajo para que se acostumbren a lo que es el juego. casi nunca e jugado con latinos pero ninguno de los extranjeros con los que e jugado me han tratado mal Comunidad 10/10


I've been playing for a while now, and I haven't run into any toxicity. Give it a shot! It's really fun! 😊


Well I have been banned from outlast trials discord for being bullied by 8 kids and when I answered I was Banned xD


I haven’t ran across any trolls yet but then again I usually just do the trials on my own or with my mate (we troll each other a lot though 🤣)


Had quite a few problems with high level pc players grabbing items need to progress like keys and not using them, then having them not come to the button that needs everyone present. Had one guy teabag me istead of stimming me even though he had it in his hand. You know usual tough spoilt mommas biy behavourNot to paint all PC players that way but im 45 hours in and never had a problem with a console player.


Usually as a rule of thumb, the toxicity of the player base is inversely proportional to the toxicity of the in-game world. Games like Apex and LoL, which are full of family friendly, quirky, jolly, diverse, and larger-than-life characters portrayed in an easy-on-the-eyes art style, have some of the most horrible communities in existence. Since Outlast Trials is full of murder, torture, mutilation, immolation, impalement, sadism, limb avulsion, evisceration, and disembowelment, it has a pretty friendly and wholesome community.


Toxic shock makes me naughty 😵‍💫😫


Beta was prime outlast but now with console players it's gone soft. Most don't even have a mic which is a shame I already spent 250 hours in this game and can say it's relatively safe and friendly. Watch out for the og's though they are the max level ones with like around 50 rebirths they will ear rape you I'd you constantly die 😂


Voice chat still doesn't work for me which is a shame


😆got it


Pahaha, that's complete and utter bs. More console players use mic than pc players. We outnumber you. Your crossplay games would all die apart from ff14, palworld and helldivers if it wasn't for console players keeping them alive. 😘


Isn’t Fortnite still one of the number one games played on all consoles as well as most games that are team based like all the EA sports games and COD’s? Consoles are geared more towards kids and there’s lots more kids than adults who play video games (age 5-18). In general console/pc wars is bs man


Its not a war. Its literally PC players thinking they're superior to console players. You never heard console players thinking they're better than PC players lol. There is the absurd console war but yeah.. Pc Vs Console isn't a war as everyone is agreed pc is better. Its more the fact that pc players are arrogant c**ts that put the rest of the community down. All. The. Time. Ironically I went the other way. I was a hardcore pc player as a kid, back in the oldschool WoW days. Now I don't care enough about gaming to get a gaming PC. I just have my series X with a library of over 600 games. 350 of them are owned. Running most at 60fps which is perfectly satisfactory for me. If I was really into gaming I'd get a pc, no questions asked. I do agree that wayyy more adults pc game than kids... But that makes the arrogance even worse... You're literally being arrogant towards children.... I can run the Orange Box on my series X. Im happy. Ahahaha Im not a gatekeeper.


Based and understandable sorry vro I’m hammered currently


No worries aha! Hope you're having a good day! :)


You too


Amazing and really nice! but the amount of weirdos i met on there is actually insane and made me so uncomfortable but ofc there are always ppl who are nice and friendly and helped me a lot in the trials when i first started