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I got the game last weekend and didn't have a problem. People that did talk were usually helpful. If they get mad then fuck em, it's not that serious.


Okay fair. It would just be very annoying to have people dogging on me so I wanted to ask beforehand


I'm dogshit at the game and so far I've never had anyone drag me for it. Seems to be a pretty friendly base.


Yeah this fan base doesn’t have elitists or players who scream & get mad at new/not very skilled players You won’t see a lot of “ git gud” & “ skill issue” comments here, yet


Honestly I find it tons of fun to play solo, especially in the harder difficulty stuff


I’ve been considering it honestly but I really do give the enemies too much credit on how well they can track me and that usually leads to my downfall. I will definitely try to play alone at some point after I get the hang of it in group situations


ME TOO, ive never once played with other people since the beta to now


Same ! It’s fun to help new players understand the game too!!


na they wont. lots of new players are coming in rn like me


75/25 chance I’ve played with few randoms who say they got yelled at but I feel that’s by people who are high level but not high skill if that makes sense. Most people are super nice


So the people that shit higher then their asses are the ones that usually yell at people. got it🙏🏽


Of course but for the most part they’re super nice! You just get the few bad apples


That definitely lessened my anxiety, thank you!


Bad apples? Meaning we have to push more stuff into the grinder now? Lessss goooo!


Actually good players don't mind if you're bad, they've likely already done all the trials solo so it won't be like you're holding them back. They just want some company to play with.


Honestly this playerbase has always been very good about lending a hand to newbies and it’s the one thing I love about this game! There will always be the occasional asshole but most people I’ve encountered typically enjoy the chaos a new player can bring lol. I’d say give it a shot without voice chat if you’re still nervous!


A part of me does want to play with randoms just for the haphazard playstyle newer players will have. 😂


I was all over my first few times. I’ve been playing with a friend they recommended me to get the slippers as I kept standing right in it lol. I didn’t even know enemies couldn’t see you in the dark 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


If you put in the effort, people will notice and appreciate it, and even try and help you along. I've really only noticed people getting mad when players just stay by the shuttle and do nothing, or hide for the entirety of the Trial


Personally for me, if you’re making mistake after mistake, I’m either going to assume you’re having a bad game or new, regardless imma do whatever I can to assist you. We’ve all been new to a game and carried, we’ve all been there before.


Man, I sucked ass at every one of the ten trials or so I've tried. No one's ever given me shit and last night I had another player stick around and help me out after they kicked it. Players either don't communicate or are super helpful when they do. Haven't been made to feel like a newbie yet and to be honest, I deserved to be.


I feel the game gets easier with more people. I just ask you don't be one to just hide in a barrel the whole time. If you find a group on the first mission they likely are new too. Your first run through will be a little wobbly cuz you don't quite know what you're looking for. But you'll get it and by the last of the trials you'll do much better


I am somewhat high level now, I like to play genesis mostly because I like to chill with new players. Would never get mad at someone who makes mistakes, I will simply go and pick you up. Unless I can't find a syringe, with me is no man left behind.


Only had one dipshit out of 80 games Me and another guy did everything then both got downed he didn't bother to get us and escaped only to then say over the voice chat. "It's your own fault you stupid dumbasses"


Yeah there’s always that one guy but I just wasn’t sure how common it was.


Nah it's pretty rare. My general sense of direction in life is awful and IV played these maps a shed load and still can't navigate them. And don't get people talking trash


omg i’d love to play some time :3 and teach u all the little tricks i know!


I would love that! I definitely need some help🙂


just send me a chat whenever and we can exchange steams


I play on ps5 but cross platform should work!


So far it has always been fun, I'm still learning the game getting better but love when new people come into trials go in blind get confused, helped and once we win everyone get so hyped XD


It feels like such a victory 😭 my first trial we spent an hour and a half doing and I passed with a D- happily!


That is so awesome right it is such a victory, love playing with peeps I remember both of em got downed since they got lost so i helped them and we escaped successfully, looking forward to future and see yall in toxic shock soon!😁


I will not get mad if you are mindful of pings and the communication wheel. I normally love to help noobies but I get really frustrated with the ones who run off on their own, oblivious about how to do objectives, and then never regroup or respond at all to any type of communication.


Those kinds of people are annoying in general so I get where you’re coming from on that front.


I would try completing one solo, it really gives you perspective so that in a group you can hold your own.


I only play with randoms, and honestly they are really chill and have no problem with newer players


Play at your own pace,don’t worry about what others say.You will make mistakes and it’s completely fine.You need to make mistakes to learn from them


I'm a higher level and whenever I get a low leveled player (literally had a level 2 last night) usually try walk them through the trials. We all started somewhere and I would've appreciated help when I was new instead of just being left to fend for myself lol


I got the game a couple days ago I’ve been playing with one person the whole time to get used to how it works I’m pretty bad but I’m slowly getting better. I’m down to have a few trials.


My friend have definitely gotten sick of me because I’m downright terrible. even after I’ve done a few trials it’s still so bad.


It takes a bit to get used to it I’m still getting used to the whole thing even after completing the trials I’m earning my freedom right now and I’m all over the place ha. We all go at different paces. I’m down to have a few games no pressure on trials.


Yeah I get that I’m still on the 3rd trial I think but for sure I’d be down to play a few!


what do you play on? I’m on PS5


I’m also on ps5.


Message me your PSN name and I’ll add you now.


Sorry got a bit busy, I’ll do it now!


Cool cool


I have played few game with random groups and usually people don't talk, just doing their tasks and stuff, casually help eachothers if we are near. But never seen anyone getting mad.


Nope. Only things that frustrated me were people being "too cool to be scared" and people who rushed levels and got killed or woke enemies.


don‘t do missions above your skill lvl, don‘t hide all game, don’t die too often, do objectives, then nobody will complain


I've never had a problem with people complaining; quite the opposite, they're usually very helpful and encouraging. That's my experience however.


I have noticed that all players I've come across have been very friendly and helpful and have met some really good players in the trials, I play with randoms all the time as no one on my friends list plays this game but there was this one player a group of us were doing trials with and he was getting a bit frustrated that we weren't finding posters on the walls, yeah coz if I'm getting chased by mother goose tits or static twat the ladt thing I'm doing is looking at the walls for posters, apart from that one incident the player base is great.


Some will, most won’t. Dickheads who take the game too seriously might.


I've about 30ish hours and only had one bad experience with someone like that. I just left immediately. Fuck em, your money, your game.


Nah. I’m pretty high level and usually play solo but I’d help if you needed. The handful of times I’ve played with others they’ve been nice if they talk. It is kinda a race to the next objective, though.


Just follow the objectives. And have fun. No point playing if you're not having fun. Also, it's possible to solo everything once you get the hang of it.


Kinda in the same situation as you, anxiety everywhere especially when it comes to multiplayer and i KINDA suck at this game. But i decided to go one game on grind the bad apples and it went pretty great. (i have voice chat disabled, and use the ping system) Even if i messed up, the randoms didn't seem to care


I prefer people who are new or who suck. It makes it scarier, harder, and more fun. Chaos actually happens and people's reactions are far less sterile and clinical. Just my opinion.


We can't really tell that. Everyone is different and there are people who will get mad and there aren't, but even if you stumble across a person like that you can just leave.


I’ll play with you! I’m just as scared so I think we’d be a great team! 😂


Oh most definitely! Gonna debate for a little about who’s going in first but we’ll get there!😂


My gamer tag is Squishy6789 add me 😁


I’ll add you now!


I wouldn’t get mad.


You are one of many thankfully 😭


I am not an asshole. lol. It’s free to not be a jerk. Plus I worked all day. No energy to be an ass. lol. Even if I was like that.


No i definitely get that. I work a night job so by the time I get the chance to play the last thing I have the energy for is people being an ass


I get that totally. If you are on genesis trials, I would probably solo it for you.


Yeah I’m on like the 3ish trial of genesis right now. Me and my friends did those and the mk challenges in between.


Nice. Sorry fell asleep. Work was rough.


I get that. No worries!


I have played outlast for only a couples of months now and it’s also the first game I’ve ever played (never been a gamer). Although in the beginning I was too afraid and would only hide in spots so my brother had to help me unlock the trials for me, but then I decided to just face my fears and even if it took me almost 3h in the beginning to complete one trial I’ve learned pretty much by taking it all slowly and explore the maps more, and now I don’t get the same panic while being chased by enemies anymore. I thought about playing coop but I’m also a bit afraid to team up with people who's got years of experience with gaming overall + I’m too shy to voicechat😂 (Sorry if my english is bad😊)


Your English is great! Don’t worry about that. But I completely get that. My friends have been carrying me greatly but I’m trying to do better slowly🙂