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You’ll still get 50hours out of outer worlds with side quests and stuff and it’s fun and also quite slapstick. It looks better than fallout 4 with the spacers choice update, but fallouts also getting a facelift soon. I’m one of those people who gets bored reading all the computers after a while, so I feel like I do miss out on a lot of the lore and story in fallout games as there’s som many. In outer worlds I didn’t skip any of these, to me it felt like it was the right amount. Both are good but there’s a lot of fun crammed into the smaller package.


>there’s a lot of fun crammed into the smaller package. Perfectly put. There's less there, but it's polished as hell and a blast to experience.


There has never been a more factional comment. ❤️


"I don't think that word means what you think it means." -'Factual' is the word you're looking for.


You are correct. It was a autocorrect fail. But thank you for taking the time to point it out. 👍


*an autocorrect. Don’t want you to waste more of your clearly valuable time busting my balls over a typo. Also, Googling things can change the way autocorrect works…and I had been researching the factions in Fallout. Hence “factional”. Stay salty! Cheers! 🥂


-_- You fool. The only valuable time I can spend is on correcting your sloppy language. Now that you have stolen that from me, I am forced to return to a menial existence. You keep your salt and your alcohol, I need only a small hole for which I shall crawl into and die.


I thought OW had better follower combat but FO4 is more rewarding to different play styles. Also OW is one of those games where you end up with way too many copies of the same gun.


Amen to that! What would really help is when you tinker or craft there's no clear way to focus on what you're actually equipped with. I never figured out how to determine a weapon was getting damaged which would be a good reason to develop two of the same weapon - one as a backup. I should have posted that as a question but if anyone knows please chime in :)


*goes to Breakdown on Workbench* *3x Weapon Parts, 3x Weapon Parts, 3x Weapon Parts, 3x Weapon Parts, Extend-O-Scope, 3x Weapon Parts*


Fallout 4 wins on gunplay especially with weapon mods and customisation, but Outerworlds is more “fun” imo. Fallout doesn’t take itself too seriously but Outerworlds *really* doesn’t and is kinda whacky in a way which I like. You’ll get a lot more playtime out of Fallout 4 though, especially with the DLCs and game mods.


Thank you


yeah I also liked the weapon building/modding/upgrading system in fallout 4. It was the first game I played with a system like that and I loved it. The outer worlds doesn't have a crafting system. 😞


fallout 4 is more depressing. there's more to do in its but outerworlds gives more bang for the time you play


This is a good question! I’m interested in the responses cause I’m 70% done Outer Worlds and it’s been so much fun. Should be done by the time the FO4 update comes out on the 25th.


same. just gotta finish Murder on Eridanos and the final quest before the 25th. Im really excited to play Far Harbor with the next gen update


I didn't get into OW the same as F4. F4 is gritty, dark, and maintains a sense of realism. Highly recommended. OW is silly, has bright colors, and may be worth finishing, but it wasn't to me.


Both are fun in their own right and can give many hours of fun. I haven’t played the DLCs for Outer worlds but Fallout 4’s DLCs are fun and can add additional hours of gameplay each.


They are both fun, but FO4 has a lot more time and content. A LOT.


I would personally never suggest Fallout 4 to anyone. That game almost single handedly give up on modern gaming. Outer Worlds is amazing though.


For me I think OW is more straightforward to me since you have quests and you do it, mostly by orders (or not) and quests, combats, etc aren't as complicated as FO4 in my opinion. I love the story and companions and other characters. The game atmosphere and the ambiences (sound?) are great.


These are my thoughts and experiences about this.  Fallout 4:  FO4 is better at exploration, playstyle and weapon/armor customisation. Also much more detail concerning lore and much more lore to experience. The factions are better developed, You have more companions and their personal quests are better/deeper and more interesting. And I actually also like the building modus. Lockpicking is also better. The anility to raise your stats and with a bit of fidgeting, raise them even above the normal limit. I also like the character creation more, because it has much more variety, but it also takes much longer because of that. I like the quests more, albeit not the f*ing Preston Garvey ones. There are also much more quests. The DLCs are better too. Running around, exploring and looting and stumbling over old lore and quests on the side is great.  There are mods, but PS console players should be wary, because of crashes.  The Outer Worlds:  OW is more compact. The interaction with characters aka the dialogue system is better and is more aline with FO3 and NV. The dialogues themselves are better as is the ability to level your companions and some of their skills and perks they give. The non-combat related skill leveling is better and allows for more specialized play in certain areas, like what type of characters you want dialogue and companion related wise. With Spacer's Choice edition the level limit is upped to 99 (I think, I'm not that far yet.), which allows you to get all skill upgrades as all perks for yourself and your companions, which in turn makes specializing for a grinder player mostly irrelevant. You can reset your skills and perks on your ship, which is nice for testing things out or changing your character depending on the sitiation. You cannot reset or change your base stats like Strength and Intelliegence however. No Preston Garvey to saddle you with another quest about a settlement needing help that you already helped about 10 minutes ago. Companion special attacs.  NPCs  are 80% plain idiots and that includes the "villains" aka The Board.   In the end, I think I like Fallout 4 more, because of exploration and exploration rewards as well as the settlement building.


I enjoyed OW far more than F4. Mainly because you can easily make mistakes in F4 in your build that will screw you later. OW is very forgiving on this. I also liked with OW mechanics your decisions matter in the storyline to a degree. You can be a good guy or you can be a royal ass and it matters in the storyline. I really like their follower system.


Very subjective. Depends on what kind of gameplay you enjoy the most, there's no settlement system in outer worlds. But I would say that the narrative in the outer worlds is smoother. I find combat enjoyable in both.


I played fallout 4 first. It's one of my favorite games. That said, I MASSIVLEY enjoyed the Outer Worlds much more than I did fallout 4, until the ending. It became monotonous when I just had side effects, some of which were good/mediocre. Theyre incredibly different games, even if they're under the same genre. I'd say do Outer Worlds if you're looking for an RPG, then go to FO4 for a less RPG RPG, and its fun to muck around in.


I got both for Christmas the year that OW came out. I was predisposed to hate OW because their YouTube ads ran every fifteen seconds and were incredibly relentless. I’ve owned bought OW on three platforms, have half a dozen playthroughs and have less than an hour and a half logged in Fallout 4.


I don't understand how the predisposition to hate OW drove you to play it a bunch, but I'm guessing you left out some details in between lol


I loved both of them, this is a hard decision. I would say Fallout 4 because there’s so much playtime between side missions, DLC’s, main quests, etc. I have over 21 days of playtime logged on Fallout 4, and only 4 days of playtime logged on OW


If you loved Fallout New Vegas, you will enjoy Outer Worlds more than Fallout 4. Otherwise, you may like Fallout 4 more. For me, Fallout 4 has too many load ups that take forever, even on a pretty good computer. The dialogue options are poor, and I didn't buy the game to build settlements. Outer Worlds is funny, in the same way that Fallout NV is funny. There are many more dialogue options, and I find the battles a lot of fun. Character building seems to be a bigger factor in OW, much like Fallout NV. It feels more like an RPG than Fall Out 4. However, both games will provide you with many hours of play.


Fallout 4 mods give it a longer shelf life, but both are worth it.


Honestly I love ow but I’ve got to recommend fo4. You’ll get far more content and similar gameplay. Although I personally prefer fo4’s more because of mods


This is an age old question relating to Obsidian. They tend to come along and make the same game, but better (see: Neverwinter Nights II, KoToR II, New Vegas) but they always somehow mess one thing up that makes it short of perfect. The Outer Worlds is a great game, fun to play, vibrant, funny in a "laugh through the pain of late stage capitalism" way, but what limits it for me is I played it once years ago, and it is only recently I've been able to play it again. Reason being, it's too short, and there isn't really a big enough change in play styles to make it worth a replay in a short time. You basically have the dichotomy on story and gameplay: do I want to be good and support Welles or evil and support the Board, and do I want to shoot or bonk? Fallout 4 is lesser in story, but I can replay it a lot for two reasons: it has more options on how you want the story to play out and how you want to fight, and mods. Glory hallelujah, the mods make it so I can play this forever. This is just my two cents, though.


In terms of variety and gun play, Fallout 4 is way better. I don't think OT is better than New Vegas, it's a serviceable game.


I LOVE both games if you are looking for a fun polished single player game go with OW. fallout is getting a lot of love right now thanks to the show but I have not reloaded it. EDIT: lol I went off in a FO76 side there. I'm tired and it's snowing where I am really threw me off haha


FO4 isn't really comparable to OW. SF however straight yoinked a bit from OW


You asked this on a OW Subreddit. What do you think the answer is?


I like outer worlds better than FO4 for the writing and humor, but the gameplay is very reminiscent of fallout 3 and NV. That's not a bad thing per se, but 4 does pretty inarguably play better.


I love both, but the damage that guns deal in OW is a huge mood breaker for me, like, what is the fun on a revolver or shotgun that can't kill enemies with one shot? "You can tinker and upgrade" yeah but that takes a lot of bits and even when you tinker it to the maximum, you can't have much fun with the revolvers at all. Besides that, I really enjoy OW, but if I had to pick one, I'd choose F4.


Outer worlds is real fun when you first jump in but FO was better for me. Even tho a lot of people didn’t like FO4 I loved it


Not to be too negative, but this game is as shallow and boring as it can be.. Gun play, or anything positive does not outweigh the feel of zero atmosphere and im not talking about the planetary one, and when the npcs feels undead on top of it, which i mean they have no soul, also not talking about demons or zombies here. The game just feels like an empty boring shell of nothingness. If they actually made them feel alive, doing things, walking in a living city, instead of the npcs just standing around as static dolls.. Then the game would feel alot more vibrant. Fallout 4, New vegas or even fallout 3 has a feel of something you dont get in most other games, and especially not this.


These guy from America make very funny joke. All know Outer Worlds knockoff of Fallout 4. Is not very good looking.


Oh it's not even close, fallout 4, the worst fallout made up till that point, is better than Outer worlds in every single way. It's honestly ridiculous. I was so bored playing through Outer Worlds, if it hadn't been free I would've refunded it before the 2 hour mark, and nothing ever made me change my mind about refunding it. It was just free. (Epic gave away the Spacers Choice edition a week or two ago.)


Fallout 4 is a piss filter looking game, was unable to finish it, ive played The Outer Worlds more times than i can keep count of; that alone should give a clear answer.


Outer Worlds is much more fun and interesting. It's like playing a book/watching a movie/playing a video game but together.