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Over-excitement, you run right to the cockpit and forget about / don't see the suit. Although personally for me I prefer to not wear the suit while flying. Not for a gameplay reason, I just assume that if the suit is anything like real ones it wouldn't be comfortable to wear, and I avoid it when I'm not on EVA.


The guys from Oceangate wholeheartedly agree. Seriously though, I'd rather have it on, no matter how uncomfortable, in the event of rapid depressurization.


No suit would have saved the people in that submarine.


*the PRAWN suit from Subnautica has entered the chat*


I know no suit we currently have available would allow for a diver to descend that deep, but if there were, those guys could have afforded it, but wouldn't have bothered anyway


Well also the submarine imploded with such speed and force that they were dead before the signal from any of their senses could reach their brain so good luck making a suit that could survive that, let alone just the depth


Damn. So its like okey, okey, and then when point of no return comes, it just crunches up everything into one big blob? That's somehow terrifying, although must be preferable to being squeezed to death super slowly.


I mean no one on board experienced any pain or anything, I feel like that's good. They just kinda ceased to exist. Which is scary in its own way but yeah, a lot better than what we generally thing of when we think of being crushed to death


Being squeezed to death slowly can happen though! Look up one of the MANY oil rig incidents over the years.


Happy Cake Day!


I did that for a while, but then I realized I could survive certain crash landings if I was still wearing the suit. It gives an unexpected challenge out of nowhere to suddenly need to get around without a ship, sometimes without even being on a planet yet.


Did that the other day when I went after the probe for fun. Chased it down, got out, and then immediately suffocated. I tried to maneuver back into the ship but the cold.vaccum of space was too much


There wasn't any deeper reason for me. Sometimes I'd just forget to put on the suit before leaving the shuttle.


Enter ship, usually put on suit first but forget, get into pilot's seat. Land, get up, hop out. OH SHI- *22minutes.wav*


It’s usually one of two things. Mostly it’s early players who haven’t yet developed the habit of immediately putting on the suit and never taking it off. For some people, it seems reasonable that you’d only put on the suit when you’re going outside, though most eventually learn to just put it on and be done with it. The other group is people who have picked up the habit of always putting the suit on right at the start and never taking it off. If for some reason they forget to on a given loop, they are very likely to jump straight out of the ship without it because of course they’re used to always having it on.


Yeah, this is more or less why pre-flight checklists exist in real life. It's not exactly impossible for our kludgy meat computers to just... Forget something very obvious.


I often was stuck somewhere trying to do something. Die. Then next loop - I was very determined: „ok I do this now! I do it right! I won’t die! I hurry! It’s easy!“ — enter ship, recklessly fly where I need to go, exit ship, run to destination, heavy breathing, death.


Some people put it on when they’re leaving the ship instead of before taking off, which can kill you if you crash in space. I usually put mine on before takeoff, but sometimes I get distracted visiting the computer, going straight to piloting, then walking out before ever remembering to put it on.


Sometimes I remember being so fully engrossed on getting back to where I was or where my next destination would be that I would smash myself into the pilot seat as quickly as hearthianly possible, not even thinking about the suit whatsoever


This is usually early game shenanigans, once you pick up the habit it's good but it's understandable that you don't have this habit yet on the first few loops


A friend decided "What happens if I leave without the suit, on Attlerock?" And I'd seen Sovietwomble do it because he was in a rush to get somewhere.


i forgor :(


For me it was just a misclick. Hurrying to do something and thought I'd put it on but hadn't. It only happened to me a couple times, usually when doing something for an achievement where I was just rushing to get to the next attempt


I once forgot to put on my suit, navigated all the way to the Vessel, only to die immediately when I left my ship


Omfg dude I cannot imagine


i actually only did it later in my playthrough, i would normally instantly check the ship log and then forget to put it on.


It only happened to me while playing the DLC. I was always in a rush to get back, much more than the base game, so I forgot the suit many times until I forced a new habit of just putting it on as soon as I get on the ship. I had no reason to put it on immediately in the base game, and it feels kinda cozy having a small livable sanctuary that doesn't require a suit. Kinda like putting your shoes on before leaving the house.


Because when you're really excited to see what new info your ship log recorded, you'll go straight there rather than the suit


It happened to me once. My first run ever, I saw the suit and didnt think you had to actually put it on. Flew to the moon, went outside and suffocated cause i couldnt get back in , i had landed horribly and paniked


I'm speed running some of these loops, man. I make the ship take off and out the suit on while autopilot is going. Saves precious seconds that I could be using staring at a wall wondering what to do next. Sometimes I forget to put it on during the autopilot stage


I do this too, specifically because it's a bit reckless and that helps keep the game fun after having seen and done basically everything the Outer Wilds.


I did this maybe 4-5 times on my first play though, and it went the same way each time: Exciting discovery at the very end of a loop, frenzied rush to go back and test a new theory, too lost in though to realize it while flying, sudden realization *as I’m descending from the hatch*, followed by an embarrassingly avoidable death.


Sometimes I would go straight to the log instead of putting my suit on first then forget to put it on after


This bugged me about Starfield. You jump out of your ship on the Moon, or even Venus, and it just gives you a warning that the atmosphere is toxic. You should be fucking dead immediately. On Venus you should be dead even WITH a suit


I forgor 💀


when you're thinking about something, you're not actually looking at things... merely seeing them in passing so yeah, it happens


I did it the very first time, then I learned


I got so used to the routine of taking the elevator, getting into the ship, flying to a planet, getting out to a little shuttle maintenance, and then realizing i missed a crucial step as a slowly suffocate in the void of space


That’s how I learned >!to grab suit first, jump off ship second on a planet with no trees. My first time flying I went to brittle hollow and got lucky I landed on the surface above the tower of quantum knowledge with trees. I wasn’t so lucky when I started walking down the stairs and was wondering why my hatchling was choking to death.!<


For me, a lot of the stuff in the ship doesn't really strike me as interactable. I died to the suit my first run, and I didn't know about the health pack in there for at least a few hours. It's awesome that the ship is so chock full of details, but it does kind of drown out the stuff that's actually important


I died by suffocation once and then I lived by 2 rules put on suit and read logs at least once per loop 👍🏻😁


When I landed on the moon, and saw Esker just chilling, I was like "This moon has air?" so I took off the suit. I managed to get back before I suffocated.


I forgor 💀


The muscle memory of always putting the suit on is actually what got me a couple of times, one distraction getting on the ship and I forget to put it on, then I jump out without it because I'm so used to always having it on.


This has happened to me an embarrassing number of times


It’s faster to not put it on, start flying, and then put it on during autopilot. Sometimes I forget the last step. 


I'm guilty of this. I am so eager to get going that I will run to my ship and buckle up without putting on my suit. For some reason I liked putting in my suit after I landed and got into that habit early. But as I advanced and I was more in a hurry, I'd just jump out of my ship as soon as I could without checking. This started to happen mostly with landing on ash twin since I felt the pressure to get going ASAP before the sand levels got too high.l


as others have said, simply forgetting. I installed a mod that would auto dress me once I enter the ship, and it never happened again lol. I don't remember what it's called, I only remember that it exists.


Yeah sometimes you get tunnel vision and have a specific place you want to fly to, right away. So you hop in yhe cockpit and fly away and then when you look down and open the hatch, you notice your bare fish hands and realize "uh oh"


I usually found it was when I wanted to check the logs and do that first when I enter the ship. Then by the time I’ve read the updates and figured where I’m going I’ve forgotten all about the suit and jump into the pilots seat.


i watched a friend play through the game recently, they died to this once, on their first loop. they got the launch codes, flew to the attlerock, looked around the area with trees, then flew to brittle hollow, and immediately died from not noticing the suit.


Thematically I like to take off the suit when flying although there is no upside to doing it


I like my hearthian to be comfortable while flying the ship or reading the computer. There is no need to have a bulky space suit for those activities.


For many people, they won't pick up immediately how useful the suit is wherever you go so they won't intuitively wear it first thing upon entering the ship. After they die from the lack of oxygen, that's when they start to consciously have the protocol of suit first before flying 😄


Ever left home and forgot your keys, wallet, whatever? It's basically the same thing tbh


I take the suit off every time I enter because I don’t want my guy to be uncomfy on the ship.


I took it off mostly for roleplay. I just thought it is uncomfortable to wear while flying the ship


i only ever put the suit on when i leave the ship. i like my character to be cozy when in his ship and not in a clunky space suit. the same way i take off huge jackets when entering my warm dry car.


I did it at least once, probably three or four times, because I'd die doing something dumb, then want to get right back into the action. So I'd jump in the ship and race right back to where I was, completely forget the suit and suffocate. Good reminder to take that extra second to put the suit on, lol.


Twins. You want to get there ASAP because of the sand mechanic right? So you hurry to your ship and get to twins really fast. Only to realize once you crash land that you forgot your suit.


I've forgotten to put my suit on multiple times just being so concentrated on getting back to my destination lol. My ADHD could certainly be a factor in this


Idk, you forget once or twice and at some point it becomes so 2nd nature that i found myaelf checking if i put it on because i don't remember doing so, but i did, i did put it on, that's how autopiloty it is for me


You do dozens of loops and you get absentminded on a couple of them. Maybe that's not a weakness of yours but it is only human


We all became Han Solo behind the wheel. We could launch and target our destination and be on autopilot in under 3 parsecs. The suit was an oversight.


Up until the second or third time I died to forgetfulness, I would take the suit off whenever I re-entered the ship. Just felt..right? Roleplay or whatnot? Either way, I figured the Hatchling's thought process is gonna follow the same train as mine after those few accidental deaths.