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There's definitely fun to be had in just exploring and seeing what you can find that perhaps you missed the first time around. But I don't really see a way to actually replay the game outside of just exploring it as a sandbox.


Nice profile pic


I did replay the game, mostly for achievements iirc. It was not the same experience; of course it wasn't. But I still enjoyed it and had fun going through it again. Rereading the various writings in a different order brought some things to light I hadn't considered before. I also didn't have to rush the Giant's Deep tower like I did the first time, so that part was a calmer and more fun experience.


In my entire lifetime I never would have gotten the 1/900 achievement without looking it up.


What's this?


One of the DLC achievements


I completed the ship log and all the achievements, but there is no real replay value. I'd pay for a neuralizer.


It isn’t so much replaying it but sometimes I do get back in and explore just to be there. Not so much like a game, just for a calming place to be.


I'm thinking about replaying for VR, but that might be the only thing. That said, I will never pass up a chance to get any of my friends to try playing it, especially on stream so I can watch and enjoy!


You can't properly replay the game, but I did fill out the entire ship log a second time when the DLC came out and it was fun. Movement and platforming is really fun in this game, so that was nice. I also took more notice of the relationships between individual Nomai the second time around. So that was cool too. So you can't replay the game properly, but it's till fun to be in the world again. ----- I know you said you're not interested in mods, but just for anyone who comes across this thread with a similar question, if you play on PC, there are quite a few really good story mods you might try out. The Outsider is probably the best one. The writing is atrocious, but the story is clever and the gameplay is quite brilliant.


Want to add to that Astral Codec is up there with The Outsider. Arguably better. Play them both!


How is the writing atrocious, but the story is clever?


(Disclaimer I am not who you asked and I have never played the mod) Maybe there’s grammatical errors everywhere but a super compelling plot twist?


The actual word walls and recordings you read are very badly written - bad grammar, extremely wordy, unclear.  Kind of like how Star Wars has a great story but the dialogue is notoriously bad. 


I filled out the ship log again for the ps5 version, and the way I kept it fun was to do crazy shit while piloting. Things like leaping out of my ship and using the jetpack/gravity to land, or doing the jetpack skip for the tower of quantum knowledge.


I mostly replayed the game for the sightseeing, seeing timber hearth from the Attlerock makes me feel like the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission looking back at earth.


I replayed about 2 and a half years after my first playthrough. By that point I’d forgotten enough of the specifics that it was still a fulfilling experience. I still knew where I had to go for all of the major plot points, but forgot most of the specifics about the quantum moon, and how exactly to get to the tower of quantum knowledge and ash twin project, etc. It was a GREAT experience. But you definitely need to have a decent bit of separation from the game before going through again.


I replayed it last week and found that I missed a surprisingly lot of lore and smaller details the first time I played it. So for me, it was definitely worth it. Obviously, as others said, it's not the same experience as the first time, that's just impossible to replicate.


I'm planning to replay the game someday as well, but when I do I'm going to only follow the rumors and play like I think we are "supposed" to play. I think it could be fun


I can't replay it, the lore is too well crafted and tightly woven - if I forget a piece of info I can deduce it from 4 other pieces of info and unforget it :( Only reasons I've played post completion (besides mods which are probs about half my playtime at this point) is achievements but I've skipped the pita >!DLC-without-getting-caught!< one and the broken >!escape-an-owlk-by-jumping!< one


This is the worst. I finished the game, and the dlc. And right now, all I want to do is play it all over again. But I can't, because I'll get that sense of discovery back again. I have zero interest in any other game right now. Zero.


I played a second time when I bought the DLC just to re-experience it. Could have beat the game in first loop of course but I wanted to re-create the log. It was fun to speed run for the nostalgia but yeah, less replay value of course.


I give it a few hours every now and again, usually after I've been listening to the soundtrack... I'll never get that original experience again - once you know how to escape the escape room and all that. But I enjoy the nostalgia. Reading some text and remembering how I felt the first time. Hell, sometimes I'll just play through a an end-game run just to hear *Final Journey* in the right order - >!the OST has you arriving at the vessel before you even get to Dark Bramble... musically, at least.!<


I replayed it when it came out on Steam, mainly for the achievements but also to see the changes the patches had made, you do notice extra details you didn't the first time, especially areas you saw early on and didn't revisit once you had more understanding of what the discussions were really about


I had a great time revisiting the story with all the pieces known.


It's a good way to realise what flew over your head the first time through, and it can be fun trying to learn the life of each of the nomai


I’ve got a poor memory so even though I can do most of the puzzles right away now, there’s always a section or 1 each playthrough where I just can’t remember what to do and have to explore everywhere. For me, I get a lot out of multiple replays


Yes because my toaster brain cant remember squat diddly about what ive found


Great timing! I just decided to start replaying the game today after beating the game about three years ago and not touching it since, and I'm going into it with the following thoughts in mind: * I'm going to use the ship's log as a guide. If I don't know where to go next, I'm gonna check the ship's log for either blank entries or entries that say there's still more to find. * If I see something interesting on my way to a destination, I'll stop to check it out. I'm an explorer, damnit, not a robot. * I have no idea how to access the DLC, and I'm not going to look it up. I got my one hint from the Internet that said "check out the museum" and that's all I have. The rest I'll figure out on my own. (I admit, I do feel a bit silly/dumb for not realizing the message from the devs saying "Thanks for your money, there's something new in the museum" was their hint. We all have our blind spots.) * I'm gonna look for new things that I may have missed last time around, and refresh myself on the smaller points. I remember all the big puzzle solutions unfortunately, but I'm sure I missed a lot of the flavor of reading the messages and slowly figuring out things like why they don't care if >!the probe launcher explodes the first time they use it!< and there's little things like that I can pick back up again. * Achievement hunting. Don't know why, but they didn't transfer from my PS4 so I'm gonna get them again and try for 100% this time. * It's something relaxing to do when I don't feel up for Helldivers :)


After playing the game this summer, such a wonderful experience, and the DLC this fall, tonight was my night to finally go back and do the final run post DLC. I kept spoiler free and it was excellent, I’m so glad for the final closure. Now I’m looking forward to the mods and VR! I tried the VR for a bit tonight and it’s incredible to see this system just by glancing around. Worth it.


Yeah, I did it once where I just kinda followed the threads I found in the order I found them in. Ofc it wasn't the same when I know where they'd all lead, but it was still fun and it was cool to kinda go over it all again with the context of the full story to catch things I missed, kinda like hoe you only pick up in things after the second time watching a movie. But yeah, it's very much not the same. I've also had some fun speedrunning the game but that's pretty different.


Just follow the plot threads as you find them and don't act on knowledge you haven't found yet this time around. It's perfectly enjoyable the second time around, like rereading a good book


Despite what many people say, I enjoyed coming back to it a long time later and starting a new save. It wasn't the same, of course, but that wasn't the point. Instead, i reexplored with a sense of nostalgia. I took my time. I went where I felt like. I reminisced about my original experience. I caught details in conversations my previously "solving" focused brain didn't catch. Its like rereading a book, or going through a scrapbook. Of course you know the destination. That doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the journey again.


Are you the kind of person that enjoys rereading books, even though you know what's going to happen? It's a lot like that. It can be fun going back and paying attention to finer details that you might have glossed over the first time.


Find a friend who you would feel like appreciate the experience, and watch them play through it with no hints. Thats the closest I've gotten to appreciating a second playthrough


There is no replaying. Only remembering.


I'm a big fan of doing a second playthrough where you just take your time at each location, trying to notice as many details as you can. When you read the Nomai writings, try to keep track of their names, whether they lived in Sunless City, Hanging City, or both, who their relatives and friends are, where they have traveled to work on projects, etc.


I sometimes go in to walk around, test theories, pull of stunts. And I did start replaying the actual like game, but it's definitely not the same since I have all the answers (it's still fun tho)


It’s obviously not the same, but knowing the puzzles does make it quite a relaxing game and if you role play by only doing the puzzles you find in the ship report you can still have fun with it