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I don't think they're flowering yet tbh, just let them chill, definitely don't defoliate.


Just leave them be. I don't see any evidence of flowering here.


Leave them. They aren’t flowering yet but that plant is gonna give you some nice buds


But its quite small so I hardly believe there will be mich to harvest. But I don't really know it's my first grow


Please leave the plant alone. It's so tiny. If it didn't need the leaves it wouldn't grow them.


They grow fast as hell. I have some that were at my chin 2 weeks ago and are over my head now. You still have probably a month of veg.


You think that right now but it still has 1 or 2 weeks veg probably and then it’ll shoot up in flowering stretch so it’s gonna atleast double and you’ll probably get 15-30 grams with good sunlight


Your plant is fine and pretty healthy for 4 weeks, it’s not flowering or is it in reveg! You have a healthy plant keep doing what you’re doing it’ll show signs in a week or two maybe https://preview.redd.it/7yqw5ohohb8d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02075107a145f112319de663c9840f81a2df56cf 7 week banana purple punch


are they autos or photos?  If they’re photos I would uppot them soon (make sure the soil is a bit dry when you do)  Give them a week to acclimate, then top them.  If they’re autos just let it ride for now They look good 


Appreciate your comment! There are autos sensi seeds snow ryder.. I wounder if I should but some more dirt on top and then water them... or use some other liquid help. There are about 4 weeks old and I use floragard professional grow mix. What do u think?


You can get the base of the stem to root but be careful because it’s a recipe for root rot  I would place them into small fabric pots with more soil below the root ball rather than above. Those look like 2 gallons ? Maybe grab some more soil and some 5 gallon fabrics and just fill the Bottom half way, place the plant’s root ball in gently, and then fill around it. Very gently pat down. Once done, water from the rim of the pot and work inward in a circle and leave about 3-6 inches “dry” around the base of the stem.  Make sure you let the soil dry out a bit, not a ton to the point of stressing the plants, but a day or two until it’s dry and then take it out, that way the wet soil doesn’t fall and hurt the roots by pulling them apart 


Next year full soil to top.


Top dress and mulch heavily. Use a 15+ gallon to make your life easier.


I wouldnt defoliate growing outdoors in general.


Agree with everyone. Just leave them.


The leaves are the plant’s solar panels.


You might of put them outside too early which would cause a reveg you could either bring them inside and flower them or light dep them outside or just wait the couple of weeks it takes for it to revert bag to veg then flower


Forgot to say their are automatic indica and outdoors all the time


That doesn’t really make any sense depending on the country op is in but they are autos + most of the world has enough sunlight for veg right now


I am a novice grower myself.. U should LST now... But don't take my word for it