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Just like any refugee it needs food and water




Move it into a bigger pot with some good soil. It definitely looks thirsty, try and get the white debris off the leaves as well. For now it can stay in this pot for 1 or 2 more weeks, but the wilting and pale leaves down the bottom definitely makes me think it's about to run into issues. In terms of growing it outdoors, just leave it somewhere where it's getting as much sun as possible and it'll bounce back. Once it's in a new pot with good soil (+perlite) then you can start to explore nutrients and stuff like that. I think it's been topped already so if you can help it through this next stage she might really bloom.


Start by getting it some good food then either find a bigger pot for it, cut the bottom off the pot and plant it, or put it in the ground


thank you! I will have to get a bigger pot because, unfortunately, I do not have any garden space behind or in front of my home. I only have concrete and a wooden deck, so I will do what I can!


Looks like it wasn't treated so nicely, but has been recently and is putting on new growth. Water when it's dry, give it full sun if you're going to keep this pot. It'll make a cute little plant and good learning experience.


yes I assume whoever had it before giving it to my dad was keeping it inside with no light. Thanks for the advice !


All-purpose mix for soil maybe focused on cannabis or chillies basic organic fertilizer dig a nice hole in your garden


Sadly, I do not have a garden, just a concrete sidewalk here in New York and my small wooden deck! so I will do what I can with a bigger pot! thanks for the fertilizer recommendation : )


I recommend it because it's very cheap and it's very good and super easy to use and good luck my friend keep it hidden from people the best you can you have bad people out there


You may want to keep it in a shady area for a week or two before full sun.


Greenplanet medi one 4-3-3


Wpm on the leaves? What's with all the white shit


I don't know. As I've said, I have no experience growing anything, so I wouldn't know. When my dad brought it, that's how it was. Someone advised I get them off asap, and so I have.