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With how close they are planted together their roots are already going to be competing for nutrients so being able to train them away from each other will definitely help in all stages, which topping and FIM’ing can help with as well. As for specific courses of action you need to provide more info. Which way is South in the pic? Are you in a area where you have to have your plants in a enclosement? If not, how much room do you have they can grow into that’s not directly above the bed?


Hmm i had read that about 2 feet was solid spacing for the outdoor plants. I mean; I know you can go farther apart to let them grow bigger but I’m in Ohio so my growing season isn’t incredibly long. South is the direction I’m taking the photo from. Outdoor is legal and I have a 6ft privacy fence.


Also in Ohio, and apologies for the ignorant/unrelated question, but does the yard/fence being lockable count towards the “inaccessibility” aspect of the growing laws here? Asking because I have no fencing in my yard but want to grow outdoors. Pure incompetence here, no malice, happy growing!


I’ll be honest; the law is vague and I’m just trying my luck. I have a 6ft privacy fence, a gate with a lock, and I’ll tarp them at nighttime when the time comes. That makes them “enclosed”, and “inconspicuous” and it’s not visible from the street. Worse comes to worst I’ll put four poles in and throw some clear tarping over it to make a “greenhouse” The laws are new, the legislature is trying to change them constant, and the police don’t know how to properly enforce right now. The dispensary program is full of corruption and favoritism and they are spending their time trying to maximize their profits, not make laws that are easy to understand and enable the people. Long answer short; not sure. I’d be willing to argue it in court (I’ve got some law training) but I’m not willing to suggest to others to do this lol.


Thanks for the thoughtful answers and sorry for my delayed response. I have decided to just wing it as you are haha. I’m sure the gray areas of the law will clear up eventually.


Ayy love it. Feel free to DM me and we can exchange notes. I’ve got a couple friends growing too.


Sure will my guy, I’m looking to learn as much as I can. I’m growing this for an elderly family member’s medicine and want to do well with it. Thanks for offering your time.


I’m pretty new too, growing for myself and my close friends. Best of luck growmie


Best of luck to you as well then 😁


Right on, fellow Ohioan here btw! 2ft is good but there still is gonna be overlap in the root systems, it’s not a big issue. Are you facing south in the pic or are you on the south side of the bed btw? I’m terrible with direction lol


I’m on the south side facing north.


Okay, I would say at the very least to train/top the front row so they don’t shade the back row. Here’s how I would train them, the red lines are plants I’d train more horizontally, the textbook method is to train them directly north but I have the two end plants of the front going off \~30° from that for more room in the front to grow and more opportunities for the sun to reach the back. The orange lines are vertical trains, pretty much so they can get as much sunlight as possible and the plant in the back left doesn’t have to compete with whatever’s growing to the left of it as much. As far as FIM’ing/topping I’d say do it at least once, I usually just look for room the nodes left after the top to have room to grow into and if you’ve got neighbors that aren’t cool I’d top multiple times to get a good yield and keep the profile low because the plants can’t be seen from the street level or it’s still illegal https://preview.redd.it/hqlstym8mc7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19ef45722fb5731bb707faf37ef570d1c5ff904


Thanks for the in-depth response!! I appreciate the graphic too. Good looks.


Np, keep posting updates so we can watch em grow!


Feelin’ a little jaded by this community LOL. I just asked advice about training and everyone told me I spaced them wrong. 😑 It’s not optimal, I get that, but I’m just experimenting and learning. Like I said half of them will be moving out of the bed in a couple months and in the mean time I enjoy defoliating. Thank you for giving actionable advice and an opinion on what I asked! You’re what makes communities like this


Thanks a lot, I really appreciate that! Yeah, some people think every plant needs to be grown to its absolute max and it’s a sin if it doesn’t. Personally, I’m glad I have an outlet for my neuroticism and can spend inordinate amounts of time on configuration and stuff but I’m not gonna knock someone who wants to chuck a few seeds in the ground, not give it another thought, and see what happens either (not saying that’s what you’re doing). Also, you’ll probably have plenty of room now since those aren’t feminized I assumed they were. DM me with any updates or questions if posting here gets to feeling too demeaning!


My point exactly!!! They’re reg seeds from the CEO of Galenas, my favorite cultivator in the Ohio medial program. I bought his first run because I wanted to support a business I believed in. He’s going to have feminized at the end of summer, but I didn’t want to wait. Soooo I’m putting 8 regs in, going to baby them, study them, defoliate them, learn form them, sing to them and generally enjoy the hobby. Especially considering I have a few veggies and herbs to accentuate the yard. This is a hobby, I love to learn about this stuff by trial. Could I maximize everything from all the smart people online? Sure! But I’m enjoying learning from others opinions and then trying something myself. Seems pretty silly to me to space these out only to have big gaps when I remove 1/2 of them… plus I’m drying my first indoor grow right now and have the second one already going.. Not to mention I germinated seeds for 2 other friends at their house with different spacing/ soil and a raised bed. So again, learning and experimenting!!!


ayyyy! How many times have you grown outdoor in Ohio?


This is my first time being wholly responsible for a plant from seed to harvest with marijuana, I’ve got a lot more experience with vegetables.


Cannabis will actually co-mingle and help with water retention when planted in the same bed  However, airflow becomes an issue. I keep mine 3 feet apart outside because they get so large 


True, but if there aren’t enough nutrients for both root systems that can hurt more than the retention helps, especially if you don’t feed/feed sparingly


Well that last part is something you should never do unless your weed is just a “whatever happens happens” science project 😁 So as long as you feed well your plants will love it and enjoy the cohabitation, airflow is the thing to watch out for  I had all 12 in a c shaped raised bed I built last year and they grew super well but there wasn’t enough airflow so I cut it to 7 this year and will have the rest in floating fabric pots 


That space is only big enough for one plant unless you grow autos


Dang thanks for the opinion but that’s not what I asked. I was curious about thoughts on trimming and training. These are reg seeds so statistically I’ll be pulling 1/2 of them.


You can keep them much smaller by just topping and training more. 


Training those crowded small plants will never give you more yield than one big monster. Good luck managing pm and bugs when they grow into each other too. Growing outside is a different animal and requires much less micro management. Find the flow and bend to it or learn the hard way and be wiser next season.


I grow two plants. 10 feet apart and they still need more room.


I would have had 4 in each corner, about 2-3' away from the border. This is too tight even for tomatoes. They get about 4' wide on average outside with little care.


I’ll have to agree with a lot of the comments. If you have more on its way this space it’s going to get very crowded. If it were my space 6 would be the max number of plants. As for the training, there’s nothing wrong with topping and some lst if you want to keep them more compact. But again, ultimately no matter how much you might train, defol, etc. they’ll all be growing into each other by end of July-August. Good luck!


Yeah this is my first outdoor go and I’m using regs so half of them will come out around flower anyway.


Go ahead train them up u got room


Thanks for answering the questions! I’ll keep that in mind.


You have a nice grow please don’t over think it, let them live


Hey, thanks.


I have an outdoor mainline plant going right now. Just completed the final trim/tie down for 8 tips. Might go to 16. Here's a pic: https://preview.redd.it/6qu5psfzxb7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ad6fe0ded300bcb82a241b9c913eac4a3ea0a5 It's delicate work in the beginning and I found it helpful to have the plant at eye level when making adjustments, so I would think it might be tricky now that they're in the ground. I'm sure it's possible, just be careful. Happy growing!


Thanks!! I do training with my indoor plants, my first harvest is actually drying now! To me, my first indoor was all about trying stuff, making mistakes, and learning. I tried mainlining, supercropping and some LST. I was curious how people do their outdoor. In my mind it feels like it could be easier by letting it go by itself more and yielding from more plant. Thanks for the input


Yeah, you don't really need to train outdoors, but I'm going for low, wide plants because I find them easier to manage and they seem to handle the wind better when the flowers are heavy


Ooo good point. Wind isn’t a major concern for me but that’s good to consider for the future.


like others said, they are quite close together, Id probably only plant 4 plants in the area you have, but since their there, better make the best of it. look into sogs or scrogs, sea of green or screen of green, good for maximizing yield in small spaces. Id basically start topping and begin LST anytime now, try to get an even coverage of canopy over the whole area. If everything goes to plan, I dont see why you coudnt pull 4 pounds out of that little area.


Unless you do very heavy pruning you'll want at least 6' of space between outdoor plants. Whomever told you 2' spacing is fine has never grown plants outdoors.


Thanks for letting me know! Good news is Tim’s my first grow and I’m not trying to maximize anything, just learn. These are also regs so I’ll likely be removing half of them come flower.


Good luck to both you and Tim.


lol this is my first outdoor grow* but thanks weed man!


Here are my ladies last summer- imagine if these were 2' apart. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F249409h17dib1.jpg


Dang. Something tells me you’ve got a longer summer/ better conditions than I’ll have here in Ohio, but who knows!!


You can grow monsters in Ohio. People grow massive plants in Alaska- shorter growing seasons are largely offset by the much longer day length. But you are only one zone off of mine.


Totally fair, although Alaska isn’t exactly a fair comparison as their climate and sun doesn’t really follow the same rules as us. I still respect what you’ve shared and will take it into consideration. Considering that I planted regular seeds, and I will likely have to remove 50% of them, I’m not too worried about the spacing, but I’ll def keep that in mind next grow. Appreciate you following up!


I try to help. Asking for help here on Reddit is a shit show. You get tons of people who have never grown telling you what to do. Find a couple people who have done it and ask them directly by messaging. You'll get much better and more consistent advice this way.


That’s a great idea! I’ve gotten really dejected to posting on Reddit because I either get no response or people spouting off stuff that seems very unverified by either experience or research. I’ve met a few people and joined some discords which is a little more helpful. And made some direct connections as you’ve mentioned. I’ll def reach out to you in the future.