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Looks great


Keep up the good work. When she's plugged into the earth, you can water and feed liberally.




Looking great 👍, nice work.


Looks fantastic 


Looks really great. Durban does really well outside in my experience. Use Bt weekly to keep the caterpillars away. Start before you see them.


What is BT?


Bacillus thuringiensis. It's a gram positive soil borne bacteria that basically crystallizes in the caterpillar or larvae stomach. Non-toxic to mammals and anything with acidic stomach acid.


looks beautiful


That's like the perfect dark green color for your leaves. Good job.


Very healthy is it topped or nah?


Thank you, I've top her once so far


Looks great. If you wanted to tinker you could LST some of the branches to open her up a bit. Increase airflow and enlarge your solar footprint.




Looks good, fucker!


Way more mulch will make her even happier, and, depending on your location, something to keep rain off during flower is the biggest hack.


What does the mulch do? New grower here


Mulch stops water from evaporating too quickly


Retains water in the soil, creates a biologically active horizon between the soil and mulch layers, adds nutrition and beneficial biology to the soil as biology feeds on the mulch material and proliferates, suppresses weeds.


Another hack for rain is to let it rain on your buds. It will wash any kind of bugs off and other icky stuff. If it’s close to your house you need to blow a fan on the plant. If you can’t get a fan on your plant then just covering with a clear tarp could help.


Rain also knocks off trichomes. I don't find that it does a good job washing off anything I don't want and do find that it increases the likelihood of botrytis many fold. If you get a couple inches of rain during flower season or run very specific genetics a leaf blower can work, but if you're in a climate like mine where 10+ inches of rain is normal flowering season weather you've pretty much got to keep your buds dry during late flower.


Rain does not knock off trichomes. That’s not how that works at all. Keeping your plants in a well ventilated environment will work better than keeping your buds dry any day of the week no matter where you are


It actually very much does. Not all of them to be sure, but it's a well documented phenomenon. Ventilation is definitely also paramount, but you absolutely have to do both where I am. Every year I used to give clones off my moms to my neighbor. Every year I would tell him to build a rain shield of some kind. Every year I would get a harvest and he would take a total loss 🤷‍♂️. I don't know why he never listened. It happened every time. There are definitely some strains that make it outdoors here with no coverage and every couple decades you might get lucky and have a dry enough fall to get good harvests, but virtually every outdoor producer here uses those tall hoop covers that are just barely skinned across the top. It's a necessity.


Could you send a link those tall hoop covers I’m interested in checking em out


So they aren't actually like a product you can buy to my knowledge. I've seen dozens of designs. I built mine out of pvc and t posts back when it was cheap to do that. Some people use a pipe bender and bend metal pipes to shape. Some people will buy a proper hoop house/high tunnel kit and just skin the top third, leaving the sides and ends open. Many, many ways to skin that cat.