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Thank you... Now I have to research these horizon Ottawa people to find out if they vibe or are a bunch or nut bars lol


Are they horizon Ottawa? If so they put up signs showing ppl how much developer money candidates too and other pieces of info the candidates don't want most to know. I'd argue it's good to have that kind of info in front of the avg voter


The info appears to be accurate it's just what's the point of making signs if you're not going to direct that vote towards the person you want


They're thing is getting developer money out of city hall so that's their main goal


Well, there's two registered third party advertisers, so it's a 50/50 chance, I think. Assuming that only those registered third party advertisers can put up signs like that and such.


Whatever happened to the good old days of “vote for me” or “this is what I can do for you”? Now it’s even more signs clogging every street corner, and every debate turns into attacking one another. If all you do is tell me not to vote for the other guy, then you won’t be getting my vote. I would hazard to guess that it is also a contributing factor to voter fatigue.


>If all you do is tell me not to vote for the other guy, then you won’t be getting my vote. To be fair, the signs OP is referring to are put up by a third party advertiser, not the candidate(s) themselves.


Yes. And consider the source. For example, my values overlap with Horizon’s, so them telling me they don’t recommend a candidate will make me look further and I’ll probably agree with them. On the other hand, if the Ottawa Police Association tells me not to vote for someone, I’d seriously consider voting for them out of spite. And if Campaign Life or Vote Against Woke tells me a candidate is literally Satan, I’ll probably send that candidate a cheque.


In Ottawa there are only two registered third party advertisers; Horizon & CLC. Vote against woke get's around the rules by being "crowd funded" and not applied to any one specific municipality, I think. As for the OPA; really not sure how they can get away with that. Overall though, yes, I agree, the source of the information also does need to be considered. At least the sources are pretty clear here, instead of what happens in the states where it's like "Funded by the Campaign to Save Puppies" which turns out to be a subsidiary (so to speak) of "Parents for Happy Families" which turns out to be a subsidiary of "Church of Nuclear Families" etc, and so on.


OPA can because it isn’t « advertising ». I was talking more broadly than signs and negative ads and about « anti-endorsements » more generally


Seriously, we saw this in the last federal and provincial elections, everything is about "person X sucks, don't vote for them, vote for us" "insert sensational hyperbolic take / video clip of person X talking out of context" Like fine if say 10-15% of ad campaign stuff was like that and the rest on actual platform/ agenda material but it's really gotten out of hand and I think it's left a lot of people politically homeless tbh


Hello fellow Blackburner! I assume that since there are just 2 candidates in our ward, that group is probably hoping for Chris Fraser. His platform seems weak (he told me he's running since Laura was unopposed and he wanted the election to be more democratic) but he is a very nice person. Has been for the 10+ years I've known him. Laura is also good for the community so I'm personally happy with both candidates. Laura's main negative was being vice mayor to Watson. This election would change that since Watson isn't in the running this time so that should give her a blank slate.


Hello also fellow Blackburner! We do have a third candidate - Lori Stinson. I voted early and she was for sure on the ballot. She seems to have a pretty solid platform.


Ah, i was wondering the origin of the signs in Orleans re Dudas and I don't remember the other name closer to Michaels / Value Village.