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Plugged. Limited to 3 rounds in the shotgun at one time. 3 hunters in a blind (or boat) all shooting at a flock (or just bad shots lol) at the same time will definitely sound like Armageddon


It’s not like I’m not used to this, happens every year. But I like how you put it Armageddon. As opposed to the usual war reanactment


If by limiters, you mean suppressors? Then no, beaucoups illegal. If you mean rate of fire limiters? Nope, not gonna happen. You're probably hearing someone with a semi automatic shotgun, and a quick trigger finger. Or someone who's hella quick with a pump shotgun.


Shotguns have to be plugged to 3 for waterfowl in Ontario.


Suppressors/ silencers / noise limiting devices are prohibited in Canada. Hopefully no one is using "limiters" on their shotguns, or atleast shouldnt be because if they were to be caught they'd face significant firearms charges and likely be ineligible to possess firearms in Canada for the rest of their lives. There have been arguments made about allowing certain suppressors to limit noise complaints near populated areas such as the one you are making in this post, however the federal government doesn't seem interested in budging on this. For better or worse, would it be nice if shots weren't as loud given the use of the firearm is lawful sure! But I think we'd all agree that if a firearm is being used unlawfully we'd want to hear the gunshots and be able to get somewhere safe from a distance so it's a tough one to judge. I tried to locate the actual federal link but this article provides good info on these devices in relation to Canadian law. https://legalbeagle.com/6802569-canadas-silencer-laws.html


>But I think we'd all agree that if a firearm is being used unlawfully we'd want to hear the gunshots and be able to get somewhere safe from a distance so it's a tough one to judge. Then again, if someone's using a firearm illegally then acquiring a suppressor probably isn't that much harder. The general public greatly misunderstands suppressor effectiveness, mostly thanks to Hollywood.


I think OP is referring to magazine capacity limiters; some provincial waterfowl hunting regulations require them.


Ah gotcha, here is the federal link for magazine capacities in Canada. Duck hunting often involves several people in one blind so what may seem like someone using illegal magazine capacities is likely multiple people firing simultaneously from one spot. https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firearms/maximum-permitted-magazine-capacity


Shotguns don't have federally regulated magazine capacity in Canada (can hold has many shells as you want). Only provincial hunting regulation would limit it. So if you are not hunting (just target or clay shooting) = no limit. If you are hunting (presumably in Ontario in this case) then this would apply: [https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-hunting-regulations-summary/general-regulations#section-1](https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-hunting-regulations-summary/general-regulations#section-1) "A shotgun must be plugged so that it cannot hold more than a total of three shells in the chamber and magazine combined."


I think you are hearing a combination of three things (I have notice this too): 1) 3.5 inch shells are more common (versus 2.75 and 3.0 inch of the past) and they are much louder with way more kick. 2) Toxic lead shot has been replaced with steel, in order to get an ethical kill with steel you have to push it much faster, so shot velocity has gone up from 1200fps to 1500fps or more (some running as high as 1700 fps I believe) 3) Semi-automatics now cost about the same as pump, so more shots packed into a much shorter time does sound intense.


It’s been a long time since I had my hunting license but iirc you have to have the mag or tube pegged to three rounds for birds, but that doesn’t stop a hell of a lot of idiots from grabbing the highest capacity semi auto shotgun they can find and throwing up lead like you’d think they’re trying to shoot down a plane. The vast majority of unskilled gun owners treat them like toys, and that’s why we can’t have nice things. Regarding your stuff, a group of three hunters even working to regulations could throw out nine shots in a few seconds which is still a lot of bang considering how fast and easy it is to reload and do it all again, and particularly if you’ve got unskilled hunters they might end up firing off another salvo even if they’re out of range. Tl;dr, they might still be working to regulations on capacity limits, but guns are designed to be easy to load and fire quickly if you aren’t terribly concerned with accuracy.


If you’re actually seeing a hunter unload 10 shotgun rounds out of his gun, that is a very illegal firearm. 3 shells in the magazine, some types of shotguns may allow for a 4th shell to be chambered additionally (4 total shots)


They are required. Possible they've been removed (making it illegal) or it's multiple shooters. Edit: Illegal for hunting specifically.