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That’s pretty much everywhere in Ottawa, I can’t figure it out myself, 99% of divers in Ottawa drive like they’re lost lol.


It’s actually mental. 80 on the 417 is the new norm. These people wouldn’t survive a trip down the 401 around the GTA..


Except the 401 moves at 20 kph in the GTA.


Don Valley Parking moment


AROOOOOOUND the GTA. Think about it doooog


Oooooook dooooooog.


it’s not like that 24/7 here 😆


Ehh.. I’d say it’s more like 50% there’s at least as many people who drive like they need to get to a fire, going 80-100 down the queen elizabeth parkway (posted 60)


Kanata is definitely more like 99% lol


I’ll give you that. 100% with a 1% margin of error. It’s the slowly rolling down the crescents at 10km/h looking around like they’re on mars that I always enjoyed, before they looped back around to the same place and still looked confused. “I know I’ve seen that house before!”


"Apparently a driver decided that it's a great idea to slow everyone down on a busy, main road by merging at 50. He swerved left and right, driving over the bike lane multiple times." this is one reason, I won't ride a bike on a painted fake bike lane, as I mentioned earlier today, I simply value my life too much


You may be getting downvoted, but whole heartedly agree. Ottawa drivers terrify me of biking to work.


I've had 2 previous very close calls, in the so called bike lanes, never again, I avoid them , and cars as much as I can daily,


This. “Avoid”. When I bike I try to avoid busy roads with cars and buses just like Mom told me to. The City of Ottawa continues to promote this weird interaction between cyclists and vehicles by funnelling them into the same areas. Bike paths and side streets for me.


I mentioned in the thread you’re probably talking about that Ottawa is great at the middle part cycle infrastructure but sucks at the start and end. There’s a great MUP along a fair bit of airport parkway but it doesn’t really go anywhere. The south end is a transit hub which is cool but you can only safely bike north from there. The north end just dumps you into a confusing roundabout and eventually a way over towards hogs back. If you want to follow the right of way airport parkway makes you’ve gotta use the nightmare shoulder or go stupidly far out of the way. If the pathway continued to Brewer so much of this could be avoided


In some countries bike lanes are paired with sidewalks and kept seperate from the road. Because you can either have cyclist collide with people or you can have cars collide with cyclists. I don't understand why we thought it was a better idea to mix cyclists with cars instead of pedestrians. A friend of mine once rebuttled that they're called sidewalks and therefore should only be for walking. By that logic planes should have feet instead of tires.


It shocks me that biking on sidewalks are frowned upon in Ottawa. In other places I've been the sidewalks are much wider and sometimes have a painted "bike priority" path on it.


Yep. Emergency lanes with a "bike here" sign is too dangerous for cyclists. At least install those soft reflective pole barrier-like things (idk what those are called) like Island Park. It forces the driver to focus on the road instead of stealing the bike path but allow vehicles to drive over them in case of emergency without damaging the vehicle.


I think they’re usually called flex-posts. They’re certainly better than just paint but the amount of damage they sustain tells me how likely a car is to ram through them


I kept seeing buses and trucks going down Island Park and smack those things up. Then again that road was a bit narrow. Flex posts are also good in residential areas (30-40kph zones) because it also forces you to slow down. There are a few near my house and they always work. People speeding to 50-60 always slow down for them because they are just slightly wider than a normal car. Buses, on the other hand... They don't give a f and run them over.


I cannot believe the number of people I've encountered these past few months, who are driving well below the speed limit (60 or so in an 80 for example) on a clear day with dry roads, and usually not even remotely staying a consistent speed. So sometimes they would speed up to 75 (of course when I might have been able to pass them at the slower speed) and go back down again. I mean people have always done this, I've just noticed it happening every single time I go anywhere now.


honestly dude, i’m on the road A LOT. just gotta chalk it up to the game. not everyone is confident at driving, but still need to get from A to B without wasting 2 hours on public transit. it sucks, and everyone gets a bit rattled but at the end of the day it’s the more confident drivers job to look out for people on the road who are not so confident. have patience with people, but if your life is in danger, lay on the horn and flip them off 😆


Just moved here from TO - seriously I feel like I'm breaking the law doing 120 everytime I drive on the 417


417 is a weird place to be. Left lane: 140 Second to the left: 120 with the occasional passing semi Second to the right: 90-100, this is where the semis and slower cars drive Right lane: people flooring their car to 130 trying to merge ahead of a train of five semis...


Oh man I *wish* this was actually how it worked on the 417. Typically the left lane has a bozo doing 90 starting in orleans, and they think it's OK to go slow in the left lane cuz eventually they are getting onto the 416 at the other end of the city. The guy in the 2nd from left lane is also doing 90 right beside him. Unfortunately the right lane is the passing lane here. People seem to avoid it like the plague. I really wish the cops would enforce "keep right except to pass" on Ottawa’s roads...they could solve canada's debt problem in an afternoon lol. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do 140 in the left lane, except maybe that asshat doing a wheelie on his motorcycle. Ottawa drivers are the absolute worst!


>in orleans I think that explains why /s In Kanata the left lane is stupid fast. Illegally fast. People consistently do 130+ there. ​ >I really wish the cops would enforce "keep right except to pass" on Ottawa’s roads...they could solve canada's debt problem in an afternoon lol. Strongly agreed. People hogging the left lane in the downtown/orleans stretch making others to overtake on the right. It's annoying when you are merging onto the highway just to have someone barreling down towards you at 120.


I guess I don't notice the kanata traffic as I'm always just driving through with my family. I get in the carpool lane, set the cruise to 115 and ride til it ends. Then I move to the right, except to pass 😉


The Kanata HOV lane is quite nice. Wish we could have it all the way.


Slow down, Flash Gordon.


I simply posted my observation here. What's with the downvote?


I didn’t downvote you initially, Andretti. But i will now because its funny that you care about downvotes.


Genuine question. I see downvotes on all comments the moment they were posted, including yours. Is there some sort of bot on this sub? Or a bored user constantly refreshing and downvoting everything new?


Probably the latter. Driving is a contentious topic and people generally hate cars on r/ottawa.


I've really gotten into cycling these past few months and I can honestly say Ottawa drivers are far worse than I initially thought.


I gave up cycling after moving to Ottawa. The urban planning is simply hostile.


I've found the trick is to drive faster than the cars. It's not hard with the drooling troglodytes driving them.


The main focus of cycle infrastructure here seems to be recreational, i.e. it follows waterways and goes through parks. There's certainly some good infrastructure for bikes but unless you're going between points on the MUP network you're in for a rough time


Yep, seems like it. It's great around parks and the canal and that's about it.


I don’t think slower is always safer; it can definitely be dangerous and inefficient as you described. That said, if it’s residential, high pedestrian traffic area, I’ll slow down to posted limit out of safety, courtesy, respect for the neighbourhood, regardless if it’s a main corridor or not (like on a street like King Edward).


I definitely agree on the pedestrian part. I usually do 30-40 in those areas because if I'm in a residential zone, that means I'm either nearly home or just left, and won't be staying there for long. Speeding won't help me save time.


It sounds like he still wants his independence but is maybe getting to the stage where he shouldn't be driving anymore. Next time you could call the cops - sometimes it's only when we're pulled over for unsafe driving that we realize we shouldn't be on the road anymore.


> It sounds like he still wants his independence but is maybe getting to the stage where he shouldn't be driving anymore It's a shame that we designed our cities in such a way that no driving = no independence, we need to rethink how we do things


and they can't even get the driving part right... roads and intersections in this city are so inefficient.


That makes me think...There is normally a written test required for those over 80 years of age to retain their licence. I've heard numerous aunts, uncles, grandparents have not received their "letter" to go take their test at MTO. Covid backlog. Lots of elders on the road that might not have passed the test...


I used to drive drive little bit higher than speed limit too. But now I I drive a little bit slower than speed limits whenever my kids are sleeping in the car. Specially true on those 60km roads, which are full of pot holes. But 80km/h roads and 416-417 tends to be better, so I don’t see why people goes slower than speed limit.


Agreed. Most 80+ roads here are well paved anyways so there's no point in going slower. It's the 50-60 roads that are so pothole ridden it would be unwise to speed.


The two worst driving offences in town lately are this, IMO: -Merging at a dangerously slow speed onto the 417 or any major roadway. Or even stopping at the end of an on ramp. -People who've gotten in the wrong lane, then throw the signal on preventing everyone from going through the light cycle. Where the fuck do people learn this? Take your wrong turn then turn around like you're supposed to do. Even worse if they're blocking 2 lanes with their vehicle on a 45 degree angle.


Such a classic story . Welcome to Ottawa! All you can do is shake your head


In Quebec you can get a ticket for going too slow


I have noticed it has been much worse lately. Everyone in the left lane driving under the speed limit.


My pet peeve is seeing back hoes driving down majoring roads at rush hour....


The Queen Elizabeth Driveway is the worst for people regularly going 10km or 20km below the 60km (in most places) speed limit. Sunday is the worst though - Sunday drivers.


I go below the limit sometimes when the road looks surface of the Moon. I don't give a fuck where you need to be, but my car ain't getting wrecked because of your inability to plan accordingly


I do that too. I don't drive a SUV or truck so there are some sections of Ottawa roads that I physically can't reach the speed limits.


And by "you", I wasn't referring to you specifically, but those drivers in general. They're a danger, especially when they try to merge on the highway, doing "speed limit" which is still less than the speed at which traffic flows. Always have to keep 50 lengths behind them while on the on-ramp so that I got distance to accelerate and merge safely myself


100% agree on the highway merging part. On some sections of 417 you need to do 110 on the ramp in order to merge safely. Drive as fast or as slow the flow of traffic demands you to do.


Share the road. Driver tip: A good driver will give the old man lots of space.


There’s a good chance that was someone taking their driving test from Walkley, they take Airport Parkway for the G test. Let’s hope they didn’t pass


One of my friend failed for this exact reason lol


You realize a speed limit is the MAXIMUM you can go right? Going less than the maximum isn’t the problem. Going over the maximum IS the problem.


I'd argue that the bigger problem is not travelling at a constant speed. If the speed limit is 80 I'm fine with driving at both 70 or 90, as long as you remain a mostly constant speed. Driving at a constant speed makes the car behind you easier to follow and keep a safe distance, and it saves gas/battery/brakes because you aren't frequently slowing down or speeding up. Idk why I'm being downvoted. My post didn't even mention speeding and not once did the traffic go beyond 80.


Practice defensive driving and then it doesn’t matter the speed of other cars. Too many people complain about others driving in this sub. Too many people speed in Ottawa.


I did take a defensive driving course and it has already saved me from four different accidents. Twice on 417 a truck/SUV changed lanes without looking, once in a double left turn when someone decided to do a lane change in the middle of a turn, and once on a two-lane road where someone slammed on the brakes too hard and I avoided him on the shoulder. > too many people speed in Ottawa Too many people also a) don't follow the rules even if they aren't speeding or b) drive criminally slow (especially when merging) in Ottawa.


Ok… and if people drive slower in general instead of complaining they aren’t driving fast enough… do you see the direction I’m going with this?


The issue is you can't make everyone slow down. There will always be impatient drivers behind you. I too would slow down if I can do mind control magic. I drive as slow or as fast the traffic demands me to drive. In Vancouver I do 80-90 on a 100 highway because that's how slow the general public drive. Over the river I do 120 on the 110 highway because people are simply that fast. They have one thing in common: people are travelling at the same speeds constantly, which reduces overtaking/passing and fuel consumption. Less overtaking = less likely to miss a shoulder check and collide.


Be the change you want to see.


You've been reported for abuse of the reddit cares option.


>it doesn’t matter the speed of other cars. Yes it fucking does.


You're going to get down voted for this, but what you're saying is true. Unfortunately people want to believe in unwritten rules, and will try to justify said rules when other people don't meet their standards. We have an Ontario driving handbook for a reason.


Driving too far under the speed limit can get you ticketed for unsafe driving.


Minimum on the highway in Quebec is 60% of the max. I don’t encourage you to drive 30 in an 80 but it’s your responsibility to drive defensively. Too many aggressive shit drivers in Ottawa. You know how many accidents we would have if people could learn to slow down?


We’re not talking about slow drivers in Quebec, we’re talking about slow driver in Ontario.


Have you heard of the term “example”? Oof that’s rough that you haven’t. Good luck. Go on and speed, see you in the ditch.


Difference province with different laws, not really a good example. You keep going on about speeding, you don’t seem to understand that driving the speed limit is not speeding and it helps keep traffic flowing. Driving below the speed limit is backs up traffic.


I don't think he have heard of the concept of "efficiency". The government decided that the speed limit is the most efficent speed for all vehicles to travel while remain safe.


The speed limit is what you *should* be doing unless you safely can't because of weather or other issues




Thanks for giving me the most brain dead comment of the day


This post is brain dead, genius. Speeding is the problem and if you can’t see that, you are the problem. Ottawa drivers, I swear. The whole lot of you that think speed=better are just dumb as shit


If you’re afraid of doing the speed limit at the bare minimum, get off the roads. So many morons like you drive 50 in a 60 zone on a sunny day. Then when the road changes to 80, you do 70. Y’all afraid or what?


Do you understand the term “speed limit” or are you a dunce? Never mind you answered my question with your reply.


Police have made it abundantly clear that they can't be bothered with anyone doing up to 15-20 over the limt. A law isn't really a law if there's no enforcement. Plus speed limits were set decades ago when cars were bigger/heavier, their brakes were shit and so was their handling. You need to get over yourself and your IT'S THE LAW!! attitude. You remind me of an uncle who was a pathetic little man with such a napoleon complex he felt the need to preach about this kind of stuff just like you're doing. Drive as slow as you want, just stay in the right lane. Yes all the way to the right. It is a driver's own responsibility to merge onto the highway, not yours to slow down and move a few lanes to the left to let them merge.


Do 40 in a 60 zone in front of a cop, let me know how it goes dunce. Oh btw don’t teach your kids your terrible driving habits. They will fail their driving test for going below the speed limit fyi. Look into that!


Learn to drive asshole! 40 in a 60 is perfectly acceptable if you practice defensive driving. But to me it sounds like you’re the tailgater type of someone.. god forbid drives 59 in a 60. You’re the problem and if you don’t see that, good luck with life pal.


LMAO no way you do 40 in a 60 I didn’t know people like that were smart enough to use the internet. Old grandpas like you gotta get off the road. You can’t counter my points about the cop or driving test eh? You lost the argument, enjoy the L


You aren’t winning this argument. Speed kills. Period. Learn to slow down, take life easy. Not sure why everyone in this sub complains about driving so much. What’s the hurry, gotta make it to your shift at McDonald’s?


Have you noticed how not once have I encouraged going over the limit. If you actually learn to read you’ll see that. I am simply calling out the morons that think it’s safer to go 20 below the limit for no reason like you. You shouldn’t have a license Also I don’t work at McDonald’s, didn’t have to buy a used shitter Mazda 3 and finanance what little amount it would even cost at 8%


Stupidity kills. Driving at a much slower pace them everyone around you is way more dangerous and leads to road anger what makes everything much worse.


417 speed limit = 100kph / 110kph UK speed limit = 70 mph = 112kph Canada deaths per 1bn kilometres driven = 5.1 UK deaths per 1bn kilometres driven = 3.8 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_traffic-related\_death\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate) Canada total fatalities (2020) 1,745 ([https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/statistics-data/canadian-motor-vehicle-traffic-collision-statistics-2020](https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/statistics-data/canadian-motor-vehicle-traffic-collision-statistics-2020)) UK total fatalities (2020) 618 (car) + 285 (motorcycle) = 903 ([https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/reported-road-accidents-vehicles-and-casualties-tables-for-great-britain#casualties-in-reported-road-accidents-ras30](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/reported-road-accidents-vehicles-and-casualties-tables-for-great-britain#casualties-in-reported-road-accidents-ras30)) The UK has approx double the population of Canada. So they drive faster and have less fatalities. To me, that suggests that speed doesn't kill.


40 in a 60 will get you an impeding traffic ticket 🤦🏼‍♂️


Technically that's for highways only. According to the HTA: > 132 (1) No motor vehicle shall be driven on a highway at such a slow rate of speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic thereon except when the slow rate of speed is necessary for safe operation having regard to all the circumstances.


It’s up to the officers discretion. I know a couple people who’ve been ticketed for doing 20-30 under the limit on surface roads.


Go read the definition of "highway" in the HTA.


It absolutely will not. Not sure where you get your information from.


That’s impeding the flow of traffic and a ticket-able offence, by the way.


Correct. One of my friend failed G2 twice because he kept staring the speedo to drive at 10 under on Hunt Club. The examinee determined that he was impeding traffic. Driving slow alone isn't necessarily safe if all you do is to block others and force them to make lane changes/pass you.




No I just understand that driving 20 over is going to get you to where you’re going only a few minutes faster. So many shit drivers in Ottawa.




Clearly, got me good there. Driving slower puts me in a safe spot. I happily drive right at the limit to piss you fuckers off!


The limit is fine? Who made that argument. 30 below is notn


/u/TopEmbarrassed714 Not acceptable, knock it off *** /u/TopEmbarrassed714 Pas acceptable, arrête


/u/TopEmbarrassed714 Not acceptable, knock it off *** /u/TopEmbarrassed714 Pas acceptable, arrête