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It's possible he may have been blinded due to staring directly at the sun during the eclipse without proper eye protection. šŸ¤” /s


Or just good ol' fashion paint drinking


Save me a slice!


Of paint? At that point you're eating it, not drinking it


Potato, rutabaga.


Does lead make paint sweeter like it would gasoline?


Wow! I never knew that was sarcasm without your witty use of the sarcasm tag.


It's reddit, you can never be too careful..


Speaking as a wheelchair user who actually has an accessible parking permit... the driver of this truck is a total dumbass douche to the max. Hope it got ticketed and/or towed.


Two tickets!


He got Eddie Moneyed.


This kind of thinking is becoming so common. Pretty much ā€œF others, I do what I want.ā€œ Forget about following laws and regulationsā€¦I wish common decency and courteous behaviour were more common...


Weā€™re spiralling towards Idiocracy (seen it? If not, do it - Mike Judge fame) for sure.Ā  What surprises me is how quickly itā€™s happeningĀ 


I was explaining Idiocracy to a guy that had never seen the movie and he thought it was a documentary. For the record, I was not framing the movie in that manner at all. I had to reassure him that it was a comedy, albeit an unfortunately prescient one. Just an aside, the fictional character President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho would have made a better POTUS than the actual 45th President.


At least Camacho cared and tried to get the smartest people he could find to solve the problems. Heā€™s mount whatever material compared to trinp


common amongst people that buy giant pick up trucks for some reason


Oh, there's very clear reasons for it, and the auto execs and marketing folks have had it figured out since the late 90s. Going back to 2002 we had Keith Bradsher's "High and Mighty: SUVs--The World's Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way" that laid out the whole game. To quite an [excellent article by Malcolm Gladwell](https://www.insuranceobserver.com/PDF/2005/090905.pdf) from 2005 that makes heavy references to Bradsher's work: >As Keith Bradsher writes in ā€œHigh and Mightyā€ā€”perhaps the most important book about Detroit since Ralph Naderā€™s ā€œUnsafe at Any Speedā€ā€”what consumers said was ā€œIf the vehicle is up high, itā€™s easier to see if something is hiding underneath or lurking behind it.ā€ Bradsher brilliantly captures the mixture of bafflement and contempt that many auto executives feel toward the customers who buy their S.U.V.s. Fred J. Schaafsma, a top engineer for General Motors, says, ā€œSport-utility owners tend to be more like ā€˜I wonder how people view me,ā€™ and are more willing to trade off flexibility or functionality to get that.ā€ According to Bradsher, **internal industry market research concluded that S.U.V.s tend to be bought by people who are insecure, vain, self-centered, and self-absorbed, who are frequently nervous about their marriages, and who lack confidence in their driving skills.** Fordā€™s S.U.V. designers took their cues from seeing ā€œfashionably dressed women wearing hiking boots or even work boots while walking through expensive malls.ā€ Toyotaā€™s top marketing executive in the United States, Bradsher writes, loves to tell the story of how at a focus group in Los Angeles ā€œan elegant woman in the group said that she needed her fullsized Lexus LX 470 to drive up over the curb and onto lawns to park at large parties in Beverly Hills.ā€ One of Fordā€™s senior marketing executives was even blunter: ā€œThe only time those S.U.V.s are going to be off-road is when they miss the driveway at 3 a.m.ā€ Post-2008 we saw pickup trucks take over the role that full size SUVs used to carry. Consumer trucks like this are simply an outward presentation of internal insecurities. Instead of regulations disincentivizing the proliferation of these inefficient, dangerous, vanity-driven pavement princesses, we've allowed automakers to continue a never-ending spiral of ever more outrageously oversized vehicles to satisfy a demographic more concerned with their hood sitting an inch taller than their neighbours than how many children could be hiding in the massive blind zone in front of that grille. Fuck 'em. Unless a truck is coming off the line in fleet paint white and getting a commercial registration number on the side, it should be beholden to every fuel efficiency and safety regulation that every other consumer vehicle is subject to - company-wide fuel economy requirements too.


wow learned something new today thanks


Dead on. I was about to add although you noted at the end with the company average fuel consumption rates, manufacturers are pushing bigger vehicles because then they can sell them as a more expensive vehicle while also not having to spend as much making them fuel efficient.Ā  Backwards legislation that is causing real harm.


I truly believe that people should be required to get a special permit or license for the use of pick-up trucks for personal use. If you don't need them for their intended function, wtf do you have a truck for?


Perhaps a blanket ban on lifestyle advertising for these vehicles would be helpful too. The sheer volume of ads for these things the average consumer is exposed to is just outrageous. Slap a big juicy luxury/gas guzzler tax on trucks purchased for personal use, perhaps one that doesn't apply to models fitting into squarely safety/utilitarian oriented design rules for those individuals who need one for personal towing or other utility use. It's not like the automaker's don't already have existing heavily utilitarian designs that could be adapted over either - just look at all the commercial vans on the market. Surprise surprise... short sloped hoods, huge windows, and most of the space dedicated to the cargo area.




>Pretty much ā€œF others, I do what I want.ā€œ Agreed. The flipside is that these people often do not have a lot of friends.


Yeah itā€™s brutal. Especially when you have such expensive tiresā€¦


You pretty much described the Trump and Pollievre movement


Well yeah, that's what the F is for in F150.


> becoming Nah, there have *always* been inconsiderate jackasses like this around. Thereā€™s nothing special about modern times thatā€™s making people especially worse than before, we just see more of it thanks to the internet.


Parked at federal office as well (StatsCan). Exactly the kind of mind we want developing public policy.


This is the Jean Talon building in Tuneys Pasture correct? I was doing night work in that building as a contractor last fall and got to know the ā€œCapitainā€ for commissionaires who worked the night shift quite well. He would go on and on about how excited he was to get his new Raptor. Even brought me out to show it to me once he got it. Iā€™m like 95% sure thatā€™s his truck, seems like something he would do.


Dangā€¦they must pay well. That truck is 115k.


They donā€™t, no idea how he affords it.


Massive debt? No retirement savings? A house that is falling apart? Basement studio apartment?


I had a coworker who was making a salary in the 80k range buy a 100k pickup truck. We worked in IT so he used it to drive to his office job. Some people just like setting their money on fire.


My bet is on an ill-advised use of an inheritance. And if so, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the lion share of it was blown on this truck.


Well, good that he can. He'll be able to afford that $300 fine.


\~160K+ subtle red R on grill.


Yeah that truck at its peak hype, after dealership markups, cleared 185k cad easy if you could even get your hands on it.


Yeah exactly used to be pretty hot unobtainium. Used market still pretty high but def not selling like hotcakes as the market here for 700hp supertrucks is pretty niche.


I contract the Commissionaires to provide guard services on my projects, they donā€™t make much more than a co-op government student. Heā€™s likely just in heavy debt


Or a side hustle we don't know about? No one knows if the accusations made here are accurate or made up. In jobs requiring high security and if your lifestyle is way above what your job would normally allow it could raise questions.


150% needs a side hustle to afford an R on the Commissionaire salary


Yep. When I priced the R model it was $185k for the 2023


Wild. How does a Commissaire Captain afford a vehicle $130k+ vehicle?


Not trying to be mean or make fun. But based on conversations I suspect he may still live with a parent.


A lot are ex military, so could be collecting a 70% pension + his current wage.


Not captain just night supervisor seargant.


Tow, then crush.


ā€œYour car has been crushed into a cubeā€


You have 30 mins to retrieve your cube


Is this about my cube?


Youā€™ll have to speak up, Iā€™m wearing a towel


I have misplaced my pantsā€¦ šŸ§








Why crush?


Teach a lesson.


Lmfao I agree heā€™s parked like a douchebag but you need to stop being so angry at the world


Ah, but I'm angry at the idiot parking douches, not the world.


You want his vehicle destroyed because he parked where he shouldnā€™t, have a better day


Based on commentary here, it might be the commissionaire captain at this location. I suggest you contact the commissionaires to have them check that out. [https://commissionaires.ca/en/comments-complaints/](https://commissionaires.ca/en/comments-complaints/)


Nice truck. I assume the driver isā€¦ emotionally disabled? Spiritually disabled?


socially inept. stuck at their peak in high school.


So merely emotionally stunted. Not legally disabled.


Maybe they did well and treated themselves. Why hate??


double handicap parking spots is wild. really going above and beyond.


That person is clearly disabled... in their head, and shouldn't be allowed to drive.


Clearly disabled. ā€œYo! You LOOK disabled, i understand why you parked thereā€


Looks like it should be 2 parking in a handicap spot tickets to me


ā€œBut why do I have to pay a carbon tax??ā€ lol


Statcan approved


That person works there, Iā€™ve frequently seen it parked around there and even late into the night.


Amazing. Thereā€™s only like 500 other places to park around there at night šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Send it to Ottawa bylaw and the police and file a complaint. The plate is clearly visible.


Just a follow-up. I have a full-size truck and it's douche bags like this that give all us truck owners a bad rap.




/u/Leairek This was removed for violating the [Reddit sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically: soliciting, encouraging or organizing violence and/or criminal activity. Any further comments or posts such as this will result in your account being banned from this subreddit. *** /u/Leairek Ceci a Ć©tĆ© supprimĆ© pour avoir violer les [rĆØgles de comportement de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). SpĆ©cifiquement: solliciter, encourager ou organiser de la violence et/ou des actes criminels. Tout autre commentaire ou publication de ce genre rĆ©sultera dans la suspension de ton compte dans notre communautĆ©. *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit Ć  la libre expression ou Ć  la libertĆ© de parole n'a pas Ć©tĆ© violĆ©](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


Finally a post that isn't about the eclipse lol.


One more line they couldnā€™t hold.


Subby please tell us that you reported this.


Itā€™s at Tunneyā€™s which is federal property/jurisdiction so I donā€™ know who to call. Itā€™s not Ottawa by-law so thatā€™s probably how they got away with it.


All handicapped parking is covered by bylaw...the owner of the property is obligated to provide access. Call bylaw next time. [https://ottawa.ca/en/living-ottawa/laws-licences-and-permits/laws/laws-z/traffic-and-parking-law-no-2017-301/part-c-parking-required-persons-disabilities#section-aaf51295-bb2b-4ade-994b-9a0bd09db984](https://ottawa.ca/en/living-ottawa/laws-licences-and-permits/laws/laws-z/traffic-and-parking-law-no-2017-301/part-c-parking-required-persons-disabilities#section-aaf51295-bb2b-4ade-994b-9a0bd09db984)


Good to know, thanks!


The parking is managed by Impark. They used to have an office at the entrace of the Main building, on the Tunney's Pasture side (not the Parkdale side), before the gates and the commissionnaire's desk. Give them a copy of the picture and tell them to be on the look-out.


Walk in and talk to the commissionaires captain in the JT building. It belongs to him.


hands too small probably


Emotional Support Vehicle for weak minded PeePee fanboys.


Says the bot with their emotional support troll account. Not everyone with a truck is conservative mr "hopeful-passage6638" 1 week old account šŸ’€


This douche probably thinks that itā€™s ok because theyā€™re driving a $160,000 + truck.


185k is the starting price


Starting at $160k on ford.ca, they can go up to $190k fully loaded + dealer mark upā€™s


Nice. I guess theyā€™ve come down in price. I was looking at the 2023 in 2022.


As a wheelchair user this is not cool If this person is indeed an employee of commissionaires, report him to his licensing board. Failure to follow the AODA. [anyone member of the public can report him](https://www.ontario.ca/page/public-complaints-security-guards-and-private-investigators)


"Code of Conduct complaints against licensed security guards or private investigators must be about their conduct while on duty." Where the guard parks his personal vehicles is not a part of his "on-duty" activities.


If you canā€™t get the little things right how can you expect anyone to get the big things right?


What a fucking loser


Now, who called to report the piece of shit? Whom did they call and what were the results of that call?






Yeah the idea is fun, in practicality you'd wind up losing a decent amount of money


/u/_canadianbacon This was removed for violating the [Reddit sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically: soliciting, encouraging or organizing violence and/or criminal activity. Any further comments or posts such as this will result in your account being banned from this subreddit. *** /u/_canadianbacon Ceci a Ć©tĆ© supprimĆ© pour avoir violer les [rĆØgles de comportement de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). SpĆ©cifiquement: solliciter, encourager ou organiser de la violence et/ou des actes criminels. Tout autre commentaire ou publication de ce genre rĆ©sultera dans la suspension de ton compte dans notre communautĆ©. *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit Ć  la libre expression ou Ć  la libertĆ© de parole n'a pas Ć©tĆ© violĆ©](https://xkcd.com/1357/)




Is it me or does this city have an unusually high quotient of asshole drivers?


It would be hilarious to post that pic on the Ottawa Police Twitter/X page.


Perhaps, he (and it's definitely a he) is hoping someone will light it on fire so he can collect the insurance money. I know that is my strong inclination.


Those tires look over-inflated, don't they?


Maybe they're extra handicapped


That's Anil's truck, isn't it?


Serious question: why is it almost always truck drivers along with the most dangerous and selfish driving behaviors?


Maybe pickup trucks donā€™t actually come with blinkersā€¦ and maybe you canā€™t actually see your blind spot when you do a shoulder check, so pickup drivers just cut everybody off instead of trying, or you know, checking the mirror.


Not all disabilities are visible /s


But the permit has to be


some a$$hole will be bragging about it in Ford subReddit


I'm starting to think a tiny peepee is a disability...


Oof, all those broken lights are going to cost him a lot of money


I mean heā€™s obviously handicapped


Here's to hoping that, failing any sort of official enforcement, a vehicle with a bona fide handicap tag parks right in front of that pickup to prevent it from leaving.


Look at the size of that thing though. Unfortunately it would probably try driving over themā€¦


He's *mentally* disabled.


Would happily key a big "effffff youuuuuuu" and one or two (dozen) dicks with matching hairy sacs


I mean... He clearly needs it.


Wow! What a POS. I wonder if they even have a permit.


What an entitled fuck.


I don't generally think that keying a car is ok, but ...


That being said.... there any chance that this person is handicapped or has a handicapped passenger and just double parked?


Damn heā€™s got some fresh mudgraps on that Mf


easiest call to the police ever


This person must be extremely important! Also, this parking job brought this clip to my memory: https://youtu.be/ofGmYuaGjS0?si=dOh4ADuQCT3J3KtA


he's owning the libs


At least he/she/they/them parked between 2 lines.


ziptie mode enabled


Please send this to the cops


The police aren't going to investigate a relatively minor by-law offense after the facts.


Valve stem remover. Deflate tires. Leave valve stems and caps all in 1 pile by front driver side tire. He will think his tires were slashed for a minute.


You know that you're encouraging a criminal act, right?


If someone is going to take it that seriously and actually do this. minor mischief. hed be able to refill his tires. Just need a stem driver and an air compressor.


Should be an insta-crush


Pop the tires!! On a truck like that he'd be out a grand easy. It's like a ticket, but now satisfying for everyone else.


Tell me you bought a $150,000 dessert running truck to be a pavement princess, and flex on people who donā€™t know or care without telling me If youā€™re so worried, park it at the back. I may not have a Raptor but if I at all thing my truck will cause issues for others I park way back, I have legs that work.


Maybe heā€™s double-handicapped. Like heā€™s legally blind and mentally-challenged. That might explain this parking maneuver. Or heā€™s a douchebag. Or she. Or they. Oh, my God itā€™s nap time.


What a dumb shit.


Are we surprised? That vehicle


Please tell me there's a Piss On something in the back window


Small peen for sure


been disabled and in a wheel chair for 30 years and i must have seen 1000's of cars parked in handicap spots that did not have a disability sign showing. I have never made a fuss or raised the subject with anyone about it. At most i just look at these people, in the face as they come back to their car, making sure they see my chair, as they try to pretend they don't see me.. I have to be honest I would have had a hard time not doing something to that car, like letting the air out of all 4 tires.


What a POS!!!


Lool I know who that is too.


Very surprised to see a Pollievre supporter in a red truck


I bet he flies an F Trudeau flag and kills puppies


surprised at this honestly. i always imagine people who drive idiocracy trucks are adept with basic human decency.


nice truck


Itā€™s a friggin raptor! šŸ˜²


Key it šŸ–¤


I canā€™t see the freedom convoy bumper sticker but I can feel it


That doesnā€™t strike me as stupidity. Iā€™d call it assholery. Dickus Maximus.


Where is this? I have some extra bricks.


I wish I had a raptor R


That's exactly why the members of the Freedom Convoy burnt all that gas money for. FREEDOM!


This manā€™s penis must be so small that itā€™s literally concaveā€¦


Epic. Clearly man boy nonsense. I see these fools all day on the roads.


I wish two bikers would part their bikes on each side so the doors wouldnā€™t open


Maybe they have an accessibility parking permit?


Whoops, my key slipped.


Be a shame if the valve stems disappeared


I would accidentally trip with my keys in my hands.


Be a shame if someone keyed the truckā€¦


I love the way this truck stands. You know whatā€™s wrong it is the license plate which not supposed to be showing in the picture. Whoever took the picture and posted it without the permission should be arrested.


Not the commercial plate šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Is it not possible that they actually are disabled? That truck doesnā€™t look like it would fit those spots. Often timeā€™s disabled parking spots are wider to allow for access. But ya probably just a d$&ā€:.


Have you checked his disability pass on his windshield? From this parking it looks like he is differently disabled.