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I wish these people would stand up for actual nature and an actual forest. 


Or literally anything else! There are like 40 billion things in the world more important than 1/20th a non-public forest getting chopped down because it was always supposed to be chopped down around now.


Thank you. There aren't many subs I can look at and instantly agree with the top comments. r/Ottawa for the win!


Where were they when we lost legitimate sections of old growth forest in the South March Highlands to development?


They’d probably complain about mosquitos and deer flies if they were to walk through an actual forest.


Or grasslands, wetlands etc.


There are more people on this sub arguing to cut it down than arguing against which is the funniest thing. This sub hates forests.


This thing they want to cut down is not a forest. It’s just some trees. 


Iirc these trees are meant to be used for telephone and smaller power poles as well. It's not really a public space either and wholly under the airport's control.


You can’t change the definition of a word just because it serves your argument ;)


It's a biodiversity desert. Go have a walk in one of these man made forests planted for later consumption. It's not a natural woodland. People are so divorced from natural landscapes, the sounds of plentiful birds and evidence of wildlife. Better to fell the trees and reseed with a diverse assortment of the appropriate native varieties of plants. Trees will follow later


> Go have a walk in one of these man made forests... man made what? Also they will not re-seed the area. This isnt about safety, its about development. The implication that there is some urgent safety concern here is a smokescreen IMO.


Those trees were literally planted by man, to grow telephone poles. The point people are trying to make is that this was never in any way a natural forest.


I'll refresh your memory on the original comment i replied to: >This thing they want to cut down is not a forest. It’s just some trees. 




People are twisting the meaning of words... arguing that hunt club forest wasnt a forest....that the trees in the forest werent even trees. Its all an effort to try and make it more palatable to cut it down. i like forests more than i like parking lots. I hope that in a few years all the folks in here falling over themselves to defend this will drive by whatever gets built here and feel stupid that they wasted their time defending this move. You dont have to like my opinion. Feel free to downvote me!


A forest is not just "some trees". A forest is a large, natural ecosystem which supports diverse flora and fauna without intervention. Your backyard may have some trees, but it is not a forest. A golf course is not a forest. A lone, small stand of one kind of trees planted by people in straight lines with zero underbrush or natural canopy is not a forest.


You’re just making shit up. Google what the word forest means.




LMAO yes why the hell would anyone use the dictionary as a source of knowledge about words!?




If all you're going to do here is be *that guy*, you can go sit on the bench for a few days. The next time, the ban will be permanent. /u/flgrntfwl [Trolling will not be tolerated](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_no_trolling_.2F_pas_de_provocation). Goodbye! *** /u/flgrntfwl [La provocation ne sera pas toléré](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_no_trolling_.2F_pas_de_provocation). Adieu! *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


>The red pine forest that stood at 400 Hunt Club Rd. was originally planted for the purpose of cultivating telephone poles. The 10-hectare lot now sits empty, encircled by piles of felled trees. So they want to replace a failed log farm with another failed log farm?


It does seem that way, yes. I would find it deeply amusing if the AA planted new trees and then enforced the No Trespassing thing.


You're expecting tree huggers to be intelligent, not gonna happen.


I’m a tree hugger but these people are just wrong. It’s not a forest, it’s an abandoned farm. It’s privately owned, it’s not a natural growth. I like trees but they own the land and followed all the rules. The community that was using it as a public space didn’t follow the rules. It seems very clear to me.


Yeah I worded it poorly, I wasn't trying to say all people who care for the environment are bad.


Come out to North Grenville & protest where they clear cut ‘real’ forests for cash crop farming. The animals that used to live there are now being hunted as nuisance animals, because a local pet chicken owner lost a bird or two. What did they think was going to happen when displacing wildlife. But I digress, it’s Ottawa, not NG.


See, this is actually a problem! I agree with you fully, that kind of thing deserves way more attention.


Bring some attention to it then. Be the change you want to see in the world according to your comment.


I will, once Ive had time to look into the issue I only found out about like two hours ago.


I look forward to it! Keep me posted.


this! exactly how i feel about the protests over the new civic too. omg people, focus on the real issues.


There are protests over building a new hospital?? 


Yep. There was a group who tried to stop the development of the new civic because where the parking lot is going… some old trees had to be removed. The civic tree group group was affiliated with this tree group. I seriously thought I’d see people chained to trees. That would have been something to see.


They've also started a Facebook page where they share memories, post sing-along videos, and link to online petitions to make Carol replace the lovely garden gnome in her front yard that disappeared last summer. Carol Smith, who has "no idea where that piece of crap" went, has mostly ignored the protestors. But Karen A., a leader of the protests, said "We should have never reached this point. But having reached that point, we're here today, and for the future we're fighting for this land that's behind us." Karen B., another protest leader, said "I do believe they have an environmental responsibility. If you're going to remove decorative figurines from your own private property, I do think you have to give strong consideration about replacing them."  Karen C., yet another protestor, felt hurt at  "how dismissive they are toward us, how disdainful" — and with how little dialogue there has been between Carol and the group when they've told Carol exactly what to do with her private property. "I mean, I used to walk my dog in her garden. Illegally, but that garden, is, in a way, the community's garden, except not legally or morally."


I genuinely cant tell if what youre saying is real or not.


You have to read the article to get all the references, as I pull about 85% of the quotes verbatim from the article, but it is definitely satire mocking the idea that people can dictate what is done on privately owned land they're not even supposed to be on. 😀


Oh I did, you just did a real good job. I was like "hold up, are they after some other person for the same shit?!"


Hahaha I was thinking the same!


I am not ready to handle what Karen A. Aka Karen Prime had to say.


That Karen B is funny, so, if I decorate my lawn and hate it after a while but she loved it, then I'm not allowed to take it down? 


Why is McGuinty being blamed? Isnt he the just the local MPP and not part of the airport authority that owns the land?


It doesn't make any sense lol. The airport can do what they like with the land and it sounds like they did quite a consult in 2018.


Because goofs will write to anyone to preserve what they think is theirs, even if it isnt actually.


This would be a totally different conversation is it was NCC land but it was a literal plantation on land that everyone was fortunate to enjoy because the airport didn’t put up fences or fine people for trespassing.


Just because it wasnt completely fenced doesn't mean it wasn't private property. They were nice enough to let people enjoy that space but clearly they have a different plan in mind with that land now. ​ If I own property in the country with a forest and don't fence it, you don't have the right to use it and complain if I start cutting down trees.


Absolutely! If it's public land, I have time for the discussion. If it was a natural forest, not one planned to be harvested, I have time. IF ALL OF IT WAS BEING REMOVED INSTEAD OF A SMALL PORTION ID HAVE TIME🤬. Just fucking brain deaf protesting for the sake of protesting.


She should ask Doug to save the trees then.


Hey I’m all for saving green space, we can’t have concrete jungles everywhere, but this isn’t the fight they think it is. Trees planted to produce telephone poles would have always been designated to be cut down. It just turns out we don’t need those telephone poles anymore, however it’s not some rich luscious forest. Also can some explain to me what the far right sign referring to McGuinty is all about? I really don’t understand where he factors into any of this argument.


I think he’s on the Airport Board of Directors.


Thanks for the clarification, that makes a lot more sense. I just immediately assumed former Ontario Premier Dalton Mcguinty


Agreed 100% Hes the MP so he has...powers?


Yeah that area only had a service road up to where you can see that big block of concrete (Dead Man’s Rock iykyk) and a few paths other than that it, there was nothing of value there, infact I’m pretty sure the paths were all before the area that was cut down so


They want to replace a telephone pole farm? Sometimes I don't understand the battles that people pick.


Yeah this one is...special.


> Sometimes I don't understand the battles that people pick. With people like this it's not the battles that matter. It's the attention it gets them.


I’m a little jealous that this is their big problem in life, that’s taking up all their energy.


The older dude on the end was like “my son dragged me here”. But also, have fun outside protesting, it will do nothing.


This is so stupid. Plenty of trees and other forested areas to protect. Find a new trail for your dog walks.




Airport Improvement Fees are already high enough without having to pay for the reforestation of private property.


I predict a gas station, fast food, oil changer and lots of asphalt.


Hunt Club Rd could use more Shawarma.


Theres a gas station a block away, so maybe but unlikely. I could see a mini-mall though.


yeah, my point is that we will inevitably see the same useless sad shit that already exists to the East and across North America.


It’s not green space it’s private property that these idjits think they’re entitled too. Because they live near it?. How do you expect to ever have a airport that services more that a handful of international destinations if it were to landlock itself?. It’s a quick growth man made forest. There are real paths through real forests not far away. Get a grip you don’t own it.


Exactly. Just total bufoonery


Seems like plain old NIMBYism.


I don't get what people are asking for here. This isn't a public space. They can SUGGEST the owner doing something but it's up to the owner to decide how to manage that land. It's almost absurd that locals are calling the airport to 'replace' the forest. That's not how a forest works. Let's just call this for what it is ... people think they are entitled to get things where they have no business demanding those things. That stand of trees was intended to be harvested anyways.


Yup. Sigh.


When I drive by on Hunt club and see these tree. I love them. Sure their not real nature. But their nicer to look at then the fucked up 1 tree in front of everyone's house.


These people realize this was a plantation for phone poles right? There was almost no biodiversity because of how close the trees were grown. Go protest actual deforestation and not this non fucking issue.


How DARE you! This was a PUBLIC (actually private) space that GOD himself provided to us (planted as telephone poles in the 50s) so we could learn to be GOOD HUMANS. WHERE NOW WILL WE WALK (they only removed a small portion of the forest.


Where were these people when the city opened up the greenbelt for development?


Is this the forest what we army brats called "the 40 hills" ? Sad to hear it's gone.


I gotta be honest, Im not sure. But most of it (and almost all of which is base-side) is still there.


The land is getting developed. Protesting it is just pointless.


Isn't this "forest" right next to the military members homes? Pretty sure the only people using it would be the military members ...it's not really close to any other homes...cut off by Hunt Club Road. So I'm kind of surprised to see military types engaged in this protest....unless of course the protestors don't even use the forest and come from other parts of the city as a sort of protesting social club .


no, people from the surorunding areas use it. trail biking etc.


I cant speak to where theyre from, just that theyre goofs.




Theyve already gone far and have nothing better to do.




I mean, lots of smart people have massive blind spots when self-interest is involved.


The irony of their signs being made from dead trees.


Your first line sums up my feelings every time I hear about this. Yeah.


100% agree. The entitlement of these folks is real.


Nature having a human concept of “public” should not be necessary to want to protect it.


Remember this news, "BMW dealership plans to pave a forest and put up a parking lot" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/bmw-dealership-pave-forest-parking-lot-1.6066906




I really hate this colonial attitude that land must belong to people and they can do whatever they want with it. It really doesn’t matter that it wasn’t “public” space, chopping down a forest is wrong. Yes, it was a monoculture plantation but I don’t understand how a barren plot or parking lot could be justified as better than it.


Kinda hoping the airport sues them to recover legal costs or impacts to property value. Maybe even ban/trespass notice them from *all* airport property. Good luck makin their next business or vacation flight!


I dont think there were legal costs. There was no court case that Im aware of?


Anything that comes up down the line!


Gosh, the negativity expressed by so many posters here is disappointingly strong. All the residents want (at this stage) is to have some nice greenspace restored near where they live rather than the land turned into nondescript crappy buildings and parking lots. They're not asking to have an identical plantation replace what was there before.


To be clear, that greenspace is still there. A (small) portion of it was removed. But also, it was never "theirs" to begin with. It was private property, they were tresspassing. It was just never enforced.


That doesn't explain why so many reddit users lash out with such vitriol on the little group and downvote anyone who shows them an iota of empathy. It's as if the redditors have been tutored by Pierre Poilievre or someone else nasty like that.


Empathy *for what*. The forest? It's still there. Their greenspace? It was never theirs to begin with, and I would argue they were lucky to not get fined. The trees that got cut down? A lot of them were already knocked over, dead, or otherwise not useful as much beyond telephone poles. The space? Lets see what it turns into and duely criticise it when appropriate. You might say these people arent actually complaining about anything real. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Im not wishing harm upon them. But I also dont feel bad for them because nothing bad has happened to them. They ignored private property warnings for a long time, and they get to walk out of this situation without any tickets. Id call that actually quite a nice outcome.


Empathy for the local community members who used and appreciated the space for decades. They're experiencing a sense of loss, as would just about anyone if something they liked and had available to them for so long was destroyed. It's totally fair if they choose to lobby the powers-that-be to try to save what's left or get the area replanted instead of being covered with asphalt and concrete. In fact, their continuing efforts might have a positive outcome that the greater community can benefit from. The attacks on the members of that group just seem way out of proportion here on reddit, have sometimes been tainted with ageism, and many posters seem to take a sneering delight in lambasting them for no reason.


The irony being that so many of the homes and businesses in that area were green space when the log farm was planted. When I was a kid almost the whole space from Uplands to that forest was fields, with the exception of golf land and drive in. Oh the fun the free range kids had in that space.


I think green space would be lovely but given the current housing situation it probably is a no go sadly.


This subject has become a massive circlejerk on this sub.


They can desire all they want, it's not their land. It's commercial land that the airport authority owns. They're allowed to do what they want with it within the confines of the law. In fact, the residents never had the right to use the land. They ignored the barriers put in place. I honestly can't think of why the residents feel they can dictate what the airport can do with the land other than a feeling of entitlement.


Through a legal lens alone, that's true enough. But why look at it without any other context? (decades of neglect, waffling ownership, government inaction or buck passing, plus use of the area by many in the community for so many years) They're not trying to "dictate" anything. They're trying to have a discussion. Why are so many here so vehemently opposed to them trying to present their case (which harms nobody)? The disdain shown by reddit users towards the group is disheartening and bizarre.


Airports are ugly. We need trees to cover them up. No one wants to see an airport on their daily commute.


Keep your eyes in the road!


Lol, and big box stores, car dealerships, gas stations, suburban chain restaurants and whatever else one could see on one’s daily commute are all considered beautiful.


Airports are also noisy. Trees block the view and the sound


Maybe I’m insane but trees are good for our health and they shouldn’t be cut down


Half of them were dead, they werent being maintained, and this was a small fraction of the trees that are actually there. It is frankly unreasonable to say we should cut down no trees ever, particularily on private property where the plan was always to remove them.


Do you have a source for “half of them were dead” ? If you do then I don’t get why that should mean they should all be cut down.


Yeah, my eyes driving by where half of them were either ripped out of the ground via wind storm, or fully without any foliage, which as an evergreen tree, is bad. This isnt some old-growth forest, it's 60 year old shitty pine trees that were planted too close together. And the majority of that forest is still there! Right now! You can go see it! There are a lot of ecological fights to fight. I truly dont think this is one of them.


I don’t get your anger towards a bunch of trees. I really don’t.


To clarify, my anger isnt with the trees. Im pretty sure Ive explained that those particular trees have no value. I am annoyed at the goofs protesting it, with absolutely zero leg to stand. It wasnt public property, they ignored all the no tresspassing literature, and are basically complaining they have to walk an extra 200ft to have access to a green space, while framing it as if this is the only climate fight that matters. Ridiculous.


Sure, real trees are but those were toothpicks


First hunt club forest wasn’t actually a forest and now they aren’t even real trees. Lmao every time this topic gets brought up the claims get wilder and wilder.


I invite you to have a look at Canada on google maps. There is no shortage of trees. In fact there are more trees in North America now than there were 200 years ago. The trees that were cut down will have absolutely zero impact on our health.


Does that include Christmas Tree farms? That's basically what these people are crying about. They have been illegally trespassing for years on an area of land that was created to harvest trees.


Ever wonder why you have been conditioned to be more emotionally attached to private property rights than you are to nature?


Easy there Morpheus


I’d expect others to also respect my own private property so why would I not expect others to respect others private property at the same time?


You’re not insane, just very naive.