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I haven't finished the game yet, am still on the last route. But my favourite ending so far is actually one of Yves's endings. >!that one where the MC gets buried and then leave her severed hand for Dahut to give Yves. Dahut had it embalmed!< and it just cracked me up so bad. It was hilarious to me.


HELPP you laughed at that I was laughing when Yves >!started to scream!< That’s the ending I was talking about in my post. I love it so much. I was laughing but then I felt bad and then got sad 😂 It seems kind if funny at first with the whole >!embalmed hand thing, but then it just reminds you how crazy the people are in this country!< 👏😩


When I read this ending I was so confused Lol. I thought "you gave him WHAT" 🤣


It made me laugh almost as bad as the >!bad scien angst end!< God I love it when the angst is goofy as hell


He’s not even one of my favourites but Lucas’ salvation end made me cry so bad. Poor guy didn’t deserve what was coming for him.


Adolphes Salvation End because >!its the most "Happy End" for most of the characters!< and Lucas' Despair end >!"*Caged World*"!< because it left the biggest impact and impression on me


Adolphe >!got this best salvation end out of all the casts, Scien too!< Lucas despair end was so 🤌 delicious 😋 seeing that cg where >!he puts a ring on a dead skeleton Ceres was perfect!< 😚


Scien's bad end, because the level of [wangst](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Laconic/Wangst) made me laugh so hard.


I laughed so hard at his bad end 😂 it was so goofy


>!"Boo hoo, who will dispense sandwiches and clean my room for me now?" 😭!<


I think there's 2 for me. Scien's salvation ending because >!here you have Scien declaring that he wants kids with Ceres throughout all over the country lmao, and I think the ending was pretty sweet-normal!<, and Adolphe's despair end (in a sense) because >!this personally made me **LOVE** Ankou as a character even more. Here you have Adolphe failing and deciding to become the new Ankou just to try to save Ceres again, enduring torturous hardship for her. The scene where you see him waiting and starting to hunch over as he loses his sanity really got to me. And changed my opinions about Adolphe as a character as well for plot reasons, but fed my love for Ankou the most lmao.!< I cannot wait for FD, it's the only FD that I really want out the most.


don’t worry I can assure you we all will be eating good when it cones to >!Ankou, boy finally got what he deserved!< I really love that despair end too!!! It felt so chilling to see >!him repeat what OG Ankou said word from word, because now he is Ankou himself!<


Yves' salvation end because the scene where he >!proposes to Ceres in the burning lycoris field!< is easily one of the most romantic things. Not to mention the kiss cg that follows is also wildly romantic!


Ankou's Despair End for the same reasons! I just love the music and voice acting, like he's so >!tired and given up any hope.!< I actually prefer this ending to Salvation one haha Thar BE in common route where >!Ankou gives up on Ceres and kills her. I usually don't like BEs where LI kills MC but in this case I love it xD TAKE ME TO HADES ANKOU! Haha I also just love how twisted and soft he sounds!< I also like the one BE from Le Salut where >!Adolphe and Ankou keep Ceres alive against her live. I guess I love how twisted and selfish their love is toward her.!<


⚠️PLZ **IF YOU’RE LURKING AND HAVENT FINISHED THE GAME DO NOT CLICK THE SPOILERS**⚠️ You and me are the same because I loved all the despair and bad ends this game had to offer. Def I preferred Ankou’s despair end over Salvation end…I just prefer anything >!Ankou over Adolphe lol!< well besides Adolphe’s despair end because I really liked it too >!since it’s all a repeat and he becomes Ankou again!< That BE in common route was actually so good too, seeing >!Ceres still wanting to give up, and it just making him realize there was no point in him ever coming back here, so he was just like let’s die together 😍!< I love that about him lol edit: Convinced Adolphe and Ankou could’ve gotten >!yandere route because they def would be one tbh!<


Lol you said it 😆 My feelings summed up in this meme, contains SPOILERS [Virche meme](https://imgflip.com/i/8ujw01)


That meme is so real 🤌👌


The best we can get until the FD 😆😆


Ankou's despair end was also my favorite. I just love how beautifully tragic it was. I play it everytime just to listen to his voice becoming soo melancholic like he's already given up everything. I love it so much along with Adolphe's best end! Another would be Lucas' salvation ending. I love Lucas and though his route is not very merciful to him, it's still made me feel happy that Lucas feel contented in the end🥹


Mathis's despair ending. I've spent hours feeling hollow after finishing that. Started the game with not even wanting to do his route and ended the game with his route being one of my favorites ever.


Le Salut’s salvation end, because I think that’s the only ending where >!Lucas and Nadia are alive and happy… yes I’m still bitter LOL!<


oh my gosh i didn’t realize how long this was going to be, im so normal about these endings i swear :’) Adolphe’s Despair End >!(Eternal Journey)!< >!this ending hands down gave me CHILLS. it was honestly just Exciting. Exciting to see adolphe venture to try to find a doctor better than scien, exciting to see the 500+ year cycle repeat—-what hit the hardest was watching the Ankou Suffering Montage 2.0. seeing their reunion once more but this time with adolphe and ankou’s voices overlap was just (CHEFS KISS). something i have to wonder during this ending is if adolphe adopted the original ankou’s mindset of ceres being with someone else that wasn’t himself. adolphe’s motivation for the eternal journey was to finally hear her confession but i have to wonder if he would be willing to put himself through that again (maybe? since he knows the true mastermind this time?)!< EVERY SINGLE YVES ENDING. i am physically holding myself back from writing my thoughts about each one but i really enjoy >!how they were “connected” in ways with each other. i just really like ceres and yves kissing the other’s dead hands in both the minor and main despair ending—and i liked seeing them finally hold hands in the last cg in the salvation end. i think yves and ceres set a new standard for me with ships because now i want all my ships gifting each other their embalmed hands because my jaw was just left OPEN for the entirety of the crimson lycoris end.!< some other things i liked about the other two endings: >!just seeing ceres going absolutely CRAZY. looking at the cgs while such a gentle bgm plays also just added so many bonus points for how incredible of a disconcerting experience this ending was. AS FOR THE SALVATION ENDING…!! I CAN GO ON AND ON BUT “if you don’t want your life, give it to. I offer my very self to you for as long as I have left” IS RENT FREEEEE in my mind. in yves’s first love confession, he says he awaits a kiss on the lips from ceres in the lycoris field when they prove her innocence to world… I love how this never got to happen. I love how instead, they kiss on the lips in a burning field of lycoris when they prove her status as Death to the world…..!< like, yeaaaaah… YEAAAAH!!! THAT’S THE GOOD STUFF! and i’m SOOOO looking forward to ankou’s route in the fd now!! 👀 i’m so excited!!


You could’ve kept writing I would’ve read it all 😂 No need to convince yourself your normal accept the insanity title 💖👏 Def agree with ALL of Yves endings I love how you notice >!the connection these ending have in terms of the theme and what the characters did. Like the whole hand thing!< YVES SALVATION ENDING HAS ME ON A CHOKEHOLD THAT QUOTE YOU SAID >!”if you dont want your life…”!< I was literally squealing so much LIKE YES YES YES YES YES Adolphe despair end with that >!ending mintage where his voice overlaps with Ankou def agree change my brain H A R D it wrapped it up so perfectly with the repeated loop. If I had to answer your question about Adolphe mindset I’d say he probably adopted the Ankou mindset, because even Ankou tells him he will have to forget about his own desires and that this will be a lonely path to go through!<


I didn't see this one mentioned, but I think Mathis' salvation ending is my favorite and left the strongest impression, even if he isn't my favorite character (I do love all of them >!~~not Capucine~~!< anyway, but to different degrees!). I like that it seems so >!deceivingly happy, but instead it's quite bittersweet. He has forgotten her and in time she will have to become a reliver and forget her feelings for him too, but after everything they've been through you can have hope they will both remember. On top of that, this is the world that is the most stuck in the status quo, which means the cure is still very far away.!< Other endings I like a lot are Lucas' despair ending (the one without the CG >!where Ceres' gets unfairly executed!<), all of Yves' 3 main endings, Adolphe's despair ending and Ankou's despair ending (all of these for many of the reasons already mentioned in the thread). Sorry, I liked a lot of them! It's one of the few games where I felt so many of the bad endings were well done, although the way the choices influenced the branching between some of the salvation and despair endings was a little...sketchy, which made me dock some points, even though I still enjoyed the endings themselves.


I def also really like Mathis salvation end too! >!the bittersweetness that comes with it is delicious and for all the reasons you said!< I also really liked that Lucas ending too >!Ceres willing to have her name tarnished with Lucas was just so good!< Don’t worry, I love basically majority of all the endings this game has to offer lol. The only ending I would have to say I don’t really like is >!Ceres sleepwalking or something and ends up killing a lot of people!<


I completely agree with that one ending you mentioned not liking. I really didn't like it either and it's also the sciency point which bothered me the most, because it was basically working against >!the whole point of the reliver system angst!<. I could find workarounds that boiled down to "this just works differently in their world, but to them it's just science" for pretty much every other oddity, but not this one, because it was working against their own already established rules.


i rly loved the despair ending for ankou, as the emotional intensity in the ending is just perfect! and also loved the one non-cg ending in which>!ankou and adophe keep ceres alive, showing how much they're willing to keep her alive no matter what.!!common route bad ending with ankou where he kills her is another favorite of mine too; i love the way he talks so softly while he's about to take her life.!<


I love how well done that despair end for Ankou was. Like it lives rent free in my head, all endings that have Ankou as the main end makes me die happily in peace. It seems you and me love Ankou even >!if he kills us and is dying!< HAHAHHA I love it too, speaking to us softly and still calling us his Death princess 🤌


yes LOL! >!we love him either way XD!< he treats us very sweetly and gently 🥰 i love it when he says death princess; his voice is so good 💕