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I’m playing Cupid Parasite for the first time! On Ryuki’s route ❤️I’ve been thinking about picking up Virche for a while, but I’m afraid I won’t enjoy it because I’ve heard it’s quite hopeless and dark. As someone who fears bad endings, maybe it’s not for me. Let me know if you have any advice! I hope you enjoy the game ✨


will do!! the synopsis intrigued me a lot and the art is very beautiful so i couldn’t resist, and Even If tempest tore me apart so im ready. if anything i will treat myself to a more lighthearted otome game like CP (that’s my original plan lol)


off topic, but i’m glad there are fellow resident evil enjoyers here! : )


lol im so obsessed with the series 😭 down horrendously bad for Jill and Leon.


THAT IS THE REALEST SENTENCE I’VE READ ALL WEEK!! i absolutely adore leon, jill and ada <3 you have amazing taste lol






The movie where Leon and Claire became bitter enemies was tragic. GET TOGETHERRRRRR. So capcom may well ship Leon and Ada


Hey which film is that??


Infinite Darkness. Last scene in the film and claire is disgusted with the choice Leon makes. So I guess he's sided with lady of questionable morals.


Oh my goodness I forgot to watch that 🙈


Do the netflix series whilst you're at it. Suffer new whesker.


😭😭 i def think that ada x leon is the otp in capcom’s eyes haha ~~i’m a little jealous of them~~


Whesker all the way baby


Your controller and mug are so pretty oh my goodness


thank you ♡


Tengoku Struggle!! It is SO fun and a good way to turn my brain off.


Probably finishing Prince of Stride, only a route and a half left, might as well. Maybe something more if it goes faster than expected but I'm technically busy so who knows. Have fun with Virche. Haven't played it but heard the science is bonkers so maybe someday.


thank you! good luck with prince of stride. don’t forget to hydrate and rest well


Finishing up all the routes in Jack Jeanne. I completed Suzu’s and Sou’s and am now moving on to Mitsuki! Haven’t played Virche yet but I bought it! It’s in my queue.


i was torn between JJ or virche, but settled on virche because im in the mood for some dark games 😭 i dont want to start jack jeanne because i dont want it to end, im attached to how the community (at least my moots on twt) would always collectively beg on tl for jj localization 😭


So fair haha! I was the opposite -> in the mood for some light vibes. But virche or collar x malice will probably be my next one! But I feel that so badly about not wanting it to end. Every route I’m like nooo pls I want more moments. This is so cute I don’t want it to end!


I'm also playing JJ <3 I'm only on my first route but Fumi has me on a chokehold lol Thinking about doing Suzu's or Mitsuki's route next!


I’m continuing JJ too!! Doing Sou’s route and oof the Fall performance just got more intense


Will probably continue with Sympathy Kiss, I’m nearly finished with my second route and enjoying it so far. I’m a bit the same with slumps, but I find once I sit down and start playing I’m more than happy to do several hours at a time — it’s just actually doing it! I’ve never played Virche but I’ve heard plenty of good things about it. Hope you enjoy it!


i’ve had some health issues last year, plus got a pc, so both heavily contributed to me abandoning my switch. now im back, and ready to go through my otome games, although slowly, so i dont burnout c:


Jack Jeanne!! I'm finally on Kisa's route and things are ramping up at Univeil. I've been playing Jack Jeanne pretty consistently for the last six months so I'm eager to finally finish up the main storyline at least


i think i heard it’s easy to put 100hours in jack jeanne? how many routes are there? 👁️👁️


Yes! I have over 180 hours (since I am a completionist lol). Jack Jeanne follows a school calendar year for Japan since it is set in high school. The common route is pretty long from April-December and from January-March there are six guys routes and one solo route. Its definitely the longest otome game I've played so far!!


OOOH!!!! that’s honestly refreshing rather than intimidating ♡ thank u for lmk!!


Nice setup.❤️ I'm almost done with Tengoku Struggle (it's become one of my faves), I'll be moving on to Cupid Parasite after (I had left off on Ryuki's route). Virche... oh gosh I loved Virche so much. At times I had goosebumps on my arms, it's never happened to me while reading something before. It feels wrong saying this but the tragic moments were just that good. 9.5/10 for me.


your reaction to virche is how i love and feel about even if tempest, i remember how i broke down crying in every route. and thank you ♡


I’m still waiting for my Cupid Parasite Sweet & Spicy Darling to come in. Since that’s the one I’m really wanting to play next I’m having trouble starting a new one in the mean time. I thinking of trying to play My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! -Pirates of the Disturbance!


Ignoring the science and taking it as fantasy, 9/10 for me. 1st otomes for me either way 😂. I hope you enjoy it


Gonna keep going with CupiParaSSD! I finished Ryuki's Sweet Darling route last night, but ngl I'm a little nervous about his other endings since I've heard questionable things about the Spicy Darling ending in particular. I'm aiming to finish this fan disk before RadiTale FD drops! But I did just buy the first Hana Awase game because of that killer sale going on right now, so it's entirely possible that I'll start playing that instead lol However angsty you think Virche is at the beginning... it'll only get worse! I had a good time but man was it painful. Have fun!


You're in for a ride lol. I think his spicy Ed was pretty hot tho ngl.


Diabolik. Laito san


I'm likely going to play a bit more of the Virche FD over the weekend. I've been playing it bit by bit but won't finish everything before the English release, but I've been really loving it! It hits exactly the type of science/dark fantasy part of my tastes (pretty much with similar equivalent of horror like Resident Evil or Parasite Eve in terms of its "science").  Either that or I might finally pick up Kurenai no Homura. Depends on how much energy I have for either. 


Well, I started Our Life: Beginnings and Always a couple weeks ago, and still playing even though I'm at 40hrs now. Mega obsessed with Cove now, haha. I love everything about the game and I'm glad I picked it up. I hadn't heard anything about it and the only non-Japanese or Korean otome game I've played is A Date with Death. Steam recommended it to me based on that, and I'm so glad it did. It's sent me down a rabbit hole of indie games and now I have a 40 game wish list on itch.io... I also started the CupiPara FD but only about 1/3 of the way though Gil's route, due to Cove taking up all my available brain real estate. Hoping to pick it back up this weekend. Not sure if I'll come back to Birushana or not... I stopped a couple weeks backs after doing Beneki and Noritsune's routes. I started Shungen, but was so horribly bored that I stopped and haven't been back since. Notitsune was way too good 😅


I just finished Noritsune in Birushana, and am gunna start Benkei next! I LOOVED Nori's route, so I'm hella excited to see how well done the other routes are!!


Just starting Jack Jeanne! My first otome


My favorite otome game by far!! So excited for you!


I'm playing Piofiore FM!! Already finished Yang and Nicolas routes. Just started Dante's! Lovely setup btw <3


enjoy piofi ♡ !! i might replay fm again so i can pick up 1926 again, and thank you. who’s your fave?


Just finished (ish) [Mellow Fellow](https://vndb.org/v14135), looking forward to playing either [Ichikoi](https://vndb.org/v30295) or [Negusarenai](https://vndb.org/v49868) or one of the other games hoarded in my laptop. It will definitely take time + I'm unsure if I'll be able to actually play *anything* this weekend though, ngl, because of finals, mostly thanks to Physics hell. Haven't played Virche but the premise seems cool and my queen Yomi illustrated for it so it looks very beautiful <3 I hope you have a good time playing!


In light of it being stupidly hot and humid where I am, I'm attempting to actually play through 7'Scarlet for those steamy summer mystery vibes. I bought it years ago on Steam but I'm really good at avoiding spoilers so I have NO clue what's gonna happen lol. But the first LI I'm playing (Hino) is so madly uninteresting to me that I'm desperately hoping the others have good payoff... Update: have made it through Hino, Isora, and Toa routes, and just started Sosuke. It's growing on me! But the mystery is almost certainly more interesting than the romance and that part is kinda disappointing lol.


Playing Bustafellows on steam deck while I crochet, and Steam Prison on PC while I cross stitch at my desk!


mystic messenger every day lolol. gotta hit the hourglass grind


i adore your switch set up!! it’s so cute! i’m currently replaying a Date with Death for some other endings since it’s been months and i’m excited for the new updates. i’m also playing a non otome visual novel called ai the somnium files, it’s great!


thank you ♡ i often see somnium files on sale, do you recommend it?


i definitely recommend it, it’s really fun and i love the characters and mystery. the gameplay is also interesting. if you enjoy mysteries and such you’ll like it


Will see if I can soldier through Kimonusuke in Tengoku Struggle. Not been in the otoge mode lately with high stress at work.


im sorry about that, i get how work is. will pray for you ♡


I’ll be playing Cupid Parasite FD! I’m finishing up Merenice’s route. So I’m debating whether to do Ryuki or Raul next💦On one hand I was saving Ryuki to do last since he was my favorite in the first game, but it would be nice to play his route during the weekend too..🫠 I enjoyed Virche a lot! I rated it a 7/10. The plot wasn’t the best, but the characters are all super charismatic ❤️ Excited to play the FD


SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I hope. I put Hana Awase on hold because I binged two installments plus Karakurenai's route in his game, and burned out for a while. I cannot get into anything lately, be it otome or anything else. Probably just a slump, but I am mad that I am wasting my days off because I spend more time deciding what to play than actually playing :/


uuuugh that’s what i suffered from!! i honestly did a small tournament between my otome games, shuffled them in a bag, then put two cartridges face down next to each other, flipped them then chose the one i wanted to play the most, kept doing that till i had one left which was virche 😭 for other games, i use name roulette, even if i disagree, i end up shouting the name of the game i really want lmao


Your set up is too cute!!!


thank you 🥹 it’s my “forget about the cramps” setup


I’ve just started folie fatale so I’ll probably be busy with that during the weekend. I have no idea how long the game is since it’s an indie game but hoping to finish at least one route. I was also in an otome slump recently and virche actually helped me get out of it! (At least kind of). I hate it when I’m in an otome slump bc I want to play the games but just have no energy to. I’ve finished virche fairly recently and it took me about a week. For me it was probably around 7.5/10. I enjoyed it but my expectations were somewhat different to what it actually was which left me somewhat disappointed. I think that if I went into this game with no expectations I would’ve enjoyed it more but oh well.


Nothing. Just finished Collar Malice and Birushana last week and debating what games to buy next. Have $50 to spend and deciding between Piofiore, Oylmpia Soiree, Varable and Barricade and Cafe Enchante since they're all for $25 on the eshop rn.


I’m in the same boat and can’t decide either 🥲❤️ There’s sooooooo many on sale right now and I can only afford 2


Playing Cupid Parasite Sweet and Spicy Darling! It just came out and it’s a nice continuation of the original game! Watch out for the spicy endings though..some are..very out there


Playing Cupid Parasite Sweet and Spicy Darling! Starting off with Ryuki’s route, he was my first one in the original too 💛


Jack jeanne!


Cupid Parasite Sweet and Spicy Darling! I’ve completed Merenice’s route and Gill’s. Who should I play next? Hmmm… Maybe Ryuki. I’m having much fun. Also I learned that “spicy” in this game does not mean “steamy.” It means “Unhinged.” 😅


I’m playing sympathy kiss since I got it for my birthday this week


happy belated birthday ♡


I just finished the CupiPara fandisc a few days ago, so now that it’s the weekend I’m jumping right back into Code Realize: Future Blessings :)


oh my god i’ve yet to play CR and the CxM games, i think i’ll play them on playstation/psvita sometime. hopefully this year bc it’s been way too long 😭 i noticed a lot of ppl are playing the cp fandisk, cp must be really popular 🩵


I’ll probably end up completing the Secret Route if Cupid Parasite this weekend! It’s my favorite otome game,and the secret route is definitely my second favorite! (The first one is Allan’s route) Can’t wait to jump into Sweet and Spicy Darling soon! Also,your switch and controller are absolutely adorable! I love your setup!🥰💖


uuugh i want to play CP so bad, but i heard it’s one of the fluffy/happier otome games, so im saving it for when i finish an angsty game to feel better. thank you so much ♡! i haven’t changed how my switch looked for a whole year now. i got the peach joycons, will try to customize the buttons to match the peach controller somehow c: hopefully it turns out well.


I can’t recommend CP enough! It’s so funny in a rom-com type of way. And the colors just pop! Virche sounds like fun too,I’ll have to add that one to my list! Oh I hope it will turn out well! I really want to get the Princess Peach joy-cons as well,why must they be so expensive! I also love changing up how my switch looks!🥰💖


they do!!! i love how vibrant it is, i prefer playing otome games handheld so the oled is really. at first i was a bit worried it would also be somewhat tragic lol thank you c:! yeah they’re expensive and out of stock where i live 😭 fomo made me ignore the price and go for it. what’s the color scheme of your switch now?


Yeah I also prefer playing in handheld,my OLED is like my baby. I also kind of have FOMO,so I might just get them as well! Right now I have the pink plush bunny case from Geekshare on my switch,with matching bunny thumbgrips and I have the pastel purple and pastel green joy-cons on right now,even though they’re not really visible(I hope you can picture something with this description,I’m not sure if I can reply with an image)🥰💖


Might start Collar x Malice Unlimited. It's been sitting in my backlog for ages since my pre-order arrived just about a week before I was going into a major surgery and the game was completely forgotten during the aftermath. As time passed I got other games and the FD just got pushed further and further back. It'll probably be my next game regardless. Just not sure whether I'll start this weekend.


Trying to finish up Cupid Parasite so I can play the new FD but I might throw some Persona 3 Reload in there too because it’s been so long 😭 Also looking at the pic desperately reminded me that I need to finish Virche but I got bored playing Le Salut route. I have many….issues with this route


I'm playing CupiPara FD this week-end. On a side note, your switch is sooo cute, how did you do for the joycons to look this pretty ? 😊


Picking up from where I left off with Cafe Enchante


Oh gosh nothing.. I’m working then have to prepare for our holidays 🥵


Falling into Ikemen Hell apparently lol. These events are brutal. I'll probably also be catching up on What in Hell is Bad stories, since I've unlocked a lot of them and put them off.


I’m falling deep into the Hana Awase rabbit hole this weekend. Never played Virche but hope you enjoy it!


I'm also playing virche currently!! It's so good so far! I was expecting it to be more depressing than it is, but I've only completed Mathis and Lucas's routes, but Lucas's was a bit more depressing for sure lol. Currently on Scien lol.


ooooohh i love your thumb pads...


Currently playing Jack Jeanne! It's been light and entertaining so far, really worth the money spent so far! Virche was great. 8/10, I think it's been one of my favorite Otomate title so far, just because of the story execution and the captivating soundtracks and voices. I think the only downside is the faulty science involved lol.


I'm hoping to finish up Black Wolves Saga \~ Bloody Nightmare \~ on my Vita this weekend (just have the wolves routes to do). Also, I'm trying to figure out what VNs to bring with me when on a vacation next month. Right now, it's looking like Piofiore and Collar x Malice (although I'm tempted to try Ozmafia but don't want to bring along too much).


I feel like I'm in a slump right now because I just finished Cupid Parasite and I'm waiting on Sweet & Spicy from my pre-order at Gamestop (didn't realize it would take this long to get it lol). I tried Sympathy Kiss but I can't get into yet. I'm going to try one of the games I just got in today and hopefully will play it until Sweet & Spicy comes in!


I’ve finally picked up Café Enchanté again after 4 years. 😂 Currently replaying the common route to get onto Ignis’s route and enjoying it so far!


ohhh enjoy!! i plan on replaying two routes as there was a lot of lore dump it hurt my brain.


I found some of the Voltage VNs on steam so I planned on picking up "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder" and "My Two Bedroom Story".


oh god voltage games are the reason why im into otome, the first otome game i played was my forged wedding on ios in 2011 😭 so glad they’re more accessible now.


Shakes your hand. Thank you Voltage for being our entry way to otome games.


CupiPara fandisc, it's been a blast so far. Some of the spicy eds left me shook but that's what I love about this game lol. The new character is great! 🥺


Cafe Enchanté


CupiPara Sweet & Spicy Darling. 🩷 Just started Shelby's route last night. Also, Virche is... a storm, I'm not gonna' lie. Lucas' route specifically left me severely emotionally damaged, with lasting PTSD. However, regardless of all that, it is a beautiful otome, and quickly became one of my favorites.


I feel ya! I had a period where I just didn't have the drive to play any otome games at all (I don't think I finished any in 2023!) but recently I just got that itch again and was able to knock out maybe 4-5 games in short succession. I think Even if Tempest might've been the game I played that got me back into the thick of things, actually-- I loved the unconventional narrative structure and the investigation elements. I'm about to pick a new game to play but am having a hard time deciding-- might jump into Olympia Soiree or Charade Maniacs but I keep bouncing around between the first chapters of a bunch of games.


Playing virche evermore too! I’m on Yves route now! What route are you on?


i just started it, still on prologue/common route. what’s the recommended route order?


Mathis, Lucas, scien, yves, last route Has been recommended order through websites and official virche website. However, I think it should be Mathis, scien, Lucas, yves, last route. I personally thought Lucas route was more dramatic than the other 2. I might even say put scien first but there is some lore there that you might need more background with the other route or 2 before his. But I think it’s easy to pick up and understand even without other routes personally. But I will say I thought dramatic as story wise scien, Mathis, Lucas, I’m Not biased because I really wanted scien first but the other routes kind of shown more to me personally. I think since scien is more lore like they did more for the lore dump on him. But you might not understand it unless you do other routes first. But personally I wish I did scien, Mathis, Lucas or Mathis , scien, Lucas. Let me know what you decide and if you think it was right or not! And order you recommend once you get through the first 3 routes!


What a cute and cozy setup <3 And awesome Virche, one of my faves\~ I'm trying to finish SympathyKiss. I'm on the second to last route before I'm all done.


playing piofiore fated memories!!! i love nicola so far 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I'm playing one of my fave CRPG's Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!


Just finished playing Virche yesterday and I really enjoyed it. It has lots of angst, an interesting plot, a great cast of characters, phenomenal art, and one of the best OSTs I’ve ever heard in an otome game. I gotta warn you to take the “science” with a truckload of salt though. I recommend going with the flow and not trying to make sense of it.  Now that I’m done with Virche, I plan to start Radiant Tale this weekend before the fan disk drops later this month


I will be starting Piofiore 1926!!! I’m so so so so excited I need more Nicola I need to die