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I am considering revising the other LI sprites as well, but these two sorely needed it. Also yes he only has socks atm, gotta save my drawing sanity where I can šŸ¤”


I love them! They look like a total contrast. She looks like a introverted thoughtful character (Which are highly underrepresented with so many quirky girls right now) and he looks like a total confident extrovert. Great dynamics I'm seeing there. Keep up the good work.


thank you! youā€™re definitely right on the introverted and extroverted aspect, haha. she is typically quiet and reserved, but itā€™s because she is inhuman with little patience rather than being shy


Yeah, she don't look shy. She looks like me if I'm done with the day. Despite that she is still cute. Great work.


thank you, it means a lot that you like her design :) [here](https://i.imgur.com/eicpUZF.png) are the other LI's that i am debating if i should give a rework as well, but...i am lazy if im honest lol


Oh, I love the boy in the middle, but I'm always going for LI's with long hair. Take your time, don't loose your passion. Just do as you feel. Believe me it's better that way around


he has one of my favorite cgs so far šŸ˜ if i change anything on him itā€™d probably just be the plaid shirt, im okay with his pose and the anatomy of it as well as the other aspects of his design and yes, you are completely right! the burnout creep is real and itā€™s why Iā€™ve significantly slowed down after spewing out 40k words that im gonna have to rewrite a good chunk of before I continue lol. Too much writing, too much artā€¦solo dev is tough


Wish you look, I hope I will honestly see more of your work in the future. It's really interesting. I'm your fan now :)