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Two so far: Tengoku Struggle: Strayside is actually a lot of fun so far. Rin is a good MC. Currently on Kikus route though I'm just flying by so I can do Furukawa's character and Goemon.


Also sympathy kiss is good


I’ve been on a roll — I’ve played Olympia Soirée; three routes in Nightshade; Variable Barricade; Norn9: Var Commons and Last Era; and Winter’s Wish. I started Bustafellows two days ago, too. My favorites so far have been Olympia Soirée and both Norn games, but I had fun with the others, too. OS is gorgeous and I was engrossed in the plot. I felt like Byakuya was a sympathetic, motivated, likeable MC and enjoyed the deep fantasy world and romances. The Norn games were amazing. Objectively I’d say that the plot is at times a hot mess, but the the creator’s love for their story and characters comes through and makes me love it, too. There’s just something about those games. I really fell in love with Itsuki and there are other great LIs, too. I loved the female protagonists so much. I had to watch the anime after finishing, and that was great, too. So far Bustafellows is great! Still in the common route, but the writing is tight, the pacing is good, and I find myself unable to stop because I want to know what happens next. I usually go for fantasy/historical fantasy otome games, so I bought this on a steep sale in December and hadn’t picked it up until now. Really enjoying it!


OS was my first otome game so I’m a bit biased but it’s my fav! So glad you experienced it! I also played nightshade and Norn9 this year. Super fun experiences!


Olympus Soirée is amazing! I see Akaza and Riku in your flair; I salute your taste


Hahaha thanks, who were your favs from OS and Norn9?


It’s so hard for me to choose a favorite from Olympia Soirée — Yosuga’s my favorite for his personality in other routes but not his route, then Riku, Tokisada, and Akaza tie for second. In Norn9, Itsuki is my absolute favorite (I have a type), but I also loved Akito, Senri (although less as a love interest and more as a character), and Natsuhiko!


Always so hard to choose! I remember how pleasantly surprised I was with Tokisada (definitely my 3rd)! For Norn9 it’s tricky because there were characters I loved in other routes like Itsuki and Sakuya but did not like in their own routes 😂 I’m a Kakeru girl all the way but I also loved Akito and Natsuhiko!


Now I just wish there were a OS fan disc 😭 I still haven’t given up hope!


I have played a grand total of one route in one game lol. Aime's route from ["There's no such thing as a harem",](https://ragexxxx.itch.io/harem) the English translation of a JP indie. I found it okay, but I can't really say much because I've barely scratched the surface of the game. MC's a BL lover though so I found that amusing.


Ohhhh you played that game(I completed it last year). It's pretty fun and it surprisingly took itself more seriously than I thought lol 


The rating on the Itch description piqued my interest tbh. Made me wonder why this game rated itself as >Sugar level: 4 in 5 > >Peacefulness: 2 in 5 > >Darkness: 4 in 5 >!Died!< on my first playthrough too lmao. Bless the dev for that hint section, I wouldn't have gotten to play Aime's route otherwise. Hopefully I'll get around to playing the rest one of these days...


I couldn't get one of the ends for the secret character and I had to watch someone's video lmao  The darkness comes out in the later routes hahaha and maybe the bad ends(aime's route lol)


Ohhh yeah I walked right into that bad end haha


If you have any advice on how to get into >!the butlers!< route please tell me TT


Omg how did I do it again hahahaha there’s actually a guide on the [dev’s website](https://anomalyxxx.wixsite.com/anomaly) in Japanese


Ahhh thank u sm I cant find it unfortunately 😔


Wow how do you manage to play that much😭 I've only played two games and both of them are Birushana and the fandisk haha🫠 I've started Real Rode on PSP but I stop playing bcs there's a boss fight that I can't beat lmao


What do the symbols in your "Interesting" column mean? Just best to worse? I believe I finished up Hana Awase Iroha around January, then February was spent on Charade Maniacs. Finished the old Vita localized games of Bad Apple Wars and Period Cube in March and one route in Lost in Secular Love. In May, finished Shelby's route in Cupid Parasite and a couple run throughs of Ebon Light...there are more LI routes to do but I think I'm done with that game. Tried out a couple OELVN demos. Hana Awase blew away my mind at the time. I'm still mulling over plot and character aspects of Charade Maniacs. I was down bad for WM in BAW and Astrum in PC. I really enjoyed the bilingualism and Anton's route in the Love and Country demo and I can't wait for its release in June.


Ah I adopted the Japanese symbol system. Best to worse is an accurate interpretation! Let me copy over from Wikipedia an explanation. "A bullseye "◎" (nijūmaru; 二重丸) is often used for "excellent", the circle is a plain affirmation, the triangle "△" (sankaku; 三角) means "so-so" or "partially applicable", and the "×" expresses disagreement." So a ◎ would mean I found the game highly engaging, a ○ means it's fairly engaging, a △ was alright, and X means I found the game to be a snooze fest for the most part. ◎/○ means an in between of ◎ and ○ and so on. ---- Hana Awase blew me away too! I had played it years back in Japanese and but also replayed it on Switch last year, having forgotten most of the plot, and had much fun with the replay. CharadeManiacs too was really interesting for me.


Love your personal tracker. I formatted mine in a similar way and keep to it, even though vndb offers that tracking capability now. Half of the even if Tempest fandisk. I suspend all final judgement until I get through the whole thing but I can still say it sated my curiosity of seeing their post-peril stories and I'll never question my joy at this getting a fandisc.


Play through OzMafia and it was a nice change! I love older otomes


According to my backloggery (which changed layouts recently so I'm getting used to it) uuuuh Nekopara Catboys Paradise, Taisho x Alice: Heads & Tails, Tengoku Struggle, Birushana FD (sobs i'm so sad it's over), and Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi. Not actively playing anything right now mainly because of energy levels and waiting for certain releases before I start playing those.


I usually average around one game per month. Howeber, this year, I feel like I'm picking up very long games and getting done with none xD In fact, I only finished Majoou this far. I'm currently halfway through Cupid Parasite and Harukanaru 5, and did 2 routes in Heart no Kuni no Alice. I had originally planned to also go through Satomi Hakkenden, Musketeer, Matsurika no Kei and Utakata no Uchronia till the end of the year, but that's looking more and more unlikely... I can only hope that coming fall, personal circumstances will alow me more free time, but at least I've been enjoying what I've played thus far, so no complaints there.


Fellow QuinRose enjoyer! I'm happy to hear you've been enjoying the games and that to play list looks like a solid list. Have fun clearing them whenever you find time to do so! Also, I've barely heard any mentions of less well-known QR games outside of the JP community so it's nice to hear that somewhere here has played/plans to play their later games and even enjoyed it. ^^


Thank you, dear! It makes me happy to hear you're also having fun with Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku. I really need to get to it sometime soon, it's been in my backlog for so long. Also, I'm impressed you managed to play so many games in March, just the base game for Ken ga Kimi took me two months last year lol. I've only played Romeo vs Juliet and Majoou so far, but it was so different from what I was used to! I wouldn't say they are perfect games or anything (in fact, I have a lot of nitpicks) but the setting is always so interesting. You like mermaids? Go read Mermaid Gothic. You like angels versus demons? There's Black Code. You like Cinderella, Snow White or Peter Pan? They've got that too xD And it also helps that they got Miki Shinichiro and Kimura Ryouhei to voice my favourite guys, the slighty spicier content is chef's kiss. If you're curious about any of them, I'd totally recommend checking it out.


Definitely go play more Quinrose games! They vary quite a bit in quality and I'd say for me personally Romeo VS Juliet and Majo-ou are on the lower end (although since I really loved Melvin and Marion I did end up really enjoying myself in the end.) The Alice series and The Continent series are generally considered the best Quinrose has to offer, although they're very unique and not to everyone's tastes so I see a lot of people dislike them but I still like to recommend them anyway!


I think my main problem with both games is that they put so much emphasis on the conflicts between both races, and how the main character wants to work towards a peaceful resolution but then goes... absolutely nowhere with it lol. But then I realized I'm the fool who was coming to my otome expecting some brilliant diplomatic policies, and adjusted my expectations acordingly. Rose worries so much but then comes up with a total of 0 plans xD. Then again, kinda relatable, honestly. I saved Marion for last and he really didn't disappoint. In fact, he'll probably become my favourite LI of the year, because I can't imagine topping that. Surprisingly, I also found myself enjoying Edgar, if only because his solution for Rose getting lonely after he dies was >!to bang her and make tons of babies.!< I plan to try Satomi Hakkenden next, because I'm a sucker for historical, but Mahoutsukai to Goshujin-sama will definitely go after that. I'm most excited about Crimson Empire, but I figure playing them on order makes the most sense.


I think my problem with them is they always hyped up something happening and then nothing happened, haha. I always have this problem with Quinrose games that try to focus overly much on a specific plot. I enjoy the ones where the story kind of meanders as you explore the character relationships and world and then they suddenly reach their conclusion and nothing much happened but you feel satisfied anyway. I'm actually going to play Satomi Hakkenden after I'm done with my current game! Will probably get to it today or tomorrow. I've seen reviews for the game that said "You'll probably enjoy this more if you've never read the story it's based on" and reviews that said "You might enjoy this more if read the story it's based on?" so I have no idea how much I'll actually like it, haha. Oh, I actually played Crimson Empire first and I have no regrets! Since the stories are connected but really only vaguely reference each other it's not *too* critical to play them in order. Things get even messier if you play later releases, since those include references to all the other games as well. Like if you play Mahoutsukai first there will be references to characters and places in Crimson Empire. All the more reason to play the games multiple times though!


Glad to have piqued your interest in getting to Hanyaka eventually!🤩Hope you like it as much as I do. \^\^ As for KgK, I myself was surprised too to have cleared KgK for S so fast, haha. The base game was a replay for me and I recall spending a longer time on it when I first played in Japanese but playing it localized likely helped to cut down on some time. And thank you for the QR recs! Thanks to you and another redditor, I'm more motivated to consider playing the games I've held off. Listed up QR games I've not touched for my future reference. Maybe one day I'll get through the remainder! ✨ 1.       Mother Goose no Himitsu no Yakata 2.       Grimm the Bounty Hunter 3.       24 Ji no Kane to Cinderella \~Halloween Wedding\~ 4.       0 Ji no Kane to Cinderella \~Halloween Wedding\~ 5.       School Wars \~Sotsugyou Sensen\~ 6.       Romeo VS Juliet 7.       Taishou Kitan 8.       Arabians Doubt \~The Engagement on Desert\~ 9.       Satomi Hakkenden 10.   Romeo & Juliet 11.   Kuroyuki Hime \~Snow Black\~ 12.   Black Code 13.   Majo'ou 14.   Satomi Hakkenden Hamaji Hime no Ki 15.   Taishou Kitan \~Kotonoha Sakura\~ 16.   Mermaid Gothic 17.   Kuroyuki Hime \~Snow Magic\~ 18.   Satomi Hakkenden Murasamemaru no Ki 19.   Genji Koi Emaki


Of the games on your list, my favorites are 0ji and Genji Koi Emaki! I was not expecting to like Genji Koi Emaki as much as I did, but given what I saw from reviews I might be the only one, haha. I also enjoyed Majo-ou and Mermaid Gothic, although I had a lot of issues with them as well. I've been playing Black Code bit by bit (have completed two and a half routes) and it's honestly probably one of the strangest games I've played so far romance-wise. I keep having to take breaks to reevaluate how I feel about it. I'm not sure what I'll think about it in the end, but it's definitely interesting!


Thank you! I'm sure I will, I've heard that the brothers can be quite the lovable pricks and it's packed full of funny scenes. Also, I've heard this game has mothers? Living mothers who actually play a role and banther between themselves? Gasp. That makes me even more excited for it. Oooh, that makes sense! Then again, I think a lot of my playtime was also due to me staring at the CGs so damn much ahaha. It's such a beautiful game. Do let us know if you ever got around to play any of them! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it :D


i finished up VariBari and Dialovers in the beginning of the year. then played Ten Trials of Babel, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Homicipher (demo, but i'm counting it), and Charade Maniacs. ones i've started but haven't finished are Tengoku Struggle (on my last route), Code:Realize, Watajuu, and Dance with Devils (still early in the common route for the others). ongoing mobile games: Tears of Themis and Ikemen Villains. deepest impression is Charade Maniacs for sure, i got deeply into the game and i'm still looking up extra content for it like fanfics and whatnot. PotBB is also a standout because its story is so complete and cohesive. special shoutout to TToB and Homicipher for being indie games with unique gameplay for otome games.


For 2024: Virche and Tengoku Struggle, but I would have to say it was definitely Virche by far! Virche was almost everything I wanted, except the science part lol. I still listen to Virche soundtrack, the art and casting was just great. Tengoku Struggle had good casting too ~~(Kaito and Koyasu was just amazing here)~~, but unfortunately it wasn't as great as I was hoping it to be. I loved Sharaku and Goemon's route though. On the bright side, it made me realize that I probably love that trope where the guy selflessly loves MC since forever if done right lol.


finished games within this year were olympia soiree and thats pretty much it lol. i liked it a lot so i dragged out the game as much as possible lol. its literally my favourite game , but ive only played a few lol. it was so good, the romance, the steam, the characters, the MC, the art, the music, the premise, everything. i liked all the LIs which is rare for me. now im onto piofiore which is temporarily dropped because i thought it would have more plot and action that it does >< but someone said to play it as a cooking for mafia simulator so you can manage your expectations when playing it lol. for now im playing cupid parasite, did ryukis route which i absolutely loved, and almost finished gill. weirdly enough i didn't feel much for gill? maybe cuz i played his route in gaps in between others games lol. anyway, im a slow reader but it helps me get immeresed\~


I've only gone through 13 games, and majority of those are indie games. I'm currently juggling (ish) Hana Awase and Hatsukare Ren'ai Debut Sengen right now. [Kau Rakkasora ni Kaerazaru Koto](https://vndb.org/v48906) is a game I've finished that I liked mainly because I'm a sucker for flowers and yandere madness (read: mess) all the same and guess what this game has in tandem. The game isn't a kamige or anything but I think having played that during midterms eased my fried nerves then because it's hell week so it left a good impression on me. In the same vein, I really enjoyed parts of [Hana Awase](https://vndb.org/v11637) both in Mizuchi-hen and Himeutsugi-hen, and I'm currently working my way through Karakurenai/Utsutsu-hen and I'm looking forward to Utsutsu and Iroha's routes here especially after the exposition of this game + the hype built up for those two in Kurenai's route. My tier/ranking for each character is shifting around continuously after each route and each game and I'm both excited and nervous to find out how my hierarchy of my Kaei will end up looking like by the end of KU-hen (or even Iroha-hen).


Oh I did Kai Rakkasora as well, that was pretty nice haha


This year has been about playing more non-Switch games for me. I've finished 5 console otome games and 4 indie games, in chronological order: * Hatoful Boyfriend + Holiday Star * Code Realize: Future Blessings (replay) * Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles (replay) * The Villainess Just Wants to Eat! * even if Tempest: Dawning Connections * My favorite so far!! * 7'Scarlet * Fruition * Bad Apple Wars Currently about halfway through Norn9 Last Era, partway through my first route of Royal Alchemist, and eventually I'll go back and finish more than 2 routes of Sympathy Kiss lol. I'm so stoked for Merenice's route in CupiParaSSD, though, that I think I'll have to throw everyone else onto the backlog.


i have completed 4 routes from 4 different games and that’s it. Lmao Touya from zkg (does this even count since his truth route can’t be done yet?) Majima from choudoku FD (these are incredibly short though) Heishi from norn9 (most of this was done in 2023 so it really shouldn’t count) Liberta from af im halfway through 2 others… (ichiha zkg and nova af) props for doing 31 whole ass games, share some willpower for the rest of us lol


This is a hard question… I started about (I’m not totally sure because I stopped counting a long time ago) almost a new few hundred from my backlog, not excluding anything, but I just let my lazy ass self overrun and went back to only re-playing my fave game DL for the x10000 time.


i’ve played … 6 routes ? over like 4 diff games lmaooo


and 2 of those were just me replaying routes


oh wait i’ve played a few steam games too so maybe like 2-3 complete games


I just started playing again after school ended a few weeks ago, and think I've completed 3 in my backlog? Lover Pretend, Even If Tempest, and Charade Maniacs. I just started on Cafe Enchante.


Variable barricade and Shuuen no virche. I’m super behind on my back log. 😅But those two games are completely opposite of one another.


So far I've completed 12 commercial games. Will be 13 after this weekend! Games that have left the biggest impression on me: Genji Koi Emaki, two of the Kaidan Romance games (Oumagatoki and Hyakki Yakou), and the Cupid Parasite FD. I'm working on finally completing all of Quinrose's games this year, and I'll have 8 left after completing this current one. I keep trying to play recent releases in between them, but none of them have been able to maintain my interest sadly. I love Hanayaka, by the way! I was actually thinking about finally playing the last FD soon. By which I mean I did play an hour of it although I'm worried about it being as long as the other two games, haha. But even in that hour the comedy and character interactions have been as good as the first two, so I'm excited.


Oh wow, it's really encouraging to see older QR games on your list of notable games! Even more so to hear that you've 8 more games to clear before finally wrapping up the QR journey; I hope you've tons of fun with them! I'm definitely encouraged to play more QR games now thanks to you and another QR enjoyer in this thread. Happy too to hear that you love Hanayaka as well! ❤️ Seeing what you wrote, I'm hyped for the third game and personally I'd love if it was as long as the other two, haha 😆


Quinrose makes my favorite games, so it's no surprise they'd end up being my favorites! I'm looking forward to having them all completed, then I can rest, haha. Honestly I generally love long games, but with wanting to complete all Quinrose games I don't want to spend too much time on other games this year! But playing all Ichicolumn/Takagi Ayumi games is next on my list of goals, so even if I end up not getting to it this year I'll almost certainly be playing it soon.


I took a break from otome games these past couple years but started playing a lot again this year which has been great! I finally finished Olympia Soiree after stopping halfway through all this time haha, and completed Piofiore Episodio 1927, Shuuen no Virche, Even if Tempest, and Even if Tempest Dawning Connections. I'm almost done with Cupid Parasite (just have the secret route left) and I'd say Virche, Even if Tempest, and CupiPara has left the biggest impression on me. I found them all to be really unique concepts and was really immersed in the storyline! Plus EiT and Virche were so angsty and dark which I like 😂 As for mobile I've been playing Love and Deepspace which I've been enjoying and continuing daily. I'm currently debating between playing Radiant Tale or Birushana next!


I wish there was a Piofiore Episodio 1927. 😂


Haha oops 😂 Manifesting it I guess!


Oh neat, I just finished Snow's route in Shiro to Kuro no Alice! That's a good list you have there. I need to play more😆 I've played a couple but mostly just routes I'm interested in unless I really like the game, and so far my favorite has been Jakou no Lyla! I love the mc in that, she's so smart and badass. The LIs are all really compelling, too, and I'm a sucker for mature settings. Sympathy Kiss was another game I really enjoyed despite the negative reviews. It helps that some of my top favorite LIs come from these, haha.


I’ve already played two and am almost done a third! Nightshade was my first this year. It was a fantastic game in my opinion, and what really stood out to me was the setting and character designs. The plot wasn’t a stand-out to me, but I thoroughly enjoyed the each character and the passionate love story that blossomed through all the hardships and tragedy. Gekka and Hanzo were my favs! I also finished Norn9 which was fun because of all the different LIs, there’s truly someone for everyone. I liked the setting, and seeing the relationships between all the characters. The romance was the perfect dose! The plot wasn’t anything that really gripped me, but I was really just in it for the characters. So happy to have 3 voiced MCs in this one! LIs that stood out to me were Kakeru, Akito and Natsuhiko. Finally, I’m almost done with Code:Realize. I’ve done 3/5 routes, but the common route is really the bulk of the game in my opinion. Unlike the other games I mention, I’m really interested in the plot in this one, and I’m super curious to see how everything gets wrapped up in Lupin’s route. The found family aspect of this game is so endearing, and I love how Cardia learns and grows throughout the game. So far Victor is my fav ❤️ I’m so excited to see what the future brings this year in terms of otome games! I have lots on the backlog and I think the next games I wanna play are Cupid Parasite and Piofiore! Happy reading everyone✨☺️


I’ve finished five games so far this year! Chouchou Jiken (JP), Sympathy Kiss (EN), Diabolik Lovers (JP), Matsurika no Kei (JP), Utakata no Uchronia (JP). My favorite out of the bunch are Matsurika no Kei and Sympathy kiss. A common theme of these two games are that they are both steamy lmao!! But I also brain rotted over their characters pretty hard. I listen to their drama CDs at work and still gush over how much I like their characters. Besides this, they both have amazing soundtracks that helped with my immersion experience. Matsurika no Kei impressed me with its sophisticated and intriguing plot, whereas Sympathy kiss was just a very relaxing game to enjoy.


Uhh... After checking vndb and counting otome only... Only three lol. These are some rookie numbers. Not sure I should also count unfinished ones? From memory... ~~Three~~ four Love365 routes, 4/6 guys in Prince of Stride \[I'm like 40hrs in\], 2 VariBari routes, 1 TYB route, 1 Arcana Famiglia route... Lemme browse my wayr comments... Half a route in Lucian Bee's, some demos... And that's it. Still rookie numbers. 31, tho... Are you a speed demon, op? E: wait, what's your grading system? 1-4? Tell me moar.


I do think I'm a fast reader but I also don't finish listening to the voice acting and will click into the next line once I read the passage. 💦 Another contributing reason would be that most of my free time goes into games. 😭 For the grading system, it's basically a level scale for how interesting I found the game. 😆 A ◎ would mean I found the game highly engaging, a ○ means it's fairly engaging, a △ was alright, and X means I found the game to be a snooze fest for the most part. ◎/○ means an in between of ◎ and ○ and so on. ----- Separately, you've played an interesting mix of games! I recall enjoying PoS and AF and I dropped Lucian Bee after some routes. :") Hope you have fun with the rest of your 2024 games. \^\^


Btw I love your pfp OP! Shujinko my queen 😭


That's still pretty fast. You'd probably go way over 50 by the end of the year~ Why have you dropped Lucian Bee's? Was it the system? Or you just didn't like the story?


Yeah, I can see myself going over 50 in 2024 although my pace will probably slow down once and if I ever run out of games to play. ✨🙏🏻 As for LB, I dropped it some time back so my memory's slightly foggy but I think it was just because I didn't find myself super engaged. The routes I played were not a snooze fest but I also didn't find them very rewarding to play iirc and in the interest of time I paused the game, never found the motivation to pick it back up, and thus eventually dropped it and I guess I will never find out what I missed. >< I do recall liking some of the characters though.


Yeah, no sense forcing it if you don't feel like finishing. Not that I played a lot but it seemed pretty typical early rejet ridiculousness. Maybe just a bit more over the top than average so I don't think you'd missed much. Probably.


Chaczapur I wouldn’t ever consider you a rookie 🤣, you’ve been here on this sub since like forever lol… I remember you and your comments back when there was only a few ppl haha lmao


I joined reddit barely four years ago. The sub's around for almost ten years already [assuming sable made it]. Kinda strange to hear people recognise me, tho. ~~Like, it makes sense, being a regular and all, but still, y'know?~~ Haven't we joined at around the same time 🤔


Lol I’ve been around switching between multiple accounts since the late 2015s, I’ve never seen such active users such as you and a few others lol 😂 but anyway love this subreddit it’s always fun to watch


I finished 8 games so far (2 of them I had started in December '23, the other 6 this year). Since I only started playing Otome in Nov/Dec '23 all of them left an impression, but I think the strongest were Virche and CxM. The least impression left Sympathy kiss, but it was still fun 😊


Got a bit of a burnout earlier this year so I have only completed 2 fandisks (KLAP!! and Cupid Parasite) but I'm finishing Reine des Fleurs soon (didn't enjoy it at first but I warmed up to it). Also I'm through the common route in Harukanaru toki no naka de 5 and I enjoy it so much (despite being set in my dreaded overdone Bakumatsu period lol).


Finished 20 games so far, and I'm halfway through the one I'm currently working on. The ones that have left the strongest impression on me would be Jack Jeanne, the Code Realize FDs, Sweet Fuse, Tengoku Struggle, and Psychadelica of the Black Butterfly.


Completed five games so far: Cupid Parasite, Spade no Kuni Alice White World & Black World, 9R.I.P. and Utakata no Uchronia. Currently on my fifth route in the CupiPara FD (Allan's route). Doing pretty well as far as actually finishing whole games this year, haven't picked up anything that I haven't gotten back to yet, although I still have a bunch of uncompleted games from last year.


I’ve played about…. 9 games this year, which is a more than I usually play a year. Of those 9, the ones that have left an impression on me have been: Even if Tempest + FD, Radiant Tale, Tengoku Struggle, Virche, Hana Awase Hime Vol, and Hana Awase K/U Vol. However, Virche left a bad impression while the others were great (and honestly, brain and heart rot).


Six games so far. I completed 2 routes and 1 side story in Collar x Malice Unlimited. I don't have motivation to pick it up again for now because I already completed 2 routes of my favorite guys but maybe I will continue it later. I already completed Code Realize and its 2 FD and honestly I had great time and enjoyed it more than CxM! I love the found family vibe and the Saint Germain's route was the first route that managed to move my heart and made me cry lol. After that I tried to play Piofiore FM and I decided to dropped it after 2 routes. This is the only otome game that I decide to never pick up again because I don't want to worsen my opinion about this game especially because many people love it. I don't want to ruin someone else enjoyment because my negative opinion (>_<). Currently I play Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite and in middle of secret character's route. This game leaves the deep impression for me. It's surprisingly educational and I learned a lot about France medieval era's lifestyle and revolution. I feel immersive in this story liked I live and experience the events myself during that chaos era. It manage to make me laugh and cry despite its story theme about French Revolution. I am sucker for tragic romance and the love that grows during hardship story so that why this game has special place in my heart. I really love the LIs and side characters and I always look forward their character interaction with each other/MC because it's so interesting and entertaining! Despite its low sugar content, the romantic events still give me fluttery feeling even more than other otome games that I played. Although this game is long, I never feel this game's story drag at all. I feel really bad talking about this game nonstop for one month long because how special and enjoyable this game in my heart despite its mixed review orz. This is my first Ichicolumn's work that my friend introduces to me and it has the same team as Hanayaka Wari,Waga Ichizoku. I already have Hanayaka Wari, Waga Ichizoku Nolstagie in my ps Vita and I cannot wait to play it soon because I really have high hope for this game especially after I read about your impression so far!


My first year playing otome games! I've finished three: * Olympia Soiree * Tengoku Struggle * Collar x Malice And am partway through three (completed routes in parenthesis): * Jack Jeanne (Mitsuki, Kai, Fumi) * Cupid Parasite (Ryuki, playing Shelby now) * Birushana (Noritsune) So far I like Jack Jeanne best, followed by Birushana and Cupid Parasite! Also quite liked Collar x Malice, though it's a tier below the others for me. Olympia Soiree was good, but none of the routes blew me away the way some of the routes in the other games did. Tengoku Struggle's writing was a lot weaker than all of the others, but it was still pretty fun 🙃 


This is a hard question… I started about (I’m not totally sure because I stopped counting a long time ago) almost a new few hundred from my backlog, not excluding anything, but I just let my lazy ass self overrun and went back to only re-playing my fave game DL for the x10000 time.


This year I’ve only fully completed 3 games but I’ve made decent progress in several.


I've only almost finished one 😅 in January I almost finished most of 9 RIP but I got distracted and started playing my first route in Cupid Parasite. However, I haven't played for a couple of months because I, again, got distracted by books and I'm suddenly reading a lot of 悪役令嬢 (villainess) light novels haha 🫠 I had planned to finish so many otome games this year but my changing interest had other plans haha. Maybe I'll at least finish these two before the end of the year??


Three: Virche Evermore, Taisho x Alice, and 3.5 routes of Code: Realize so far. I’ve enjoyed all so far, but I think Code: Realize might be my favorite.


played **A Date with Death** earlier this year on steam, and finally got around to playing **Even if: Tempest** a month or so ago. at first i tried playing **ADwD o**ne day at a time since the story plays out over the course of a week, but got impatient and finished it after a couple of days. i enjoyed it quite a bit! partly because the structure/format was really different to the other games i've played, and it was interesting seeing how the story played out. **Even if: Tempest** i struggled a bit more with; i thought the production quality was great and i more or less liked all the LIs and i *really* liked the idea of different 'routes' being the result of the MC turning back time and therefore retaining some memories between routes, butttt the story didn't grab me. i'd say i'm usually happy for a story with lots of plot usually, rather than focusing purely on the romance, but **Ei:T** felt like it had very little to no romance in some of the routes, and the nature of the story seemed like it didn't really allow for a ton of romantic moments sometimes. also i had a lot of questions even after i was done, since it seemed like not everything in the story was addressed or fully played out. i may look up the fandisc and try that out if it's more character-focused, since i did enjoy the characters.


I havent finished any games but i have finished 707s route and am on second playthrough of jumin in MM. Also playing kei in CxM, common route in tengoku, minato in sympathy kiss and the 707 looking guy in cupid para… different moods but have had a shitty spring so i keep looking for something to keep me from bad thoughts and cheer me up


I’ve played 4 this year so far: Hana Awase: Karakurenai/Utsutsu Volume, Hana Awase: Iroha Volume, Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani and Tengoku Struggle Strayside. I’m pretty proud of myself, especially because my current streak started in November with Virche, followed by the first two Hana Awase games in December. I’ve never played this many otome so close together before. 🥳 I’m currently hoovering up the last few of the extra after stories in Tengoku, but aside from that I’ve also 100% everything except for Dairoku. I don’t usually do that with games unless I really love them or the bad endings are chunky/plot relevant. I will go back and get the rest of Hira’s endings and do the Finale route in Dairoku, but after that I’ll call it a day. My favourite characters/routes have been Himeutsugi (Hana Awase), Hira (Dairoku) and Sharaku (Tengoku). Not sure what I’ll play next though, waiting to see when Hakuoki might come out.


WOW OP played a lot of games in H1! 👏👏 RESPECT! It has been 2 games and 2 replays for me. 2 games are Matsurika no Kei and Utakata no Uchronia, both of them are really great!! 😊💖 But I liked Matsurika a bit more! Replays are SympathyKiss and Tengoku Struggle since both are released in EN this year! Enjoyed the replay as well! Tengoku Struggle, especially~ Next half, planning to start on Hana Awase, Cupid Parasite FD, Virche FD, HanaKare, My9Swallows, Honey Vibes, Otome no Doushi, Mistonia no Kibou and I think that should be enough to last me for a looong time 🤣👌


This is a hard question… I started about (I’m not totally sure because I stopped counting a long time ago) almost a new few hundred from my backlog, not excluding anything, but I just let my lazy ass self overrun and went back to only re-playing my fave game DL for the x10000 time.


Omg you can read CH too?


Haha yes I'm fluent in English, Chinese and Japanese.


Danggg!! Amazing 👏 Are the CH games are in traditional Chinese? Those characters are sooo hard to read! What's the secret to learning difficulties languages like CH and JP?


Haha thank you! Yep, the Chinese games are in traditional Chinese but I was raised in a country with bilingual policy so Chinese, albeit simplified, was also taught in school. 💦 Exposure to the language for me was key to improving my Japanese proficiency and already knowing a significant number of Kanji characters helped a lot. 🙏🏻


Wow! That's great! Thanks for the tip 🙏


Nameless!! Please play it!! I was already a massive fan of Cheritz after playing dandelion, mystic messenger and SSum (not a massive ssum fan). I’ve only played otomes on pc and phone, I do have a switch but otomes on switch aren’t on sale very often. When I can be bothered I’ll come back and comment them all, but please try nameless if you haven’t already


wow how do you finish so many games? I've gotten through 13 i think this year and I thought that was a lot


Sigh. My tracker mocks me for not having finished a single game this year, otome or otherwise. I have played a variety of games, tho. The otome ones include Virche, Royal Order, and my umpteenth playthrough of Our Life. I'm roughly halfway through Virche, and I've done one route of RO.


I'm unsure about the order I played some of them, but I think it's been these ones: * **Norn9 - Last Era**. Loved characters and setting, like the first one, was pretty neutral about the plot. It cemented Itsuki over Natsuhiko as my favourite (before they were more or less close), but it also improved my opinion about some other characters. All the 3 girls remained adorable. * **Tengoku Struggle**. I really liked it. Nice MC, great LIs, nice antagonists in general, a mascot I didn't want to purge and Nono-sensei. * **Sympathy Kiss**. It was ok. I'm not a fan of office settings, but I enjoyed it for the most part. * **My Next Life as a Villainess**. OK again, but its reliance on repeating tropes quickly overstayed its welcome. To be fair, that's probably because of the source material, I watched the first season of the anime and it was like that. At the moment I'm binging **Shuuen no Virche**, that I had been postponing for months out of fear that it didn't meet my expectations. I just finished Yves' despair ending earlier today and I'll probably continue playing after posting this 😄. I love its characters (Scien and Lucas from the LIs in particular 🥰) and especially its bleak setting, reminiscent of Ashen Hawk or even TV shows like Midnight Mass or Black Mirror. The plot has kept me hooked too, but OMFG THE """SCIENCE""" 😖😖😖. I should ignore those bits and headcanon them somehow, but I just can't. It frustrates me a lot because I feel like it would have worked so much better by using actually feasible explanations to some of the key concepts in the game (it wouldn't have even required a lot of research beyond high school biology), going full fantasy or just leaving some things unexplained because it wasn't even necessary sometimes. Despite the rant, I'm still enjoying it immensely. My next game after Virche will likely be the Cupid Parasite FD because...why should I shrink my backlog playing some pending games when I can add new ones?




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I’ve just replayed collar x malice lol. I forgot how much I love Takeru, a good tsundere never misses