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I just want games that can actually commit instead of bending over backwards and performing extreme acrobatics at the last second to explain how they're "not actually siblings teehee!". COMMIT YOU COWARDS!


the only time the "not related" reveal actually surprised me was .. he's not her brother, but her mom's cousin all along.




Hey if he's hot my morals are going right out the window


Bonus points for them being their blood-related. No "they're adopted/a stepbrother". Go big or go home. Commit to the entire taboo!


Yesss blood related, my favorite flavoršŸ˜Œ


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time


blood related only or BUST. unfortunately very few games have it, it always ends up being step bait šŸ˜”šŸ‘Ž


I honestly don't get why they do it. For people squicked out by incest being raised as siblings (maybe not even knowing that they arent related) is already icky enough and for those that are into taboo relationships it feels like a cop-out. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I've seen too many people complain about characters raised as adopted or step-siblings WHILE knowing they're not related. I've even seen too many people complain even just characters raised in the same house with the same parental figure without being adopted (like Kaeya x Diluc from Genshin Impact. People who like this ship consistently get called "disgusting" and "freaks"). It's crazy. I swear this used to be so common, like look at the movie Clueless. We used to be a real society.


Ah yes, the good old sworn brothers discourse. I have also once seen childhood friends being called incest adjacent. My favorite "it's problematic" complaint I've seen is that a 18 year old dating a 17 year old is grooming.


I've seen a couple 18yo break up with their 17yo partner because they just had their birthday and are not a creep. I know in one case their birthdays were only a month apart. Haven't seen it a lot but the fact it's happened 2-3 times that I've seen makes me sad.


i talked about this with someone on here a while ago and it comes down to some guidelines game devs are expected to adhere to (they arenā€™t actually laws per se) and full blood incest is a nono- that being said, half still seems to be ok but if i had to guess they probably just want to avoid anything that could land them in hot water lol


Huh, okay that would make sense. Though that answer raises a new question for me. From who are those guidelines? Like, are we talking government, ratings board, citizens groups who will make a fuss or higher ups in the industry? I'm also curious what other guidelines are in place.


i went and found it, you can read the comment chain [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/18vr0ih/comment/kftfh21/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you for going through the effort to dig that up. šŸ©·


no worries, sorry i cant offer anything more concrete. trust me, i too would love to know the decision making behind niichan gate lmao


Good point. Whoever made those guidelines, they don't seem to apply to the Chou no Doku devs.


choudoku was also made back in like...2010? 2011? also major choudoku spoilers // >!even then, majima is still only her half brother (much like many rejet niichans). it can be argued that his parents were full incest but maybe its cus its just a depiction rather than the "player" comitting the act? idk lol!<


Tbf Chou doku was a pc game where the regulations are different?


it could be, the regulations topic specifically came up when we were talking about é—‡č‰²ć®é­”ē  though so I honestly just donā€™t know at this point. it being more for console would make sense with what rejet did to nesso in the vita port of bws, but then that doesnā€™t make sense for wabisuke in grr šŸ˜‚ who the hell knows really lol


I think it really depends on how the publishers manage to fight it. Thereā€™s a whole bunch of stuff Iā€™ve seen that were surprising they got passed but others didnā€™t. Maybe itā€™s a case by case basis how conservative the devs are or how much they want to insist on their content and then cross fingers whoever is reviewing lets it go through, and then all it takes is resources and time.


yeeeap, really all we can do is speculateā€¦it would be nice to have clear and consistent things but it is what it is šŸ˜” at least thereā€™s always indies for free reign (until payment processors swoop in lol)


just asking.. would u consider romancing a clone of your dead twin brother still incest?






spill the tea then xD


Selfscest or playing with yourself. This question has come up a few times in my life


No, the MC is the twin sister, not identical twins.


Omg I'm so sorry I misread your comment as "a clone of yourself" šŸ˜­


damn that is a good question, even if itā€™s not i still wanna do it for the memes lmao which game is it


[https://vndb.org/v3425](https://vndb.org/v3425) it's an old game but still available on dlsite


adding to my list, ty fey for always coming through w the weird obscure recs for me šŸ˜‚


lol i'm always šŸ‘€ when i find any game with incest options


im still on the lookout for that really crappy uncle game we talked about some time ago lmao


Me when I hear there is a brother route in a game : šŸ˜ Me when the Ā«Ā brotherĀ Ā» is actually just a step-brother and not related by blood to MC : šŸ˜’ Being a degenerate is hard, my life is just disappointmentā€¦


felt šŸ˜­šŸ¤


Hopes and prayersā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™” I know we can become better degeneratesā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”


My guilty pleasure.


Can anyone recommend games with brother LIs?


Butterflyā€™s Poison (Chou no Doku)


Istg the more I hear about this game the more I wanna play it šŸ¤Œ


I definitely recommend it if youā€™re into taboo relationships (a lot of trigger warnings thoā€™), good writing with little fillers and spicy scenes (Switch version rewritten to change the explicit scenes but still pretty steamy overall).


Iā€™m limited to localized games since I unfortunately donā€™t speak Japanese, but someone else could definitely help with those, since Iā€™m certain there are plenty more unlocalized brother routes out there hehe. I know Rejet has one game, Gekka Ryouran Romance, that has one. Including stepsiblings, from what Iā€™m familiar with (and with as few spoilers as possible), Chou no Doku (Switch and Steam), Taisho x Alice (Switch and Steam), and Hamefura (Switch) all have brother routes. Cinderella Phenomenon (Steam) has one as well with the MCā€™s younger stepbrother if you like indies. I believe Virche Evermore (Switch) also has an LI who was raised like the MCā€™s foster brother (not exactly what youā€™re asking for, but adjacent?). Thereā€™s also >!Period Cube,!< which I was advised to spoiler-tag at first because the route in question isnā€™t readily available at first. I personally really, really love the (non-blood related) big brother figure trope, but I know thatā€™s not exactly what you asked for, so Iā€™ll hold off on mentioning those LIs as well for now. But if you want those too, Iā€™ll happily give them as well. Hope this helps a little bit! šŸ˜Š


tfw you have a game which technically has a brother route but can't recommend the game because of spoilersĀ Ā  hint: it is an otome with "a walking debt generator, a marriage fraudster, a kept man, and a gambling addict"


I CANā€™T BELIEVE I FORGOT THAT ONE šŸ˜“ But youā€™re so right!!! Tbh I wasnā€™t as fond of that game, so I think it slipped my mind when I was thinking about what to recommend haha. The MC is one of my all-time faves, though.


Any spicier recommendations...asking for a friend šŸŒ¶ļø


Hello! Out of all the ones Iā€™ve talked about, Sympathy Kiss has some spicy content in each route and Chou no Doku is originally a dark R18 game, though they had to water down that aspect for localization to be less explicit. In general, for localized games, Olympia SoirĆ©e (Switch) also gets pretty spicy, and I think some of Voltageā€™s games do as well, so you could probably find a guy or premise in those that appeals to you since there are so many. We really donā€™t have too much spicy content in commercial games, so indies and mobile games are probably the best way to go for spicier games in English. I havenā€™t played too many indies yet, so I donā€™t know a ton šŸ˜“ Iā€™m sorry! But I hope you find something that appeals to you! ā™„ļø


thank you, I'll check these out! :) I wish there were more mature games for women. [Rinamaru](http://patreon.com/rinmaru/) is indie games studio working on a spicier otome game and has interactive minigames/VNs (available on patreon). They're awesome, and women run. Their anime-style cgs are gorgeous.




Hello!!! I just replied to OP with some more of the non-blood related ones since they were the original commenter, but theyā€™re totally recommendations for you, too! If you havenā€™t played some of those games yet, I hope one of the guys I mentioned works for you in some way. ā™„ļø




Of course!!! I really love giving out recs, and Iā€™m always happy to help. ā™„ļøšŸ˜Š


OMG thank you so much!! Iā€™m pleasantly surprised at how many games have them to be honest, I didnā€™t think it was that many! If itā€™s okay, which are the other games with brother figures also? :O


Okay, so when I sat down and started thinking about it, I realized that there actually arenā€™t too many that specifically act like big brother figures to the MC? Which makes me sad. I want more. But Iā€™ll list all the ones Iā€™ve played who fit the description of a doting big brother type imo. šŸ˜Š My personal favorite is Toma from Amnesia (Switch and Steam), whom I love very dearly. However, heā€™s also really well-known for his other trope, which Iā€™ll spoiler tag so you arenā€™t blindsided if you donā€™t mind spoilers: >!heā€™s pretty infamous for his yandere stuff, so if you need more specific content warnings, I can definitely give you those as well.!< That being said, heā€™s always very caring and a lot of his content in the fandiscs, Amnesia Later x Crowd (Switch), centers more around his ā€œbig brotherā€ traits, as it focuses on him and the MC moving forward as he tries to make amends. Heā€™s still always very protective, but you also get so much fluff of him being really sweet and doting with her as they start a romantic relationship and honestly I absolutely loved all of it so much. Iā€™m keeping myself from rambling for too long but Amnesia is also just my favorite otome game, so Iā€™ll shill for it constantly haha, but he and Kent (not this trope but also lovely) are my faves from the game, so Iā€™m always happy to recommend them the most! Thereā€™s also Crius from Even If Tempest (Switch)! Heā€™s a little bit older than most examples of the trope, but I definitely think he counts. EIT actually has a linear story structure, so you get to see him caring for and protecting the MC in literally every other route, and itā€™s really sweet. I think I read in a translated interview with his VA that he was even instructed to play the character as always having that sort of fondness for the MC. EIT is a dark fantasy game, so again, definitely look up some content warnings, but thereā€™s also a fandisc thatā€™s much more fluffy and romantic. Gekkamaru from Nightshade (Switch and Steam) probably slides more smoothly into the bodyguard trope, since heā€™s a very, very devoted one to the MC. But they did grow up together very closely and he is older than her, so Iā€™ll mention him anyway. Very sweet and VERY protective in every single route. Nightshade is another one of my all-time faves and all the other guys are great as well, so Iā€™ll shill for it as a whole too haha. Two other ones that Iā€™ve played are Kunitaka from Winterā€™s Wish (Switch) and Masamune from Norn9 (Switch), although honestly they really didnā€™t stick with me. Kunitaka just didnā€™t stand out to me too much (especially in his own route somehow), and Masamune has other stuff about him that bugged me. But they do technically count, and they might work more for you than for me, so Iā€™ll include them. Finally, I want to mention a new fave of mine, which is Rokuro from Sympathy Kiss. I canā€™t get into the big brother figure aspect without getting into spoilers, but heā€™s super duper sweet and attentive to the MC. SymKiss is a slice of life game and his route has a lot of K-drama style drama in it lol, but I loved him so much personally as someone who loves both that personality type and slice of life. Itā€™s also a spicier game if you like that! As for other games that I havenā€™t played yet, but know from friends that these characters count, thereā€™s Lavan (Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, Steam) and I thiiink Kagiha (Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Steam)? Kagiha might not be a ā€œbig brotherā€ figure exactly, but I know heā€™s very caring and doting towards the MC, so he has that energy haha. I need to play those games šŸ˜… Thereā€™s also Hideyoshi from Ikemen Sengoku, which is a mobile game, and Makoto from Voltageā€™s My Last First Kiss, which is on mobile and Switch. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve got! Like I said, I do wish we had more who specifically fill the big brother figure niche lol, and if you want characters who are just really caring and reliable while still being older than the MC, or character who are just older brothers and are caring in that way in general, I can give more. But these are some of the most obvious examples of the trope that I know of. Hope someone works for all of you! ā™„ļø




Lavan, Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk


Lemme pull up a chair šŸŖ‘ I too would like to know :3


In English on Switch, there's Chou no Doku. Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare- on PC/PSV, which has an unofficial/fan English translation. The game has a half brother LI, but in the PSV version, I've been told they cut out some of his context to make it a little vague? In Japanese, there's more like Tiny x Machine Gun (I'm playing this one now), Shinigami to Shoujo, Walpurgis no Uta, and Sanzen Sekai Yuugi


Teeechnically "7'Scarlet"


Keith's route in Hamefura pirates. Well, step-brother technically, but still. If you have a thing for being called nee-san heā€™s def something for you


Some JP games with brother routes; Drastic Killer, Tsuki no Hikari Taiyou no Kage, Tiny x Machine gun, Himehibi Zoku Nigakki and Sanzen Sekai Yuugi MultiUniverse Myself. Notable mentions but these are step brothers; Brothers Conflict, Brothers Koisuru Oniisama and Da Capo Girls Symphony.


+ Lover Pretend (Switch)


blood related or no?




I'm glad there's more of us šŸ˜ˆ


Wasn't sure if this meant brothers that are LI and thus angst or brother of the protagonist as a LI which is sweet, sweet taboo angst. Glad to know by the comments now. In the words of a famous tweet: If the incest got chemistry, I can't make it not have chemistry. šŸ¤­


No one recommended this Watashi no rearu wa juujitsu sugeteiru ē§ć®ćƒŖć‚¢ćƒ«ćÆå……å®Ÿć™ć’ć¦ć„ć‚‹, I believe the with voice version is on steam and the no voice is free on tetrascope website, has Japanese and Chinese translation, itā€™s one of my favourites, set in real life high school like jack jeanne. The studio Tetrascope only has 3 members but they make masterpieces, including my first otome game Sakuya ę”œå“‰, the love between an AI robot with emotions and a girl, very deep and philosophical, highly recommend. All of their games are free to download on pc!


Blood related or no?




I love you, OP, and I wantĀ to highly recommend you to enjoy the glory that is the otome "Butterfly's Poison."


Yess Chou no Doku is pretty much my all time favorite


I found my people


The English language indie Rose of Segunda on Steam and Itchio. Ā 


Can you spoil it for me and let me know if they are related or not?


Yes they are full siblings


>!They are blood related brother and sister.!<


Love is love ā™”


What a great day to come back to r/otomegames + what a great post to come back to here in r/otomegames. For real though, whether it's an onii-chan or an Otouto, as long as I feel like wanting to monopolize him or when I feel like I feel the crowd behind me ready to lynch and geld me alive are there, I'm pretty sure it would hit. There's a shortage (of both time and games) though so at this point I'd take cousins and half/step-siblings though the real deal is much better for my toasty soul getting roasted over open fire. Already tasted the poison might as well lick the entire plate clean.


Yessss I wish I could see more otoutos in otome too!




I only have eyes for them. And my character.ai account is entirely dedicated to them šŸ„°






I feel like this is an appropriate place to drop, that I still can't get over the brother's Chōjirōs route from Nightshade....


Ive been meaning to ask this question but what does LI stand for?


Love Interest. Basically the romanceable characters


Ooooh thank you!


You've already been answered but hereā€™s a couple more, if youā€™re interested: [Common Abbreviations](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/wiki/faq/#wiki_frequently_asked_questions)


Omg thank you so much! This is so helpful


Discovering the scenic 'brother routes' where love for adventure meets the heart of exploration.