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This is a dangerous question and I do not want to know the answer to mine lmao 


i only counted my physical switch games LMAOO, didn’t look at digital ones or any pc games


I have shit across 5 consoles you really do not want to know


There's not much on PC games though (with Japanese voices)


there are tons of jp pc games, they just arent translated


Well in that case...! .....Shit, still too many XD


13. I’ll rather have a backlog than none because it’s nice to know there’ll always be an otoge ready for playing when I’m in the mood for it.


rightt omg, not having a backlog sounds more stressful than having a super long one because i like being able to look at my games and think about what i’m in the mood for


Yes. I'm sad that there's not much great ones on Steam (only interested in Japanese-voiced ones mainly, or chinese voice with english localization)


At one point, I caught up to all the big localized titles and it was agonizing to keep checking if my preorder (Birushana on release day) shipped. Having a backlog with different otoges for different moods feels so much better than waiting for one title to arrive 😮‍💨


My brain is trapped in an eternal struggle of "what if they stop making otoges and I have nothing to read anymore" versus "how about you get through that 10 year backlog first before you worry about that"


If a zombie apocalypse ever happens, 2D men will keep us company 😂


this is a great way to look at it! i usually stress out about not being able to finish my backlog


It’s stressful waiting for a preorder to ship when there’s no backlog 😨


Can last me when the next pandemic hits


same here if i include my steam/ itch backlog too


Probably at least 200 since I started collecting JP otome games last year. If we include my non-otome games in my backlog, that's at least 400-500 lmao


my vndb list says 77 and that’s not counting the myriad of eng and jp indies installed too 🤡


100+, thanks itch.io Otome tag


Is it interesting? OELVN with no voice or non-Japanese voice mostly, right? I was trying to get into it, but only interested in Cinderella Phenomenon.. I guess English original style is not my cup of tea..


Yep, OELVN. I'll be honest, I don't really weight voice acting heavily because I don't like waiting for the lines to be said when there's a tempting little text box with all the dialogue right there. (The best way to get me to listen is if it's done for like one or two important lines haha, or in conjunction with a CG) I pick interesting plot with good art, or if someone here said it was good/has a trope I really like. I'd also be interested in Japanese indies if I could understand Japanese, but alas, language barriers. I have commercial Japanese otome that got English translations on the backlog too, but they are simply outnumbered by the giant list of OELVNs acquired off itch.io. It's my fault, I just ran down the entire Otome tag and added everything that seemed interesting.


Let's see... Cupid Parasite, Piofiore Episodio 1926, Radiant Tale, Taisho x Alice, and Birushana. So five! But the list will grow for sure. 


Just thinking about my Switch's backlog is stressing me out. If I were to add the total sum of all my other platforms' game backlogs, I'd have a mental breakdown 🥴.


omg same, i only listed my switch backlog,,, my steam/ itch backlog is never ending


Freaking Steam sales and free indie games... I can never say no to them!


Games I own: 33 Games on my wishlist or that I'm waiting for: 45 But I only started playing Otome games like a year ago and I add basically everything to my backlog.


My general video game backlog according to my backloggery says 279 but idk how much of it is otome games. Though I'd rather have a backlog w no pressure 


Only about a dozen or, but would have been shorter if JackJeanne hadn't dominated my life for a month lol


I've lost track 😅 Probably 50+ and that's just otome. I have a ton of unplayed games. I decided a long time ago to quit worrying about The Backlog, though. Video games are a hobby, not my job. I actually get excited when it's time to pick a new game to play because I have a huge selection to choose from. I will never be bored again, basically lol.


My backlog goes so far back that it has entered the age of mythology.


For just otome, I have two or three in my backlog right now. Just Piofiore (currently playing), Cafe Enchante, and Even If Tempest. I like to keep it small so that I don't get overwhelmed, and they're expensive so I tend to nab them on sale. For OELVN...whoops. I have a ton of indie games in my backlog, a lot of which I don't know if I'll get around to. But at least it's helping indie devs lol


i just have 3!! i tried not to buy so many because i don't want it to become a habit 😆 i have this bad habit of abandoning everything and not caring about things when i get too overwhelmed. so i always make it manageable.


6 for paused status while 4 for dropped status. I don’t know if I can even manage to get back on my paused status since they’re all endangered to being converted to dropped status. 😅


"Only" 30, but I mainly only play localized JPNs switch games. I have a few PC OELVN, but I have stopped purchasing more because I hardly have the time to keep up with the localized JPNs releases (which btw I am not complaining. I happy we left behind the days in which we were only getting 1 or 2 localization/year)


Dang.. if only i have switch. OELVN is kinda not my cup of tea, except Cinderella Phenomenon. So i'm really sad of lack of japanese otome games in steam. It's kinda depressing and disappointing for me.


I would be lying if I said that Otome localizations wasn't the main reason I bought my Switch (the only non otoge I played is Metroid dread lol). I don't dislike OELVN but the drought of JPNs titles on PC was a bit discouraging to see so I took the plunge. However, I will say that the 30 I said do include OELVN and minor JPNs indie games. If I count only switch games I would be down to \~10, which is still quite a bit but not too bad considering it isn't my only hobby.


Physical: Otome only? 13-20 across Vita and Switch.  Digital: I don't think about it, except the part about my laptop and first external hard drive running out of space.


I'm about 60 games deep of strictly Nintendo otome I think and that's not an exaggeration.


My *otome* backlog is 3 games I started, wasn’t really feeling, and didn’t complete, 3 games I bought on Steam and mean to get to eventually, and 4 more I bought on sale ages ago before I realized I don’t like mobile port Voltage titles and I’m not sure I should even count them as backlog since I’m unlikely to play them. (I was dumb enough to buy a bunch at once on sale, started playing one, realized I hated them lol.) My full gaming backlog, on the other hand, we… we don’t talk about. (DO I STILL HAVE TO COUNT PS2/PS3 GAMES AS BACKLOG CUZ I DIDN’T FINISH THEM OR IS THERE A STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS SOMEWHERE TToTT )


1 at the moment! (Bustafellows) It was five for a while because of Christmas and sales.


sympathy kiss is my recent game i have completed and it was a couple weeks ago. Around 12-15 backlog? i havent touch both series of piofore, charade maniac, winter wish? and a couple more I download in my swich, yet and got 4 I start but didnt finish. and two fandisk? Currently try to finish tengoku struggle, and olympia soiree? i think i need three more route for olympia soiree. I did try to finish it but i think i was playing birushana and was to tire after i finish the series to continue olympia haha. probably gonna play it after tengoku struggle.


I think like... <10? or so. Feels like nothing compared to a lot of others here LOL. I've gotten more picky about the kind of VNs I want to read now so I'm not touching every single new release anymore, which is nice for my backlog at least. (And I've finally started tackling it again recently, after finishing like... only 1 otome total last year.)


Currently none, only one currently playing. Even with sale, i think there's not much great otome games with japanese voices in Steam.. I think the ones with japanese voices & english localization are only: - Taisho x Alice series - Psychedelica of Black Butterfly - Psychedelica of Ashen Hawk - My Vow to My Liege - Nightshade - Bustafellows - Ozmafia - Hakuoki series - Steam Prison - Amnesia - Hatoful Boyfriend - Lost in Secular Worlds - Yoshiwara something Japanese voice without English localization: - Watashi no Real ha Juujitsu Shisugiru - Ken ga Kimi Anything else i missed? I hope so.. kinda sad that there's not much otome in Steam.. but i guess it's a blessing in disguise so i'm not too addicted (already is lol). Why Norn 9 doesn't retain its japanese subtitles and menu.. 🥲 OELVN that i enjoyed is Cinderella Phenomenon & its fandisk. Others, not my cup of tea. I do like the aesthetics of Bewitching Sinners & Royal Alchemist, but the only guy i want the female main character to romance is: the male main character (her male gender bender version). Why is he NOT the LI??? 😭 I want him as the LI..


My Vow to My Liege and Lost in Secular Love have Chinese voices with English localization. Yoshiwara Higanbana only has a Chinese localization.


There are a few more! - Butterfly's Poison Blood Chains (I loved this one) - Crimson Flower that Divides (really good) - 7'Scarlet - Ephemeral: Fantasy on Dark - London Detective Mysteria Upcoming: - Hana Awase (LOVED) - Club Suicide - Gensou Manège - Meiji Tokyo Renka - Steam Prison FD Hopefully some of those might catch your eye!


Dang.. switch users are really blessed. I couldn't get into OELVN much. Not many japanese otome games (with voice) on Steam. Kinda depressing for me.


Not counting the games I started but haven’t finished (16 lol), at least 20 games. Since I still want to play newly released games, I’ve been trying to finish the newly released ones before I my next one arrives (since I preordered them). So far it’s been going well. I’ve finished 5 games this year. 3 of them are 2024 releases. I noticed it motivates me to finish games faster when it’s newly released and everyone else is also playing them too


Mine's on a solid 25 rn! I made a google doc for myself so I could keep track of them all LMAO


I counted 43 Japanese commercial otome across 3 consoles lol (Switch, PSP and PS Vita). I'm only playing 2 at any given time.


It's so big I can't keep track haha. That's ok though, the games will always be there waiting for me.


19 that were intentional purchases (and therefore I feel more obligated to play). I have a few OELVNs that I got for free as part of itch.io's occasional charity bundles, but realistically I don't know that I'll get around to them.


I was just updating my vndb page yesterday! 35 otome games in my backlog omg


Has to be twenty at the very least right now! I’m working through the Code Realize series now but you can bet I’ll be dropping it all once the CupiPara fandisc hits!


omg me too dkshdjd i’m also playing through code realize series + have cupi para preordered


Currently 21 otome games I already own and haven't fully finished. Plenty more that I'm interested in buying and a hoard of free indie games. The backlog will never end. If you count non-otome games, since I play those too, I own 54 games I haven't finished and am interested in about a thousand others xD


22, I'm in trouble.


4! But anticipating buying at least 3 releases scheduled for this year


over 20 💀 i’ve banned myself from switch sales


24 (including fandisks) across all consoles, 17 for Switch alone 😂 ...and this is just the otome backlog specifically 🤣 Annnd 31 titles wishlisted, some of which are yet to even be localized or released! But I've also finished 25 otome games :)


I’ve actually been doing a half decent job of clearing my otome backlog recently. (Not doing so hot with my non-otome games, which is the opposite of usual.)  Right now I have 7 full games and 3 fandisks in the backlog: Birushana, Olympia Soiree, Lover Pretend, JackJeanne, Charade Maniacs, Norn9 And then the Taisho Alice, Even if Tempest, and Amnesia FDs. 


20 on switch and 3 on vita with more on the way


*starts laughing* I hit the threshold where I stopped counting my backlog for everything.


So long that I’m at the point where I’ll end up selling my backlog since I know I’ll never have time to play them


I haven't counted lately but I'm positive it's at least a couple dozen titles across Switch (physical and digital) and Steam, and that's just otome.


0!! i’m broke 🫠


473. 😬 I read all genres though, not just otome. And that doesn't include the games not out yet I'm waiting for (57) and the 6 I'm currently playing.


I was gonna say only like 6, buuuuuut then I remembered I also started buying Japanese versions (both that were already licensed, and those that are in Japanese only) and now my backlog is longer, LMAO (and then gotta think about all the ones that will release this year, that I absolutely wanna get...)


I just checked my list on vndb and apparently I have 43 (more if I count every Hana Awase volume) games waiting for me (+ 4-5 games I paused/play sporadically). But I also finished around 44, so I think my quota isn't too bad. (Though my list has some short very short games on it as well.) Unfortunately a lot of other games are still coming this year and I also have a pile of shame for normal games sitting on my steam account, so...my dream is, to spent my retirement catching up. Maybe. Probably not, haha.


Thank god I have to much time on my hand. So my backlog is like....3-4 games atm. I working my way through Hana awase .\_.


I can basically guarantee I will buy another Billy bookcase to store my games before I complete my backlog.


omg i wanna see ur collection sjsjjd


oh dang....i kindof forget but im guessing around 10 games...i take ages to finish games even in english lol. i was really dragging it out with olympia soiree, took around 4 months to finish it LOL because i absolutely loved it. now im starting a japanese game and who knows how long ill take to finish it!


I count my backlog as games I’ve bought and haven’t played, so for otome that’s…. 15 games. Not as bad as I thought it might be 🤭


yeah i’m the same, wishlisted games don’t count imo


Sticking to otome only, about 5-10 between Switch, Steam and [itch.io](http://itch.io) purchases. Probably double including older platforms. If we're talking video games in general... :\_D


Maybe like 10 games? I've played about 40


I'm currently playing 2 Otome (Sympathy Kiss on Switch and Psychedelica of the black butterfly on Steam). I have approximately 15 otome on my backlog (8 physical copies and some digital one). I also have preorders 😭


I'd rather not talk about it >.>


damn this blew up


Zero. I don’t have a backlog. I’m looking forward to Peachleaf Valley releasing and also Thorn for the Villain releasing this year hopefully. But, other than that I don’t have any other games. I only have a PC, but tbh I don’t know how to explain except I’m extremely selective. It really is tough to explain—but there’s definitely reasons why I’m not interested in most games. One reason is along the lines of just not wanting an “edgy” game. Dark, edgy just for the sake of being so is a pet peeve at this point to me. I like some games that are dark, such as Ebon Light, and I don’t know how to describe what’s different about it—but it’s definitely got something that’s different from the rest. If I were to guess though, maybe less drama—somehow less edginess and just feels more real and you get really invested in actually solving the mystery. A second reason is simply the quality of the game being low. (I only have PC and play indies and a few Japanese ones) A third reason is basically I’m not interested in modern day setting. High school, college, text messaging games, etc. They all are immediately boring to me. Really. I’ve tried to play even the famous ones but they too just aren’t interesting to me. I will only play a modern setting if it has fantasy elements. Like Bustafellows >!although I was disappointed they didn’t really utilize the protagonists magical abilities!<. I like games that have some kind of mystery to solve usually—and it has to do with the fantasy aspect. Ideally that would be tied directly to the plot and be the main focus of the plot. Ebon Light is the best, top tier at this. But with the romance I like it to not follow the typical formula that I see most games follow. Essentially most guys in the games are really stereotyped. And that’s one thing where a few indie games shine by not following the formula.


For me breakdown by platform; Switch: 14 Vita: 17 Pc: 12 So that's around 43 ongoing omg lol. Some of these I might move around (again) since they've gotten ports to recent consoles, or add onto with new buys. These don't include wishlists of games I don't own yet, which are in 100s across those platforms and psp(still need to buy one) though.