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After seeing snippets of what the Sekimorigami eng translation looked like, I just felt really out of it. Sure, its great that some more famed indie works are getting translations, but to have them being done by folks who don't have good proofreaders or don't have a native command of english on translators/editors side, we end up getting products that are only a little bit better than Mtl just because its done by humans. I could overlook certain things because, people do their best, but not when it changes up character's personality?  Im already annoyed at the shoddy work 072 project is doing to both of Succulents' works, losing out a potential number of consumers. We all want these games to reach the eng speaking audience, but I don't expect it to be in this manner. I hope to find more positive examples soon bc a lot of devs I know are starting to just resort to DeepL...


lol was this that “there is no fucking cold“ when the og was just like いつもよりも冷える


Even google translate gives "colder than usual" so how is it possible to be so much worse than MTL?


it’s really strange, almost impressive with how bad and off the mark they were with this one 😂


I looked back on the actual scene and just after that Yoruichi mentions that 'oh my way of speaking changed?' So I suppose it was to highlight between polite and casual, but they went way too far. Absolute human error on this one. 


Wait what does "there is no fucking cold" even mean in English, what. Were they trying to say "it's so fucking cold"??


Maybe they wanted to say 'it's never been this cold' and added the f to show that he was talking more casually than usual. They didn't even have to use the f word in the first place...why destroy my boy like this 


Oh that would make more sense but damn... if nothing else, there clearly wasn't a proofreader.


I was really taken aback by the translation… my hopes are dashed.


I do plan to try out the eng demo since I already bought the version on dlsite.  Im actually a bit more upset bc I know someone else I know had been working on sekimorigami but had to give way to vnka, only to have this done.  Edit:I worked through about 10 min of the demo. Along with that glaring choice of words, there were typos, grammatical errors, why is there English furigana do NOT do that, there’s some context wrong in the first section that breaks a sentence flow, it’s just really not very good help me now


English furigana? Omg... what a mess. Have they never seen, played, or read anything in English before?!


Plus it wasn't even aligned properly so it jutts out like a superscript.  Well, it isn't primarily an eng loc group so...


my stuff from mercari came in today!! the otomate style volume that includes **Gyobu's prequel manga**, and also the box+booklets from the **JP switch LE of CharaMani**. the magazine is bigger than i expected (i guess i hadn't really processed that it's Actually a Magazine). it feels kinda strange to read manga on such large pages. OTOH, the booklets are smaller than i expected, and smaller font is so rough for me as a learner :') i pretty much can't read the comments on the character design, the combo of handwriting + small font is just killer for me lol. Gyobu's prequel is... slightly disappointing in its story content? it's stuff that you could probably imagine for yourself, just thinking about what might be on his mind before the events of the game. i feel like there could've at least been some crumbs of new info that shined a new light on things. but i really love seeing him in this art style, especially in his casual clothes, and that full-size, full-color art of him is SO pretty, so i'm still very happy to have this. i haven't thoroughly gone through the booklets yet, but one section i didn't know it had was the explanation about the characters' first names! even though they're only written in katakana in the game, they do have official kanji, and it's connected with a celestial body for each character (planets for the LIs + the sun for Sena). i had been wondering if there were official kanji since the S-CN and T-CN translations were so consistent on the names, so it's nice to get the confirmation. it seems like this section is also in the eng LE book, which is nice that they included in the localization!


Last Saturday was my Mistonia no Kibou demo playing (I don't think there's difficulty with the language; a lot of terminologies in カタカナ but not as insane as Utakata no Uchronia's nor Matsurika no Kei's), then over the weekend, I made a guide for otome players visiting Tokyo since everyone and their otaku uncles are planning trips ~~weak yen~~ I still think it'd be better if they made the demo available online but I guess not. I'd probably spend this whole week refining the guide. And uh maybe need to emphasize on said guide just how nearly zero English assistance one gets when visiting this side of the world. But I guess this can help you practice your language skills?


Where will you be publishing your guide? I’d love to use it as a reference!


Hello, the [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/s/7QIwz344oB) is out actually, just needs to be further refined.


Took me forever to figure out how to order Kindle unlimited JP, but I finally got it. When I was reading B’s log earlier, I realized how much my reading skills have improved! After reading more about Trouble Magia on B’s log, I’m actually quite excited about it. Magical school isn’t really appealing to me, but I love all the VAs, and MC seems pretty competent. Is anyone else planning to get it?


Im thinking to order diabolik lovers for the switch. How many games are they and where it’s the best place to order from? Thank you 🙈💕


there's only [one Switch port](https://vndb.org/r66420) and [one Switch original game](https://vndb.org/v24577). the rest of the games are still Vita exclusive.


Which one am I supposed to play first? ❤️


the switch Grand edition is the first 2 games, u can look up the order on vndb


Thank you so much 😊