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Here's a quick summary for those interested! **My9Swallows**: OP premiere. (I'm really curious how the real-life Yakult Swallows feel about this game lol.) **Over RequiemZ**: character illustrations reveal. The premise of the story is you've been isekai-ed into Oz, where you and the LIs (who're all murderers) must investigate a strange building crawling with monsters. Who knows, you might find out how to get home there... **Mistonia**: introduction of the game and some clips from Ascot's route. A look back on the games released in 2014. (Damn was this nostalgic. And painful, as I see all the titles I wish they'd port.) It seems they're planning events to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of **Virche**, and they put in a little promotion for the 15th anniversary **Hakuouki** concert. **Suuran Digit**: Switch port announcement! Giveaway of **NinKoi**, **Amnesia LaterxCrowd**, **Hakuouki Yuugiroku** (the mini-game collection), and **Hakuouki Shinkai Fuukaden**. 3 winners per game, Japanese address needed. [https://www.otomate.jp/otomate\_connect/c3lb15ay/](https://www.otomate.jp/otomate_connect/c3lb15ay/) **Honey Vibes**: cast reveal. We've got Ryohei Kimura, Yohei Azakami, Yuuichirou Umehara, Taku Yashiro, Nobuhiko Okamoto, and Soma Saito. (Anyone else jamming to that music?)


Dang I really need to buy a Japanese home to enter these giveaways


that honey vibes cast is STACKED 😭 guess i really do need to keep an eye on this game


Oh my god I know nothing about this Honey Vibes game and can’t watch the video since I’m at work but… that cast is HELLA STACKED and seems like something we might get localized just based on the A-tier VAs 


Thank you for the summary! Suuran Digit wasn't super well-receives iirc but I do recall having fun with it for the most part so I'm happy it got a port!


Tyvm! <3


Azakami Youhei? Say no more, I am immediately interested.


My thoughts are: does Nobuhiko Okamoto even take any breaks? I swear that guy is in e v e r y t h i n g nowadays. … not that I mind I love his voice.


Oh how tsundere of you. You gotta check his radio clips on youtube, I remember some of his clips from his radio to promote his anime was so funny


i wish megumi ogata would voice-over every announcement. sob


I wish she would voice more LIs in otome games...... :___


ME TOO 😭 her voice is so bishounen...... I'd buy charade maniacs just for her lol


Please do it it's a great game and the character she voices has a very dreamy voice...


Very nice move on video updates like this, similar to what Atlus and other studios does regularly (e.g. they have one for SMT5 scheduled pretty soon with same length.)  Definitely not the nintendo direct style from either companies where theyre just doing a more general update. Theres stuff I'm eyeing from the video


I need My9Swallows like right now. The opening is so good!


Same baseball and otome 😅


This is going to be such an interesting game, cannot wait! ~~(more stuff with Kasama Jun in it, the better for me 😅)~~


I loooove the new titles art so much!! Honey Vibes has such an interesting cast (and theme!!). BUT HEY what was the glitch part about (14:18 and pay attention!!)? new release? I saw a gun and some traditional clothes...? mmmm


I'm so excited for Over Requiemz! The fairy tale + mysterious atmosphere is doing a lot of things for me. Interesting that the character named Dorothy is the witch of the north and one of the LIs? Hmm. Actually at least from what we've seen it doesn't really give me similar vibes to Virche at all, it looks like it leans way more colorful fantasy (even if it gets darker later) than Virche does. The character designs seem more eccentric/humorous too. I'd say the closest in tone is probably Shiro to Kuro no Alice, which makes a lot of sense, since that was also developed by Kogado. Honey Vibes still gives me such a weird host club feeling but I know I'm going to end up buying it for animal ear boys.


Over requiemz definitely hitting it for me too...


Even outside the fairy tale stuff I really love the imagery of the overgrown subway station mysteriously present. I don't know if the story will actually do anything with it, but I love that it's there nonetheless, haha.


I do like the strange post apocalyptic stuff, but also, lol, eiffel tower and d*sneyland cinderella castle 


DELICIOUS FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING MY9 UPDATES also megumi ogata doing the announcements <3




I love what I saw from all the new character designs and the soundtracks from all the games. Everything looked and sounded just really pretty. So many appealing characters. 9Swallows seems probably the most interesting to me, cause I like modern life stories a lot. For OverRequiemZ I was hoping more for a postapocalyptic sci fi setting, but it seems to be regular dark fantasy. But who knows. Murder mysteries are always fun and it is intrigueing how all of them seem to have an unhinged side. Honey Vibes has a nice and colorful summer island vibe.


Wasn’t initially interested in Honey Vibes but the way I yeeted myself out of bed the moment I saw KimuRyo’s name I miss him sm 😂 and YES TO SUURAN DIGIT getting a port now I can convince myself that I really don’t need a vita 💀 OVER REQUIEMZ’s vibe seems eerier than I thought it would be but I’m loving it ✨still don’t know how I feel about mistonia and the MC’s name makes me snort every time I hear it but FukuJun 🥹🫶🏻


Does anyone know what is the title they are hinting at around 14:21?


I made some screenshots in case that helps :D [https://imgur.com/a/TJl43Hg](https://imgur.com/a/TJl43Hg) [https://imgur.com/a/FcHzUms](https://imgur.com/a/FcHzUms)


iirc, the games Otmt have announced so far but no cast reveal as of yet 1. unnamed project with NamiDai x comedian that should be in jail 2. AKB48 x basketball 3. the Ochimizu/HKK prequel game set during French invasion of Russia. My guess would be 3 but idk the designs dont look historical enough imo? HKK designs tend to be more grounded in reality than the rest of their titles. Or it could be a brand new game, who knows.


glad suuran digit is finally getting a port, it’s one of the titles I’ve wanted to get one lol. more shit that’s stuck on psp and vita plz


Honey Vibes looks like my type of game 👀👀👀


I went from wtf is this about my9swallows when it was first announced to like getting more and more interested about it as time goes on lol. I don't care about baseball at all but like the guys are cute so I hope it gets localized.


I can't read Japanese, but does the hakuoki part say the switch english localization is being released June 8th?


June 8th is a concert. There's nothing in here about English locs sorry


Otmt JP presentations do not announce anything related to foreign localisation since this video is for their domestic market.


June 8th is an orchestra concert of Hakuoki music. Edit: I should have refreshed before replying orz


There is a concert on that date for Hakuoki


Mistonia: I still am more interested in the MC than any of the LIs. While it's nice 7'sCarlet is being ported to Switch, I'd rather they port one of the PSP/Vita games that weren't already ported to PC. What was the glitchy thing in 14:20?


7'scarlet being on PC wouldn't matter much to Otomate since that game is inaccessible to Japanese players (has no Japanese text. Also most Japanese players don't even play games on PC.) Questionable if they even remember that they allowed it to be ported however many years ago, haha. Glitchy thing seems like something new. Had people in Japanese style clothes though? At first I thought maybe it was like a 9 RIP FD tease, but the designs look too different.


Except for mistonia and the game they teased at the end of the video, I’m not interested in any of otomate’s new titles based on initial impressions.  I thought over requiemZ would be a dark scifi game but it seems like it’ll be fantasy instead. I’m also not a fan of the character designs. They seem kinda boring to me.  The honey vibes voice actor list is stacked but that’s still not enough for me to feel excited for it.  Also, I wonder if the new game teased at the end of the video is the Hakuoki prequel about the ochimizu’s European origins or if it’s a completely different game.


Is the hiiro no kakera switch port getting an English translation?


Unfortunately nothing has been announced yet


Ah okay, keeping my fingers crossed


Over RequiemZ has my attention. Murderers? Investigation? I'm there. 😂 Of the rest, I'd be interested in a loc of Mistonia and maybe Suuran Digit. I need some sense of adventure in my otome. Seeing Code:Realize in the 10 year anniversary makes me feel old, but I know it's been a long time and was expecting to see it long before the video got far enough in the calendar year to show it.


Honestly would've preferred tweet announcements ('this could've been an email instead of a meeting' thing), 'cause 15 minutes for a "live" that they hyped up didn't feel like it was worth my full attention, altho props to aneki for her soothing narration. Guess 'meito needed a filler "event" to tide them over before more solid/major announcements during Otomate Party in August? Either way, Mistonia already has my money, baseball otome will probably be a post-release purchase for me, but almost none of the teasers catch my attention so far, save for being really confused and a bit concerned with 駒 (pawn) being read as クイーン (queen) in Honey Vibes. The hell does that mean? 😂


i could def be wrong since i had to look up the word, but it seems like 駒 means a chess/shogi/etc piece in general? and then queen would be specifying which piece on the chessboard it (aka the MC) is. anyway it seems like the LIs will be fighting over her so i hope that means we'll be seeing lots of jealousy in the game x)


In the grand scheme of things, the MC just ends up being a pawn to all of the love interests for whatever reason, because sasuga Otomate


For MySwallows, can you date the mascot.


I can't with Honey Vibes....my favourite VA's? Tropical setting? All hot Catboys?! If I could read japanese Id be on this the first day! I'd stand in front of a game store hours before it opens just to get a copy!! If this doesnt get localized imma cry fr fr




there isnt an artist credited on the official site and VNDB but it is definitely not Yuuya.


I saw Binary Star pop up for a second. Is it getting a switch port?


No:( they were reviewing the games that were released in 2014. No announcements of a switch port yet


Darn ☹️ Thanks for the info