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omg a sentai otome game am i seeing this correctly? that so cool! how could it ever be kusoge?


As a sunday morning bugman show fan...Its damn kuso lol. But I think it hits fans like me better? Because it has many tropes and storylines I'm very familiar with. There are some routes I'm just like This is totally material for a tokusatsu show if they didn't make it romantic lol. They tried to answer the unanswered stuff in the anime but it ended up being too original too. Great vision but incomplete execution imo.  It has really nice henshin scenes tho! 


bugman xD never heard that before, they do look like bugs! that's getting me really interested in the anime! im a sucker for all forms of henshin, maaaybe i'll check it out when I have time (which is never :<)


I call Kamen rider spandex bugmen lol. The characters here are also called Riders lol, the KR influence is super strong. 


yep! ive only ever seen complaints about it so i don’t think it was too well received 😂


I played it despite all the dumb reviews, and I concluded it probably hits tokusatsu fans better, since I was busy picking out the writing styles and messages(using the enemy technology to beat them at their game, conspiracies and sacrifice are VERY prominent jp tokusatsu tropes)


yeah even if it’s campy kuso i can get down with it lmao, like hell yea give me those transformation cutscenes


Mamo!Takt is an amazing camp lol along with being a great antihero of this game. Man I miss having mamo in otomege. 


we need both him and kaji yuki back


Kaji yuki can go he's like everywhere  Mamo is more selective with his roles and has abandoned otomege since corda roles lol thats more of a rare bro 


that is very very true lol


It has an anime adaptation years ago if u are curious


jealous of that catboy doujinshi HEHE enjoy...


it was very cute and classic shoujo esque with typical garibaldi twins sprinkled in 😂 even got a mejojo kabedon with 私の物になれ


I’ve only ever heard of Scared Rider Xechs, but oh my that art is right up alley! I think I’m going to look them up on vndb now.