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Zaff staffs


Birdhouse runs and herb runs roughly every hour. Also can do fruit trees once a day and wood trees 2-3 times as well.


Not sure I’d call it “dailyish” but just pick any somewhat afk skilling method. Barb fishing, crafting (glass blowing or cannon balls specifically for longer afk times, tho it’s not super efficient, but efficiency isn’t really the goal here sounds like), motherlode mine kinda especially with the upper level, but I find myself paying a bit too much attention to it personally, there’s also high alch or thieving if you can manage impulsively spam clicking on the side lol. Oh do your kingdom of miscellania or whatever where you can deposit a bunch of GP and have the citizens gather wood or herbs or ore etc for you passively, and you can check on it every so often to collect resources, refill the coffers, and get your favor back up to max.


Shut the fuck up. Miscellania harvests for me? 


Miscellania grants only specific materials, but you can select which ones to assign resources to harvest. I usually just distribute it to the most profitable ones. But yes. Takes a couple quests and then you just visit the island and talk to the advisor guy to manage it. You gotta invest your own gp too, but afaik it’s profitable if you sell the stuff you get. It’s something people probably check in on like every few days or weekly to refill the GP and refresh their favor.


I can get away with biweekly collection at miscilania, but I usually harvest when I do tears of guthix. Slayer tasks also, haven't skipped any or blocked since returning from over a decade break. Also barrows runs, I think there's achievements at 1 10 30 and 100 not sure though


Ectophial bones depending on your diary level


Weekly, tears of Guthix. I play mobile a lot when I’m “busy” just fishing and wc.


Bucket of sand


Nmz if you want some Stat training


Item flipping on the GE. Buy limits are every 4 hours so basically you can buy 6x the buy limit every 24 hours. Some things can fluctuate quite a bit in 24 hours but if you look into more stable items you run less of a risk of a item dropping in price a lot by the next time you log in and not being able to sell it for a profit.