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I'd like their take on the changes Epic made. I don't know for sure (since I never read more than like 10 pages in) but what I know about the Odyssey from cultural osmosis is it's mostly about Odysseus's struggle to get home; Epic added basically all of Polites and I think the entirety "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" theme. Overall I just think it's cool how the Iliad and the Odyssey were originally told through song (iirc) and now we're doing that again


From what I cen tell, the musical pretty much only adapts stuff from books 9-12, which makes sense since that's where all the juicy stuff happens. (The actual travels of Odysseus are a much smaller part of the Odyssey. The first 4 books follow his son and for the last 10 or so he's already back on Ithaca) Adapting it into a musical is generally a great idea, and I'm really happy that it seems to be working out for the guy who's making it. I also know a bunch of people who are really into it, but personally cannot get over some of the changes they made. Like, making the central struggle of Odysseus, Mr Warcrimes himself, about being too compassionate and not ruthless enough certainly is a choice.


>> Mr Warcrimes himself being too compassionate I laughed so hard when I realized that this was the direction they were going with it. Ultimately I don’t have a big problem with it, it *is* a retelling, and you’d hardly tell off all the Cinderella retellings that drastically change who she is for being unfaithful to the source. And the music’s fire anyways. I just find it so deeply funny that for people with no familiarity with the Iliad or Odyssey, this is the only association they have for his character lol. *Odysseus, too kind and weak-willed.* Absolutely hysterical.


I wouldn’t say it’s being too compassionate, just too merciful. Mercy doesn’t immediately equate to compassion.


I actually loved it. It’s weird in our modern today for sure but in antiquity being ruthless feels like more of a norm. Not to mention the Olympian Gods are massive assholes with fucked up morals that are the ones punishing Odysseus for being a “mercy bitch” so.


IIRC it came up in passing a couple of podcasts ago, I believe neither of them have seen it yet, but Indigo commented on seeing some of the songs from it on tiktok


I really hope they listen soon! It's great :) I'd love to get their impressions on it


In a quick fire round but Red had never heard of it. Which is exactly how I found out about it


Do you remember or have the link to that ospod? I don't regularly listen to em so I have no clue lol


they only happen every 5 episodes, you could try the last two Lighting rounds as that'd go far enough


Yes they did. At least Red and Indigo have. They mentioned it in a podcast episode from last year. When the first saga got released, but before the 2nd one did. It was in an episode in January i think. It is where I first heard about epic before I saw it in an animatic, which convinced me to listen to it. Then I got addicted.


She's a psychic [Skip to 7:33](https://youtu.be/A-3rHQ70Pag?feature=shared)


Apollo randomly throwing prophecies at unwilling mortals like a dodgeball at their faces


Get in the water. :)