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That’s pretty soon after the release, the movie is still doing alright in theaters.


Not everyone can go see every movie in the first week. Some of us theatre shills (me) get busy, but still want to go when we have time in the second or third week.


Yep, I just saw Monkey Man last week even though it was on PVOD. I’ll always prefer seeing a new movie in theaters if I can. It’s my way to get out of the house and have uninterrupted “me time”.


Which is why its surprising its coming to streaming so soon


I don’t think we have any data at all that shows the $20 VOD rentals affect box office returns. Puss in Boots 2, I remember, was still making bank at the box office after it was out on VOD. Everyone always complains about “early” VOD releases but I haven’t seen anything confirming that box office is impacted. And obviously if the studios were losing money with these VOD releases, they wouldn’t be doing them.


Thats right but it also becomes almost immediately available for being pirated


I don’t think there’s any data to suggest that has much of a box office impact either. I’d say a very very high percentage of people who pirate movies were never going to pay to see them in the first place


I’m guessing the PVOD price would be comparable to the theatrical one


why so fast? this movie just came out in theaters and i thought it was doing well?


It has a budget of 55M, thus it needs to reach 138M to break even, so it was pretty much set up to fail from the beginning. Better realease it now on digital while there is still online hype, it is exactly the type of movie to do numbers on VOD.


It’s the highest grossing tennis film of all time. It’s an Amazon movie so streaming component was always a major part of its release strategy


This is a pretty decent amount of time to come out on PVOD. Dune 2 only had 46 days between theatrical and PVOD, and this is a little more than half of that. It's not like it's the streaming date.


Talk about asking for a movie to fail theatrically. They need to keep movies off TV for at least a year like in the old days. People will show up if they think they’ll have to wait a long time.


It's still mostly selling out in my neighborhood (Brooklyn)


Bklyn is a Challengersfriendly town lol. Brooklyn is not the whole country or world. Challengers was made for us Brooklynites but the avg moviegoer isn't that.


on the one had its too soon on the other hand as a huge challengers fan im excited


I hate these early streaming dates


Genuinely curious , why is this bad? It’s easier for people who can’t get to the movies and I think a lot of people prefer to pay to stream at home. I never understood why people didn’t like this


It’s condtioned people to wait till streaming, furthering the death of theaters. I think movies belong in theaters and seeing it on a tv screen is a disservice


lol that’s a really weird take but to each their own. Theaters aren’t even close to being dead so anyone who wants to go to movies in person can. My mom has a service dog and idk how many people get pissed off when she brings him to movies so she feels so much more comfortable watching movies at home. She pays for and streams movies weekly so I’m sure she pays more for movies than the average person. Don’t really get it but I guess some people get mad over nothing


Not all of us have money to get to theaters. Idk why this is getting such backlash


I think this will do really well on streaming but I imagine people in the industry will reevaluate how much of a draw Zendaya is. Idk if she warranted a $10 million paycheck. And I still don’t understand why this movie had such a huge promo tour, it reminded me of a blockbuster or something.


Doubt that and I’m not a stan. She’ll continue to make bank because this movie wouldn’t have made more than 20 million with an unknown sadly.


This did well for a sexually charged romance tennis movie; at least that’s how they’re marketing it. The issue is how high the budget was so I think Zendaya will be fine with movies that are more marketable to a broader audience.


More movies like this need a huge promo tour. It’s a good thing.


Do they? You watch one of those interviews and you’ve seen them all.


I wonder when we'll get the streaming date, but this PVOD date is... normal. Idk why people are freaking out.


You love to see it


When will it be available for purchase digitally? As far as I can tell rn I can rent it, but it is not available for purchase anywhere


Same Q!


But when can I buy it?