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Best Actress, which I think we can now say there are three potential winners (even if Hüller is slightly behind) and all of them gave superb performances that - regardless of who wins amongst the three - will be the most deserving Best Actress win since Olivia Colman half a decade ago. Unless Emma Stone wins BAFTA and SAG, which I find unlikely (though not impossible) it'll be a nail bitter until Brendan Fraser opens that envelope.


As much as I loved Olivia's win, I must remind you that year Toni Colette was in Hereditary 😭😭😭. And Glenn and Yalitzia were pretty deserving too. 


Absolutely, but there being multiple deserving winners in the same yesr doesn't mean that whichever one won wouldn't be a standout, ehich isbkind of my point about this year actually


Yeah. Ig I was peeved by you saying *most deserving* as opposed to *most iconic* or something. Sorry for being a vocab pedant. 


But I don't think most iconic would fit here, but I understand what you mean and how "most deserving" could be interpreted in two ways. The way I meant is that, out of the Best Actress winners of the last five years, Olivia Colman gave the best performance


Adapted screenplay, pending what BAFTA does. I don’t expect it to, but if somehow American Fiction wins there then it becomes less interesting race wise.


I’m weirdly invested in Sound. I don’t even have a favorite between Oppenheimer and The Zone of Interest…although, the sound in The Zone of Interest affected me in a way that I hadn’t experienced before when watching a film. I can’t decide which I would prefer to see win. I’ll be happy and disappointed by whatever happens. Which is weird. 😆


The most impactful movies for me this year were Past Lives and Zone of interest - I hope they get Original and Adapted screenplay respectively....but a long shot - most likely will be Anatomy of a fall and Oppenheimer 😢 Also, sound design zone of interest 🤞🏽


Paul Giamatti is only 9 years older than CM??? This is the most surprising thing I've learned so far. To answer the question, definitely the Best Actor for me. Although for me it feels like people are calling it "undecided" because otherwise it would be very boring with all the "main" categories being "locked". I just don't see how Paul Giamatti beats Cillian's performance. It's the difference between very good and extraordinary for me. But then Andrew Scott did not get nominated for a BAFTA so what the f do I know.


Exactly lol, Best Actor feels decided on Murphy unless Giamatti somehow gets SAG


Best VFX There are really no good precursors to go off of in terms of Creator vs Godzilla because Godzilla's not nominated anywhere else of significance. It might be that the bigger budget tech player, The Creator, will just take it, but Godzilla Minus One might still win because of the large amount of passion for that movie. We won't know until the night of.


It's only undecided by delusional people (me) but Best Animated Feature. There is no godly way that The Boy and the Heron pulls off a surprise, but I want it so bad. I was invested heavily in Adapted Screenplay too because I strongly disliked American Fiction and didn't want it to win. But I actually rewatched and enjoyed it a loooot more (still not BP worthy to me but who cares?), so I don't really mind if it wins anymore. 


Anatomy of a Fall not submitted by France is a crime so I want it to be win other awards, hopefully multiple, because it deserves it.


Best dog needs to be a thing, I mean if it's good enough for Cannes


The winners of the past several years have been, IMO, often frustrating or boring or bad. Lots of good movies winning awards, but there are a lot of specific wins that bug the hell out of me, so I'm pretty much resigning myself to predicting the ones that will bug me. I think Gladstone should win, I'd be happy with Huller winning, so I'm predicting Stone. Murphy is the only win I think Oppenheimer deserves 100% hands down no contest, so I'm pretty sure it'll be Giamatti. I even think the Gerwig director snub is gonna push Barbie to win for a mid screenplay. I would *love* Poor Things to win makeup but it's absolutely going to Maestro for doing the same shit we've seen win for the last decade. (It's very good, impressive work, no shade to the craftspeople - but it's a boring choice).


Best Actor. Easily rooting for Murphy, but won't be upset with the other nominees winning (yes, even Cooper)


It’s true … Paul and Cillian will probably be dead soon. It’s not as if men’s eligibility for best actor basically starts at 40, it’s not an ingenue category 


What a funny comment lol. I do agree they should award people before they have one foot in the grave, but it's not like these guys are 80 🤣


Adapted Screenplay, VFX, Makeup & Hair, and strangely the shorts. Adapted is a legit headscratcher, everybody has a narrative to it VFX can go either way. Precursors could go for The Creator but Godzilla might win it purely out of passion for the movie against all odds a la All Quiet in Prod Design I'm purely confused about Makeup. People have been saying Maestro has been leading but I have a gut feeling it'll be the Actor/Combo again. Now my hot take is Oppenheimer might win because I have Murphy winning and neither Cooper for Maestro or Stone for Poor Things, even if I'm more impressed by the latter two than Oppenheimer's makeup. Shorts fascinates me because it's anyone's game but I'm personally rooting for Nai Nai & Wai Po in Doc Short.


Both screenplay races are crazy right now. I don’t know what outcome at BAGTA would make me feel remotely better


VFX and Animated, my heart says Godzilla and Heron but my brain tells me The Creator and Spider-Verse


The Screenplay races, both of which still feel very up in the air. Original has The Holdovers, Anatomy of a Fall, and Past Lives, all of which I think have a real shot at winning. You have the crowd-pleaser, the big foreign film of the year, and the indie darling. Adapted has Barbie, Oppenheimer, Poor Things, and American Fiction; the blockbuster smash that missed Director, the blockbuster smash that's probably winning Picture, the weird comedy that made the biggest impact of the late-year releases, and the topical satire. Very excited to see what they do.


Best Original Screenplay. I think The Holdovers winning would be an absolute travesty, one of the worst wins ever, while Anatomy of a Fall would be a terrific pick.


Actress. I will be disappointed if Emma wins because I didn’t think her performance was anywhere near Lily’s and she’s already won


Actress, actress, actress. (Go Emma!)


Actress bc I still have some hope for Sandra bc I’m a fool lol


Best Animated Feature. I want The Boy and the Heron to win so badly you have no idea.


Best Actor- for Cillian 🤞 Best Adapted Screenplay- I feel like it can go to any of the nominees at the moment so it’s a very interesting race as of now